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Power Plant Engineering (October 2009)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P972 [Total No. of Pages :4 [3664] - 133 B.E. (Mechanical) POWER PLANT ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks:100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. 6) All questions are compulsory. SECTION - I UNIT - I Q1) a) Give comparison of gas turbine and steam power plant. [4] b) With the help of neat schematic sketch, explain the working of CANDU reactor. [6] c) Explain pumped storage plant in detail. [6] OR Q2) Write short notes on the followings (Any four) : a) Classification of a nuclear reactor. b) Present status of power generation. c) Nuclear fission. d) Site selection for nuclear power plant. e) Shielding against nuclear radiations. [16] UNIT - II Q3) a) b) Explain with neat sketch the followings : i) Bowl mill ii) Cyclone Burner. [8] What are the different types of coal conveyors? Indicate the use of each and justify. [8] P.T.O. OR Q4) a) Explain the working of electrostatic precipitator with a neat diagram. List out its outstanding features over other collectors. [8] b) What do you understand by word draught? How draughts are classified? [8] UNIT - III Q5) a) Explain salient features of high pressure boilers. State their advantages.[8] b) A steam power plant uses the following cycle : Steam condition at boiler stop valve : 150 bar, 550 C. Reheat at 40 bar to 550 C Condenser pressure = 0.1 bar Assuming all processes to be ideal, find : i) cycle efficiency. ii) specific steam rate. [10] OR Q6) a) b) Write a short note on regenerative feed water heating. [6] A steam power plant working on reheat-regenerative cycle has the following data ;Steam inlet to HP turbine = 80 bar and 400 C. Steam extraction for feed heating at 7 bar. Remainder steam reheated to 350 C in reheater. Exhaust pressure from Lp turbine = 0.035 bar. Neglect the pump work. Determine : i) Fraction of steam bled off for feed heating. ii) Heat supplied per kg of steam in boiler and reheater. iii) Power output of the turbine. iv) Thermal efficiency. [12] SECTION - II UNIT - IV Q7) a) Show by analytical method that for Isentropic flow of steam through a convergent-divergent nozzle, the velocity at throat is local acoustic velocity. [6] [3664]-133 2 b) Steam at a pressure of 15 bar and dryness fraction 0.97 is discharged through a convergent divergent nozzle to a back pressure of 0.2 bar. The mass flow rate is 9 kg/kWh. If the power developed is 220 kW, determine :i) ii) iii) throat pressure Number of nozzles required if each nozzle has a throat of rectangular cross-section of 4mm 8mm. If 12% of the overall isentropic enthalpy drop reheats by friction the steam in divergent portion, find the cross-section of the exit rectangle. [10] OR Q8) a) What are the advantages of using a condenser in a steam power plant?[3] b) Define and explain i) vacuum efficiency ii) condenser efficiency. [2] c) A surface condenser deals with 13625 kg of steam per hr at a pressure of 0.09 bar. The steam enters 0.85 dry and the temperature at the condensate and air extraction pipes is 36 C. The air leakage amounts to 7.26 kg/hr. Determine i) The surface required if the average heat transmission rate is 3.97 kJ/cm2 per sec. ii) The cylinder diameter for the dry air pump if it is to be single acting at 60 RPM, with a stroke to bore ratio of 1.25 & volumetric efficiency of 0.85. [11] UNIT - V Q9) a) Derive expression for optimum value of the ratio of blade speed to steam speed for maximum efficiency for a single stage impulse turbine. [6] b) The following data refers to a single stage impulse turbine:Isentropic heat drop in nozzle = 251 kJ/kg, nozzle efficiency = 90%, nozzle angle = 20 , ratio of blade speed to whirl, component of steam speed = 0.5 blade velocity coefficient = 0.9, velocity of steam entering the nozzle = 20 m/sec. Determine : i) blade angles at inlet and outlet if the steam enters into the blades without shock and leaves the blades in an axial direction. ii) Blade efficiency. iii) Power developed and axial thrust if the steam flow is 8kg/sec.[12] OR [3664]-133 3 Q10)a) Derive an expression for maximum efficiency of Parson s reaction turbine. List the assumptions made. [6] b) A 20 stage Parson turbine receives steam at 15 bar and 300 C. The steam leaves the turbine at 0.1 bar. The turbine has a stage efficiency of 80% and the reheat factor 1.06. The total power developed by the turbine is 10665 kW. Find the steam flow rate through the turbine assuming all stages develop equal power. The pressure of steam at certain stage of the turbine is 1 bar abs, and is dry and saturated. The blade exit angle is 25 and the blade speed ratio is 0.75. Find the mean diameter of the rotor of this stage and abo the rotor speed. Take blade height as 1/12th of the mean diameter. [12] UNIT - VI Q11)a) b) c) Explain the economic scheduling principle for load distribution and prove that combined input is minimum if the incremental heat rate of each two unit is same. [6] Discuss in detail how the unit energy cost is determined. [6] Define i) Annual load factor ii) use factor iii) capacity factor. What are their importance? [4] OR Q12)a) What do you mean by load curve & load duration curve? Draw typical load curves for industrial load and residential load and construct load duration curves. [6] b) A base load station having a capacity of 18 MW and a standby station having a capacity of 20 MW share a common load. Find (i) Annual load factor (ii) use factor (iii) capacity factor of two power station from following data :Annual stand by station output = 7.35 106 kWh Annual base load station output = 101.35 106 kWh Peak load on stand by station = 12 MW Hours of use of stand by station = 2190 hours. during the year [10] kbkb [3664]-133 4

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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