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2003 Course Electronic Product Design

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1438 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3764]-223 B.E. (E & TC) ELECTRONIC PRODUCT DESIGN (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer 3 questions from Section-I and 3 questions from Section-II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Draw a sketch of front panel of a Laboratory CRO and explain how ergonomic and aesthetic design considerations are taken care of this instrument. [10] b) Explain the Bathtub curve for reliability indicating all its regions. Also explain how failures are reduced prior to shipment of the product. [8] OR Q2) a) Discuss the noise coupling mechanisms and also explain how to minimize these at board level. [6] b) For following situations, suggest suitable suppression device or component/mechanism and also explain how it is effective in [12] suppressing the EMI. i) The power transformer in PLC fails due to 1800 V transient present on AC mains due to switching off a DC motor. ii) When these is a call on cell phone of a person operating PC, the monitor looses synchronization. iii) In a multi PCB industrial DC converter housed in 19" rack, the CPU gets reset whenever one the driver circuit switches on four or more electronic relays. P.T.O. Q3) A mixed signal system on single PCB contains the following sub circuits. a) Power supply for analog section. b) Power supply for digital circuits. c) Signal conditioning circuit. d) ADC. e) Microcontroller. f) LCD display circuit. g) Clock for digital circuits and microcontrollers. Then discuss in detail the recommended PCB design practices for each of above and draw sketch indicating relative placement of these subcircuits. Justify your answer for placement. [16] OR Q4) a) For a standard 35 copper clad laminate, calculate the inductance of [6] 25 cm long track on PCB having width 0.6 mm. b) Calculate the characteristic impedance for i) Stripline geometry when the PCB laminate thickness is 1.6 mm and its relative permittivity is 4.2. The width of track is 1 mm and thickness 70 m. ii) What should be the width of track of microstrip geometry that will result in 75 characteristic impedance when PCB laminate thickness is 1.6 mm and its relative permittivity 4.2. Assume thickness of track 70 m. [10] Q5) a) What are the issues to be considered in ensuring signal integrity in high speed circuits? [8] b) SD RAM interface on microcontroller based circuit is suspected to be malfunctioning due to setup and or hold time violation. Suggest the type of diagnostic instrument with schematic arrangement to find the fault. [8] [3764]-223 -2- OR Q6) a) Explain limitations of following hardware diagnostic instruments for their use in mixed signal, high speed designs where signal integrity is important. i) Analog oscilloscope ii) Digital storage oscilloscope iii) Logic analyser. Hence establish the need of MSO. [8] b) Explain the use and limitations of i) Operating point analysis ii) AC analysis with the help of one circuit. [8] SECTION - II Q7) A 8 channel data logger has following components: a) Two RTD and two thermocouples. b) Four level sensors. c) Signal conditioning circuit. d) ADC. e) Microcontroller. f) LCD display. g) Data memory. Explain in detail software design using top-down approach. Explain function of each software module, also indicate which modules will be coded in Assembly language and which ones in C. Justify your answer. [18] OR Q8) a) Explain with the help of real life microprocessor based product how all recommended steps in software development are implemented. [12] b) In finding software faults explain features and limitations of debugger, simulator and emulators. [6] [3764]-223 -3- Q9) Explain how environmental tests are related to warrantee of a product. What are different environmental tests performed on an electronic product? How severities of different tests are decided? [16] OR Q10) Explain the need for performing different EMI/EMC tests on an electronic product. Discuss various types of EMI and EMC tests carried out on them. Also explain how location and application of product will effect the nature and type of test. [16] Q11) For an universal counter, draw the block schematic and produce all necessary formatted documents that will be send to production department for manufacturing. [16] OR Q12) Give reasons: (any 4) [16] a) A good service manual gives Fault tree. b) Bare board testing is essential for PCBS with high track density. c) Bill of material is considered to be basic document. d) Multilayer PCBS must be used for ICS package as PLCC. e) Engineering notebook is a foundation of any engineering work. f) Paper phenolic laminates are not suitable for industrial products. rrr [3764]-223 -4-

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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