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1997 Course Process Instrumentation

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Total No. of Questions : 10] P1457 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3764] - 1043 B.E. (Electronics Engg.) PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION (1997 Course) (404205) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions: 1) Answer any three questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) 4) 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 6) SECTION - I 1 ) a) b) Define the term control system. With the help of block diagram explain closed loop control system in detail. [8] Define the term transducer. Explain in detail piezoelectric type pressure transducer. [8] 2 ) a) b) Explain electromagnetic type flowmeter in detail. [8] Define the term strain gauge. What do you mean by temperature compensation of strain gauge? Explain full bridge circuit. [8] 3 ) a) b) Explain in detail voltage to current converter. Why it is required? [8] Explain voltage to frequency converter. List the applications of V/F converter. [8] 4 ) a) Explain in details 2- wire transmitters. [8] Explain in detail any one method for conductivity measurement. [8] b) P.T.O. 5) Write a short note on [any three]: a) LVDT. b) Hydraulic PID controller. c) Electropneumatic converter. d) [18] Square root extractor. SECTION - II 6 ) a) b) With suitable diagram explain electronic P + I controller. Explain the factors for selection of control valve. 7 ) a) b) With suitable diagram explain electropneumatic actuator. [8] A LVDT with secondary voltage of 10 volts, is having range of 50 mm. Find the output voltage when the core is 10mm from centre towards S1. Also find the sensitivity of transducer. [8] 8) ) b) With suitable example explain feed forward control system. [8] Define the term heat exchanger. Explain any one type of heat exchanger in detail. [8] 9) ) b) Define the term PLC. Draw the ladder diagram for bottle filling plant.[8] What do you mean by SCADA. Explain it with suitable example & block diagram. [8] 10)Write a short note on [any three]: [18] a) Distributed control system. b) Instrument control panel. c) Adaptive control system & its applications. d) Control valve noise. ***** [3764] - 1043 [8] [8] -2-

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