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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Economics (Kapol Vidyanidhi International School (KVIS), Mumbai)

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Veer Mehta
Kapol Vidyanidhi International School (KVIS), Mumbai
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age of 1 () (Do the correct not copy (AtemptMarks)(40 answers SECTION-A the out of option. as Assertion factor this will be only.) given 16 a If ReadDefence (d)expenditure a) of Non-developmental expenditure (cRevenue ) (bexpenditure expenditure Capital ) (a) type of (b) (production. Assertion: (A) expenditure the Reasoning: A Aits and the government is isown reasonbelow false true in Land incurred Land but t h e but questions. to (R) given all R land-based is R is can establishes t h e a n d considered is questions expenditure. in true.false. always questions statements the chose Write government production a produce from tothe correct from new bemarked corect this hospital, a t h e answers everything passive budget process. section) (i) Question:1 Choose options. KAPOL question paper. section from all is the questions time on the the first paper 15 Dur: Hrs 2 80 Marks: (ICSE) SCHOOL VIDYANIDHI provided (B}.from Thisseparately. You Answers allowed The minutes. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION FIRST section time time wil KNOWLEDGE TEMPLEOF to fogiven r not is writing to be this {A} spent in at be allowed paper ECONOMICS and INTERNATIONAL the the any head must answers. questions four readingthe writeto of be this written during Aftemptpaper STD: X Date: 28/11/2024 (vi) tobacco. cars over (v) money (iv) (iii) explain A. A. inhave a is of of quantity labour prices. A. and of an the (d) (c) (b) (a) That A (d) (c) has Mr. (d) (c) (b) (a) payment (c)in(b) supply? increase (a) Which in (d) An Advancement (b) (a) Hyperinflation (c) inflation Creeping inflationCost-push (dDemand-pull ) inflation Complete Assertion (a) competitive (d) (c) (b) between perfectly market. Reasoning Both Both AnWithout Transfer valueof Store been WiAth government Transfer The gasoline cars. Standard Consumers Le o A materials r a w faster inflation is A Both Both A compulsory natural annual why of AA purchases is is government using highlighted quid of t h e and and to t r u e a both knowledge (A): false A A qui d value of tax has of pro payment following caused manufacture Rare R and but and (R): disaster a money deferred a r e are i s : pr o credit t h e quo but no contribution Consumers a R f o r true true Rabuyers quo obligation in new Rare R is re There imposes starting by reduces technology construction, card. the mobile is false. true but and of scenariospayment an t r u e is true. market aboveWhich R R to increased smartphones. and a does explains a n d higher towards prefer and lack but the t h e example? phone make is R R conditions not producers function available an increasing does explainssellers. of taxes electric wage its explain A. information and example it taxpayers. cheaper on not makes of (vii) (x) (ix) Complementary Luxurious goods(dSuperior )goods goods (c) goods (b) (a) Substitute India. true.false.false. true. has in aspect elections on of India incurred the democracy 2 2 2 is2are are is The 1: in growth in is and I expenditure and Ipublic a The statement significant statement statementexpenditure. of statement but but false, true, 1 1 is is 2: process an government statement statement increase ofa of money is submission it? Still but has type balance account, account account payee's the account of ch que a or in bank consumers(BIS) producers. account the accountaccount. of is on 30,000 from a of Recurringcreditedcompany shutterstock.comn526301404 10,000 Indian deposit byto deposit deposit What to as deposit the issues retailersprotect Standards (a) led (d) (c) (b)Statement Administrative by Welfare measure measure (d) measure (c) measure Commercial Technical (b) (a) Bureau () (c) (b) (a) the gets only ABC democratic government exploitation Statement Statement Statement Both Both to the Saving cheque. CurrentFixed (xi) the type identify and below given image the goods: of Observe (vii) (d) Both(c) (xiv) (b) Reasoning (a) commodity case Assertion (d) (c) (b) decreases ( a ) It (d) increases higher value of (c) (b)It The such Both money? Supplyof Reason explanation Assertion. of Assertion explanation Assertion. of option. AnalyseLeftward (xv) (a) (xiii) (xii) generally Assertion (b) increases (a) will During (d) (c) of cause wil A (d) (c) (b) (a) theiinflation. of Rightward Downward Upwardsgoods r curve. curve.There Reasoning The There The be None It fall Central a Both Both A A statements statements are perishable does policy t h e in iscrops is the (A): is DD DD (R): available t h e of even false will effect shift shift is true, movement income and Aand A true wilcurve curve festival the not bank true, Stock Supply below movement duribut ng (R): (A): is but be when be change goods. of but collateralfor above undertaken, are but of R Farmers a on of are Rare R RFarmers abwil t h e asks f o r Assertion t h e downward season, is statements wi l is is the the true, true, upward on a true true inflation. Reason alwaysindicates sale. demand consumer fal se. t r ue. Commercial on shift shift demand demandprice t h e and but can the but and t h e same towards towards what ovement sanction isReason Reason is greater total and curve same obtain movement remains demand curve false. in does R R false. curve demand case explains happens quantity choose gain banks demand the the t h an better is is of ofthe for of not not t h e during in right. left. loans. sweets? in explain supply curve normal the same.sweets A. prices to to of the the correct curve the keep t h e the correct DD correct periods When DD What for incCep A. (xvi) Effect process.Increase Use does the (i)commodity? (ii) () Discuss How QUESTION 4: in DOL of help a housewife help labour.treated dark". to in are producers. nature, treated are Justify. asnot they the regressive of QUESTION 2: QUESTION 3: (d) (c) (b) (a) money. Define (d) (c) (b) (a) (d) (c) (b) (a) reasons. Give Mention division labour. of debts. Define Expiain example. GST Distinguish affectedDistinguish "Indirect MentionAlthough statement. inJustifythe as In How Attempt protecting economics, labour, is wi l Right the any bythe taxes any indirect while lead any thepricebetween meaning between two two the to the four are number to those SECTION be elasticity domestictaxes services sources better advantages called informed' sets requirements. product-based Redeemable margin of of of a r e t a x of house of taxes its demand industries. QUESTION 5: (b) (a) the main of of of advanced following in the flood major characteristics picture of subsidy body government the on acteristics country affect technology and exercises provided the questions B external compliance.' substitutes? supply (40 giving identify the of body in debts supply land. control Marks) and of India? in byof debt. a from mentioned. ofit. the a and the thfruits. suitable e commodity process-based Do of type Explain overmanufacturing government. this Irredemable a you Givean example. of the section. agree? market. any is the fourgiven banks functions any government (a) (b) two Which Explain Observe commercial QUESTION 6: (5) (5) of the its government causes. exploitation (5) (5) of increased that Explain cause of supply. (5) and Fixed account taxes. deposit (5) Current of Indirect the the the economic law demeritsbetween causes is inflation? reasons major Demand-pull the QUESTION10: QUESTION 9: QUESTION 8: (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) Consumers. account. deposit Discuss Distinguish Explain Discuss ElaborateWhatexpenditure. **** (5) (5) to of the as Sectoneconomy.' thisshown the significance type in key t h e of Withfactor foradeplnt economy.given of reference in picture. capital of an difficulties of is economyelaborate regarded (a) (b) QUESTION Explain Identify the 'Capital formation.economic given any statement the formation development two type gtsewhats 7: INDIAN

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