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2003 Course Product Design & Computer Applications

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Total No. of Questions : 7] P1525 [Total No. of Pages : 6 [3764]-359 B.E. (Polymer) PRODUCT DESIGN AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (2003 Course) Time : 4 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answer Q. No. 1 or 2, Q. No. 3 or 4, Q. No. 5 or 6 from Section I. Answer Q. No. 7 from Section II. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Use log paper, log-log paper, pocket calculator is allowed. 4) Assume data wherever necessary. 5) Draw neat sketches wherever necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Using creep curve in Fig. number 1, plot isochronous and isometric graphs. Use 1% strain and 1,00,000 sec time. Explain also how isochronous graph can also be obtained by performing series of minicreep and recovery test on plastic. [6] P.T.O. b) Explain how fracture mechanics approach can be used to design articles subjected to fatigue loading. [5] c) Write in short about crazing in plastics. [5] Q2) a) Explain the use of parallel engineering approach in plastic product design. [5] b) Explain the use of time temperature superposition in plastic product design. [6] c) Explain Boltzmann superposition principle for linear viscoelastic material. [5] Q3) a) Explain in short maximum strain failure criteria for biaxial stress system in case of orthotropic material. Reduce the criteria to uniaxially oriented fiber reinforced lamina. [6] b) Discuss & derive restrictions on Poisson s ratios for orthotropic material in terms of engineering constants. [6] c) Derive an equation for shear modulus G12 in terms of shear modulus of matrix and shear modulus of fibers. [6] Q4) a) A hub made out of POM is to be press fitted on metal shaft. Hub width is 20 mm and outside diameter is 100 mm. Metal shaft diameter is 50 mm. During the assembly diametral interference of 0.2 mm is used. Calculate shrink fit stress. Poisson s ratio of POM is 0.25 and short term modulus is 2 GN/m2 neglect the contraction of metal. [6] b) A unidirectional composite lamina has fibers at 25 . Engineering constants in local directions are as follows : E11 = 145.2 GN/m2 E22 = 15.33 GN/m2 = 0.278 G12 = 4.185 12 If lamina thickness is 1 mm, calculate extensional stiffness [A], coupling stiffness [B] and bending stiffness [D] matrix. [8] c) Give plane stress condition for orthotropic lamina. [3764]-359 -2- [4] Q 5) a) The Rheological data obtained for polystyrene at 453 K is as follows : Shear rate r Viscosity, (sec 1) (Pa-sec) 0.3 14,800 0.4 14,600 0.5 14,300 1 12,000 3 8,000 6 5,500 10 4,000 20 2,800 30 2,300 60 1,500 100 1,100 Fit Ellis Model to above data. [8] b) Melt flows through a quadratic cross section with length of a side a = 2.62 mm and channel length l = 50 mm. The melt follows power law of the form a = KOR e ( T) r n R 1 where a = Apporent viscosity in Pa-sec. = 0.00863 nR = 0.3286 KOR = 1,35,990 T = 200 C The mass flow rate is 0.01 gm/sec and melt density is 0.7 gm/cm3. Calculate P (pressure drop). [3764]-359 -3- [8] Q 6) a) Discuss use of the forth order polynomial of MUENSTEDT and second order viscosity equation of Klein in flow simulation. [4] b) With neat sketch, bring out the difference between butting weld line and meld line. [4] c) Explain how weld angle is used to predict quality of severity of weld. [4] d) Explain how valve gates can be used to control mould filling pattern. [4] SECTION - II Q7) a) Design and draw a multi-impression mould for component in Figure 2 or Figure 3. Draw at least two views including one sectional view to show details of feed, ejection and cooling system. The drawing should clearly show the way the article is ejected. Draw additional views, if required. [35] b) Give design calculations for finger cam, thread withdrawal mechanism if used for the article designed in question number 7 (a). [10] c) Give bill of material and justify the material used for the design in question number 7 (a). [5] rrrr [3764]-359 -4- [3764]-359 -5- [3764]-359 -6- [3764]-359 [3764]-359

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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