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2003 Course Bioprocess Eng. (Elective I)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1397 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3764]-326 B.E. (Chemical) BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING (409341) (Elective - I) (2003 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the different sections must be written in separate answer books. 2) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) Write short notes on the following. a) Protist kingdom. b) Osmoregulating toxins. c) Enzyme classification. d) [16] Specific growth rate of bacteria. OR Q2) Write short notes on the following. a) Structure of steroids. b) Limiting nutrient. c) Role of DNA in cell life cycle. d) [16] Yield coefficient. Q3) Explain the manufacturing process for a) ethanol and b) lactic acid. [16] OR Q4) Explain the manufacturing process for a) penicillin and b) citric acid. [16] P.T.O. 1 Q5) Derive the kinetic expression for the following: E + S ES; ES Km ------- -------(1) E + P; E + P EP; ------- -------(2) Kp ------- -------(3) Where K m and K p are the thermodynamic dissociation constants for reversible reactions 1 and 3 respectively. 'k' is the kinetic constant for reaction 2. What type of kinetics is represented by the above equations? [18] OR Q6) An enzyme was assayed at an initial substrate concentration of 10 5 M. The Km for the substrate is 2 10 5 M. At the end of 1 min, 2% of the substrate has been converted to the product. a) What percent of the substrate will be converted to the product at the end of 3 min? What would be the product and substrate concentrations after 3 min? b) If the initial substrate concentration were 10 6 M, what percent of the substrate will be converted to the product after 3 min? c) What is the maximum attainable velocity 'Vmax' with the enzyme concentration used? d) At about what substrate [18] concentration will 'Vmax' be observed? SECTION - II k Q7) Derive mathematical expressions with the help of Michaelis-Menten inhibition enzymatic kinetics for: a) Noncompetitive inhibition b) Competitive inhibition. [16] OR Q8) What is the relative activity and the degree of inhibition caused by a [16] competitive inhibitor when [S] = Km and [I] = Ki? Q9) Ethanol is produced in a chemostat from glucose using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The outlet concentration of glucose is 50 g/lit. The feed rate of glucose is 1000 lit/hr. Calculate the specific a) cell growth rate and b) volume of the fermenter. [16] 1 Data: i) Maximum specific growth rate max = 0.33 hr ii) I = 93 g/lit. iii) KI = 100 g/lit iv) Michaelis-Menten constant Ks = 1.7 g/lit. OR [3764]-326 2 -2- Q10)The steady state substrate and biomass concentrations for a continuous stirred tank fermenter operated at various dilution rates are given below. Given that the fresh feed concentration is 700 mg/l, calculate the values of the Monod constants m and Ks, the yield coefficient Y and the endogenous respiration coefficient Kd. Dilution rate (hr-l) 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.12 0.08 Substrate concentration (mg/l) 45 41 16 8 3.8 Biomass concentration (mg/l) 326 328 340 342 344 Q11)Explain in brief the following. [16] [18] a) Geometries of enzyme catalyzed CSTRs. b) Bubble column bioreactors. c) Monod growth kinetics. OR Q12)Explain in brief the following. [18] a) Techniques used for downstream processing. b) Fluidized bed bioreactor. c) Continuous sterilization of bioreactor. [3764]-326 3 -3-

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