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Industrial Fluid Power (April 2010)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1314 [Total No. of Pages : 7 [3764]-143 B.E. (Mechanical) INDUSTRIAL FLUID POWER (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answer Q.1 or Q.2; Q.3 or Q.4; Q.5 or Q.6 from section I and Answer Q.7 or Q.8; Q.9 or Q.10; Q.11 or Q.12 from section II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) What are the important advantages and applications of fluid power? [4] b) Which are the three types of hydraulic fluids commonly used, based on the major constituents. Bring out the salient features of each. [6] c) What is a bypass filter? State its advantages and disadvantages. [6] OR Q2) a) Enumerates the functions of reservoir in fluid power system. Explain its design considerations with neat sketch. [6] b) Classify the types of seals. Explain types of seals used in hydraulic systems. Enlist various materials of seal. [4] c) Write note on hydraulic hoses. [6] Q3) a) What are the most important factors one should considered while selecting a hydraulic pumps for specific application? [6] b) What is side loading or thrust in an unbalanced vane pump design? Explain with the help of neat sketch. [10] OR Q4) a) Explain with the help of neat sketch working of radial piston pump. In multi piston pump whether you will select odd number or even number of pistons and why? [10] P.T.O. b) What size of accumulator is necessary to supply 10000 cm3 of fluid in a hydraulic system of maximum pressure of 200 bar to 100 bar minimum. Assuming N2 gas pre-charged pressure of 80 bar find adiabatic and isothermal solution. [6] Q5) a) Explain with the neat sketch 4/3 closed center lever operated direction control valve. Also state its advantages and disadvantages. [6] b) Explain with a neat sketch pilot operated pressure relief valve and state its advantages and disadvantages over direct operated pressure relief valve.[6] c) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of meter in and meter out flow control valve. [6] OR Q6) Write note on any three: [18] a) Pressure compensated flow control valve. b) Pilot operated check valve. c) Pressure sequence valve. d) Counter balance valve. SECTION - II Q7) a) A circuit for clamping and punching operation is shown in figure. An intensifier is incorporated in the circuit to get an increased pressure at a punch cylinder. Explain the operation of the circuit. [10] [3764]-143 2 b) Describe the purpose and function of check valve inserted in the circuit as shown in Fig. [3] c) Identify the components shown by graphic symbols. OR [3764]-143 3 [3] Q8) a) A regenerative circuit for hydraulic output using an additional 3/2 pilot operated DCV is shown in Fig. The view shows the initial fast movement of the piston during extending as there is no external load on the cylinder. Draw the views of the circuit during the following stages:i) When the full load acts on the cylinder. ii) The cylinder is retracting. Comment on the speed of piston during extension and retraction strokes. [10] [3764]-143 4 b) Study the circuit shown in Fig. A and B are push buttons for energizing solenoids X and Y . Make suitable assumptions, if required, and answer following questions. i) Label all components of the circuit. ii) Describe the operation of each cylinder with sequential details. iii) Indicate difference between the valves numbered 7 and 8. [6] Q9) a) Distinguish between pneumatic pressure relief valve and pneumatic pressure regulator. Locate their positions in pneumatic circuit. Indicate the standard graphic symbols for both the items. [4] b) Explain the meaning of conditioned air used in pneumatic system. Discuss the components used to get conditioned air. Is separate air dryer also an essential component of the system? [6] c) Compare in brief electric, hydraulic and pneumatic motors in the context of speed, load, efficiency, application and any other feature you think of. [6] OR [3764]-143 5 Q10)a) b) Sketch a layout of a typical power supply unit used in pneumatic system. How does it differs from the one used in hydraulic system. [6] Draw circuit to show the applications of i) Shuttle / Or gate valve. ii) [6] Twin pressure / And gate valve. iii) Quick exhaust valve. (No description required). c) Instead of an electric motor an air motor is used as prime mover in hydraulic power supply. See schematic diagram. Is it possible to have such an arrangement? Explain the merit and demerits of this system.[4] Q11)a) Sequential operations of two pneumatic cylinders are required as follows:i) Cylinder A extends. ii) iii) Cylinder B retracts. Cylinder B extends. iv) Cylinder A retracts. [10] Develop a pneumatic circuit using starting valve, pilot operated 4/2 directional control valve and cam / roller operated valves to maintain proper sequence. Do not use solenoid-operated valves. b) Design the hydraulic circuit for the following operations:The circuit is required for press operation. An accumulator will supply the necessary flow once the power is shut off by pressure switch at the end of advance stroke. Locate the pressure relief valve, check valve and other essential components of the circuit. Describe the operation of the circuit. Indicate the function of the accumulator during the operation.[8] OR [3764]-143 6 Q12)a) Obtain the probable specification details of high-low pumps required for the following output of double acting cylinder:Cylinder bore 40 mm, piston to advance initially at 0.8 m/s and at 0.25 m/s at full load (corresponding to 60 bar pressure on the piston). Assume volumetric efficiency of pump 90% and running at 1000 rev/min. Make suitable assumptions and suggest pressure ratings of relief valve and pilot operated unloading valve. [10] b) Study the pneumatic circuit shown in Fig. and explain the operation of double acting cylinder. What happens if there is sudden built up of pressure, due to obstruction occurring in between during the advance of piston. Comment on the result. Explain the purpose of the vent item no 6 of the circuit. [8] Y [3764]-143 7

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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