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2003 Course Mechatronics & Robotics

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1333 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3764]-192 B.E. (Production S/W) 411121 : MECHATRONICS AND ROBOTICS (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidate: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Differentiate clearly between closed loop control system and open loop control system, giving advantages and limitations of each. [8] b) Discuss the functioning of a Digital Camera and draw a block diagram representing the basic elements of the control system for it. [10] OR Q2) a) Explain i) Digital Multiplexer. ii) Time division Multiplexing. [4] b) State and explain Pulse Modulation process. [6] c) Explain the term Filtering. Classify and explain Filters. [8] Explain the following for a Microprocessor i) Accumulator ii) Flag Register iii) Instruction Pointer. [9] Q3) a) b) Draw a block diagram of a basic microcontroller and explain the function of each subsystem. [7] OR P.T.O. 1 Q4) a) b) Q5) a) b) Q6) a) b) What is Sequential Logic? Explain the Synchronous Systems. Define i) TTL ii) CMOS iii) Digital Logic iv) Parity method for Error Detection. Explain the following instructions: i) LDA ii) SHLD iii) RAR iv) ADC [6] [10] [8] Write a program in assembly language to determine the maximum marks obtained from a list of given marks. [8] OR Explain the following with neat figures: [8] i) Bidirectional Buffer. ii) Handshaking. Explain in detail the Serial Communication Interface. [8] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) Q8) a) Explain the following, with the help of a ladder diagram: i) Latching ii) Sequencing. [8] Explain the following with neat figure: i) Eddy Current Proximity Sensor. ii) Thermistors iii) Potentiometer iv) Load Cell. OR Explain the following with respect to PLC: i) Timers ii) Internal relays iii) Mnemonics iv) Shift registers. [8] [3764]-192 2 -2- [8] b) Q9) a) Explain the following terms w.r.t. Fluid Pressure Sensors: i) Diaphragms ii) Capsules iii) Bellows iv) Tube Pressure Sensors. [8] Design a mechanical system which can be used to: [8] i) Operate a sequence of microswitches in a timed sequence. ii) Move a tool at a steady rate in one direction and then quickly move it back to the beginning of the path. iii) Transform a rotation into a linear back-and-forth movement with simple harmonic motion. iv) Transform a rotation of one shaft into rotation of another close shaft, which is at right angles to it. b) State the specifications of Stepper Motor. In what way are the stepper motors advantageous than the DC and AC motors? [8] OR Q10)Explain following with neat diagram: [16] a) Accumulator b) Pressure Control Valve. c) Plug shapes d) Vane motor Q11)a) b) Q12)a) b) What are the various controllers used in Robots? Explain. Discuss the role of Robot in following applications: [12] i) Assembly ii) Automobile Industry. OR What are the types of actuators used for Robot End-Effectors? State the advantages and typical applications of each. [6] Discuss the role of Robot in following applications: i) Hazardous environment. ii) Household work. [3764]-192 3 [6] -3- [12]

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