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2003 Course Novel Separation Processes (Elective) (I)

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Total No. of Questions :12] [Total No. of Pages : 2 P1372 [3764]-396 B.E. PETROCHEMICAL Novel Separation Processes (2003 Course) (Elective) Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any Three questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn whereever necessary. 4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables,SECTION - I charts, electronic pocket calculator slide rule, Mollier and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, Q1) Attempt the following : if necessary. [18] a) Classify membrane separation processes by giving examples. b) Discuss in brief on : adsorptive bubble separation techniques. c) Explain in brief the selection criterial for chemical engineering separation processes. OR Q2) a) Classify the models for gas separation by membranes. Develop cross flow model for membrane separation processes. State the assumption made. Discuss the solution strategy for different cases. [18] Q3) a) A 9-micron tubular membrane is used to recover salt A From a dilute solution. The solutions to either side dare at 0.028 and 0.004 kmol/m3, with mass transfer coefficients of 3.5 10 -5 a nd2.25 10 -5 m /s respectively. The distribution coefficient is 0.85 and the diffusivity of A in the membrane is 275 10-11m2/s. c P.T.O. (i) Calculate the percentage of total resistance to mass transfer contributed by the membrane. (ii) Calculate the membrane are a needed to allow recovery at 0.015 kmol/hr. Flow inside the tube is turbulent and mass transfer follows the Cilloilaln. Sherwood & Linton correlation. If the velocities of both solutions are doubled, what will the membrane resistance now be? [8] b) A liquid containing dilute solute A at a concentration 3x 10-2 kgmol/m3 is flowing rapidly by membrane of thickness, 3 10-5 m. The solute diffuses through the membrane and its concentration on the other side is 0.55 10-2 kgmol/m3. The mass transfer coefficient kel is large and can be considered as infinite and ke2 = 2.22 10-5 m/s. Data : Distribution coefficient = K = 1.55 and Diffusivity. DAB = 8 10-11 m2/sec in the membrane. (i) Derive the equation to calculate the steady state flux. NA and make a sketch. (ii) Calculate the flux and concentration at the membrane interfaces. [8] OR Q4) a) A membrane is to be used to separate a gaseous mixture of A and B in one of the chemical complex near Mumbai. The following information is known : = 3 105 cm3 (STP)/s Feed flow rate Feed composition of A = 0.55 mole fraction Desired composition of reject = 0.25 mole fraction Thickness of membrane = 2.55 10-3 cm Pressure on feed side = 100 cm Hg Permeability of A. PA = 20 10-10 cm3(STP). cm/( Hg) = 10 10-10 Permeability of B. PB cm3(STP). cm/( Hg) [3764]-396 2 Assuming complete mixing model, calculate the following : (i) The permeate composition. (ii) The fraction permeated. (iii) Membrane area. [9] b) Explain any two locking protocols with respect to distributed databases. [6] c) Discuss the different system failures modes in distributed system. [8] Explain in detail the XML document. Write short notes on : [8] [8] Q5) a) b) i) II) SOAP. Client Server architecture. OR Q6) a) b) i) ii) Explain in detail 3 Tier architecture. Write short notes on : [8] [8] Domain specific DTD. Querying XML data. SECTION - II Q7) a) b) What is a data cube? Explain any two operations on data cubes. [8] Discuss the different ways of handling missing values in data cleaning.[8] OR Q8) a) What is meant by OLAP? Explain in brief. [6] b) Discuss the different data smoothing techniques. [8] c) What is meant by ETL Tools? [2] What are Bayesian classifiers? [2] b) State and explain K-means algorithm for clustering. [8] c) What is the difference between descriptive and predictive data mining? [2] d) Explain outlier analysis. Q9) a) Q10)a) b) [4] Explain the Market Basket analysis in brief. What is a decision tree? How are decision trees used for classification? Why are decision tree classifiers so popular? c) Explain Text mining in brief. [3764]-396 3 Q11) a) Explain in the detail the measuring of the retrieval effectiveness. b) Explain the following terms : i) Terms frequency. [8] [10]

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