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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Physics (Loreto Convent Intermediate College, Lucknow)

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Priy Mandhyan
Seth M. R. Jaipuria School, Lucknow
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IU -u Pre- Board Examination 2024-25 Class X Physics Science Paper - 1 Max. Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hours General Instructions: 1. Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. 2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 3. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. 4. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section 8. 5. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION -A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) QUESTION 1. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. I. The turning effect produced in a rigid body around a fixed point by the application of force is called ? (a) movement of force (b) moment of couple (c) turning force (d) none of these II. For a given mass and velocity the kinetic energy remains constant if ............... . (a) mass and velocity both are squared. (b} mass is four times and velocity is . (c) mass is and velocity is doubled. (d) none of the above. Ill. An aeroplane is flying at an altitude of 10,000 m at a speed of 300 km/hour. The aeroplane) at this height has : (a) zero kinetic and potential energy. (b) on1y potential energy. (c) only kinetic energy. (d} both kinetjc and potential energy. s energy in all directions. The average radiation received on the earth 11 era e Earth-Sun distance is 1.5 X 10 m. The surface from the Sun is . mass lost by the Sun per day is (.1 day = 86400 s) (c) 3.8 X 1012 kg (b} 3.8 X 1014 kg (a) 4.4 X 109 kg \V~ S,1 uxul Ct) T~ 1~ ~c_j~ b) J ~ / ~ ~ Assertion : Power of a convex lens is positive and that of a concave lens is negative. Reason : Convex lens forms real image and concave lens forms virtual image. {a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. \ {b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Asse rtion. ~ss ert ion is true but Reason is false. {d) Both Assertion and Reason are false. VI. When an equilateral prism is in minimum devi ation position the angle of incidence is : (a) smaller than the angle of emergence (b) equal to the angle of emergence (c) greater than the angle of emergence (d) none of these VII. A man stands in between two high rise build ings and blows a whistle. He hears two successive echoes after 0.4 sand 1.6 s. Calc ulate the distance between buildings'[Speed of sound = 332 ms 11 (a) 132 m VIII. {b) 332 m (c) 232 m From the given figure, calculate the moment (d) 432 m of force about (a) P and (b) Q. 2.~N ~~ -.. .1- --- --- --- --~ (a) 10 N-m clockwise, 5 Nm anti-clockwise. (b) 5 N-m clockwise, 10 Nm anti-clockwise. (c) 10 N-m clockwise, 10 Nm anti-clockwis e. (d) 5 N-m clockwise, S Nm clockwise. IX. X. 10-10 Nm is equal to ............... dyne cm. (a) 0.001 (b) 10... (c) 10 (d) None of these Study the circuit diagram in figure and henc e, calculate the internal resistance of the cell. c ::. l S- \ I a 1.V (a) 0.3 0 (b) 2.8 0 (c) 0.5 0 (d) 3.0 0 XI. In a parallel circuit . (a) the equivalent resistance of all resistors is more than any of the individual resistors ~oten tial differenc e across all resistors is the same. (c) current flowing through all resistors Is the same. (d) none of the above. XII. Equivalent resistance of circuit diagram is 6 Q . Calculate the value of x. 8u1 X qJ"l_ v0;-- 3 J1._ (a) 8 0 XIII. To do In an industrial process 10 kg of water per hour is to be heated from 20 C to 80 C. The this, steam at 150 C is passed from a boiler into a copper coil immersed in water. kg steam condenses in the coil and is returned to the boiler as water at 90 C, how many heat latent and g C of steam is required per hour ? {Take, specific heat of steam = 1 cal per 1 of evapora tion= 540 cal g{a) 1 g XIV. XV. (d) 10 Q (c) 9 Q (b) 7 Q S'J'"L {b) 10 g ) (c) 1 kg (d) 1~ 1 of a solid A burner supplies heat energy at a rate of 20 Js- . Find the specific heat capacity of mass 25 g, if its tempera ture rises by 80 C in one minute. 10 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 ( d) 1.2 Jg- c(c) 0.8 Jg" C(b) 1.6 Jg" C (a) 0.6 Jt c- Name the phenom enon occurring in the following figure: - - - -- e (a) reflection (b) distortio n (c) refraction (d) none of these QUESTION 2. I. Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from the bracket: cs) (a} The force acting per unit area on a surface is called - - - - (pressure/force/work}. (b} In a parallel circuit, the total resistance _ _ __ constant) as more resistors are added. \ (increases/decreases/remains (c) The refractive index of a medium is defined as the ratio of the s~eed of light in (air/ vacuum/glass) to the speed of light in that medium . ----- (d} The SI unit of heat energy is _ _ _ _ (calorie/ joule/wa tt). ~' J,_, II. 111. (e) In a convex lens, the image formed by an object placed beyond 2F is _ _ _ _ _ (real and inverted/virtual and upright/real and upright). A body moves along a circular path. How much work is d~n doing so? Explain. What type of energy is stored in the spring of a watch ? (:l>' QUESTION 3. I. A ray of light incident at an angle of incidence; passes through an equilateral glass prism such that the refracted ray inside the prism is parallel to its base an~er ges from the r> prism at an angle of emergence e . 0};::I (a) How is the angle of emergence e related to the angle of incidence i? ~ (b) What can you say about the value of the angle of deviation in such a situation ~ ? ~ II. (~) (a) A substance has nearly zero resistance at a temperature of 1 K. What is such a substance called? {b) State any two factors which affect the resistance of a metallic I wire. Ill. Why do we transmit alternating current at high voltage ? ~ 50 g of metal piece at 27 C requires 2400 J of heat energy so as to attain a temperature of , ,,_- cJ.. ~27 C . Calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal. "'\ A: A radioactive element /X first emits a beta particle and then an alpha particle and the resulting nucleus can be represented /Y. What are the values of P and Qin terms of A andZ? Two resistors of resistance 2 ohm and 3 ohm in parallel are connected to a cell of emf 1.5 V and internal resistance 0.3 ohm. Draw a labelled circuit diagram showing the above arrangement and the current drawn from the cell. VII. Name the subjective property of J _A( (a sound related to its frequency. Jght related to its wavelength. < ~~~S\. .SECTION - B (Attemp t any four questions.) QUESTION 4. (i) The critical angle for the glass of which the equilateral prism ABC is made is 60 . A ray of light incident on the side AB of the prism is refracted along DE such that the angle it makes with I B =go o.C opy the diagram. the side AC is 1500. Also, angleED A C B ng DE .) t on the side AB. (which travels alo (a) Draw the path of the ray inciden the sid e BC the poi nt f onw ard s and thro ugh from els trav DE ray the ch whi g (b) Show the path alon ror, several images can be seen, in fron t of a thick plane glass mir (ii) When a lighted candle is held htest. Explain. but the second image is the brig ing a g =3/ 2, find ers refraction from air to glass. Tak suff 0A 540 gth elen wav of t ligh (iii) A ray of the wavelength of light in glass. O I QUESTION 5. / weighing SO kg sits 1 m from the is supported at its centre, Ram (i) A uniform see-saw 4 m long the see-saw so g 40 kg sit on the oth er side of ghin wei ta Gee uld sho re whe , centre of see saw as to balance it hor izo nta lly? early in the morning? Why does the sun appear reddish uses of X-rays. Mentjon two properties and two ( C s) e one example of er which resonance occurs. Giv und ns ditio con the e Giv ? ce (iii) What is resonan . nance. the phenomenon based on reso QUESTION 6. 2-) / ted a cottage. They sus pen ded and dur ing the jou rne y the y visi trek a for t wen hin Sac and !t Sum i) ting around Q. th e two ropes hanging from P and Q on a wheel capable of rota tei ~ bags to from the rop e p Th Q and Sachin suspended his bag e rop the to e bag his ded p~n um,t sus . ium ilibr equ in d aine rem el whe (a) State with a reason who is carrying a heavier bag. (b) Based on the prin cipl e of moments , writ e a mathematical rela tion that can be used to dete rmin e the wei ght (w) of Sachin's bag, given that the wei ght of Sumit's bag is 18 kgf. ~ A bloc k and tack le with 5 pulle ys is foun d to have a M.A. of 4 whe n a load of 5 N is raised by it. Calculate (a) the effo rt applied (b) V.R. (c) efficiency and (d) the tota l resistanc e R due to frict ion. (iii) State the energy changes in the follo wing cases whil e in use :' (a) Loudspeaker r ~ A steam eng ine ~c ) Mic roph one (d~ n elec tric bulb . /'. .{e) 'Burning coal 1fJ..Electric ceU {g) A petr ol eng ine of a runn ing car. ~7(1) A sound made on the surface of a 1 lake takes 3 s to reach a boatman. How much time will it take to reach ,a dive r insid e the wat er at the same dep th 7 Velocity of sound jn air= 330 m/s Velocity of sound ;n wat er= 1450 m/s (ii) (a) fill in the blanks in the follo win g sentences with app ropr iate wor ds : 1. During the emission of a beta particle, the _ _ num ber remains the same. 2. The min imu m amo unt of en~rgy requ ired to emi t an elec tron from a metal surface is c ~ - --- - . , .' I' l'a (L t) (b) A mixture of radioactive substances gives off three types of radiations. 1. Name the radiation which travels with speed of light. 2. Name the radiation which has the highest ionising power. (iii) A stationary wheel barrow has its centre of gravity at A. The wheel and the leg are in contact with the ground. The horizontal distance between A and Fis 50 cm and that between Band F is 150 cm. (a) What is the direction of the force acting at A ? Name the force. (b} What is the direction of the minimum force at 8 to keep the legs off ground? What is this force called? (c) The weight of the wheel barrow is 15 kgf. It holds sand of weight 60 kgf. Calculate the minimum force required to keep the leg just off the ground. L6C, QUESTION1/ (i) How does the resistivity of a (a) metallic wire, (b} semiconductor, (c) an alloy such as Constanta depend on temperature ? (ii) A mixture of radioactive substances gives off three types of radiations. (a) Name the radiation which has the maximum penetrating power. (b) Name the radiation which has the highest ionizing power. (c) Name the radiation which has the highest speed. (iii) An electric heater is rated 500 Kwh, 200 V. If the heater is operated for 3 hour, calculate the energy consumed : (a) in KWh (4) (b) in joule ~STION9. (i) Calculate the amount of Ice which is required to cool 150 g of water contained in a vessel of mass 100 g at 30 C, such that the final temperature of the mixture is S C. (Take specific heat capacity of material of vessel as 0 .4 J/ g/ C specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336J/g, andspecific heat capacity of water is 4.2J/g/ C. 0 (ii) The graph represents a cooling curve for a substance being cooled from higher temperature to a lower temperature. (a) What is the boiling point of th~ substance 7 (b) What happens in the region DE? (c) Why is region DE shorter than the region BC? .2..~0 "v 0~ 2-00 A C ,~o e ~ t \! /00 'l ' I st) o S"" 10 ,s- 2-0 JS F ~o a~ L.,o Ti'MG CSeG) (iii) A piece of wire having resistance R is cut into four equal parts. (a) How will the resistance of each part compare with the original resistance ? (b) If the four parts are placed in parallel, how will the joint resistance compare with the resistance of the original wire ?

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