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PRELIMS, 2020 21 CLASS: X SUBJECT: PHYSICS PAPER NAME: FULL MARKS: 80 10-SCIENCE PAPER 1-PRELIMS PRELIMS STARTS: PRELIMS ENDS: 21 DECEMBER 2020, 09:00 AM 21 DECEMBER 2020, 12:00 NOON Section-specific Email ids for sending answers of this PRELIMS: 10A 10B 10C 10D 10E INSTRUCTIONS 1. The first page is the Instruction page. The set of questions starts from page 2. 2. The total duration of the Prelims includes 15 minutes reading time and 45 minutes emailing time. 3. Write your Full Name, Class, Section, Student Id, Paper Name, Date and Page Number on the top of each page of your answer script. 4. Name the answer file following the naming convention: <Class-Sec>-<Student Name><Subject>-<Date>.pdf 5. The single pdf file should be emailed to the email id corresponding to your ClassSection. The Email must have: <Class-Sec>-<Student Name>-<Subject>-<Date> in the Subject Line. The set of questions start from the next page Page 1 of 7