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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Geography (Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane)

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Pandurang Pai
Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane
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SMT. SULOCHANADEVI SINGHANIA SCHOOL, THANE SET A Class Sub. Exam Date Marks Time Total No. of Printed sides 10 Geography Prelim 5.1.2018 80 2 hrs 5 Attempt seven questions in all. Section A is compulsory. All questions are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Section B. Section A Question 1 (a) Give the six figure grid reference of the following:(i) Chattri in Juvol (ii) The spot height 591 (b)Distinguish between the right and left bank of Arado N. [2] [2] (c) What is the direction of flow of the main river on the map? Also explain why it is called a braided channel? [2] (d) (i) What are the lines of transport found joining Dantiwada? (ii) Why are there no metalled road on the green portion of the map? [2] (e) In areas around 9383, we find open scrub. Explain the meaning of the term and also mention the economic activity it is associated with. [2] (f) Justify with two evidence that the region is underdeveloped. [2] (g) Identify the relief feature around spot height 522m. Compare this relief feature with the relief feature found in grid 9386. [2] (h)If a person needs to go from Rahol to Bhilda, what is the total distance he will be travelling along the cart track? [2] (i) (i) What is the general pattern of settlements found in the map extract? (ii) What is the source of drinking water for these settlements? (j) Identify the drainage pattern in 9185 8881 Question 2 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) [2] [2] On the outline map of India provided to you mark, name and label the following:[10] K2 or Mount Godwin Alistin Indian Standard Meridian River Gandak A region of Red Soil in India A plateau rich in minerals The coast that receives higher summer rainfall An offshore oilfield of India A region of high population density in South India City of Chandigarh Section B Attempt any five questions Question 3 a) Give reason:(i) It is difficult to grow water intensive crops in Ladakh. (ii) Kalbaisakhi is useful in Paschim Banga. [2] b) Distinguish between : (i) The weather of Kerala and Tamil Nadu in the month of June. (ii) The N.E. monsoon and Western disturbances [2] c) With reference to South west Monsoon season, answer the following questions:[3] (i) Mention two characteristics of the monsoonal rainfall. (ii) Explain how the economy of India is dependent on the monsoons. d) Given below is the climatic data of a station. Study the table and answer the questions that follow:Temp C Rainfall in cm (i) (ii) (iii) J F M A M J J A S O 24.5 25.5 25.7 20.4 30.0 32.5 31.0 30.2 29.8 28.0 4.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.8 4.5 8.7 11.3 11.9 30.6 [3] N D 25.9 24.7 35 Calculate the annual rainfall. What is the annual range of temperature? Name the wettest month. Question 4 a) Give reason:[2] (i) Human activities have accelerated the rate of soil erosion in the Shiwalik region. (ii) Black soil is ploughed in May. b) Differentiate between: (i) Sheet erosion and Gully erosion (ii) Soil of Yamuna Valley and the Godavari delta [2] c) State the methods ( apart from afforestation) by which we can control soil erosion in the following areas : [2] (i) The western of Thar desert in Rajasthan (ii) Ravines of Chambal d) (i) Name two states where regur soil is predominantly found. (ii) In what way does Regur soil help in agriculture? [3] Question 5 a) Give reason:(i) Trees affect the climate of an area. (ii) Alternate sources of household fuels should be used. [2] 13.9 b) Distinguish between Thorn forests and Tropical evergreen forests. c) (i) What is the typical vegetation found in the foothills of the Himalayas? (ii) Write two characteristics of it. d) (i) (ii) (iii) [2] [3] [3] What is the name given to the vegetation found along the coastal strip of Ganga delta? What is the environmental impact of deforestation in this region? What is the wood of the Sundari tree used for? Question 6 a) Give reason:(i) Surface wells are being replaced by tubewells in our villages. (ii) Spray irrigation is more useful than tank irrigation. b) Distinguish between: Deep and Furrow irrigation c) (i) Mention two ancient methods to lift groundwater. (ii) How are perennial canals more beneficial than inundation canals? d) Identify the diagram given below and answer the following questions:(i) Name the mechanism given in the diagram. (ii) Name two states where it is highly prevalent. (iii) How does it help to conserve the precious water resources? [2] [2] [3] [3] Question 7 a) Give reason:(i) Manganese is indispensable for the steel industry. (ii) Nuclear power plants are sometimes environmentally hazardous. [2] d) Write short notes on (i) Sugar Samrat (ii) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (iii) The advantages of Hirakud dam. [3] b) Distinguish between conventional and non- conventional sources of energy. [2] c) How is Geothermal energy harnessed? Name two potential areas of India where this can be harnessed. [2] Question 8 a) Give reason:(i) Globalisation poses challenges to the Indian farmers. (ii) Millets are known as inferior crops. b) Distinguish between :(i) Upland rice and Lowland rice (ii) Broadcasting and Transplantation [2] [2] c) d) [3] (i) Name the cash crops which are abundantly grown in West Bengal and Maharashtra. (ii) Mention any one reason each as to why they are grown in the respective states. [3] (i) Why are coffee plants pruned regularly? (ii) State the climatic conditions required for the growth of coffee. (iii) Mention a problem faced by the coffee cultivators. Question 9 a) Give reason:[2] (i) The development of space technology has helped India to achieve self reliance. (ii) Large amount of cooking coal is imported by iron and steel industry. b) Distinguish between :(i) Public sector industry and co-operative industry. (ii) Handloom and Powerloom c) (i) (ii) [2] [3] Which city is called as the Lancashire of India . Mention two factors that have lead to the development of this industry here. d) With reference to the silk industry answer the following:(i) Name two important states that produce silk in India. (ii) Mention one problems faced by this industry. (iii) Name the silk famous in Assam. [3] Question 10 a) Give reason:The NW1 is easily navigable. b) Distinguish between:Inland waterways and Oceanic waterways c) With reference to Indian Railways answer the following questions: (i) Explain why it is the largest and busiest network in the world. (ii) In many areas of India, railways are poorly developed, why? d) Name the following:(i) A part in Eastern coast after hit by cyclones. (ii) The part famous for the export of spices (iii) The highest road of India. [2] [2] [3] [3] Question 11 a) Give reason:(i) Sanitary landfills are advantageous compared to Open dumping (ii) The concentration of toxins is very high in polar bears. b) Distinguish between bio- degradable and non biodegradable waste. c) (i) Explain how recycled waste paper can be used? (ii) How can sugarcane help the paper industry? (iii) Why are recycled plastic bags harmful? d) Write short notes on:(i) Composting (ii) Minamata tradegy (iii) Recent smog in Delhi ****************** [2] [2] [3] [3]

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