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2003 Course Petroleum Production Eng. - II

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 6 [3764] - 379 P 1618 B.E. (Petroleum) PETROLEUM PRODUCTION ENGINEERING - II (2003 Course) (412389) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Q. No. 1 or 2, Q. No. 3 or 4, Q. No. 5 or 6 from Section-I Q. No. 7 or 8, Q. No. 9 or 10, Q. No. 11 or 12 from Section-II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Derive an equation and show that for a properly counterbalanced unit the unbalanced force is equal during the upstroke and downstroke and is equivalent to one-half the fluid weight. [8] Draw the schematic sketch and show various factors influencing the shape of dynomometer cards. [8] OR Q2) a) b) A well is to be put on sucker rod pump. The proposed pump setting 7 depth is 7200 ft. in 2 inch tubing O.D./I.D. is 2.875 / 2.441 inch. The 8 3 7 unit utilizes a rod string consisting of inch and inch rods and operates 4 8 at 17 spm. Calculate, effective plunger stroke, tubing and rod stretch, polished rod stroke and overtravel if 60 bbls/day are to be produced. Assume volumetric efficiency of 0.8. Oil is having a Sp. gravity of 0.83 is at a level of 5,900 ft in the casing annulus. The elastic constant for the rod string is 0.774 x 10 6 in/lb/ft. Modulus of elasticity for steel, 30 x 106 psi. [14] Explain the meaning of pumping unit designation, in case of SRP. [2] P.T.O. Q3) a) b) c) Following data is given. Draw the graph and find the point of gas injection (only one point). Also calculate the required gas volume daily injection rate. Perforation depth is 7000 ft. Formation pressure is 2,500 psi. Well s P.I. is 2.5 bpd/psi. The well produce daily 600 barrels with a formation GLR of 100 scf/ bbl. (gradient 320 psi/1000 ft). 3 Existing tubing size is 2 inch. O.D. and a WHP of 200 psi. 8 Lift gas of 0.75 gravity is injected with surface injection pressure of 800 psi and gas gradient 26 psi / 1000 ft. GLR belonging to expected pressure traverse connecting injection point and WHP is 250 scf/bbl. [8] Draw the typical design sheet of an intermittent gas lift, pressure-depth relationship. Show various features on this graphical construction. Also, write the general design procedure in brief. [8] Draw the neat schematic sketch of, any one type of gas lift valve. [2] OR Q4) a) b) c) Q5) a) b) c) Explain in brief (any two) i) gas slippage. ii) liquid holdup. iii) liquid fallback. [4] What is spread for a casing pressure operated valve? Derive the equation to calculate spread for any one type of unbalanced bellows valve and explain the significance of it. [6] Suppose the surface opening pressure of a pressure valve is 750 psi. Find the opening pressure at depth, the closing pressure at depth and the surface closing pressure. Given the following :Tubing pressure = 500 psi. Valve depth = 6000 ft. R = 0.1. Average temperature = 110 oF. Gas Sp. gravity = 0.6. F = 0.133. [8] Describe various artificial lift methods other than ESP, SRP and gas lift. [8] Draw the neat schematic sketch and show various stages in a subsurface pumping cycle for SRP. [4] Explain the working of any one type of gas lift valve. [4] [3764] - 379 -2- OR Q6) a) b) Draw the neat schematic sketch of a typical set-up for surface and subsurface operations of an electrical submersible pump and explain the purpose of protector, pump intake and valves used in the assembly. [8] Refer the given data and calculate total dynamic head, no. of stages required and motor horsepower required for an ESP. Given data : Desired rate = 9,000 b/d. P.I. = 9 b/d/ft. of drawdown. Static fluid level 400 ft. from the S/C Surface flowline = 2,500 ft. of 4 inch, with elevation rise of 40 ft. For this friction loss is 40 ft./ 1000 ft. Perforations = 1850 - 2300 ft. Wellbore depth = 2300 ft. Tubing friction loss given = 19.5 ft./1000 ft. From the performance curve, it is recommended to use the pump which gives 62.50 ft. of head per stage; while horsepower required is 6 hp per stage. [8] SECTION - II Q7) The following data apply to the gas well. Determine the flow capacities and gravel pack pressure drops for 4, 12 and 24 perforations per foot for two tubings. pwfs Vs qsc and pwf variation for tubing size 1.995 and 2.441 in. tubing is given in following tables for further calculations. g = 0.82 Ts = 100 oF ptf = 1200 psia. H = 13350 ft. TR = 273 oF = 0.0006 in g = 0.012 Cp r = 1040 ft. r = 0.5 ft. e S=0 h = 20 ft. w P R = 5400 psia Perforation diameter = 0.7 inch. Z = 0.97 (Compressibility factor) Formation permeability = 130 md. Gravel permeability = 45 darcys. Screen O.D. = 3.06 inch. Hole diameter = 12.25 inch. [3764] - 379 -3- qsc Mscfd pwfs psia 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 qsc Mscfd 5384 5364 5317 5257 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 pwf. (psia) d = 1.995 inch. d = 2.441 2385 1974 3786 2606 5358 3405 6987 4168 10080 5998 [18] OR Q8) What is problem well analysis? Describe the same for various workover jobs. Write the step wise approach to identify the productivity problem for an oil and gas well. Explain in detail the overall system analysis to be applied for a [18] self flowing field. Draw necessary graphs. Q9) a) b) c) Use any two standard equations and calculate pressure drop in 6 inch. gas pipeline. Following data is given. Gas flow rate = 20 MMscfd. Viscosity = 2.7 Cp. Gas gravity = 0.80. Z = 0.69 Pipe line length = 6,500 ft. Inlet pressure = 850 Psi. Temperature = 85 oF. Assume friction factor = 0.0182 for old steel pipe line. Quote the assumptions of the equations you have used. [8] Use Hazen-Williams equation to calculate the pressure drop in a liquid pipe line. Given data : Oil flow rate = 900 bpd. Water = 220 bpd. Sp. gravity oil = 0.89 Water = 1.07 Viscosity = 6 Cp Length = 8,500 ft. Inlet pressure = 850 psi. Temp. = 85 oF. [4] Assume friction factor constant, dimensionless as 120, for an old steel pipe line of diameter 4 inch. Write Bernoulli s equation and explain the three heads in it. [4] OR [3764] - 379 -4- Q10)A 0.55 - gravity gas flowing at 100 MMscfd is to be transported via long pipe line. The upstream pressure is 1000 psia, and down stream pressure is to be 800 psia. Gas temperature is 45o F. Recommend pipe size. Neglect the change in elevation. Average pressure = 904 psia. Zm = 0.87. Assume pipe roughness = 0.001 in. While selecting diameter roundup in inches and explain how will you verify whether allowable pressure is more than the design pressure or not? [16] (Refer Fig. 1) [3764] - 379 -5- Q11)Write short notes on : a) Workover problems and solution in brief. (at least six). b) Selection criteria for artificial lift methods. c) Optimum gas liquid ratio. d) Formation damage measurement and solution. [16] OR Q12)a) b) c) Describe the Production advantages of horizontal wells, with reference to reservoir aspect of horizontal well technology. [6] Explain, effective wellbore radius and drainage area in brief. [4] Write the pipe line design considerations in brief. [6] [3764] - 379 -6-

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