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2003 Course Oil Well Drilling Eng.

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1495 [Total No. of Pages :5 [3764] - 380 B.E. (Petroleum) OIL WELL DRILLING ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks:100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer 3 questions from section I and 3 question from section II. 2) Answer to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) A3.5'' drill pipe ,13.3 ppf grade S135 premium class is used to run 4.5'' O.D. liner to 21,000 ft. If length of drill pipe is 17,500 ft, mud weight is 120 pcf. Total weight of liner is 50,000 lbs calculate stretch in drill pipe. [6] b) Explain in brief, importance & different parameters considered while making Geo technical order. [6] c) Using following bit performance record & drilling records, determine out of 3 bits which bit gives lowest drilling cost. If the hourly operating cost of rig is 40,000Rs/hour and trip time is 10 hours. The connection time is included in the rotating time. Drilling record for thick shale section at 12,000ft. [6] BIT Bit cost (Rs) Interval drilled (ft) Rotating Time (hrs) A 28,000 106 9 B 160,000 415 62 C 320,000 912 153 OR P.T.O. Q2) a) A drill string consist of 600ft of 8.25" 2 13/16" drill collar & rest is 5" drill pipe, 19.5ppf grade X95 drill pipe. If required MOP is 100,000 lbs and mud weight is 10 ppg. Calculate maximum depth of the hole that can be drilled when i) Using new drill pipe Pt =501,090 lb ii) Using class 2 drill pipe having yield strength Pt = 394,000 lb, steel density = 489.5 pcf, B.F.= 0.847. [8] b) What are different parameters used to calculate drilling cost/ meter? How to optimize the cost of drilling? [4] c) A rig hoist a load of 300,000 lbf. The drawworks can provide an input power as 500 hp. Eight lines are strung between the crown block & travelling block. Calculate. [6] i) The static tension in fast line when upward motion is impending. ii) The maximum hook horse power. iii) The maximum hoisting speed. Consider efficiency 0.841 Q3) a) A 9 ppg brine having a viscosity of 1 cp is being circulated in a well at a rate of 600gpm. Determine whether the fluid in the drill pipe is in laminar or turbulent flow if the internal diameter of the drillpipe is 4.276". [4] b) What is hedstrom number? A 10 ppg mud having plastic viscosity 40 cp & yield point 151bf/l00 sq.ft is being circulated at a rate of 600 gpm. Calculate hedstrom number if 6.5" hole contain 4.5" drill collar, have a length 1000 ft. to check turbulence for annulus. [4] c) What are different factors affecting rate of penetration? Explain anyone in detail. [4] d) What is hydraulics? Discuss various factors to optimize it. [4] OR Q4) a) Calculate Pc. Pbit, BHHP, IF [8] Hydraulic horse power of pump =1211 hp , maximum permitted surface pressure Ps = 3500 Hole size = 12.25" , mud density = 13ppg , Drillpipe = 5" O.D.,4.276" I.D. pc =K Qn K = 0.01 , n= 1.86 Use BHHP criteria. b) Discuss different pressure losses in mud circulation system with suitable sketch. [8] [3764]-380 2 Q5) Calculate : [16] a) lst & 2nd KOP depth. b) Total horizontal displacement. c) Measured depth at a point of entry to reservoir. Data for double build up horizontal well is as follows BUR 1 = 5.5 , BUR2 = 10 , Target = 10000 ft Tvd. ( land at target = 90 ) Tangent angle = 50 , Tangent length = 500 ft. OR Q6) a) b) c) Write short note any two : i) MWD tool. ii) Minimum curvature method. iii) Types of horizontal wells. Calculate dog leg severity between two stations Measured depth (ft) Inclination Azimuth 2000 5.5 149 2041 6.5 145 Discuss Mohr s Coulombs criteria of rock failure in brief. [8] [4] [4] SECTION - II Q7) a) A 13-3/8 intermediate casing set at 9750 ft, External mud weight 11 ppg, Internal mud weight 11.2 ppg ,Drilling ahead 12.25" hole at 13360 ft. Experienced total loses & fluid level dropped to 2528 ft. Calculate net collapse load at casing shoe. [4] b) During pressure test calculate net burst load at casing shoe. Data given as 9-5/8 casing set at 9750 ft, mud weight 11.5 ppg , Top of cement at 3000 ft, Previous casing shoe at 1500 ft, pressure test carried at 3000psi. [4] c ) Calculate tensile load as weight in air ,buoyancy, bending, shock Running 13-3/8", 72 ppf intermediate casing to 9750 ft, inside diameter 12.347" Mud weight 11ppg, instantaneous velocity 5 ft/sec, dog leg severity = 1 /100 ft. [4] d) Explain leak off test in detail. [6] OR [3764]-380 3 Q8) a) b) c) Q9) a) b) c) Write casing seat selection procedure in detail. [6] Calculate number of sacks (take 20% extra for open hole), Water required for gail & tail slurry for 13-3/8" casing cementation job. If rise of cement is 600m from bottom, height of gel slurry 200m and tail slurry 400m, distance between float shoe and float collar is 25 m. Data given : Capacity 17.5" & 13- 3/8" casing = 0.1237 bbl/ft, capacity of 13-3/8" casing = 0.1521 bbl/ft Gel slurry yield = 1.66 cu.ft./sack & water requirement = 8.77 gal/ sack Tail slurry = 1.15 cu.ft./ sack & water requirement = 5 gal/sack. [8] Discuss triaxial casing design. [4] Explain drillers method of well control in detail. [8] A well is closed in on a 30 bbl gas kick, while drilling 8.5" at 11000 ft (TVD) with 5" drill pipe and 750 ft of 6.5" drill collar. Annular capacities 5"drill pipe in 8.5" hole = 0.0292 bbl/ft., 6.5" drill collar in 8.5" hole = 0.0292 bbl/ft Mud weight = 12.3 ppg, SIDPP = 350 psi, gas gradient = 0.115 [4] What will be SICP? Accumulator bottle capacity = 10 gallons, number bottles = 15, maximum operating pressure = 3000 psi, minimum operating pressure = 1200 psi, pre charge pressure = 1000 psi Electric pump discharge volume = 5 gpm. i) During a BOP function the pressure on the accumulator bottle bank drops from 3000 psi to 1800 psi, how many gallons of fluid did that function use. ii) If electric pump was switched off during that operation, how long would it take to re- charged the bottle bank when switched on. [4] OR Q10)a) A well has been drilled to 10000 ft & pulling out for a bit change, mud weight 10 ppg formation pressure at 10000 ft was 5000 psi. What shall be the effect on bottom hole pressure after pulling out 10 stands (90 ft each) of 5" ,19.5" ppf drill pipe wet without filling the hole. Metal displacement 5" drillpipe = 0.0065 bbl/ ft , 9-5/8" casing shoe = 1000 ft Drill pipe capacity = 0.0177 bbl/ft, casing capacity= 0.0727bbl/ft, annular volume 9-5/8" 5" = 0.0475 bbl/ ft. [4] [3764]-380 4 b) SIDP = 500 psi , SICP = 610 psi, kick volume = 10 bbls , hole size = 8.5". Open hole x drill pipe capacity = 0.0456 bbl/ft , open hole x drill collar capacity = 0.03 bbl/ft mud weight = 10 ppg, TVD = 10000 ft , drill collar length = 600 ft. Find influx density. [4] c ) Describe i) Primary well control ii) Secondary well control iii) Tertiary well control. [6] d) Write different reasons of well kick. [2] Q11)a) Describe BOP stack pressure testing for shear ram with suitable sketch.[8] b) Explain accumulator / hydraulic control unit of BOP with suitable sketch. [8] OR Q12)a) Write short notes on : i) b) Subsea well head. ii) [10] Offshore rigs. Discuss drilling operations on floating rig in brief. kbkb [3764]-380 5 [6]

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