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2003 Course Software Eng.

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P1624 [3764]-249 B.E. (Electronics) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (2003 Course) (404205) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Your answers will be valued as a whole. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) What is Software Engineering ? b) What is CMMI? Why we need it? [4] [4] c) Explain waterfall model along with diagram. Explain it s 4 advantages & disadvantages. [10] OR Q2) a) Explain following terms w.r.t. Software Engineering. i) Process. ii) Methods. iii) CASE Tools. [6] b) Explain need & advantages of incremental models. [6] c) Explain diagram for RUP. [6] Q3) a) Which are different steps involved in project planning? [6] b) Explain concept of System Engineering. [4] c) Explain term Model . [4] d) Explain meaning of deliverables in project planning. [2] OR P.T.O. Q4) a) Why we need SRS? Explain IEEE template for SRS? [10] b) What is significance of use case diagrams? Which are major participants in diagram? [4] c) Explain concept of Business Process Engineering. [2] Q5) An automated ticket-issuing system sells rail tickets. When the user presses the start button, a menu display of potential destinations is activated, along with the message to the user to select a destination, once a destination has been selected, users are requested to i/p their credit card. It s validity is checked & the rail ticket is issued & their credit card account is charged PIN is used to validate credit card. [16] a) Find different scenarios for above system. b) Develop use case model. c) Find out classes & draw class diagram. d) Draw state choret for two classes. e) Draw seq. diagram. OR Q6) Library Information System performs following activities. a) Creating Book database. b) Updating & creating customer data. c) Issuing Books automatically. d) Fine calculation if any. e) Book orders as per requirements. f) Write scope statement for LIS. g) Develop use case model. h) Draw class diagram. i) Draw sequence diagram. j) Draw state transition diagram. [3764]-249 -2- [16] SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain the term pattern. Explain meaning of pattern based Software Engineering. [6] b) Why it may be necessary to design the system architecture before the specifications are written. [6] c) Explain following principles for UI development. i) User familiarity. ii) [6] Consistency. iii) Recoverability. OR Q8) a) Explain following terms: i) Software reusability. ii) [6] Components iii) Software architecture. b) Explain any three software system design principles. [6] c) What is meaning of user interaction? Explain five styles of U Interactions. [6] Q9) a) Explain different team structures associated with software projects. [8] b) Explain different software quality metrices. [8] OR Q10) a) Explain following with example : i) Project risks. ii) [8] Product risks. iii) Business risks. iv) Risk identification. b) Explain how software metrices can be integrated with software process. Suggest & explain process model which uses this concept. [8] Q11) a) What is feasibility study of project? Explain any method for this w.r.t. software projects. [4] [3764]-249 -3- b) Explain COCOMO model. [6] c) Explain software configuration management. [6] OR Q12) Write short notes (WSN) (any 3) : a) Reengineering. b) Reverse engineering. c) Refactoring. d) Forward engineering. rrrr [3764]-249 -4- [16]

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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