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ICSE Class IX Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (St. Xaviers Collegiate School (SXCS), Kolkata)

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Rahul Samaddar
St. Xavier's Collegiate School (SXCS), Kolkata
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St. Xavier's Colepiate School, Kolkata Second Seme ter Block Test Class: 9, English Language Date: 22/02/2024 FullMarks: 80 Time: 2 hours QI. Write a composition (300-350) words on any Ohe of the following: [20] a) Write a short story which of a thousand miles begins journey "A illustrates statement, the truth of the pf with a single step." b) You woke up one night c) Narrate an incident fromand saw a house on F Describe what happeneu some reason to do very well, but for expected your own you experience when it happened. What lesson did you learn from you were unable to do so. Explain what at bappenedland why it? d) Express your views either for or against the statcment: "Reality television depicts real life." a) Study the picture given below. Write a storv or a description or an accoun the picture or you may of what it suggests to you. Your composition maybe about the subject of take SUggestions from it; however, there must e a clear connection between the picture and composition. Q2. Select any one of the following: [10] a) You borrowed a bicycle from your friend, which has been damaged unintentionally by you. Write a letter to your friend saying that you are sorry and explaining to her (or him) what damage has been done and how it all happened. b) You went to an ATM to withdraw some money but the machine did not dispense the amount. However, the amount got deducted from your Savings Bank Account. Write a letter to the manager of the bank. complaining about the incident. Q3. a) Your school is conducting an Inter-school Creative Writing Competition. Write a notice for your school informing the students of classes IX andX about the upcoming event. (S] b) Write an e-mail to an eminent author inviting herhim to judge the competition. Mention the date time venue and other relevant details of the event. Q4 Rcad the following passage carefullv and answcr e following questions: iAnsw ) Arab orse On the 3 of Junc,: arather small, thoroughbred dealhcd Was brought to Napoleon. He mounted the hon the Nieman. all the while by rapturous and rodc tocndured one of the evidently onlybridges becauseover it was imposibie to Totbjd the men to express their love for himwhich by suchh everywheret him he went, fatigued him and shouting The shouting. that accompaniedhim fromthe tme distracted his attention beset acclamations he joined the from the military problems which army. He rode over one of the small thelef bridges tothe farther side and turmed sharplytoexcitement hen he galloped inthe direction of tore ahead to clear a passage for Kovno, preceded by the spirited horse guards who, wild withhe him through the p troops. On reaching the broad river. Viliya, pulled beside a regiment of Polish soldiers stationed on the bank. "Long live the Emperor!" shouted the Poles no less. cne another to get a sight of him. Napoleon looked up and their ranks and pushing against enthusiadown sticallthey, breaking river, his horse and down got off alog that lay on the bank. He gazed at the opposite bank and then, with spread out between logs. Without lifting his head. he said sOmething, and absorbed two of sat attention, studied on a map his military officers galloped off to the Polish soldiers. "What? What did he say?" was heard in the ranks of the Polish them. The order was that they should look for aford and cross thesoldiers as one of the adjutants rode up to riiyver. The colonel of the Polish handsome old man, flushing and stammering in his soldiers, a excitement, asked Officer whether he might be permitted to swim the river with his men instead of seeking athe In ford. obvious dread of arefusal, Fke a boy asking permission to get on a nors, e 3cd to be to swim across the river before the allowed rrseves The officer replied that in all the Emperor Would not be probabiy, displeased at the excess of zeal. Commanding onor had the officer said than the old whisk4red colonel, with beaming face and sparkling eves. brandished his sabre in the air, shouted "Long live the Emperor!" and, calling on his men to follow him spurred his horse and dashed down to theriver. He gave a Vicious to thrust his charger which had grown restiye under him, and plunged into the water, heading for the deepest part where the current was swift. Hundreds of soldiers calloped in after him. It was cold and frightful in the middle of the rapid current. The men clung to one another as thev fell from the horses. Some animals and some men were drowned. The rest reach the opposite bank. Though there was a ford struggled to swim on and only a quarter of a mile away, they were about proud to be swimming and drowning in the river under the eyes of the man, who sat on the log and was not even looking at what they were doing. (i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: 1. beset- (line 6) a) troubled (lx2-2] b) scared c) exclude d) clarify 2. dread- (line 20) a) fear b) horrible c) awful d) awesome (1) Which word ithe passage means the opposite of theword zeal. a) passion b) fire c) devotion d) apathy [1] a b) questions bricfly in your words. (i) Answer the lollowing own Napoleon 's route and a) State in brief' guards show thoi. love for Napolcon during the journey. horse the ways did b) In what destination. c Why did Napoleon pull over on reaching theriver, Viliya?theriver? d) Why didthe Polish colonel ask to be allowea to swim in e) Which sentence shows us that the army foloued thc foolhardy order? than 50 words summarise what the soldiers did to please Napoleon. e (iv) In not more [2] (2] (2] [1] [2 [8] word given in with the correct form of the blanks cach of the fill numbered in passage, the following In a) or phrase appropriate to the brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in COTcct serial order the word (4] blank space. Q5. Example: (0) came (come) to an ashram 0 A seeker, in search of a Master who would lead him othe path of holiness, hol ness, was also a fraud. (have) a great reputation for presided over by a guru who, in addition to But the seeker did not know this. There is a river 2 obedience. your test must 4 ourn said the disciple," my as "Betore l accept you 4 (wade) across the river." (tlow) by the ashram that 3 (infest) with crocodiles. I want you to (cry), he iust did that. He walked across the river So great was the faith of the young disciple that back and bank other the to walked gunu'sastonishment the man "Allpraise to the power of mny guru!" To the unharmed. (imagine), so he decided to his reputation for holiness. give all his disciples a demonstration of his power and thereby. 7_(cnhance) crocodiles promptly _8 (seize) The me!" to Draise AI me! to praise "All crying, river into the He stepped This convinced the guru that he was more of a saint than he himself 6 him and devoured him. 14] b) Fillin the blanks with appropriate words. the price of rice. pressure to complete her project work. ii) She was 5 pm and 7 pm on Saturday. iii) We can visit her in the hospital i) There was a steep rise iv) It took Austin many months to get the loss of his friend. themselves for their father's property. v) The brothers fought the shop at night vi) Burglars broke telling Alice the truth vii) Irefrained a group discussion. vii) The theory examination was followed and, but or sO: c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using fail i) You should work hard. Otherwise you will a) Despite working hard you will fail. b) If you do not work hard, you will fail. c) If you work hard you will fail. d) To avoid failing you should work hard. ii) Could he give us a loan?I did not know. a) Could he not have given us a loan? loan. b) I did not know whether he could give us a c) I was told he couldgive usa loan, knowing. d) A loan was given to us despite not iii) He reached home. The sun had not set then. reached home, a) The sun was setting when he reached home, b) The sun had set before he c) The sun is setting on his way home. d) He reached home before sunset. [4) iv) Fecd him. Hewill dicof hunger. him, he willdie of hung a) In spite of fecding fed. he dicd of hunger. b) Even though he was will die of hunger. c) Fecd him otherwise he hunger. d) Feed him before he dies of d) Choose the corrcct option to rewritethe followincording to the instructions given play the children ran Out 1. AssOon as the bellrang, children the than ring run a) No Sooner does the bell after cach sentence. [8] (Begin with: No sooner...) to play. b) No sooner does the bell ringthan children ran out tooutplay. childrenn ran out to play. sooner did the bell ring when the c)d) No No sooner did the bell ring than the children ran out to play. 2. Iff you do not complcte your work, you will not be allowed to play. a) Unless you complete your work you will not be allowed to play. (End with: b) Unless you complete your work, you will not be allowed to play. c) If you complete your work, you might be allowed to play. will be to play. d) When you complete your work you , Theold Jadysaid to her daughter, "Please avopany me to the market tomorrow (Begin with: The old lady...) allowed rheald lady asked her daughter to accompany her to the market the next day. The old lady requested her daughter to aceompany her to the market the next day. e) The old lady requested her daugnter Weer she would accompany her to the market the following day. d) The old lady said to her daughter to accon pany her to the market the next day. 4. Rajesh is so crafty that he does not listen to his parents, a) Rajesh is too crafty that he does not listen to his parents. Use: too) b) Rajesh does not listen to the parents as he is toocrafty. c) Rajesh is too crafty to listen to his parents d) Rajesh is too crafty as he does listen to his parents. 5. Although she practised athletics every moming, she still did not qualify for the competition. (Use: despite) a) Despite her having practised athletics every moming shestill did not qualify for the competition. b) Despite practising athletics every morning, she still did not qualifyinto the competition. c) Despite her having practised athletics every morning, she still did not qualify for the competition. d) Despite the fact that she practised athleticsevery morning, she still did not qualify for the competition. 6 "Hurrah! We have won the game!", shouted the boys. (Begin with: The boys...) a) The boys said happily that they had won the game. b) The boysexclaimed with happiness that they hadwon the game. c) The boys were excited and they shouted that they had won the game. d) The boys announced that they had won the game. 7 Amit is the funniest man in the entertainment (End business. a) Amit is funnier than many other men in the entertainnment business. b) Amit is funnier than many other in the entertainment business. c) Noother man is as funny as Amit in the entertainment business. d) Few other men are as funny as Amit in the entertainment business. (Use: nokonly..but also) 8, Rahul was a bright student and a skiled debater. a) Not only was Rahul abright student, but also askilleddebater. b) Not only was Rahulthe bright student but also askilled debater. c) Rahul is not only a bright student but is also askilled debater also. d) Not only was Rahul a bright student but also askilled debater.

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