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ICSE Class IX Prelims 2019 : all subjects

52 pages, 53 questions, 0 questions with responses, 0 total responses,    0    0
Neelima Kotrike
Pawar Public School (PPS), Hadapsar, Pune
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This paper consists of 4 printing pages Turn over Page 2 of 52 Page 3 of 52 Page 4 of 52 PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE EXAMINATION-II(2018-2019) LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Std : IX Date : 18 /02/2019 Max Marks: 80 Duration: 2hrs. You will not be allowed to write during first 15 mins This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. Time given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt five questions in all from only the three text books. You must attempt at least one question from each of the Sections A, B and C and not more than two other questions from the same books you have already compulsorily chosen. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ______________________________________________________________________________ SECTION A DRAMA The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare Question 1 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: Portia: To these injunctions every one doth swear That comes to hazard for my worthless self. (i) Whom is Portia speaking to? Where are they? Who else is with them? (ii) What are the conditions that every suitor has to observe? (iii) How does the suitor address the lead casket? What is inscribed on it? What does he say to it? (iv) How does the suitor interpret the word 'many'? (v) What does the suitor find within the casket? How does he react? What should be tried seven times and why? [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] Question 2 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: Antonio: In sooth,I know not why I am so sad. It wearies me;you say it wearies you; But how I caught it,found it,or came by it, What stuff tis made of,whereof it is born, I am to learn; Ans such a want-wit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself. (i) How is Antonio s mood as the scene opens? What explanation does Salanio offer to account for his mood? (ii) What insight does Gratiano offer about how a person's appearance can be misleading? (iii) Why does Bassanio need money? What is his chief care ? iv) What does Antonio assure him? v) What is the significance of the allusion to Jason and the golden fleece? [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] Page 5 of 52 Question 3 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: Shylock: You knew, none so well, none so well as you, Of my daughter s flight. (i) To whom are these words addressed? What was 'he' aware of? How does he know about it? (ii) What rumour was making rounds at the Rialto? What is the rumour personified as? Describe the place mentioned in the rumour. (iii) Who brings news about Shylock's daughter? Where did he hear of it? What is the news? (iv) 'There I have another bad match.' Who is a bad match according to Shylock? What is the condition expressed in the bond? (v) To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. In reference to this context, how has Antonio humiliated Shylock for being a Jew? [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] SECTION B POETRY A Treasure Trove of Poems Question 4 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: They'll grow so keen They ll wonder what they d ever seen In that ridiculous machine, That nauseating, foul, unclean, Repulsive television screen! (i) Who and why will they grow so keen? What would they do later? [3] (ii) What has the poet observed in most of the houses? [3] (iii) According to the poet, which activity would help the above mentioned? How would it benefit them? [3] (iv) What kind of a poem is this? What is the tone of the poem? Why do you think so? [3] (v) Why is the television called an 'idiot box'? Is there any relevance to the concern raised by the poet in today's world? [4] Question 5 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: Their dying fire in need of logs, But the first one held hers back, For, of the faces round the fire, She noticed one was black. (i) What does not of his church mean, and signify? (ii) What was the reason for the black man not to part with his log of wood? (iii)Why did the third one hold on to his stick? (iv) What game does the poet refer to in this poem? Who plays the game? What happens in the end and why? (v) What is the theme of the poem and how relevant is it in today s day and age? [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] Page 6 of 52 Question 6 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: My father lived at Blenheim then, Yon little stream hard by; They burnt his dwelling to the ground, And he was forced to fly; So with his wife and child he fled, Nor had he where to rest his head. (i) Who is the speaker in the first line of the extract? What was his occupation? What happened there? (ii)What incident prompted the speaker to give an account of what had happened? (iii)Name the literary device that is so prominently used in the poem. Why is it used? (iv)What impact did the war have on life and property? (v) Bring out the theme of the poem after justifying the title. [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] SECTION C PROSE A Treasure Trove of Stories Question 7 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: Our good father in Washington for I presume he is now our father as well as yours, since King George has moved his boundaries further north-our great and good father, I say, sends us word that if we do as he desires he will protect us. (i) How will our good father in Washington protect the Native Americans if they fulfill his demand? (ii) What makes Seattle say that God loves the white man and hates the Red children? (iii) Explain: Our dead never forget this beautiful world that gave them being. (iv) How do both these distinct races feel about their dead ancestors? Where was the religion of the White man written and why? (v) The White Man will never be alone. Justify this statement with reference to Seattle s speech. [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] Question 8 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: Neighbours went hastily to the old tumble-down hut, in which she had secured little more than a place of shelter from summer heats and winter cold: some with grave-clothes for a decent interment of the body; and some with food for the half-starving children, three in number. (i) Who required grave-clothes for a decent interment of the body ? How and amidst whom did the person die? (ii) How was the woman treated by the villagers when she was alive? Why do you think it was so? (iii) What change occurred in the behaviour of the neighbours after the woman s death? (iv) Describe the children. (v) Who decided the prospective future of the children? What was their decision? [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] Page 7 of 52 Question 9 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: He later told his wife, "That scoundrel would not give me anything. So go out and sell the drumsticks for what they are worth." i) Who is Muni calling a scoundrel? What is the reason for his agitation? [4] ii) What is Muni craving for? What does his wife ask him to buy? [4] iii) Where did Muni take his goats for grazing? What grew there? What was Muni and his wife s everyday routine? [8] Page 8 of 52 Page 9 of 52 Page 10 of 52 Page 11 of 52 Page 12 of 52 Page 13 of 52 PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II (2017 2018) SUBJECT - MARATHI Std: IX Max Marks: 80 Date: 20 /02/2019 Duration: 3 h Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. This paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions Question 1 Write a short composition in Marathi of approximately 200-250 words on any one of the following topics:- KalaIla inabaMQaacyaa ivaYayaaMpOkI kaoNa%yaahI eka ivaYayaavar 200 to 250 SabdaMt marazIt inabaMQa ilaha. 15 i) pxyaaMcaa iklaibalaaT, fulaaMcaa saDa ,saUyaa-caI kaovaLI ikrNao AaiNa qaMDgaar hvaa, sakaLcyaa vaoLI saarM kahIca Aalhaddayak AsatM.tumhI Asaaca kaihsaa AnauBava Gaotlaa Asaola kQaItrI calaa tr %yaa smaRtIMnaa ]jaaLa do}na tumhI AnauBavalaolyaa rmya sakaLcao vaNa-na kra. AapNa Aaplyaa svaatMHyaa bad\dla farca jaaga$k Asatao.Aaplyaa svaatMHyaavar kaoNaI gada AaNalaolaI Aaplyaalaa AavaDt naahI.AapNa maa~ dusa yaacaa ivacaar na krta AaplaI manamaanaI k$ laagalaao Aaho.svaatMHyaatUna svaOrpNaa kQaI Aalaa yaacaI jaaNaIvahI Aaplyaalaa ]rlaI naahI.jyaamauLo naOitk iSaxaNa ABaavaanaoca AaZLU laagalao Aaho.calaa tr maga yaaivaYayaavar AaplaI mato maaMDa. ii) AapNa prdoSaatIla svacCta, naITnaoTkopNaa yaaivaYayaI BarBa$na baaolatao ikMvaa eoktao.Aaplyaa doSaat maa~ Asao ica~ pahayalaa imaLt naahI.Aaplyaa doSaacyaa pMtp``QaanaaMnaI svacC Baart AiBayaanaanao doSaat svacCta AaNaNyaacao svaPna paihlao Aaho.klpnaa kra kI, %yaaMcao svaPna pUNa- Jaalao Aaho.ksaa Asaola Aaplaa svacC Baart doSa iii) ekmaoka saahayya k$ AvaGao Qa$ saupMqa ' yaa AaoLIcaI saaqa-kta pTivaNaarI kqaa ilaha ikMvaa yaaivaYayaavar tumacao ivacaar maaMDa. iv) ' v) KalaIla ica~ pahUna tumacyaa manaat kaoNato ivacaar yaotat to ilaha. Page 14 of 52 Question 2 Write a letter in Marathi of approximately 120 words on any one of the topics given below:- KalaI idlaolyaa ivaYayaaMpOkI kaoNa%yaahI eka ivaYayaavar saumaaro 120 SabdaMpya-Mtcao p~ marazIt ilaha. 7 i) tumacyaa SaaLoSaojaarIla ivajaocyaa KaMbaavarIla tara KalaI laaoMbakLt Aahot jyaamauLo ApGaat haoNyaacaI Sa@yata Aaho.yaa samasyaokDo laxa vaoQaUna ]payayaaojanaa krNyaasa saaMgaNaaro p~ ivadyaut mahamaMDLacyaa AiQaka yaaMsa ilaha. ii) tumhI nauktaca ekTyaanao laaMbacaa p`vaasa kolaa Aahot.%yaa p`vaasaatIla AnauBavaatUna tumhI Anaok gaaoYTI iSaklyaa Aahat.yaa p`vaasaacao vaNa-na krNaaro p~ tumacyaa prgaavaI Asalaolyaa dadasa ilaha. Question 3 Read the passage given below and answer in Marathi the questions that follow, using your own words as far as possible. KalaIla ]tara vaacaUna %yaaKalaIla p`SnaaMcaI ]%tro ilaha. yaaogaasanaaMcaa AByaasa k$na kovaL SaarIirk baLca naahI tr maanaisak baLhI p``aPt haoto.ekaga`ta vaaZto smarNaSa@tIcaa ivakasa haotao.p`%yaok ivadyaaqyaa-saazI mhNaUnaca yaaogaaByaasa mah%%vaacaa Asatao. manauYyaanao Aaja klpnaoplaIkDo BaaOitk p`gatI kolaI Aaho.BaaOitk p`gatIcao kahI duYpirNaamahI Jaalao Aahot.gadI- p`itspQaa- xamatopoxaa jaast kama krNao caZaAaoZ yaasavaa-MmauLo tNaava AaiNa baocaOnapNaa vaaZtao.haca tNaava Anaok raogaaMnaa karNaIBaUt zrtao.]ccar@tdaba Ainad`a Asao Anaok SaarIirk AaiNa maanaisak raoga haotat.Anaok raogaaMsaazI AaOYaQaaopcaar p`BaavaI zrt naahIt pNa yaaogaasanaaMmaaf-t yaa raogaaMvar inayaM~Na zovata yaoto.yaaca karNaaMmauLo Anaok Da^@Tr raogyaaMnaa yaaogaasanao krNyaacaa sallaa dotat. yaaogaasanao hI kovaL raogyaaMsaazIca ]pyau@t Asatat Asao naahI.yaaogaasanao hI kaoNa%yaahI vya@tIcyaa SaarIirk AaiNa maanaisak xamataMcaa ivakasa k$na kaya- yaSasvaIir%yaa pUNa- krtat.vya@tI Aaplao mana tNaavamau@t AaiNa p`sanna zovaU Saktat.Aajakala maaozmaaozyaa kMpnyaa Aaplyaa kma-caa yaaMcaI kaya-xamata vaaZavaI yaasaazI %yaaMcyaakDUna yaaogasaaQanaa krvaUna Gaotat. SaaMt AaiNa maaokLyaa vaatavarNaat AaiNa p``iSaxakacyaa maaga-dSa-naaKalaI inayaimatpNao 15 to 20 imainaTo yaaogaaByaasa krNao purosao Aaho.Aajakala yaaogaasanao iSakNao iSakivaNyaacyaa Anaok saMQaI ]plabQa Aahot.Anaok SaaLa mahaivadyaalayaat yaaoga iSaxak Asatat.Anaok baagaa vas%yaa maOdanao yaaMsaar#yaa izkaNaI yaaogaasanao ina Saulk iSakivalaI jaatat tr kahI izkaNaI saSaulk yaaogaasanao iSakivatat. P``aiSaxak Aaplyaalaa Aaplyaa xamatonausaar va AavaSyaktonausaar yaaogaasanao iSakivatat.hLUhLU %yaacaa sarava kravaa.maaga-dSa-naaiSavaaya yaaogaasanao krNao Gaatk Asato. Aaplyaa doSaacao maananaIya pMtp`Qaana EaI.naroMd` maaodI yaaMcyaa p`ya%naaMmauLo 21 jaUna 2015 pasaUna AMatrraYT/Iya yaaoga idvasa saajara krNyaat yaot Aaho.jyaayaaogao ivaSvaacyaa sauvaNa- BaivaYyakaL GaDNyaacaa ek sauKd saMkot Aaho. i) yaaogaasana krNyaacao kaoNato fayado Aahot 2 ii) maaNasaacyaa p`gatI baraobarca kaya kaya taoTo Jaalao Aahot 2 Page 15 of 52 Aajakala Da^@Tr yaaogaasana krNyaacaa sallaa ka dotat maaga-dSa-naaiSavaaya yaaogaasanao kolyaanao kaoNato nauksaana haoto 2 iii) iv) yaaogaasanaaMcaa p``saar ksaa vaaZlaa Aaho v) AaMtrraYT/Iya 2 yaaogaidna kaoNata Aaho yaaogaidnaamauLo kaoNa%yaa gaaoYTI saaQya hao} Saktat 2 Question 4 Answer the following according to the instructions given: saUcanaop`maaNao badla kra. i) KalaIla SabdaMnaa [k p`%yaya jaaoDUna navaIna Aqa-pUNa- Sabd banavaa. a) rsa ii) KalaIla b) Qama- c) pqa d) BaUgaaola SabdaMpasaUna Baavavaacak naamao banavaa. a) manauYya b) lauccaa iii) kMsaatIla c) dova 2 2 d) iBaxaUk saUcanaop`maaNao vaa@yaaMcao pirvat-na kra. kaoNatohI daona 2 a) Aaja jaovaNa $cakr Jaalao haoto. ]d\gaaraqaI- banavaa b) maaozyaaMcaa Aadr kravaa. vaa@yaacaa p`kar AaoLKa. c) maI drraoja vyaayaama krtao. AQaaoroiKt SabdacaI jaat AaoLKUna ilaha. iv) KalaIpOkI kaoNa%yaahI eka vaak\p`caaracaa vaa@yaat ]pyaaoga kra. a) jaIvaacaI ]laGaala haoNao b) AaBaaL faTNao 2 c) jaIvaacao rana krNao Section B (40 Marks) Attempt four questions from this section. You must answer at least one question from each of the two books you have Studied and any two other questions. SaaLa Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer in Marathi the questions that follow:- KalaIla pircCod vaacaUna %yaaKalaI ivacaarlaolyaa p``SnaaMcaI ]%tro marazIt ilaha idnaU AaiNa Aabaasa Qaarocyaa kDolaa ]Bao rahUna baGaU laagalao.ek AMgazyaaevaZa maasaa ]qaL paNyaat trt haota.saMqapNao.%yaacaa rMga Kalacyaa vaaLUsaarKaca haota. i) SaaLot jaatanaa idnaUlaa kaoNa BaoTlao %yaaMnaI kaoNata inaNa-ya Gaotlaa va ka 2 ii) SaaLot na jaata maulao kuzo gaolaI itqao jaaNyaapUvaI- maulaaMnaI kaoNatI tyaarI kolaI 2 Page 16 of 52 iii) idnaU inasaga- SaaLot kaoNakaoNato AnauBava Gaotao 3 iv) ibanaiBaMtIcyaa SaaLot tumhI Gaotlaolyaa AnauBavaaMcao vaNa-na kra. 3 maaNasaacaI gaaoYT Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer in Marathi the questions that follow:- KalaIla pircCod vaacaUna %yaaKalaI ivacaarlaolyaa p``SnaaMcaI ]%tro marazIt ilaha qaaoDyaa vaoLanaM maaJyaa laxaat yaotM kI yaoNaaro jaaNaaro maaJyaakDo ivaSaoYa najaronao phatayaot.malaa nyaahaLtat.cakIt maud`a krtat.phat phat puZo jaatat. i) rs%yaanao caalatanaa maaNasaacaI baahI kaoNa pkDto va ka 2 ii) maaNaUsa maulaacaI kaoNatI maagaNaI pUNa- krt naahI va ka 2 iii) maaNasaacaI kzINa p`saMgaatUna kaoNa va kSaI sauTka krtao 3 iv) maaNasaacaI gaaoYT yaa pazat maanavaI vaR%tI p`vaR%tIMvar p`kaSa TakNyaat Aalaa Aaho ka spYT kra. 3 sarIsa fuTto hasya ]nhacao Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer in Marathi the questions that follow:- KalaIla pircCod vaacaUna %yaaKalaI ivacaarlaolyaa p``SnaaMcaI ]%tro marazIt ilaha. naanaaMcyaa maagao kuSaabaapUnaM kSaat KMD pDU idlaa naahI.hirBaa}naM maaGaar GaotlaI naahI.BaavaaBaavaaMcao Gaasa ekmaokaMsaazI ADt.Aata maa~ [sToTIcaa p`Sna inaGaalaa tovha saaro ibanasalao. i) gaaokULasaar#yaa ii) kuSaabaapUMcyaa naaMd%yaa Garalaa kaoNaamauLo ga`hNa laagalao manaalaa dMSa ka Jaalaa 2 2 iii) irt phavaI tr mahajanaaMcyaa GarcaI Asao ka mhTlao Aaho 3 iv) p`stUt pazatUna tumhI kaoNata baaoqa Gaotlaat to ilaha. 3 Aa[Question 8 Read the extract given below and answer in Marathi the questions that follow:- KalaIla kivatocyaa AaoLI vaacaUna %yaaKalaI ivacaarlaolyaa p``SnaaMcaI ]%tro marazIt ilaha SaaLotunaI Garalaa yaota QarIla paoTI Page 17 of 52 kaZUna zoivalaolaa GaalaIla Gaasa AaozI i) naaohoca hak maato maarI kuuNaI kuzarI yaa AaoLIcaa Baavaaqa- spYT kra. 2 ii) pMcaartI janaaMcaI naa taoYavaI manaalaa Asao ka mhTlao Aaho 2 iii) kvaInao Aa[-caI mahtI kSaI vaiNa-laolaI Aaho 3 iv) tumacyaa Aa[-ivaYayaI tumacyaa manaat Asalaolyaa Baavanaa qaaoD@yaat ivaYad kra. 3 kNaa Question 9 Read the extract given below and answer in Marathi the questions that follow:- KalaIla pircCod vaacaUna %yaaKalaI ivacaarlaolyaa p``SnaaMcaI ]%tro marazIt ilaha karBaarNaIlaa Gao}na saMgao sar Aata laZtao Aaho pDkI iBaMt baaMQatao Aaho icaKlagaaL kaZtao Aaho. i) AaoLKlat ka sar malaa Asao kaoNa va ka mhNaalao 2 ii) gaMgaamaa[- pahuNaI AalaI Asao naayak kaoNaabad\dla mhNat Aaho %yaatUna %yaacaI kaoNatI vaR%tI idsato o 2 iii) kivatocyaa naayakacao vyai@tica~Na kra. 3 iv) kNaa yaa kivatotUna tumhI kaya iSaklaat to Sabdbad\Qa kra. 3 maaJyaa pazcyaa baihNaI Question 10 Read the extract given below and answer in Marathi the questions that follow:- KalaIla pircCod vaacaUna %yaaKalaI ivacaarlaolyaa p``SnaaMcaI ]%tro marazIt ilaha. GarI inaGaalaI pahuNaI TaLto maI tuJaI dRYTI vaaTo AvaoLIca vaRYTI hao[-la kI i) ga`IYmaI JauLUk vaa yaacaI Asao kaoNaabad\dla mhTlao Aaho ka 2 ii) kvaiya~Ilaa kaoNa%yaa gaaoYTIMcao smarNa raaihlao naahI 2 iii) kvaiya~Icyaa manaat kaoNa%yaa AazvaNaI jaagyaa Jaalyaa 2 iv) vaaZo BaaMDUna mamata Asao tumhaMsa vaaTto ka tumacyaa BaavaDaMivaYayaIcyaa Baavanaa qaaoD@yaat ilaha. 2 Page 18 of 52 PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II (2018 2019) SUBJECT - MATHEMATICS Std: IX Date: 01/03/2019 Max Marks: 80 Duration: 2 h Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. _________________________________________________________________________________ _Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in [ ]. SECTION I (40 MARKS) Attempt all questions from this Section. Question 1 a) If x4 + = 47 , find the value of: i) x2 + iii) x3 + ii) x + . [3] b) If the following three equations hold simultaneously for x and y , find p. 3x + 7y = 0 , 4x 3y = 8 and px + y = 1. c) If tan , find sec = and sec [3] + cosec . [4] Question 2 a) A man invest ` 5,000 for three years at a certain rate of interest, compounded [3] annually. At the end of one year it amounts to ` 5,600 .Calculate i) the rate of interest per annum. ii) the interest accrued in the second year. iii) the amount at the end of the third year. P b) Triangle PQR is inscribed in a semicircle. [3] PQ = PR = 7cm.i) What is the measure of QPR ? ii) Find the shaded area. A Q c) B O R Diagonal AC is the perpendicular bisector of diagonal [4] BD in the quadrilateral ABCD. Prove that: i) AB = AD ii) BC = DC. D C Question 3 -7 -5 k a) Find the value of k : ( ) . ( ) =3 . b) Solve for x : + =2 . c) Construct a parallelogram ABCD , AB = 9cm, BD = 7cm and BOC = 600 where O is the point of intersection of the diagonals. [3] [3] [4] Page 19 of 52 Question 4 a) Factories : x4 29x2 + 100. b) The mean height of 8 students is 152 cm. Three more students of heights 160 cm , cm and 164 cm join the group. Find the new mean height. [3] c) C (10, 4) is the centre of the circle with radius 17 cm. CM is perpendicular to chord AB and M (1, Calculate the length of AM and AB. [3] 165 [4] 8). A B SECTION II (40 MARKS) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 5 a) In circle with centre O, BAD = 750 and chord BC = chord CD. Find BOC, OBD and BCD A [3] O B D C b) Solve the following simultaneous equations: [3] 97x 78y = 59 ; 78x 97y = 116. A c) ABCD is a parallelogram. E and F are the mid-points of AB and CD respectively. GH is any line that intersects AD, EF and BC in G,P and H respectively. Prove that: GP = PH. E B [4] H G p Question 6 a) If sin = 0.6, find sec + tan . b) If a+ b = 6 and a2 + b2 = 20 , find the value of a3 + b3. c) A sum amounts to ` 8,820 in 2 years and ` 9,261 in 3 years compounded annually. Find the rate and the sum. Question 7 a) Prove that A ( 7, 13) , B ( 3, 9) and C( 6,0) are collinear. b) ABC is a right angled triangle with hypotenuse AC = 13cm and side AB = 5cm.Perpendiculars are drawn from mid-point M of AC to AB and BC. What is the perimeter of the resulting quadrilateral? [3] [3] [4] [3] B [4] P Q A M c) The weight of 40 students of class 9 of a school are given ( in kg). Make a grouped frequency distribution table by taking classes 35 45, 45 55, . C [3] Page 20 of 52 46 52 51 65 50 57 54 68 46 58 63 45 38 54 71 72 39 60 53 52 47 39 43 70 49 47 65 60 40 53 61 65 58 73 49 63 55 70 56 51. Question 8 a) In the figure, OA = 7 cm ,AB = 3.5cm. Calculate the area of the shaded region. O [3] D A C B . b) Find the value using algebraic formula: [3] c) AB and CD are two buildings of height 30 m and 63 m. If the distance between them is 56 m, calculate the distance between their tops. [4] Question 9 a) Prove that: ( ) ( ) ( ) = 1. b) In the given figure, AB CD. PA and PC are bisectors of BAC and D. Find APC [3] A B [3] P C D c) Twenty years ago the age of a father was four times the age of his son. After four [4] years now the age of the father will be double that of his son. Find the present age of the father and the son. Question 10 a) Simplify : 2 b) + ABC is right-angled at B. X and Y are mid-points of AB and BC respectively. Prove that: AY2 + CX2 = 5 XY2 . [3] A [4] X B Y C c) Construct the regular hexagon of side 3.5cm and draw all its lines of symmetry. [3] Page 21 of 52 Question 11 a) The sum of the digits of a two digits number is 7.When the digits are interchange, [3] the reversed number is 5 times the ten s digits of the original number. Find the original number. b) In the given figure, ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 14 cm. BC is a diameter of the semicircle. Find the area and perimeter of the figure.( = , = 1.732 ). C [3] A B c) AB is a side of a regular hexagon and BC is a side of regular octagon. Find , , and . A [4] B E C Page 22 of 52 Page 23 of 52 Page 24 of 52 Page 25 of 52 Page 26 of 52 PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II (2018 2019) SUBJECT - CHEMISTRY Std.: IX Date: 27/02/2019 Max Marks: 80 Duration: 2 h Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in [ ]. Section I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this section Question 1 (a) Choose the correct answers from the options given below: [5] (i) The Greenhouse gas which on combustion produces another greenhouse gas: [A] Nitrous oxide [B] Ozone [C] Water [D] Methane o (ii) The temperature of 0 Celsius on the Kelvin scale is equal to: [A] 273 K [B] 273 K [C] 0 K [D] 100 K (iii) Element M forms a chloride with the formula MCl2 which is a solid with high melting point. M would most likely be placed in a: [A] Group 1 [B] Group 2 [C] Group 18 [D] Group 15 (iv) What volume will a gas occupy at 740 mm pressure which at 1480 mm of pressure occupies 500 cc? [A] 1000 cc [B] 10 cc [C] 100 cc [D] 150 cc (v) If someone buys a fully puffed up bag of chips from a store on the top of a mountain, the pack of chips is likely to explode or leak out the gas once the person reaches the bottom of the mountain. This happens because the air pressure at the top of the mountain is lower than at its base, which allows the gas to expand in volume and explode. This example is based on: [A] Boyle s law [B] Charles s law [C] Dalton s law [D] Avogadro s law (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Name the gas evolved in each of the following cases: [formula not accepted] Thermal decomposition of Potassium Nitrate. Nitrogen reacts with Hydrogen in presence of Iron as a catalyst. Calcium sulphite reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid. Heating effect on Zinc Carbonate. Thermal decomposition of Ammonium Dichromate. [5] (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Arrange the following as per the instructions given in the brackets: Rb, Li, K, Na [Increasing metallic character] Be, O, C, B, N [Increasing Atomic size] Ar, Kr, Xe, Ne [Increasing order of the number of electron shells] I, F, Br, Cl [Decreasing electronegativity] Al, Mg, S, Si, P [Increasing Ionization Energy] [5] (d) (i) (ii) Complete and balance following chemical equations: Pb + NaOH Al + H2SO4 [5] Page 27 of 52 (iii) CaCl2 + Na2CO3 (iv) NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 (v) AgNO3 (e) (i) Fill in the blanks with the correct choice given in brackets. 1 dm3 of a gas is equal to ______. [ 1 litre/ 100 ml/ 100cc] [5] (ii) Acid reacts with base to give salt and water only. The reaction is known as_______ . (Decomposition/ Neutralisation / Single displacement) (iii) If a compound is formed form atom A [Atomic no. 19] and an atom Y [ atomic no. 17], the compound would be an ______compound [ Electrovalent/Covalent] (iv) The substance which absorb water when exposed to atmosphere, becomes moist and ultimately turns into saturated solution is _____ (Efflorescent substance / Deliquescent substance) (v) Hardness which can be removed by boiling of water is ______ (Permanent Hardness/ Temporary Hardness) (f) (i) Solve: A compound is found to possess C = 40 %, H = 6.7% and O = 53.3 %. Its relative molecular mass is 60. Find the Empirical and Molecular formula of the compound. [C = 12, H = 1, O = 16] [3] (ii) A gas X at temperature 150C is heated until its pressure doubles and volume triples from the original pressure and volume. If the original volume is 1000 cc, calculate the temperature to which it should be heated. [2] (g) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Write one appropriate observation for the following: Iron nails are added to Copper sulphate solution. Dilute Hydrochloric acid is added to Calcium carbonate solution. Sodium hydroxide solution is added to Copper sulphate solution. Heating effect on Ammonium chloride. Sodium metal dropped in water. (h) (i) [5] Give appropriate scientific reasons for each of the following: Solid sodium chloride is non-conductor of electricity but aqueous solution of sodium chloride is good conductor of electricity. (ii) Natural rain water does not have a pH of 7. (iii) When stating the volume of a gas the pressure and temperature should be given. (iv) Granulated zinc is used to prepare hydrogen by the action of dilute hydrochloric acid. (v) Nitric acid in dilute form is not used in the laboratory preparation of hydrogen gas. [5] Section II (40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 2 (a) The formula of the dichromate of M is M2Cr2O7. State the formula of its: (i) Carbonate (ii) Sulphide (iii) Nitride (b) (i) (ii) (iii) Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following: Red hot iron reacts with steam Zinc sulphate solution reacts with Ammonium carbonate solution Thermal decomposition of Lead nitrate [3] [3] Page 28 of 52 (c) Draw electron dot structure for each of the following compounds and state the type of bond present in it: [4] (i) (ii) Carbon tetrachloride Calcium oxide Question 3 (a) Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions: [6] Identify gas X Give balanced chemical equation for above process. Write a chemical test for identification of gas X . Gas X is not collected over air, even though it is lighter than air. Why? Give balanced chemical equations for the industrial preparation of gas X . (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (b) (i) (ii) Identify the following as oxidation or reduction: Zn Zn2+ S2- S [2] (c) State the advantages of C.N.G. over combustion of fossil fuels. [2] Question 4 (a) Study the section of the Periodic Table given below: Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Group 1 H P Group 2 R Mg Group 13 S T Group 14 Group 15 U [6] Group 16 V Si Group 17 Group 18 He W X Q Note: You must see the position of the element in the periodic table. Some elements are given their own symbol and position in the periodic table, while others are shown with an alphabet. [Use the alphabet given in the above table only for the answers] (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) With reference to the above table answer the following questions: Identify the most electronegative element. How many valence electrons are present in U ? Identify the noble gas in Period 3 and write its electronic configuration. Arrange the elements in period 2 in the increasing order of atomic size. Which type of bond will form between R and W ? Give the molecular formula for the compound formed between S and V . (b) Identify the oxidising agent and reducing agent in the following reaction. CuO + H2 Cu + H2O [2] (c) State two chemicals responsible for the destruction of ozone layer. [2] Page 29 of 52 Question 5 (a) Give the balanced equations for the following conversions A to E: [5] A B C E D CuCO3 CuO CuSO4 Cu(OH)2 CuO Cu(NO3)2 (b) How would you distinguish between the following pairs of substances on the basis of the chemical tests given in brackets? [3] (i) Sodium chloride and Calcium chloride [Using Flame test] (ii) Sodium carbonate and Sodium sulphite [Using dil. Acid] (iii) Ferrous sulphate and Ferric chloride [ Using sodium hydroxide solution] (c) A given mass of gas occupies a volume of 200 ml at 370C. To what temperature must the gas be heated to make its final volume as 500 ml. Assume that the pressure of the gas remains constant? [2] Question 6 (a) Five atoms are labelled from A to B: Atoms Mass number Atomic number A 19 9 B 7 3 C 16 8 D 14 7 E 40 18 Answer the following questions using above information. (i) Which element have octet complete? (ii) Which element contains 7 neutrons? (iii) Write molecular formula of the compound formed between B and C. (iv) Identify a halogen. (v) State the group number of B. [5] (b) (i) Answer the following: [3] During metallurgy smelting plants produce sulphur dioxide, when metallic sulphide are roasted in air. Give a balanced equation for the same. (ii) Define Coordinate bond. (iii) By drawing electron dot diagram show the formation of ammonium ion. (c) (i) (ii) Compare ionic compound and covalent compound with regard to: Solubility in water Electrical conductivity Question 7 (a) Match the following: Gas evolved in a reaction (i) Hydrogen chloride (ii) Hydrogen sulphide (iii) Nitrogen dioxide (iv) Chlorine (v) Ammonia [2] [5] (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Chemical test for the gas Turns Nessler s reagent from colourless to brown. Turns moist blue litmus red and then bleaches it. Turns moist lead acetate paper silvery black. Forms curdy white ppt. with silver nitrate solution. Turns green acidified ferrous sulphate solution brown and shows brown ring test. Page 30 of 52 (b) (i) (ii) (iii) An atom of an element X has 2 electrons in its N shell. State its electronic configuration. Is it a metal or non-metal? Give reason to your answer. Where is the element placed in the periodic table? (c) Concentrated nitric acid oxides phosphorus to produce phosphoric acid according to the following equations: [2] P + 5 HNO3 (Conc.) H3PO4 + H2O + 5NO2 If 93 g of phosphorus was used in the reaction, calculate: The mass of phosphoric acid formed. The volume of nitrogen dioxide produced at STP. [P= 31, O= 16, H= 1, N= 14] (i) (ii) [3] Page 31 of 52 Page 32 of 52 Page 33 of 52 Page 34 of 52 PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT- II (2018-2019) SUBJECT GEOGRAPHY Std: IX Max. Marks: 80 Date: 22/02/2019 Duration: 2h Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I and any 5 questions from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in []. Part I (30 marks) Attempt all questions Question 1 On the outline World map mark and label the following: a) The Rockies b) Sea of Japan c) River Tigris d) Hudson Bay e) Gulf of Carpentaria f) Atlas Mountains g) Mongolian Plateau h) Shade and label the Equatorial region in the continent of Africa. i) Shade and label the hot desert region in the continent of Australia. j) Ural Mountains Question 2 Give one word for the following. a) Navigation around the globe. b) A body that revolves around the planet. c) A framework of lines of longitude and latitude on a globe. d) The line of longitude whose angular distance is defined as 0 . e) Imaginary central line about which a body rotates. f) The period of diffused light between sunset and darkness. g) The period of diffused light between sunrise and full daylight. h) An extensive area of flat lowland. i) The boundary between mantle and core. j) A hollow created by depression of wind. Question 3 Draw a neat and labelled diagram for the following. a) Perihelion and Aphelion positions. b) Layers of the Earth. c) Important parallels of latitudes. This paper consist of 2 printed pages [10] [10] [3] [3] [4] Turn over Section B (50 marks) Attempt any five questions Question 4 a) b) c) d) State two features that have made life possible on the Earth. Name the four realms of the Earth. Mention three evidences to prove the spherical shape of the Earth. Explain the significance of the atmosphere as compared to other planets. Question 5 a) What is local time? Explain with an example. b) What are Time Zones? Why do some countries have many Time Zones? c) Define longitude. Give two characteristics of longitude. d) A cricket match will start at 5:30 pm in India. At what time will it be telecast at Montreal in Canada 74oW? Question 6 a) Define i) Elliptic ii) Circle of Illumination b) What is Rotation? Mention two effects of Rotation. c) Give reasons for the following. i) Every fourth year is a leap year. ii) Norway is the land of the Midnight Sun . iii) The equator experiences the overhead sun twice a year. d) Distinguish between Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice. [2] [2] [3] [3] [2] [2] [3] [3] [2] [2] [3] [3] Question7 a) Name the boundary separating the crust and the mantle. State one characteristics of it. b) Differentiate between Sial and Sima. c) Give any three characteristics of the Earth s core. d) Name the layer lying below the crust. Give two features of it. [2] [2] [3] [3] Question 8 a) How are Block mountains formed? Give two examples of it. b) Give two points of importance of landforms. c) How are Fold Mountains formed? Mention two characteristics of it. d) Name the three types of Depositional plains. Give one example for each. [2] [2] [3] [3] Question9 a) Define i) Estuary ii) Tributary b) Name any two factors affecting the work of a river. c) What are Barchans? Give two chief characteristics of it. d) How are Deltas formed? What are the conditions required for a delta to form? Page 2 [2] [2] [3] [3] PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - II (2018-2019) SUBJECT ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Std.: IX Max. Marks: 80 Date: 28/02/2019 Time: 2 hours Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[]. Section A (40 Marks) Attempt all the questions from this section. Question 1 Answer the following. [10] a) What is cellular respiration? b) Write the meaning of the term forest. c) What is migration? d) Write the full form of the abbreviations VOCs and PAN e) What are the non living components of biosphere? Question 2 Answer the following. [10] a) Suggest two ways of reducing Green House Gases. b) Write any two disadvantages of building dams. c) What is urbanisation? d) Name the pollutants that cause acid rain. e) Define ecosystem. Question 3 Answer the following. a) b) c) d) e) [10] What are ozone depleters? Give one example. Write any two ways of improving soil fertility. Mention any two pull factors. Name any two synthetic pollutants. Write a short note on consumers (heterotrophs). Page 2 Question 4 Answer the following. a) b) c) d) [10] Mention the consequences of soil erosion. Write any two causes of congestion. Write the harmful health effects of inhaling carbon monoxide. Define synergism. What is the other name for synergism? Section B (40 Marks) Attempt any 4 questions from this section. Question 5 Answer the following. a) b) [10] Explain the effects of aerosols on our lives.88 What are the abiotic components of the ecosystem? Explain them in detail. Question 6 Answer the following. [10] a) Explain in detail the layers of atmosphere. b) Mention a few causes of land pollution. Question 7 Answer the following. [10] a) What is the meaning of a push factor? Explain any four push factors. b) Explain about predation and parasitism in detail. Question 8 Answer the following. [10] a) What are toxic air pollutants? How can the pollutants be classified on the basis of their composition and nature? b) Differentiate between Photosynthesis and Respiration. Question 9 Answer the following. a) b) [10] Explain the various causes of soil erosion. Describe the ill-effects of overgrazing. Question 10 Answer the following. a) b) [10] What is Mutualism? Give two examples each of symbiotic and non- symbiotic interactions. Define air pollution. Write about the natural disasters which cause air pollution. Page 2 PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-II (2018-2019) SUBJECT- COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Std. : IX Max. Marks: 100 Date: 07/03/2019 Duration: 2 h. Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. This paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions Question 1 (a) Name any two OOP s principles. (b) Name two jump statements and their use. (c) What do you mean by Library classes? Write any two Library classes. (d) Write two advantages of using function in a program. (e) What are two ways of invoking functions? [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 2 (a) Explain while loop with an example. (b) Define pure Function. Give two examples (c) Explain the use of wrapper classes in Java? (d) Differentiate between = and = = (e) What do you mean by type conversion? [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 3 (a) Convert the following switch statement into the if ----else statement. int c; char ch; switch(ch) { case + : c= a+b; System.out.println( Result is +c); break; case - : c=a-b; System.out.println( Result is +c); break; case * : c=a*b; System.out.println( Result is +c); break; case / : c=a/b; System.out.println( Result is +c); break; Page 2 [2] default:System.out.println( Wrong input ); } (b) What is the output of the following program? class Test1{ public static void main(String args[]) {int x=20; System.out.print(x); Test1 obj= new Test1(); obj.display(); } void display() { int x=10; System.out.println(x); } } (c) Write prototype of a function answer which takes string as an argument returns true (d) Name the following: (i) A keyword used to call a package in the program. (ii) Non primitive data type (e) Write a Java Expression for P= [2] [2] [2] [2] (f) convert the following while loop into for loop. int p = 100; while(true) { if (p<10) break; p= p -10; } (g) How many times will the following loop execute? What value will be returned? int x=2, y=50; do{ ++x; y - = x++; }while(x<=10); return y; (h) Give the output of the following: (i) Math.pow(Math.floor(13.2), 4/5) (ii) Math.max(Math.rint(3.2), 3.8) (i) Evaluate the following expression if the values of the variables are: P = 7, q = 9, r = 11; P *( q++ % 4) * (++ r) (j) Rewrite the following using ternary operator: Page 2 [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] if(n%10==7) System.out.println( Contain last digit 7 ); else System.out.println( Does not contain last digit 7 ); SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions Question 4 Design a class to overload a function SumSeries as follows: (a) double SumSeries(int n)- with one integer argument and return the sum of the following series: Sum = 3+33+333+3333.......n terms (b) double SumSeries(double x, int n) with one double argument and one integer argument and return the sum of the following series: Sum = + + + [15] +........n terms Question 5 [15] Using switch statement, write a menu driven program to input a number and check whether it is a Disarium number or not or Perfect number or not. (a) A number is said to be Disarium if the sum of its digits powered with their respective position is equal to the original number. For example 135 is a Disarium number. (11+32+53 = 1+9+125=135) (b) A number is said to be perfect if the sum of the factors of the number including one but excluding itself is equal to the original number. For example 6 is a perfect number. (1+2+3 = 6 where 1,2 and 3 are factors of 6) Question 6 [15] Write a menu driven program to perform the following: (i) Print Flyord s Triangle 1 23 456 7 8 9 10 (ii) Print the following pattern: 1 22 333 4444 55555 Page 2 Question 7 [15] The Electricity board charges from their consumers according to the units consumed per month. The amount to be paid as per the given tariff: Units consumed Charges Up to 100 units Rs 5.50/unit For next 200 units Rs 6.50/unit For next 300 units Rs 7.50/unit More than 600 units Rs 8.50/unit Write a program to input consumer s name, consumer number and units consumed. The program displays the following information at the time receiving money receipt as: Money Receipt Consumer Number : Consumer s Name : Units Consumed : Amount to be paid : Question 8 [15] Using switch statement write a menu driven program to input two numbers and print the GCD of them or print Fibonacci series upto the number 90. (a) GCD(Greatest Common Divisor) of two integers is calculated by continued division method. Divide the larger number by the smaller; the remainder then divides the previous divisor. The process is repeated till the remainder is zero. The divisor then results the GCD (b) Fibonacci series: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, 34, 55, 89 The first two Fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of previous two. Question 9 Design a class overload a function Volume( ) as follows: (i) void Volume(int l, int b, int h): It prints the volume of cuboid. (ii) voidVolume(int s): It prints the volume of cube. (iii) void Volume(int r, int h): It prints the volume of cylinder Volume of Cuboid = l*b*h Volume of Cube = (S)3 Volume of Cylinder= 3.14*r*r*h Page 2 [15] Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-II (2018-19) SUBJECT- PHYSICAL EDUCATION Std.: IX Max. Marks: 100 Date: 07/03/2019 Duration: 2 h. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any two questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in [ ]. SECTION - A (50 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 (a) Which side of the heart is stronger than the other? Justify. (b) Define: i) Artery ii) Vein (c) Define games and list any two benefits of playing games. (d) List any three sports activities that increase your blood circulation. [2] [2] [3] [3] Question 2 (a) How does playing sports develop team spirit? [2] (b) Differentiate between games and sports with respect to the development of the body[2] (c) What is hemoglobin? State its two functions. [3] (d) Give the relation between heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output. [3] Question 3 (a) List psychological and sociological developement associated with games and sports[2] (b) Explain the following terms: [2] i) Systolic blood pressure ii) Diastolic blood pressure (c) Name any three games that improve your brain functioning. [3] (d) Write any three yields of exercising on the circulatory system. [3] Question 4 (a) Write about the history of games and sports. (b) Give two examples of a sport that can be played solo. (c) How does blood circulate in the human body? Explain. (d) What is blood transfusion? Name the common blood types. [2] [2] [3] [3] Question 5 (a) Write the function of the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein. (b) What is the role of WBCs and platelets in the body? (c) Why is playing sports and games crucial part of a person s life. (d) What are the characteristics required for building good sportsmanship? [2] [2] [3] [3] Page 2 SECTION B (50 Marks) Attempt two questions from this Section. You must attempt one question on each of the two games of your choice FOOTBALL Question 6 a) Draw a neat diagram of a football ground and list its dimensions. b) i) What is offside rule? ii) What are the duties of the referee before the match? iii) Give any three situations when a kick-off is applied. c) Explain the following: i) Penalty kick ii) Throw in iii) Corner kick iv) FIFA [8] [9] [8] Question 7 a) Explain the terms: i) Durand cup ii) Kick off iii) Subroto Cup iv) Zone defense [8] b) i) Circumference, weight and air pressure of football? ii) Explain any three laws of the game? iii) Mention any three hand signals in football. [9] c) Draw a diagram of a football field showing the following areas with dimensions: i) Corner arc. ii) Centre circle iii) Goal area iv) Penalty area v) Penalty mark vi) Penalty arc vii) Goal lines viii) Touch lines [8] BASKETBALL Question 8 a) Draw the diagram of a basketball court and list its dimensions. [8] b) i)What is the duration of the game? How is this time divided? ii) Write the six procedures of substitution. iii) Explain any three rules of Basketball? c) Explain the following: i) 24 second device ii) Holding iii) Jump stop iv) Double dribble [9] [8] Question 9 a) Explain the following: i) A hook Pass ii)Clean shot iii) Front pivot iv) Topping ball ii) Write in short about the equipment s necessary to conduct the games. ii) What is a team foul? iii) What duties are performed by a Timekeeper? b) What are the hand signals for the following terms? i)Travelling ii) Jump ball iii) Back court iv) Eight seconds Page 2 [8] [9] [8] CRICKET Question 10 a) Explain the following terms in Cricket i) Night Watchman ii) Yorker iii) Block iv) Ranji Trophy i) Name six fielding position on the off side of the field. ii) State any three duties of a captain. iii) Explain the equipment worn by the batsman? c) Write the following: i) Name two players who have owned the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award. ii) List any four equipment s worn by the wicket keeper. iii) State the full form of BCCI and ICC. iv) State the following:-Weight and circumference of the ball. [8] b) [9] [8] Question 11 a) Draw a well labelled diagram of play field showing any eight fielding positions. [8] b) i) What do you mean by ball tampering? ii) Write a short note on the boundaries in Cricket. iii) Briefly explain: Test match Cricket [9] c) i) Name any four strokes played by a batsman. ii) Explain the term China Man. iii) Explain a Power play. iv) Write a short note on BCCI. [8] Page 2 PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - II (2018-2019) SUBJECT-INDIAN DANCE Std: IX Max. Marks: 100 Date: 07/03/2019 Duration: 2 h. Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in [ ]. Attempt any five Questions Question 1 (a) Match the Following [10] A (i) His Sacred Thread (ii) His Damaru (iii) His Tiger skin (iv) His Serpent (v) The fire in his hand (vi) His hair (vii) His hands (viii) His smile (ix) Varada (the other hand) (x) Anklet B (a) Control of Jealousy (b) Wisdom (c) Destruction (d) Creation of Sound (e) Liberation (f) Destructor of the Evil (g) Philosophy (h) To show Bravery (i) Control on anger (j) Eight Directions (b) Complete the sentence with the appropriate term given in the brackets. [10] (i) __________ bhava evokes the sympathy by responding to the sorrows of others.(Satvika Bhava, Sthayi Bhava, Sanchari bhava) (ii) According to the__________ there are 8 Rasas.(Nandikeshwara, Jayadeva, Bharata) (iii) Lord Nataraja s _______ gesture is for protection.(Varada, Sacred Thread, Abhaya karam) (iv) _________ is a kind of lasya having many sub divisions.( Bhedyaka, Pindi, Lata) (v) A commonly seen postre in Bharatanatyam is the ________.( Prenkhana Mandala, Ayata Mandala, Pratyalidha Mandala) (vi) Shiva s hands represent _________.( Enlightment, eight directions wisdom) (vii) _________ form of dance is performed in chain form.(Shrinkhala, Bhedyaka, Lata) (viii) ________ is considered to be the originator of Tandava. (Shiva , Nataraja, Tandu) (ix) Where the mind goes, there the _________ follows.(Glance, mood, hand) (x) The master is none other than _________.(Bhrahman, Bhrahma, Vishnu) Question 2 (a) State whether the each of the following statements are True or False (i) Tripur Tandava was performed by lord Shiva for protecting his disciple. (ii) Where the hand goes, the mind follows. (iii) Whose speech is the language of universe. (iv) Chanrakala is used to show the half moon. (v) Suchi is used to indicate an object. (vi) Mushthi is used to show anger. (vii) Katakamukha is picking flowers. (viii) Alapadama is prescribed to denote bee. (ix) When 2 asamyukta hastas are combined it become Samyukta hastas. Page 2 [10] (x) Tarjani is middle finger. (c) Define the following terms in one line each. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) [10] Sanchari Bhava Pati Raudra Rasa Sviyaa Nayika Vachika Sarvaangmayam Shrinkhala Ardhanari Tandava Yato mana Stato bhava Thasmai Shree Guruve NAmaha Samasuchi Question 3 (a) What is Mandala Bheda? Describe all 10 Mandala Bheda in detail (b) What is Lasya? Write in detail its different types Natyashashtra. [10] [10] Question 4 Define the term Rasa. Write in brief about Navarasa. [20] Question 5 Write Short notes on any two of the following. (a) Significance of Nataraj (b) Names of Asamyukta Hasta Mudra with at least two meaning each. (c) Names of Samyukta Hasta Mudra with at least two meaning each. [10] [10] [10] Question 6 Write a brief about any 2 of the following. (a) Names of fingers in Sanskrit and write about speeds in dance with definition. (b) Write two shlokas with meaning Shiva Stuti and Natyakrama . (c) What is Bhava? Write in detail about it s different types [10] [10] [10] Question 7 (a) Write Short note on any two of the following (i) Shringara Rasa (ii) Khandita Nayika (iii) Pada Chari (iv) Ardhamandala in Bharatanatyam. [5] [5] [5] [5] (b) Write in detail about Ashtanayika. [10] Question 8 (a) Explain Deva Hastas with its Hand Gestures( Minimum 10) (b) Define Nayaka according to Bharata with its different types. Page 2 [10] [10]

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