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2003 Course Refinery Process Design

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Total No. of Questions : 8] P1567 [Total No. of Pages : 6 [3764]-398 B.E. (Petrochemical Engg.) REFINERY PROCESS DESIGN Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answer any 3 questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Use of logarithmic tables slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) Distillate from butane-pentane splitter has the following molar composition. i - C4 : 24.5%, n - C4 : 66.5%, i - C5 : 6.59%, n - C5 : 2.42% Assuming total condenser in operation for the distillation column. [16] a) Calculate inlet and exit temperatures for the process stream in the condenser at 600 kPa. Assume saturated reflux. (Use Fig. A). b) Assuming minimum driving force of 10 C between process and utility streams in condenser, calculate the possible temperatures for inlet and exit of cold utility stream. Q2) a) Comment on selection of column pressure in case of industrial distillation practice. [6] b) Comment on choice of partial Vs total condenser in operation of distillation column. [5] c) What is subcooled reflux? What is the effect of subcooling of reflux on column performance? [5] Q3) Answer the following questions with respect to multicomponent distillation. a) Define what you mean by light key and heavy key. [4] b) How are the keys decided? [3] P.T.O. c) d) How many columns are needed to separate 5 components from each other in pure form? How are they arranged? [4] Distillate composition and relative volatilies ( i) for the top product are reported below: Component Mol% i A 20 3.0 B 40 2.5 C 15 2.0 D 25 1.5 Assuming reflux ratio of 3, calculate molar composition of (i) liquid leaving the top plate and (ii) vapor and liquid leaving the plate below the top plate. [7] Q4) From the following data determine the value of minimum reflux by using underword equation. Assume column pressure as 5200 mm Hg. Feed is 66% vaporized and reflux is a bubble point liquid. [16] Component xF xD xB i a 0.26 0.434 100.00 b 0.09 0.150 24.60 (LK) c 0.25 0.411 0.010 10.00 (HK) d 0.17 0.005 0.417 4.85 e 0.11 0.274 2.08 f 0.12 0.299 1.00 SECTION - II Q5) Based on the assay given in Fig. (B), carryout material balance for 15 MMTPA capacity crude distillation unit. Boiling range specifications for the products are given as follows: Product Boiling Range F A Gas - 200 B 200 - 350 C 350 - 500 D 500 - 650 Residue 650+ For all the products, report the sulfur % and API. For products A, B, C and D. Calculate minimum kg of hydrogen required to remove sulfur to 50 ppm level per kg of product. [18] [3764] - 398 2 Q6) a) Differentiate between rating and design problems. [4] b) State the design procedure adopted for thermal design of shell and Tube heat exchanger. [12] Q7) a) A refinery furnace is fired with natural gas containing 90% CH4 and 10% CO2 in presence of 20% excess air. Calculate partial pressure (P) of CO2 and H 2O together assuming complete combustion and for furnace inside pressure of 1 atm. For box furnace assume mean beam length (L) of 5m. Calculate emissivity of burner gas ( g) by linear interpolation of the following data at 1000 C. [12] PL g (atm - m) 0.8 1.8 b) 0.42 0.58 State the situations in which fired heaters are employed in refinery. [4] Q8) Write notes : [16] a) Concept of pinch. b) (L/G)min for multicomponent gas absorption. c) Flash calculations for complex mixtures. Y [3764] - 398 3 [3764] - 398 4 [3764] - 398 5 [3764] - 398 6

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