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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Anand Niketan, Ahmedabad)

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Pranshu Agrawal
Anand Niketan, Ahmedabad
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ANANDNIKETAN Satellite Campus Preliminary Examination 2022-2023 Grade 10 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ENGLISH Paper -2 (Maximum Marks: 80) (Time allowed: Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allmved to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question papen The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. AttemptSection A [COMPULSOR Y/ and one questioneachfrom Section B, Section C and Section D and any otherone question. You should answer five questions in all. All the questions carry equal marks. brackets [1. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in SECTION A Attempt all questions in this Section. Question 1 Answer the correct option in words. (i) (ii) a symbol forMaya Angelou has used the caged bird as (a) the oppressed (b) the oppressors (c) feminist writers (d) writers and activists Browning's poem, 'The Patriot' is of message central The as you sow, so you reap. (a) are short lived. public adulation and glory (b) rich and famous. to all people, even the cotnes death (c) who help themselves. 'God helps those (d) 116x11 (iii) The visions seen by the little girl in the short story, 'The Little Match Girl' reveal the four things she needed the most, they were (a) warmth, food love and freedom from fear (b) food, shelter, warm clothes and a mother roast goose, new slippers, candy and a warm cup of tea. (d) (iv) (v) a warm over coat, food, a scarf, a pair of socks. The Gujars mentioned in Norah Burke's story, 'The Blue Bead' were (a) wandering herdsmen (b) stone Age Hunters (c) hunters gathers (d) primitive cultivators When the little girl in the story, 'The Little Match Girl', saw the shooting star earlier that night, she knew that (a) that someone was dying (b) that someone was just born (c) that someone had just been shot. (d) that misfortune awaited her. The only parts of the crocodile in, 'The Blue Bead' that were soft and vulnerable were- (vii) (viii) (a) his eyes and nose. (b) the undersides of his arms and tail. (c) his nose and mouth. (d) his eyes and the undersides of his arms. Sibia had seen many wonders in the bazaar. What had she not seensatin sewn with real silver thread. (a) (b) tin trays from Birmingham. (c) delicate glassware. (d) a sari with chips of looking-glass embroidered into the border. 'Daffodils' by William Wordsworth is (a) a sonnet. (b) a eulogy. (c) a couplet. (d) a ballad. (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) In the story, 'My Greatest Olympic Prize , the (a) 24 feet. (b) 25 feet 8 inches. (c) 25 feet 8-1/3 inches. (d) 26 feet 8-1/4 inches. The Olympics in the story, 'My Greatest Olympic Prize' were held in the year- (a) 1956 (b) 1936 (c) 1935 (d) 1984 Portia said that she was leaving for a monastery (a) two miles. (b) three miles. (c) ten miles. (d) twenty miles. Bassanio compares, 'stairs of sand' tocourageous men. (a) (c) cowards great warriors. (d) none of the above. (b) (xiii) Tubal isa poor Jew. (a) Shylock's brother. (b) (c) (d) (xiv) recordin the Running Broad Who (a) Launcelot's friend. a wealthyJew. letter to BelmontAntonio's brings Launcelot. (b) Salerio. (c) Lorenzo. Gratiano. away fromher house. (xv) (xvi) The drama Merchant of Venice is set in which era(a) Victorian (b) Elizabethan (c) Queen Anne (d) Edwardian When Bassanio is making his choice of the caskets, Portia compares Nerissa and the rest to(a) Alcides and the sea-monster. (b) Alcides and the Dardanian wives. (c) Alcides and Hesione. (d) the Dardanian wives with tearstained faces. SECTION B: DRAMA Answer one or both questionsfront this Section. The Merchant of Venice: WilliamShakespeare Question 2 Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: Lorenzo ..therefore the poet Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones and flood; Since nought so stockish, hard and full of rage But music for the time doth change his nature. (i) Where are Lorenzo and Jessica at this time? What has Jessica just said for Lorenzo to react thus in the above extract? State in one or two lines the similarity between Shylock and Jessica from what she has just said about music. (ii) 131 Name the poet referred to in the first line of the extract? Who is Orpheus and what did the poet narrate about him? 131 (iii) What is Lorenzo's opinion about people who dislike music? 131 (iv) What did Lorenzo say about the power of music? 131 (v) What are Lorenzo and Jessica cheerfully arguing about at the beginning of Act 5 Scene l? Mention three of the legendry couples mentioned by them. WI ion 3 Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: Shylock: Is that the law? Portia: Thyselfshalt see the act: For, as thou urgest justice, be assured Thou shalt have justice, more than thou desir'st. Gratiano: (i) O learned judge! Mark, Jew : a learnedjudge! Which law of Venice has been interpreted by Portia just before the extract? What does Portia say when Bassanio ofTers Shylock thrice the amount mentioned in the 131 bond? (ii) Which other loopholes in the bond does Portia highlight after the above extract? According to the Venetian law, what action would be taken against the person who plots against the life of its citizens? (iii) Later in this scene, Antonio imposes two conditions on Shylock for being allowed to retain half his wealth? State the two conditions? What would Gratiano do if he 131 were the judge? (iv) Earlier in the scene, what does Portia mean when she says mercy is 'twice blessed' 131 and 'Tis mightiest in the mightiest'? (v) What does Portia reply when Bassanio offers her three thousand ducats? How does Bassanio insist that Portia should take something as a token of gratitude? What does Portia ask Antonio and Bassanio to give her as tokens? 141 SECTION C: PROSE Answer one or both questionsfrom this Section. Treasure Trove Question 4 Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. So the little girl walked about the streets on her nakedfeet, which Were red and blue with cold. In her o/d apron she carried a great Many matches, and she had a packet of/hem in her hand as 11'"11, (i) Who was 'she'? What can you conclude from the above description? (ii) What time of the year was it? Why did she not want to go 1101ne? (iii) What did she use the matches for? What happened when she lit the first match? (iv) Whom did she love dearly? Why'? What did she say when this person appeared before her? 131 131 (v) W'hat happened to the little girl at the end of the story? Would you consider this a happy ending or a sad one? Justify your answer. 141 Question 5 Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. "Margot stood apart from them,from these children who wouldever remember a time when they wasn '/ rain and rain and rain, Who is Margot? Where is she? Who are 'these children'? (ii) 131 What were the children getting 'ready' for? What was unique about the life on Venus? (iii) (iv) (v) [31 What did the children dream of? How could Margot guess that they were dreaming? What did the children wake upto? [31 Why is Margot different from other children? [31 5 Do you think the title ofthe story is appropriate? Why? Whatdo the children do during their time in the sun? SECTION D: POETRY Answer one or both questionfrom this Section. Treasure Trove Question 6 Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. Continuous a 71estars that shine And twinkle on the mil way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly (Daffodils- WilliamWordsworth) (i) Who wanders like a 'lonely cloud' in the poem? What does he come across while wandering? (ii) 131 In the poem whom did the daffodils compete against and what was the outcome of the contest? About whichjocund company is the poet referring to? (iii) Identify and explain any two figures of speech from the above given extract? 131 131 (iv) Explain the phrases 'inward eye' and 'bliss of solitude' in the context of lhe poem? 131 (v) How does Wordsworthbring out his love for natu:e in Dqffodi/s? What does the poem teach us? 141 Question 7 Read the rollowing extract and answer the questions that follow. But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream, His wings are clipped and his feet are tied So he opens his throat to scream. (i) (I Know why the Caged Bird Sings MayaAngelou) Under what circumstances does the caged bird sing? Whatdoes it tell us condition? abouthis [31 (ii) Who is referred to as a free bird and why? (iii) What is the significance of the following expression, 'fat wormswaitingona dawn (iv) bright lawn'? What do the words, 'dares to claim the sky' mean? What is the 'grave of dreams'? Why does the caged bird standon the 'graveof dreams'? (v) [31 3 versusenslavement? How does this poem reflect the theme of freedom 131 [31 [41

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