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2003 Course Reservoir Eng. - II

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Total No. of Questions : 8] P1617 [Total No. of Pages : 5 [3764]-378 B.E. (Petroleum Engineering) RESERVOIR ENGINEERING - II (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 2) Question No. 4(four) and 7(seven) is compulsory. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 5) Use of a non-programmable calculator, log-log, semi-log paper is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. 7) If you attempt Question No. 7 (seven), detach Figure one (1) from the question paper and attach it inside the answer booklet. SECTION - I Q1) Derive the Buckley Leverette equation. What are the assumptions? Explain the usefulness of this equation. [16] Q2) a) Explain all the thermal EOR techniques. [6] b) What is the screening criteria for steam flooding? [4] c) Explain why such a screening criteria is necessary. [6] What is the screening criteria for Surfactant Polymer flood. [4] Q3) a) b) Draw and explain a surface equipment layout for the above process.[6] c) Explain why you require this screening criteria for part Q3a. [6] State four elements of Polymer Design and In-Situ Combustion? [6] b) Name and explain any one model in Thermal EOR. [6] c) Define MMP, CDC, Cosurfactant, Cosolvent, UL and LL phases. [6] Q4) a) P.T.O. SECTION - II Q5) a) b) When is reservoir simulation done? Explain gridding and grid refinement. 2 p x c) 2 + p = x [2] [2] p is the given equation for flow in porous media. t Formulate the discretised equation using a 3 point stencil for the second derivative and use it to solve the PDE using the crank nicolson method. [12] Q6) a) Given a one-dimensional reservoir, with the following data, set up the matrix using the Implicit method. L = 400 ft, ct = 5E-6, P(x, 0) = 5000 psi, P (400, t) = 0 psi, P(0, t) = 5000 psi, viscosity = 5 cp, permeability = 5 md, porosity = 20%. [12] b) Show the solution profiles for different times on a P-x diagram and the steady state solution. [4] Q7) Hanofer Oil Field, Eastern Europe, has an isopach map and production history from one of its wells given in Figure 1 and 2. In figure 2, series 2 denotes actual production and series 3 denotes simulated production. Assume any other data and clearly state it. If you attempt this question, attach figure 1 inside the answer booklet. Discovery Date : No. of Producing wells Formation type Depth Average Porosity Average Permeability Average Water saturation Reservoir Temperature Residual Oil Saturation Oil viscosity at reservoir temperature Water viscosity at reservoir temperature Initial Reservoir Pressure Oil Gravity IFT between oil and water [3764] - 378 2 Jan, 86 One (shown by triangle) sandstone 5000 ft 11% 43 md 17% 154 F 0.27 6 cp 1 cp 2422 psia 25 API 23 dyne/cm a) Where will you drill the next well? To what depth? Explain. [4] b) What waterflood pattern do you recommend? Show it on the isopach map stating clearly injectors and producers. When do you recommend the initiation of the water flood project? Why? [4] c) After waterflooding the field, the residual oil saturation is as above. A salesperson proposes a new chemical which may increase oil recovery after waterflooding. Properties of the chemical are in table 1. Evaluate the potential of this chemical to mobilize this residual oil. Table 1 : New Chemical pH 9.4 Viscosity 40 cp Density 68.6 1bm/cuft IFT 0.1 dyne / cm Write no more than 200 words for your analysis. [10] Q8) Write an essay on Reservoir Simulation. Mention different software packages and their drawbacks. [16] Y [3764] - 378 3 [3764] - 378 4 [3764] - 378 5

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