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2003 Course Process Equipment Design - II

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P1549 [3764]-324 B.E. (Chemical) PROCESS EQUIPMENT DESIGN - II (Rev. 2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Your answers will be valued as a whole. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Describe various types of jackets and coils used in reaction vessel with neat sketches. [10] b) Calculate the diameter of shaft used in agitation system. Torque acting over the shaft is 115,000, while bending moment acting over the shaft is 34,600 Ultimate tensile strength of shaft material = 6900 kg/cm2. Ultimate shear stress is 75% of ultimate tensile stress. Factory of safety used is 6.0. [8] OR Q2) a) A reaction vessel is fitted with a plain jacket for heating the reactor contents. With the help of the following data : Vessel shell diameter (internal) = 2130 mm, Jacket internal diameter = 2260 mm, Jacket length = 2500 mm, Pressure inside the reactor = 0.55 N/mm2, Jacket internal pressure = 0.35 N/mm2, Temp. = 150 C, MOC = Open hearth steel with allowable stress = 98 N/mm2, Modulus of elasticity = 190 kN/mm2, Poissons ratio = 0.30 Design the shell and jacket for the reaction vessel. [10] b) Explain heat transfer in reaction vessel. [8] P.T.O. Q3) a) A certain material was dried under constant drying conditions and it was found that 2 hours are required to reduce the free moisture concentration from 20% to 10%. How much long would be required to reduce the free moisture to 4%. Assume that no constant rate period is encountered with falling rate period is linear and equilibrium moisture content to zero. [10] b) Write a note on selection criteria for dryers. [6] OR Q4) a) It is necessary to dry a batch of 160 kg of wet material from 30% to 5% moisture content under constant rate and falling rate period. The falling rate period is assumed to be linear. Calculate the total drying time considering an available drying surface of 1 m 2/40 kg of dry solid. A constant drying flux of 3 10 4 kg/m2.sec is given : XC = Critical moisture content = 0.2 kg moisture/kg solid. X* = Equilibrium moisture content = 0.05. [10] b) Describe fluidized bed dryer with neat sketch. [6] Q5) a) Explain the performance diagram for a sieve plate with neat sketch.[8] b) Calculate the plate efficiency for a sieve plate distillation column using Van-Winkle s correlation with the help of following data : [8] Density of liquid = 925 kg/m3 Viscosity of liquid = 0.34 10 3 Ns/m2 Density of vapor = 1.35 kg/m3 Viscosity of vapor = 10 10 6 Ns/m2 Liquid diffusivity (light key component) = DLK = 4.64 10 9 m2/s . of weir = 50 mm Hole area = Ah = 0.038 m2. Total column cross sectional area = Ac = 0.5 m2 Superficial vapor velocity = 1.62 m/s = 60 10 3 N/m Liquid surface tension L OR Q6) a) Write short note on : [10] i) O Connell s correlation. ii) AlChE Method of predicting plate efficiency. b) Using O Connell s correlation, estimate overall column efficiency for the separation of components in the feed compositions in mole fractions as propane 0.05, i-butane 0.15, n-butane 0.25, i-pentane 0.2, n-pentane 0.35. [3764]-324 -2- Avg. Relative volatility of light key a Taking viscosity at average column temp. Viscosity of Propane Viscosity of Butane Viscosity of Pentane = = = = = 2.0 93 C as 0.03 mNs/m2 0.12 mNs/m2 0.14 mNs/m2 [6] SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain various column intervals in packed column with neat sketches. [10] b) SO2 produced by combustion of sulphur in air is absorbed in water. Pure SO 2 is recoved from solution by steam stripping in packed absorption column. Ceramic Intalox saddle packings of 38 mm size is used. The feed rate of gas is 5000 kg/hr containing 8% V/V SO2 95% recovery of SO2 is required. Estimate the ht. of an overall gas phase transfer unit by Cornell s method. Data : : 9 m2/s, D = 1.45 10 5 m2/s DL = 1.7 10 v Viscosity V = 0.018 10 3 Ns/m2, L = 10 3 Ns/m2 Density v = 1.21 kg/m3, L = 1000 kg/m3 Column diameter DC = 1.5 m, Column ht = z = 8 m L w = 16.7 kg/m2.sec, k3 = 0.85, h = 80 [8] f1 = f2 = f3 = 1, h = 0.10 OR Q8) a) Write on estimation of packed bed height for an absorption column with relevant equations. [8] b) In packed absorption column find by Onda s method with the help of following data : Temp. of operation = 20 C Pressure = 1.013 bar, Total concentration G = 55.6 kmo/m3 Surface tension of liquid = 2 = 70 10 3 N/m, Molar gas flow rate per unit c/s area = Gm = 0.027 kmo/s.m2 Molar liquid flow rate per unit c/s area Lm = 0.93 kmol/m2.sec Vw = 0.79 kg/m2.sec, L w = 17.6 kg/m2.sec Packings used Intalox saddle ceramics = 38 mm a = 194 m2/m3 C for ceramics = 61 10 3 N/m L = 10 3 N.s/m2 [3764]-324 -3- V = 0.018 10 3 N.s./m2 L = 1000 kg/m3, V = 1.21 kg/m3 DL = 1.7 10 9 m2/sec DV = 1.45 10 5 m2/sec. [10] Q9) a) Write a note on liquid-liquid separator. [6] b) A liquid-liquid gravity separator is to be designed to handle two phase liquid stream of 0.4 m3/minute. Feed contains 40% by volume of light phase & 60% by volume heavy phase. L = Density of light phase = 900 kg/m3 L = Density of heavy phase = 1100 kg/m3 Required settling time for light phase is 5 minutes while for heavy phase is 4 minutes. [10] OR Q10) a) Write short notes on : [8] i) Knockout Drum. ii) Reflux Drum. b) Design decantor to separate a light oil from water. The oil is dispersed phase. Oil : Flow rate = 1000 kg/hr, Density = 900 kg/m3, Viscosity = 3 m Ns/m2 Water : Flow rate = 5000 kg/hr, Density = 1000 kg/m3, Viscosity = 1 m N.s/m2 Take dd = 150 m [8] Q11) a) Describe various types of pipe supports for pipelines with sketches.[10] b) Explain pipeline design for transportation of crude oil. [6] OR Q12) a) Water is to flow through a pipeline of 25 mm interval diameter for a distance of 2 km. The impressed heat of water is 10 m of H2O. Density of water = 1000 kg/m3 Viscosity of water = 1 10 3 N.s/m2 Estimate the flow rate of water through the pipeline. [10] b) Write a note on pipe thickness and optimum pipe diameter. [6] rrrr [3764]-324 -4-

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