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2003 Course Food Biotechnology (Elective II)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1402 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3764] - 462 B.E. (Biotechnology) FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY (Elective - II) (Sem. - II) (2003 Course) (416286) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer booklets. 3) Maximum marks for each questions given in brackets. SECTION - I Q1) Explain the role of various physical, chemical and biological agents in food spoilage. [16] OR Q2) With suitable examples describe the role of fermentation in food technology. [16] Q3) a) b) c) Q4) a) In canning, what should be done to ascertain that there is a tight seal after processing? What category of microorganisms is most affected by a tight seal? Identify the preservation method that keeps fruits and vegetables the closest to fresh ones in color, flavor, and texture. Why it is the best method? What substances are used to prevent fruit from darkening when preserving them by drying? What does the substance inhibit and how does it work? [18] OR Describe the preparation methods for each of the following before freezing them: i) Fruits. ii) Vegetables. iii) Meat. P.T.O. b) What type of food can be preserved by drying? Indicate the methods used to dry food. Explain how water affects spoilage in foods. c) Describe the three heat treatments employed in food preservation. [18] Q5) Explain the role of lipids in the production of various classes of flavor compounds? Describe the various pathways and major enzymes involved.[16] OR Q6) Describe the applications of Xanthan Gum in baking and confectionary products? Explain the properties of Xanthan Gum for use in baking? Also, briefly describe the fermentative production of Xanthan Gum. [16] SECTION - II Q7) Compare the process conditions for the production of cheese, butter, yogurt and ghee. [16] OR Q8) Write short notes on ANY TWO a) Functional foods. b) Single cell protein. c) Solid state fermentation. d) Pickling. [16] Q9) What is the role of enzymes in food preservation and processing? [16] OR Q10)What is meant by clarification in the production of fruit juices? Describe the role of enzymes. [16] Q11)Describe the characteristics of dairy waste? What are the most common treatment methods for solid wastes? [18] OR Q12)Describe the biological treatment strategies employed for the treatment of effluent from sugar industry? [18] [3764]-462 EEE 2

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