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2003 Course Chemical Plant Eng.

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 5 [3764] - 333 P 1616 B.E. (Chemical) CHEMICAL PLANT ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from Section II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Your answers will be valued as a whole. 4) Use of logarithmic tables slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) c) Explain the importance of following general design considerations in the design of chemical plant. [6] i) Plant operation and control. ii) Maintenance. iii) Utilities. iv) Structural Design. Explain the importance of pilot plant trials in the chemical equipment and plant design. List the chemical equipment which require pilot plant trials. [6] Write short note on P & I diagram and process flow diagram. [6] OR Q2) a) b) c) Q3) a) b) Explain the importance of consideration of [6] i) Safety Aspects. ii) Environmental protection aspects in design of chemical plant. Write short note on [6] i) Project documentation. ii) Project organisation. Explain in detail significance of codes and standards in chemical plant design. List some international and national codes and standards. [6] Write short note on thermodynamic and kinetic feasibility of chemical process. [4] Explain in detail various material of construction used in construction [6] of chemical plant. P.T.O. c) Write specification sheet for i) Packed column. ii) Shell & Tube heat exchanger. [6] OR Q4) a) b) c) Q5) a) b) Write specification sheet for [6] i) Centrifugal pumps. ii) Plate type Heat Exchanger. iii) Mixed Flow Reactor. What are the various factors to be considered during preparation of plant and site layout. [6] Write short note on selection of plant location. [4] What are the various secondary refrigerant used in chemical plant. Give advantages and disadvantages alongwith their temp. range. [8] Write short note on [8] i) Forced draft & induced draft cooling towers. ii) Water softening. OR Q6) a) b) c) Explain in detail various chemical methods used in waste water treatment. [6] Write short note on [6] i) Make up water in cooling operation. ii) Use of inert gas in chemical plant. Explain in detail use of steam in chemical plants. [4] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) c) Explain water hammer in process piping. Explain in detail use of Pneumatic conveying in chemical plant. [4] [4] Carbon dioxide is to be conveyed from the top of the stripper of ammonia plant to urea plant. Calculate the pipe size required based on following data : [10] Data : Flow rate of CO2 = 1000 tons/day, Total length of pipe = 800 m Available pressure at inlet of pipe = 24 kPa. Discharge pressure of CO2 from pipe required = atmospher pressure No. of 90o elbows in pipeline = 8 No. of butterfly valve = 1 [3764] - 333 -2- No. of flow Nozzles = 1 Temp. of gas = 60oC. Viscocity of gas = 0.016 Mpa.s/Cp. Ki for butterfly valve = 0.24 Ki for 90o elbow = 0.75. OR Q8) a) b) Q9) a) b) c) Write short note on [9] i) Pipe supports. ii) Pressure drop in fitting and valves of process piping. iii) Natural gas piping. Calculate the pipe size based on following data. Fluid flowing through the pipe is carbon monoxide. Discharge pressure of carbon monoxide required from the pipe is atmospheric. [9] Available pressure at inlet of pipe = 50 kPa. Length of pipe = 4 km. Flowrate of CO = 1500 kg/hr. Temp. of gas = 50oC. No. of gate valves in pipeline = 2 No. of 45o elbow = 3 No. of 90o elbow = 6 Viscocity of CO = 0.018 MPa.s/Cp. Ki for gate valve = 0.17 Ki for 90o elbow = 0.75 Ki for 45o elbow = 0.35 A centrifugal pump draws benzene from an overhead tank. Operating pressure in the tank is 700 torr. Vertical distance betn. the free surface of liquid in tank and centerline of pump is 12 m. Maximum operating temp. is 50oC. Vap. pressure of benzene at 50oC is 280 torr. Density of benzene at 50oC is 870 kg/m3. Frictional loss in suctionline of pump is 1m. of benzene column. Calculate the NPSH of centrifugal pump. [6] Write short note on NPSH requirement of liquids saturated with dissolved gases. [5] Give classification of pumps. Explain in detail advantages & disadvantages of centrifugal and reciprocating pump. [5] OR [3764] - 333 -3- Q10)a) b) c) Write short note on [5] i) Routine / scheduled maintenance. ii) Preventive maintenance. A centrifugal pump is drawing methanol from an underground tank. Operating pressure in the underground tank is 1 atm. Vertical distance between centerline of pump and free surface of liquid in the tank is 3m. Maximum operating temp. is 50oC. Vapour pressure and density of methanol at 50oC are 400 torr and 785 kg/m3 respectively. Frictional loss is 1 m of liquid column. Calculate NPSH of centrifugal pump. [6] What are various types of compressor? Give advantages & disadvantages of each. [5] Q11)Write short note on : a) IBR & non IBR boilers. b) Factory Law. c) Hazop study. d) Petroleum rules. e) CPM & PERT Techniques. [16] OR Q12)A small engineering project consist of 9 activities. Three times estimates are [16] given in following table. a) Calculate values of expected time (te) standard deviation (St) and variance of each activity. b) Draw network diagram and mark te on each activity. c) Calculate EST & CFT & mark them on each activity. d) Calculate total slack for each activity. e) Identify critical path and mark on network diagram. f) Find the length of critical paths or the total project duration. g) Calculate variance of critical path. h) Calculate probability that the jobs on critical path will be finished by the due date of 38 days. i) Calculate the approximate probability that the jobs on next most critical path will be completed by the due date of 38 days. j) Estimate the probability that the entire project will be completed by due date of 38 days. k) If the project due date changes to 35 days. What is the probability of not meeting due date. [3764] - 333 -4- l) Find the due date which has a probability of 94.5% of being met. Data : tm tp Activity to 1-2 2 5 14 1-6 2 5 8 2-3 5 11 29 2-4 1 4 7 3-5 5 11 17 4-5 2 5 14 6-7 3 9 27 5-8 2 2 8 7-8 7 13 31 Data : Standard Normal distribution Z Probability of meeting due or scheduled date 1 0.841 1.22 0.888 0.4 0.655 1.6 0.945 [3764] - 333 -5-

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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