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2003 & 1997 Course Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1485 [Total No. of Pages :3 [3764] - 292 B.E. (Instrumentation and Control) ADVANCED BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION (406720) (2003 Course) (406268) (1997 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions: 1) Answer any three questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) 4) 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 6) SECTION - I 1) a) b) c) What is the need of a Defibrillator? [4] Write down the specifications of a typical Pacemaker. [4] Describe different modes of Electrosurgical unit along with its waveforms. [8] OR 2 ) a) It is required to set up an ICU for 8 beds. Elaborate the implementation plans. [8] Discuss different types of defibrillators and explain any one of them with the help of neat diagram. [8] b) 3 ) a) b) c) With the help of graph, explain the basic working principle of a pulse oximeter. [4] Explain the working of an In-Vivo type of oximeter with the help of a suitable diagram. [6] Explain the need and working of an Autoanalyser . [8] OR P.T.O. 4 ) a) b) List and explain various methods used for glucose measurement. [10] Describe system components for a typical Telemedicine System. [8] 5) a ) What is the role of Image Intensifier in X-ray imaging. Explain its working with the help of suitable diagram. [10] List specifications of X-ray Machine and explain their importance. [6] b) OR 6 ) a) b) c) How X-rays are generated and used for visualizing internal organs? [4] Describe different types of detectors used in Computed Tomography.[8] What is Image Artifact and how to take care of that? [4] 7 ) a) Explain how Ultrasound is suitable for Biomedical Imaging. b) c) [4] State the equation used for image reconstruction in MRI. [4] Draw a diagram, explaining what is meant by spin - spin relaxation time and spin lattice relaxation time. What is the importance of it? [8] OR 8) ) b) 9) ) b) c) What are the advantages of thermography over other imaging techniques. State the applications of it. [8] With the help of a suitable block diagram, explain the working of a Gamma Camera. [8] List various applications of lasers in Opthalmogy. [2] Explain any one of them in detail. [8] What is an Endoscope? With a simplified block schematic describe its functioning. [8] OR 10) ) b) c) Explain the working of gastro-endoscope with the help of a suitable diagram. [8] What are different types of Diathermy? [2] Explain principle and working of Microwave Diathermy. [8] [3764] - 292 -2- 1 1) ) b) With the help of neat diagram describe the setup and operation of a Hemodialysis machine. [8] Define Lithotripsy. Explain in detail Shock Wave Lithotripsy . [8] OR 12) ) b) c) d) Define Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices. [4] Following devices fit into which category? * Dialyser. * Pacemaker. * Tooth Implant. * Walking Stick * Artificial heart valve. * Heart lung machine. What are different types of dialysers? Compare them based on size, efficiency, resistance and cost. [6] ***** [3764] - 292 -3- [2] [4]

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