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Materials Engineering & Their Processing (October 2009)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1205 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3664] - 127 B.E. (Mech.) MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND THEIR PROCESSING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) Solve the following : a) Explain the austenite to pearlite transformation with sketches. Explain the effect of cooling rate on the morphology and properties of pearlite. [6] b) Explain the effect of non-equilibrium cooling with the use of iron cementite phase equilibrium diagram on microstructure and properties of steel. [4] c) Explain the effect of alloying elements on the following : [6] i) Volume change during hardening. ii) Corrosion and oxidation. iii) Critical cooling rate. OR Q2) Solve the following : a) How carbon is estimated from microstructure of i) Slowly cooled hypoeutectoid steels. ii) Slowly cooled hypereutectoid steels. [4] b) Discuss the correlation between machinability, microstructure and properties of steels. Why manganese is added in free cutting steels? [6] c) Explain the development of microalloyed steels with respect to composition, properties and applications. [6] P.T.O. Q3) Solve the following : a) State the applications of TTT curves and explain the effect of following on TTT curves. i) Carbon. ii) Nickel. [4] b) Explain the mechanism of austenite to martensite transformation. What is the effect of following on the properties of martensite. i) Alloying elements. ii) Carbon. iii) Ms temperature. [6] c) Explain the detailed procedure of pack carburising. State its limitations. [6] OR Q4) Solve the following : a) Draw the TTT curve for eutectoid steel and explain the following heat treatments. i) ii) b) c) Austempering. Martempering. [6] Why nitriding is done at lower temperature? State the advantages and disadvantages of nitriding. [6] Draw the CCT curve for eutectoid steel. Superimpose the cooling curves [4] for obtaining course and fine pearlite. Q5) Solve the following : a) Draw iron-graphite phase equilibrium diagram. Comment on first and second stage graphitisation. [6] b) Explain the effect of following factors on the formation of white and gray cast iron. i) Carbon. ii) Silicon. iii) Cooling rate. iv) Thickness of casting. [6] c) Explain the precipitation hardening treatment with one example. [4] d) Draw Aluminium - Silicon phase diagram & label the temperatures & phases. [2] OR [3664] - 127 -2- Q6) Solve the following : a) Draw copper-zinc phase equilibrium diagram and explain single and two phase brasses. [6] b) Select the proper material for the following and give your justification. i) Piston. ii) Non-sparking tools. iii) Master gauge. [6] c) Draw the microstructure of C-G iron and state its properties. [4] d) Why cast irons have poor strength? [2] SECTION - II Q7) Solve the following : a) What are the agglomerated composites? Distinguish between laminated and reinforced composites. [4] b) Compare between the following : i) Hybrid and non hybrid composites. ii) Flake and particulate composites. iii) Whisker reinforced and fiber reinforced composites. [9] c) Describe briefly how following factors modify strength of polymers i) Degree of cross linking. ii) Branching. [5] OR Q8) Solve the following : a) State suitable composite for the following and give justification (any three) : i) Offset structures. ii) Automobile car body. iii) Television body. iv) Body of drilling machine. [9] b) Classify fibers from different point of views. How do they affect the [5] properties of composites. c) State the properties and applications of liquid crystal polymer. [4] Q9) Solve the following : a) Compare between the following : i) Coating and electroless plating. ii) Plasma and thermal spray coating. iii) Adhesive and abrasive wear. [3664] - 127 -3- [9] b) A forming die of tool steel (H13) is to be coated to improve the life.Suggest a suitable material and method of coating. Give your justification. [7] OR Q10)Solve the following : a) Explain with neat sketch the principle of CVD coating. State its advantages, disadvantages and applications. [7] b) Explain the co-relation between metallurgical factors and wear. [5] [4] c) Explain the principle of hard facing and state its limitations. Q11)Solve the following : a) With neat sketch explain the arc discharge method used for the production of carbon nanotubes. How properties of carbon nanotubes changes with respect to dimensions? State the applications of carbon nanotubes. [10] b) Discuss the shape memory alloys with one example. State their applications. [4] c) Explain the principle of super conductivity. [2] OR Q12)Solve the following : a) Explain the effect of high temperature on the following with one example. i) Yield strength. ii) Oxidation. iii) Impact strength. iv) Creep resistance. [8] b) What is biocompatibility? State the requirements of biomaterials. [4] c) State the types of biomeric tissue attachment with examples. [4] [3664] - 127 -4-

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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