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2003 Course Polymer Processing Operations - II

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1526 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3764] - 360 B.E. (Polymer) POLYMER PROCESSING OPERATIONS - II (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer Q.1 or Q.2; Q.3 or Q.4; Q.5 or Q.6 from Section - I Q.7 or Q.8; Q.9 or Q.10; Q.11 or Q.12 from Section - II 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Use of pocket calculator log-log paper is allowed. 4) Assume suitable data, if required. 5) Draw neat sketches wherever required. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain how bridging at Kiss-off points can be avoided by product design in case of rotational moulding. [6] b) Explain the theory of bubble formation in rotational moulding process. Explain different theories proposed for reduction of bubble size. Discuss also various means of ensuring bubble free rotational moulding processing. [8] Explain the merits of independent arm rotational moulding machine. Give sequence of operations. [4] c) Q2) a) Explain the effect of initial viscosity and rate of rise of viscosity on process of rotational moulding of liquids. [6] b) Discuss rotomoulding of nylons using open system and closed system of nitrogen introduction in mould. [6] c) Explain the information pertaining to process control that can be gained from rotolog of internal air temperature measurement. [6] P.T.O. Q3) a) Analyse Forces during calendering. Explain why point of maximum pressure falls prior to nip. [6] b) With neat sketches explain different types of Z-calenders. [6] c) Explain the significance of Friction Ratio in calendering. [4] Q4) a) Using examples of different types of calendering arrangements, explain [6] the concept of floating calenders. b) Explain various methodologies used for ensuring uniform gauge thickness including roll shape modifications. [4] c) Draw calendering plant layout for making PVC sheet and explain all major stages involved in the plant. [6] Q5) a) Discuss embossing of thermoplastics. Give processing conditions for at least two plastics. Discuss also embossing faults and remedies. [8] b) Discuss Gravure printing on plastic films. Draw neat sketch of gravure printing unit. Give advantages and limitations of gravure process. [8] Q6) a) Discuss following terminology with reference to vacuum metallizing. [9] i) First - surface metallizing. ii) Second surface metallizing. iii) Vacuum evaporation & workholders. b) Discuss electroplating of ABS. [5] c) Explain use and application of slush moulding. [2] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) c) [3764]-360 Discuss manufacturing of various regenerated cellulosic fibers. [4] With a neat flow chart give classification of fibers with suitable examples. [6] Explain melt spinning of fibers with a neat flow chart. Give suitable examples. [6] 2 Q8) a) Compare dry and wet spinning of fibers. [4] b) Write short note on High Speed Melt spinning. [6] c) Discuss post spinning operations like - Drawing, Annealing and texturing. [6] Q9) a) State four R s of plastic waste management. Give suitable examples.[4] b) What is tertiary recycling method. List different materials used for tertiary recycling. Explain hydrolysis, glycolysis and alcoholysis for any one.[6] c) Explain with neat sketch general reclaimation of plastic waste processing. [6] Q10)a) State different types of reactors used for pyrolysis. Explain fluidised bed reactor with neat sketch. [6] b) Explain separation of PET/PVC waste material. [4] c) Write short note with reference to waste management. i) Incineration. ii) Land fill. iii) Collection and separation. [6] Q11)a) b) Write short notes on - (Any three). i) Self tapping screws. ii) Thread forming screws. iii) Laser machining of plastics. iv) Spin welding. v) Hot plate welding. Describe the process of solvent cementing . [12] [6] Q12)a) Describe the process of ultrasonic welding. Discuss far field and near field ultrasonic welding. [10] b) Discuss theory and mechanism of adhesion bonding. EEE [3764]-360 3 [8]

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