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2003 Course Industrial Drives & Control

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Total No. of Questions : 11] P1339 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3764] - 203 B.E. (Electrical) INDUSTRIAL DRIVES & CONTROL (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) State essential parts of electrical drives state functions of different parts. [8] What is drive? Explain different types of drives and procedure for selection [8] it. OR Q2) a) b) Q3) a) b) Explain speed torque conventions and multiquadrant operation of drive. [8] A motor is used to drive a hoist. Motor characteristics are given by Quadrant I & II T = 200-0.2N N-m Quadrant III & IV T = -200-0.2N N-m Where N is speed in rpm, when hoist is loaded the net load torque Tl = 100 N-m and when it is unloaded net load torque is Tl = -80 N-m. Obtain the equilibrium speeds for operations in all quadrants. [8] Why braking is required for an electrical drive. What are advantages of electric braking. [8] A 230V 960 rpm and 200A d.c. separately excited motor has an armature resistance of 0.02 W . Motor is required to hold the rated load torque by dynamic braking at 1200rpm without emf exceeding 230V. Calculate the value of external resistance to be added with armature. [8] P.T.O. OR Q4) a) b) Q5) a) b) Explain with neat circuit diagram and speed torque characteristics, d.c. dynamic braking of 3 phase Induction motor. [8] What is regenerative braking. How is it achieved in d.c. shunt motors? [8] Explain with neat circuit diagram how speed control is achieved by a 3 phase fully controlled converter. Draw o/p voltage waveforms for a = 30 . Write the o/p equations of the converter. [10] A 220V 1200 rpm 15A separately excited motor has armature resistance and inductance of 1W and 52mH respectively. This motor is controlled by 1- phase fully controlled converter with an a.c. voltage source of 230V, 50Hz. Find speed at a = 30 a = 60 [8] OR Q6) a ) b) Discuss the operation of a separately excited d.c. motor fed from a two quadrant d.c. chopper. Draw the power circuit diagram and waveforms of motor armature voltage and current under motoring and regenerative braking condition. [10] What is dual converter? How it is used to drive d.c. motor? Explain [8] circulating current mode of operation. SECTION - II Q7) a ) b) Draw a circuit diagram of transistorized stator control of induction motor drive. Draw waveforms for output voltage, current and sequence of pulses. [8] Explain different PWM techniques used for speed control of induction motor. [8] OR Q8) a ) b) Q9) a ) b) What is V/f control in speed control of induction motor? Explain its limitations. [8] Compare VSI and CSI for induction motor drive. [8] Explain thermal model of motor for heating and cooling. [8] Explain different classes of motor duty and how it affects the choice of [8] selection of motor rating. [3764]-203 2 OR Q10) a) Explain different measures for energy conservation in electrical drives. [8] b) Explain different methods to reduce the energy loss during starting of induction motor. [8] Q11) Explain any three applications of drives: a ) Commutator less D.C. motor. b) Rolling mills. c) Sugar mills. d) Machine tool application. TTT [3764]-203 3 [18]

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