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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Parle Tilak Vidyalaya, Mumbai)

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Parle Tilak Vidyalaya, Mumbai
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,,,,,,,.... 7- - -. ~ -- PARLE TILAK VIDYALAYA QCSE) MARKS: 80 PRELIMINARY EXAMTNATION ENGLISH LANGUAGE GRADE: X DATE: 02.01.2025 TIME: 2 Hrs. Answers to this paper must be wrillen on the paper provided separately. You m"// not be allowed to write during the firs.I 15 minutes. This tim e is to be sp ent in reading the question paper. Th e tim e given at the head of this paper is th e time allowed for writing answers. Allempt al/five questions. The i111e11de.d mc1rks for questions or ports of questions (}re given in brackets{] This paper consists ofSix printed pages. Nothing should be w1 iuen on the question paper. QUESTION 1 (Do not spend more tlum 30 minutes on this question) [20] Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following : a) Write an original short story on the theme of 'bullying' . b) "Kindness and compassion are at a premium in our socidy today." Express your views either for or against the statement. c) Describe your hobby. Why do you find it so absorbing? d) You recently went on a school trip out of Mumbai .Write about all the fun you had and the mischief that some students got into. e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about th e subject of the picture or may take suggestions from it, but there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. -~ ..., ~t ~- . 1/ - . ICSE This Paper consists of 6 printed pages \ ' 1 QllESTIC)N 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this questio11) Sekct OD(' of th~ follim i~ [IOj hills over the a) You have planned a picnic with some of your dassmute:,; out in the nearby him/her to next weekend. Write a letter to your cousin who lives in ;mother town, inviting ties should be join you . Write about what fun you all have planned and also what necessi ca1Tied along for the picnic. up the road for b) Mu nicipal workers came to your street a few days ago and dug to the Chief letter a Write undergr ound sewage work . They left the long ditch uncove red. s faced by Enginee r, Munici pal Corpora tion of your city highligh ting the risk and problem the people and seeking immedi ate action . QUESTION 3 to be display ed a) You are the Secreta ry of the Activity Club of your school. Write a notice , clothes and on the noti 1::e board of your school, request ing the studem s to donate eatables [5J other articles of daily use for the flood victims ofWaya nad. for ments arrange ry necessa make b) Wr ite an email to the Secreta ry, Star Club requesti ng to the in victims collecti ng the donatio ns made by the students and sending them to the [5) relief camps. QUESTION 4 1201 : Read the followi ng passage carefull y and answer the question s that follow the perfect day for a One sunny mornin g in the Green Meadow s, Peter Rabbit decided it was leading him into new adventu re. Peter was known for his curious and daring nature, often McGreg or's garden, troubk. His mother had warned him many times to stay away from Mr. vegetab les but Peter, being ever so curious , could not resist the temptat ion of the luscious that grew there . carrots and crisp As Peter hopped along, he could not help but think about the sweet, juicy deliciou s treats lettuce that Mr. McGre gor had so carefull y cultivat ed. The thought of such the old stone made his mouth water, and he quicken ed his pace. The garden lay just beyond small gap in the wall. wall , and Peter, being clever, had figured out how to squeeze through a from row to row, Once inside the gard,;n , Peter's excitem ent knew no bounds . He dashed taste was even better munchi ng on tender lettuce leaves and crisp radishes . The fresh, earthy arly juicy carrot, be than he had imagine d. Howeve r, as Peter was about to enjoy a particul the garden and was heard a sudden noise. It was Mr. McGreg or, who had been working in now approac hing with a rake. ICSE This Paper tonslsts of 6 printed pa1e1; 2 Peter's heart ra,;cd . He quickly darted behind a row of cabbages, hoping to slay out of sight. Mr. McGregor, who was known for his stem disposition, b,;gan to search for the intruder. Peter could hear his grnmbling as he combed through the garden . .lust as Mr. McCiregor was ;ihout to discover Peter hiding behind the cahhages, Peter spotted an old watering can lying nearby. With a burst of quick thi nking, he decided to use it as a hiding spot . Pet er managed lo squt:eze inside the can, holding hi s breath and trying to stay as still as possible. Mr. McGregor came dangerously close, his footsteps loud and heavy. After what kit troublemaker he safe . Finally, he realized that he supposed to. like an eternity. Mr. McGregor Jett the garden, muttering about the had almost caught. Peter waited a few mom ents longer to ensure that it was emerged from the watering can, feeling a mixture of relief and shame. He had been vt:ry foolish to come into the garden when he knew he wasn't Peter quickly made hi s way back to the hole in the wall. trying to avoid any further mishaps. He squeezed through the gap and hopped back into the safety of the Green Meadows. As he looked back at the garden, he thought about how lucky he had been to escape Mr. McGregor's clutches. That evening, Peter's mother welcomed him home with a worried look. Peter tried to act nonchalant, but his mother could see that he was exhausted . She gently reminded him of the dangers of disobeying her instructions. Peter promised to he more cautious in the future , though he still couldn "t help but think about the tantalizing treats he had left behind. (i) For each word given below, choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the [2] options provided: 1. tantalising (iine 30) (a) unpleasant (b) ex.citing (c) confusing (d) disappointing 2. nonchalant (line 28) (a) anxious (b) indifferent (c) enthusiastic (d) frightened (ii) Which word in the passagl' means the opposite of the word escape' ? ( a _) flee (b) hide (c) approach (d) danger ICSE This Paper consists of 6 printed pages [ I] 3 f ', \: \J I i. I 11 t (JI JJJ, J If g , ~ 1 111 1,1 I ;o, 11 ,if ti, , "'H1 1l11" ,t l,J i, ,i h 'f/ 111 111 11 I ,,111. I 1 111 1 11 111Ji, (HJ ,,,, " '' ' ' ' IJI / 11 .. , JHt t,i::t w 11<11 11111 )11, ,,;,, . I 1,J :tllY; JI,, I 1.11 r1 pl ',1 ; II !) 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( Hi ) 111 11 .,1,11,111 11 ,1,, ,, I ,,,., '11 1'4 111111 1;11 v/11111 '/ /,I I\ Ii, I b ,111 111 r111,, 1ill ,.,, 11 ,1 ,,,,, I'' 1:i 11 1 111 11 1"11 ) ~ !Ill' ,' ,,J l'I' ' )111)1 I I 0 \) ' (ll11lfl ) 11 111 11,t II ,, ,, Ii J . t-, /(I HI ll'Y 1 ~. r1,, ,,,,,d ,, , 11 11 11"' ' ,1 h , 111 Iii. l11;,11d tl1 111 1, 1 JJ/ llld c liil I )11 1 ',l i j, llli~ 11,I ,j I, 11 11 : l '// 1 1 I,, I 1, 11 ,111 1, , , , 11, l1 J ., 1111 1111 :,Y lllfl -'' ' 11 11 1 ,l;11 r - h )/II' 1' 1~1 1 JJ I 11, I)) 111 t, ''''} ;,,,, 11,, 1,i ,1, ;,f1 lwl ; (. 11 ,,d :i 1,, ' ' " " ' 11 , t, r11r1 , 1 111 1 Ill/ L(l l/ 1 ,, 1,, ,,,, '" "' ~ 111 1,1I l111Jd l; 1 I J ( ~) ,I i,,~ 'f/ 1 11d Y/ rt I ,,, pl11 11:., 11pp , 1 ,p1 1t1l 1 10 , ,.,,1 ,1 v.1 11, , 111,I 11/ ~, ,1 ,d .,,,1, I iii 1II 1, :.t,J1, t ,, ,,,q, h111 I 1 il1d 1I {) 11; 1l11V, 11111 111 111 111111 I without using and but or so. / (c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence I4] Choose the correct ortion . I. He lived in the city for many years. He could not find his way out. his way out. a. Having lived in the city for many years, he could not find years. b. He could not find his way out because he lived in the city for many way out. c. ln spite of living in the city for many years, he could not find his hi '., way out. d. Because he lived in the city for many years, he could not find r claimed he knew 2. She complained that her brother did not know anything. Her brothe everything. brother claimed he knew a. She complained that her brother did not know anything still her everytbing. s her brother claimed he knew b. She complained that her brother did not know anything, wherea everything. that her brother did not c. Her brother claimed he knew everything because she complained know anything. brother claimed he knew d. She complained that her brother did not know anything but her everything. 3 The coffee isn't strong . It won't keep us awake a. Neither is the coffee strong nor will it keep us awake. b. TI1e coffee isn 't too strong for keeping us awake . c. The coffee isn't too strong so we will not keep awake . d. Since the coffee isn't too strong , it won't keep us awake . 4. I finished my homework . I switched on lhe TV. a. As soon as Tfinished my homework, I switched on the TV. b. I finished my homework before I switched the TV. c. I finished my homework and I switched on the TV. d. On finishing my homework I switched on the TV. given after each . Make other (d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions c~ch sentence. Choose the changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of f8] correct option. i As soon as I reached school, the bell rang. (Begin: Hardly .... ) a. Hardly bad I reached school than the bell rang. b. Hardly r had reached school when :be bell rang. c. Hardly did I reached school when the: bell rang. d. Hardly had I reached school when the bell rang. ii He is very busy. He cannot take a break. (Use too .... ) a. He is too busy to take a break. b. He is so busy that he too cannot take a break. c. He is too busy for takin,; a break . d. He is busy Loo to 1.akc a break . ICSE This Paper consists of 6 printed pages 5 iii Although it was likely lo rain, we went oul for a walk. (Begin: In spilc of.. .) a. In spile of it being Ii.kc lo rain, we went out for a walk. b. In spite of it being likdy to rain, we went out for a walk . c. In spite it being likely to rain. we went out for a walk. d. In spite of ii likely to rain, we went out for a walk. \ \ iv All welcome a man of wisdom. (Begin: A man .. .) a. A man of wisdom is welcome 10 all . b. A mnn of wisdom is welcome by all. c. A man of wisdom is welcomed to all. d. A man of wisdom is wekomed by all. v She never imagin1:d that she would gel a national award for her film . (Begin: Little .... ) a. Little did she imagine that she would get a national award for her film . b. Little docs she imagine thal she would get a nalional award for her film . c. Lit1le did she imagined that she would get a national award for her film . d. Littk she imagine that ~he would get a national award for her film. vi Shakespeare was a writer as well as an actor. (Use: not only .... ) a. Shakespeare was not only a writer but also a actor. b. Shakespeare was not just a writer but also an actor. e. Shakespeare was only a writer but also an actor. d. Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor. vii She said to me, Please give me your book." (Begin: She requested .......... ) a. She requested me lo give her my book. b. She requested me to give me her book. c. She requested her to give me my book. d. She requ..:sted to give her my book. viii He escaped by night to avoid being seen by anyone. (Use: lest .. . ) a. He escaped by night lest should he be seen by anyone. b. He escaped by night lest he should be seen by anyone. c. He escaped by night Iese he is seen by anyone. d. He escaped by night should he lest be seen by anyone. ICSE This Paper consists of 6 printed pages 6

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