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2003 Course Surface Preparation - II

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Total No. of Questions : 6] P1554 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3764]-302 B.E. (Printing) SURFACE PREPARATION - II (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to two sections should be written separately. 2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Explain the stages involved in Rubber Flexo plate-making. Compare between Photopolymer and Rubber plates. [8] [10] OR a) Explain in detail requirements for designing a job for Flexography.[12] b) State the benefits and applications of Flexography. [6] Write notes on: i) Back exposure. ii) Main exposure. [6] Q2) a) b) Calculate % shortening and new negative length for 2.84 mm plate thickness having printed length of 60 cm. [10] OR a) Mention the requirements of negative for Flexo Plate. [8] b) Mention the safety and Hygiene for Flexo Plate. [8] Q3) Describe the processing of Conventional Flexo Plate. OR a) Explain Video mounting technique for Flexo Plate. b) Write notes on: i) ii) [16] [10] [6] Measuring the Plate thickness. Orientation for Surface and Reverse printing. P.T.O. 1 SECTION - II Q4) a) b) Explain the stages involved in preparation of Digital Flexo Plate. [10] Write notes on: i) ii) [8] PerC/Bu in Flexo platemaking. Checking the Wash-out Solvent. OR Explain in detail standardization of a Flexo Plate. Q5) a) [18] Explain in detail Chemical Etching process for Gravure. [8] b) Copper is a dominant Image Carrier-Explain. [8] a) OR Explain in detail Gravure cylinder-making by electronic engraving process. [10] b) Explain the effect of Gravure cell structure on ink transfer. Q6) a) b) Explain in detail the workflow of Gravure cylinder imaging. Write notes on: i) ii) [6] [10] [6] Chrome cracks in Gravure cylinder making. Gravure cylinder proofing. OR Write notes on (Any Four): [16] a) Chemistry of an Electrolyte. b) Circulation of an Electrolyte. c) Current Density. d) Immersion Factor. e) Leveling effect and Epitaxy. [3764]-302 2 -2-

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