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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2024 : Computer Applications

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Nilima Sarkar
Sarojini Naidu College for Women, Kolkata
B.Sc Computer Science
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SARADA EDUCARE Affiliated To C.I.S.C.E TIME : 2 hrs. 1399, Laskarhat Road, Picnic Garden, Kolkata-700039 HALF-YEARLY EXAMINATION 2023-2024 SUBJECT : Computer Application CLASS : IX FULL MARKS:80 Section A [40 Marks] (Attempt all questions) Question 1 [5 x 2 = 10] (a) Define Data Abstraction. (b) Define polymorphism. (c) What are java reversed word ? Name any five. (d) What is the difference between = and = = ? (e) Difference between System.out.print and System.out.println ? Question 2 (a) Give the output of the following: i)Math.floor(-4.7) (ii) Math.ceil(3.4) + Math.pow(2, 3) (b) Give the output of the following expression: a+= a++ + ++a + a + a ; when a = 7 (c) Convert the following arithmetic expression into java statement. 1 1 ab + 2 cd 3 (d) System.out.print( BEST ); System.out.println( OF LUCK ); Choose the correct option for the output of the above statements: (i) BEST OF LUCK (ii) BEST OF LUCK Question 3 (a) write down the syntax with the reference of Java Programming : i)To accept fractional value (float) x through Scanner class ii)To create a scanner object iii)Name two kinds of java data type (b)Write the output of the following code : int m=2 int n=15; for(int i=1;i<5;i++) m++; - - n; System.out.println("m="+m); System.out.println("n="+n); (c) Rewrite the snippet using Ternary operators: if(a<b) { c=(a+b); } else { c=(a-b); [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2+2] [2] [2] [2] [1+1+1] [5] [2] Question 4 (a) What is a Package? Give an example. (b) Give the output and show the dry run. [2] [8] public static void abc() { int x=1, i=2; do { x*=i; }while(++i<=5); System.out.println(x); } Section-B(40 Marks) (Attempt Any Four) [10 x 4=40] 4. A library charges fine of returning the books late, the fines mentioned are as under : First 5 days 40 paise per day 6 to 10 days 65 paise per day Above 10 days 80 paise per day Design a program to calculate the fine assuming that 9 books is returned N days late 5. Write a Program to check whether a num is perfect square or not, 25 is a perfect square. 6. Write a Java class Armstrong to enter a number from keyboard and check whether it is an Armstrong number or not ( An Armstrong no. is one in which sum of the cubes of the digits is same as the num itself example 153 = 13 + 53 +33 1+125+27 = 153 7. Write a Program to check whether a num is perfect square or not, 25 is a perfect square. 8. Write a Program to print the reverse of a number, use the class named reverse number. 9. Write a Program to calculate and print the sum of each of the following series. a) Sum = 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + .20 [72] b) Sum = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 .. n [7 ] 1 1 2

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