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Materials Engineering & Their Processing (October 2010)

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Total No. of Questions :12] [Total No. of Pages :3 [3864]-136 B.E.(Mech.) MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND THEIR PROCESSING ( 2003 Course) P1272 Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) Answer the following : a) Draw Fe-Fe3C phase equilibrium diagram and label completely. Explain the slow cooling of 0.4 % C and 1.2 % C steels. [8] b) Which stainless steel is suitable for Heat-Exchanger tubes ? Why ? Explain weld decay in stainless steels. [6] c) State composition, properties and applications of TRIP steel. [4] OR Q2) Answer the following : a) Give classification of tool steels. Explain the heat-treatment for 18:4:1 steel. [8] b) Explain the following terms with respect to pure iron. i) Allotropy ii) Cooling Curve iii) Volume changes. [6] c) State composition, properties and applications of dual phase steel. [4] Q3) Answer the following : a) Explain the procedure of plotting the TTT curves for 0.4 % carbon steel. State the difference between TTT and CCT curves. [6] b) State the characteristics of Martensite and Retained Austenite. Why amount of R.A. is more in tool steel ? How it is minimized ? [8] c) Explain the principle of induction hardening. [2] P.T.O. OR Q4) Answer the following : a) Explain the following heat- treatments with one application (any two):[8] i) Austempering iii) ii) Martempering Patenting b) Explain the principle of carburising. Distinguish between carburising and nitriding. [6] c) Why annealing improves the machinability. [2] Q5) Answer the following : a) Give the classification of cast irons. Explain the production process, micro-structure & applications of the following (any two) [8] i) S.G.iron ii) C.G.iron iii) Malleable iron b) Draw Cu-Zn phase equilibrium diagram and explain single phase & two phase brasses. [8] OR Q6) Answer the following : a) Draw Al-Si phase equilibrium diagram & explain the effect of sodium on the diagram. [6] b) Give the composition and properties of Duralumin. Explain the precipitation hardening treatment. [6] c) State the characteristics of bearing materials. Give one example. [4] SECTION - II Q7) Answer the following : a) Classify the composites with respect to matrix and explain their properties and applications. [6] b) What is hybrid composite ? State advantages and disadvantages of hybrid composites. [6] c) State manufacturing processes used for composites. Explain filament [6] winding technique with neat sketch. [3864]-136 2 OR Q8) Answer the following : a) State suitable composite for the following and give justification. (any three) : [9] i) Offset structure ii) Automobile carbody iii) Television body iv) Body of drilling m/c b) Explain the effect of following factors on the strength of polymers. [6] i) Degree of cross linking. ii) Branching. c) What is liquid crystal polymer? [3] Q9) Answer the following : a) Explain with neat sketch the principle of CVD coating. State advantages, disadvantages and applications of CVD coating. [8] b) Explain the co-relation between metallurgical factors and wear. [4] c) Explain the principle of hardfacing and state limitations. [4] OR Q10)Answer the following : a) Explain the properties and applications of the following matrix materials. (any three) [9] i) Phenolics ii) Epoxies iii) Polymides iv) Silicones. b) State the properties and applications of ceramics. Bond between ceramics and fibers should be weaker than matrix why ? [7] Q11)Answer the following : a) State advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology. Properties of carbon anotubes changes w.r.t. dimensions. Explain in details. [8] b) State composition and properties of shape memory alloy. [4] c) State the composite used for tennis racket and give the reason. [4] OR Q12)Answer the following : a) With neat sketch explain arc discharge method used for the production of carbon nanotubes. How boron nanotubes differ from carbon nanotubes. Give one application of each. [10] b) Explain the principle of super conductivity. [3] c) What is shape memory alloy ? Discuss with one example. [3] [3864] -136 zzzz 3

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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