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2003 Course Fuel Cell Technology (Theory)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1369 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3764]-340 B.E. (Chemical) FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY (2003 Course) (409348) (Theory) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures on the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic tables, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. Write the chemical reactions wherever necessary. All questions are compulsory. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain the feasibility of application of fuel cell vehicles vis- -vis battery operated vehicles in transportation. [8] b) Explain the thermodynamic aspects involved in a fuel cell. [8] OR Q2) a) Explain the salient features of the storage of hydrogen as a fuel for fuel cell. [8] b) Explain schematically the working principle of Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC). [8] Q3) Gibbs free energy for the formation of water vapor is 55.14 cal/mole at STP condition. In the typical SOFC, pure ethane is fed at the pressure of 2 atm. Total pressure of gases on anodic side of the fuel cell is observed to be 2.5 atm. Air is supplied at 1.4 atm. Fuel and air is supplied at the same operating temperature of 850 C. Faraday s constant is 96486 J/(V.mol). Calculate : [18] a) Standard open circuit potential. b) Open circuit potential at the operating conditions. c) What will be the effect if the operating temperature is increased to 1000 C? OR P.T.O. Q4) a) A typical SOFC operating at 900 C gives the current density of 12 A/m2 by using methanol as a fuel fed at the pressure of 2.0 atm. Anodic side pressure was observed to be 2.5 atm. Air was supplied at 1.6 atm. The diffusion factors for hydrogen, oxygen and water vapor are 95, 70 and 55 C/s.m2.atm. Calculate concentration overpotentials across anode and cathode. [9] b) The typical data of a SOFC with active anodic surface area of 0.2 m2 is as follows : Average current density = 10 A/m2. Fuel flow rate = 18 mole/h. Fuel composition = hydrogen 75%, carbon monoxide 25% (by volume). Air flow rate = 15 mole/h. Output potential = 230 V. Lower heating value of fuel = 28000 kcal/kg. Calculate fuel utilization factor, air ratio, power output and fuel efficiency [9] of SOFC. Q5) Develop the comprehensive material balance for the SOFC generating 500 kW power at 85% CHP efficiency and 60% electrical efficiency, by using externally reformed methane as a fuel and 50% theoretical excess air as an [16] oxidizer. OR Q6) Derive Nernst equation for calculating open circuit potential of SOFC using air as an oxidizer for the following conditions: [16] (a) Pure methanol as a fuel and (b) Methanol and H2 in the proportion of 30 : 70% each, as a fuel. SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain the scope of improvement in the performance of SOFC. [8] b) Compare the qualitative and quantitative aspects of emission of various pollutants from SOFC and fossil fuel based power plant. [8] OR Q8) a) Explain the required characteristics of materials of construction of electrode, electrolyte and interconnect. [8] b) Derive the Butler Volmer form of the charge transfer rate. [3764]-340 2 [8] Q9) a) Design the SOFC power plant to generate 400 kW power using methanol as a fuel. The system consists of tubular cells, each having TPB diameter of 18 mm and active length of 1.6 m. Assume that the cell is structurally supported by cathode. [12] b) Defect energy for the typical material of SOFC is 50 kJ/mole. Calculate mole fraction of defect at 300 and 1100 C temperature. Comment on the significance of the result. [6] OR Q10) a) Design the SOFC power plant generating 400 kW power using methane as a fuel. The system consists of planar cells, each having the effective [12] anodic area of 0.18 m2. b) Explain the mechanism of direct oxidation of hydrocarbons in fuel cell.[6] Q11) Explain the design of typical direct ethanol SOFC considering the following aspects : [16] a) catalyst, b) structure, c) reactions and d) exit gas characteristics. OR Q12) Develop a mathematical model for SOFC system using the anodic system of Ni, H2 H2O/YSZ. Hydrogen is used as a fuel and air as an oxidizer. Explain the : [16] a) approach, b) assumptions, c) flow chart and d) reactions. [3764]-340 3

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