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Automobile Engineering (October 2010)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P1256 [3864]-149 B.E. (Mechanical) AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) What is chassis? What are the various components of chassis? Indicate their functions. [8] What is the purpose of clutch plate? Explain with sketch kinds of clutch plate used in automobile. Explain function of various components of it. [8] OR Q2) a) Give the specifications of the following automobiles : i) Hero Honda Splendor. ii) [8] Kawasaki caliber. iii) MARUTI 800. iv) TATA INDICA. b) What are various components of two wheeler automobile Indicate with neat sketch, function of each component, used in it. [8] P.T.O. Q3) a) b) Explain the purpose of synchronizer and its operation in a gear box.[8] Explain the automotive overdrive system in transmission. [8] OR Q4) a) b) Q5) a) b) Explain with sketch various shift positions made in gear box for gears in first, second, third, top, and reverse in 4 wheeler automobile. [8] Describe with neat sketch operation of a epicyclic gear box. [8] Explain with neat sketch independent type front suspension. What are advantages of it? [9] Describe following in brief : [9] i) Spring rate and frequency. ii) Variable rate spring. iii) Sprung and un sprung masses. iv) antiroll bar. OR Q6) Write short note on the following (any three) : a) Self levelling suspension. b) Conventional suspension system. c) Hotkiss drive. d) Various types of suspension springs. e) [18] Hydrogas suspension. SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain construction of stub axle and wheel mounting. [6] b) Explain the term turning circle radius as applied to wheel. [6] c) Sketch the sectional view of tyre and indicate its various parts. [4] OR [3864]-149 2 Q8) a) b) c) Q9) a) b) Describe the following : [8] i) Tread pattern of tyres. ii) Wheel balance. What are the functions of the suspension system? [4] Define camber angle, what is a function of camber angle in a vehicle.[4] Explain in brief principle and working of a differential used in automobile. [8] What is constant velocity universal joint? What is the purpose of a slip joint in a propellor shaft? Explain. [8] OR Q10)a) b) Q11)a) b) c) Explain briefly construction and working of automobile propellor shaft. [8] Describe the following : [8] i) Rear axle arrangement. ii) Two speed rear axle. Explain with neat sketch, construction and operation of hydraulic brake system used in automobile. [6] Describe in brief construction of a battery used in automobiles. [6] Discuss construction and working of head lamp. [6] OR Q12)Write short note on the following (any three) : a) Trouble shooting of automobile. b) Starting system. c) Servo-braking system. d) Cut-out relay. e) Electric Horn. vvvv [3864]-149 3 [18]

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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