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2003 Course Analytical Biotechnology (Theory)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1400 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3764]-459 B.E. (Biotechnology) ANALYTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY (416287) (2003 Course) (Theory) (Sem. - II) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidate: 1) Answer 3 questions from Section-I and 3 questions from Section-II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION - I Q1) Give rationale and explain in detail nucleic acid hybridization. When do you use southern hybridization? Draw detailed flow chart of southern hybridization with a brief explanation of role of each solution used in the process. [16] OR Q2) Write notes on: a) Microarrays. b) [8 Marks Each] Flow cytometry. Q3) Discuss the following DNA modifying enzymes. a) DNA ligase. b) DNA polymerase. c) Endonuclease. d) [4 Marks Each] DNA dephosphorylase. OR Q4) What are restriction enzymes? Why are they named as 'restriction enzymes? How are they classified? Discuss in detail the classification. [16] Q5) What are expression vectors? Discuss the types, biology and use of them.[18] OR Q6) Why were BAC and YACs developed? Describe in detail the structure and function of both these vectors. Also discuss the M13 vector. [18] P.T.O. 1 SECTION - II Q7) Elaborate the differences in the genomic DNA library. Also discuss techniques employed in building these libraries. [18] OR Q8) Discuss in detail: [9 Marks Each] a) Screening of recombinant clones. b) PCR based cloning. Q9) How is transformation of a bacterial call achieved? Describe chemical method of transformation in detail. Write the principle behind chemical transformation. [16] OR Q10)What is conjugation? How is it different from viral transformation? Explain both conjugation and viral transformation. [16] Q11)Write notes on: a) Factor VIII. b) [8 Marks Each] Gene therapy. OR Q12)Describe in detail about production of Humulin. What various methods have been employed in the process? [16] [3764]-459 2 -2-

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