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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2025 : Chemistry

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SMT.SUNITIDEVI SINGHANIASCHOOL, THANE Class Subject Exam Date Marks Time 10h Chemistry Term 2 21.11.24 80 2 hrs STD/DIV: NAME: alah. nglal Slde A_ROLL NO. Instructlons: Answer to this paper must be written on a paper provided separately You willnot be allowed to write in the first 15 minutes. timeat istheto head be spent reading quostion paper. for writing the answers. The timeThis given of this paperthe is the time allowed Sectlon A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ RAN SC IA HOOL, SECTIONA (Attempt all questions from this section) Question 1 Choose one correct answer to the question from the given options: (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only) i. Nessler's reagent is used to identify: a. b. C. d. Oz NH3 HCI Hz0 ii. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? a. Unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo addrioriseactions b. The subsequent members of a homglogos Series differ by a CH group C. Saturated hydrocarbons undergq bution reactions d. The members of a homologousedeshave similar chemical properties Ii. The empirlcal formula of a conpoundwith molecular formula CsH1206 is: TIDEV a. CsH2Os b. CiH12Os C. CsH1203 d. CH,0 /iv. Ammonia rea tswh Oxygen in the presence of Pt catalyst to form: a. Nitrogen'e b. Nitroge c. Nitricoxe oniumhydroxide d. the process of electrolysls is an example of: Oxidation reaction Reduction reaction C. RedoX reaction d. Displacement reaction v. -CHO functional group is present in a. Butanal b. Ethanol C. Propanone d. Methanolc acid vll. The acidity Is 3 for a. Ammonium hydroxide b. Copper hydroxide C. Zinc hydroxide d. Ferric hydroxlde (15) vill. Which among the following conditions does not hold true for Direct current should be used. b. The electrolyte must C. Alow current for a contain ions of the base metal to be d. The metal to be prolonged period of time must be used.electroplated. plated on the article is made the anode. is the functional group in a. ix. electroplating? methanol. a. >C=0 b. -OH C. -CHO d. -cooH X. The electronic configuration is 2,8,6. It gains 'Y' electrons into its nearest noble gas shell to atain the respectively, are: electronic configuration and gets converted to an ionvalence Z. X, Y, and Z, a. b. C. d. of X Sodium, one, ctropositive Beryllium, two,eleelectronegative T H A N Oxygen, six, electronegative Sulphur, two, electronegative xi. Prateek added warm water to magnesium nitride, and a colourless SCHOUEn gas evolyed it turned ,when phenolphthalein, pink. The gas Carbon dioxide A evolved is: tested with a. b. Ammonia C. Nitrogen d. Hydrogen chloride (xi.The diagram belowshows a circuit used to Which arrow indicates electrolyse the of movement the external circuit? apeQusSodium argentocyanide. the silver ions n theelectrolyte and of the Powwor sUDply electrons in e r olecredoe a. 3 b. 3 d. xil Asertion (A): Chlorine forms a stable ion with the same Reason (R): Chlorine has seven valence electronic as argon. electron and to complete itsconfiguration it gains one electron. octet a. Both A and R are true b. BothA and R are true and R Is the correct explanation of A and R is the not correct C. Ais true butRis false explanation of A d. A is false but R 0s true to xIv. Which of the following chains of hydrocarbons undergoes two saturated? steps of reactlons to become I.I -C-C b. -C=C -CC C. I N V V H I N L Y O E E O H O S C= C-C Xv. Which of the following is collected by upward displacement of air? a. Ammonia Hydrogen chloride C. Nitric acid d. Sulphuric acid Question 2 i. Copy and complete the following table: (5) General formula (i1) CnH2n+2 IUPAC name of homologous series (ii) (iv) UPAC name of first member (v) Ethyne (vi) Type of carbon-carbon bond C=C (vi) (vii) (ix) Addition Typeof reaction with chlgrhe i. Match the following Column (S) Column B a. ExplosiVeyelow liquid b. hencaname of oleum 2. Catenation Sulphuric acid Property of self combinatlon 3. Nitric acld OPAC name of acetic acld 4. Pyro sulphuric acid Oil of vitriol f 1. 5. Nitrogen tr chloride 6. Ethanoic acid ii. Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from the brackets. L(Chlorine, Fluorine] b. Berylllum has diagonal relationship with, [Aluminlum, Magneslum) a. Most reactive non-metal Is C. A (reddish brown/ dirty green] coloured preclpitate is formed when ammonium hydroxide is added to a solutlon of ferric chloride. INO/ NOJ.. d. Dil Nitric acid reacts wlth Copper to give [alkaline/acidic] solution wllturn methyl orange solution pink. e. An (5) iv. ldentify the following: a. Abond formed between two atoms by sharing of a pair of being provided by the same atom. electrons, with both electrons b. Asalt formed by the complete neutralization of an acid by a base. C. Name of the (uestion :4 Draw the test which is used for the detection of Nitrate radical. d. The energy required to remove an electron from a neutral /e. The process of formation of ions from a. gaseous atom. molecules on passing electric current. Differentiate between them 1. Non -polar and Polar b. Give the IUPAC name for the 1 (2) covalent compound 2. Strong and Weak electrolyte H NGH S N C I H A OOL,THANE following organic compounds: (2) H-c-H H--C-C= C-H HH O c. In electrolysis, metal to be plated rticle is always made the anode. Give reason .(1) (40Questions) Marks) O E`ECiON V tany-8Four SAueston :3 i Write the gempt products nd balancethe equations: Boil a. i. (2) CHRlcoholic KOH Cbnc.HNO, Arrange thefollowing as per the instructions given in the brackets: N, F, O, Be (decreasing order of lonisation potential) b. H, K, Na, LI (increasing order of number of electron shells) C. Cl, Mg, Si, P (decreasing order of non- metallic character) lii. Name the following: (3) (3) la. The gas commonly known as marsh gas. b. The flame used for welding and of metals. Ic. Particles present in solution of acutting weak acid 0v. Agas cylinder holds 150 g of a gas 'A'. The same cylinder filled with hydrogen holds 25g of hydrogen gas under the same conditions of temperature when and pressure. Calculate the vapour density of gas 'A'. (2 Question :4 i. Draw the structural formula of: (2) a. Pentan-3-ol Questi (DoChoose not IfA = hich of t. A+A-BB b. 2,2-dimethylbutane ii. Draw the structures of the isomers of C H2 and write their IUPAC names. iii. Calculate the empirical and molecular formula of a compound containing 76.6% carbon, 6.38 %hydrogen and rest oxygen .its vapour density is 47. (mass of C= 12, H=1,0 =16). (3) iv. State one observation for each of the following: a. Asmall piece of metal Sodium is added to ethanol. 4B c. he line is tityselect iplethato Electrolysis of fused lead bromide. State observation at cathode and Auestion :5 I. The empirical formula of an organic compound is CaH N.Its molecular weghtiO. Find the amount of Carbon in one mole of the compound. Show all the steps involved. [C-12 H,, N=14]. (3) ii. Name the following organic compounds: a. The compound formed by complete bromination of acetyBene b. The second homologue whose general formula is n2n (3) c. The aldehyde with 2 carbon atoms ii. Write the IUPAC names of the following hydrooarbons A3O H (4) H VIS -o1-uH-CC-H Cl C b. H H-CC C. CH C- CH, CHS B CH neres dy inc (3) b. Todilute sulphuric acid insufficient amount of sodium hydroxide solution is addedand the salt solution obtained is tested with methyl orange indicator. BA pendicul. (2) CH, elestlon :6 I. 120 ml of oxygen was mlxed with 48 ml of carbon monoxide and mixture s ignited. Calculate the volume of oxygen used up and the volume of carbon dioxide formed. (3) 2CO + Oz 2CO2 II. Write balanced equations to show how you will convert: a. Ethane to ethyl chloride b. Ethyne to 1,2-dichloroethene (2) ii. With reference to the reaction occurring in the given figure: - (2 AcoensBtna a. Write an equation for the reaction.' b. State the property of sulphuric acid exhibited in the above case. 0QL,THAN iv. Draw the electron dot diagram for the following a. Carbon tetra chloride b. Ammonium ion compounds V. Calculate the number of moles present in 160gm of NaOH. [Na=23,y (1) Auestion:7 i. An organic compound contains Hydrogen= 2.20% and Oxyger.10% and remaining is carbon. If the vapour density of the compound is 45, calculat it nol cular formula. (H=1, C=12, O=16] (3) ii. Give scientific reasons (2 a. In the electroplating of an article with silug heelectrolyte sodium argento cyanide solution is preferred over silver nitrate solutio b. Nitrogen molecule has triple, covalent ard. ii. Give the IUPAC name of the following organic compounds: (2) a. CHs b. Iv. hele re three elements X, Y' and Z' with atomic numbers 11, 8and 10 respectively. (3) C Whlch element has zeroelectron affinity? Which element belongs to period 3 and group 1? State the type of bond formed between X and Y. Auestlon 8 1. The diagram shows electrorefinlng of copper using copper sulphate solution. Observe the diagram and answer the questlons that follow: anode cathode copper sulphate Jolution (2) a. Name the cathode used and Write the b. The spectator ion present in the electrolyte is ii. State scientific reasons for each of the a. b. reaction taking place at the cathode. folowing statements: Hydrochloric acid isprepared by dissolving Hydrogen chloride gas in water by special arrangement. Laboratory preparation of alkanes from sodium acetate is called as C. lonic compounds are soluble in Water. (3) funnel L,THANE decarboxylation. iii. With respect to Contact'sprocess answer the a. Temperature and Catalyst used for the following: reaction b. Balanced equation for the reaction occurs in Contact tower. vi. Give balanced equations for each of the following: a. Rection of Ethanol with Ethanoic acid b. Reaction of Calcium carbide with cold water c. Dehydration of ethanol by conc. Sulphuric acid at a S M T S U N I T S I D I N EG VH I A (3) 170 c. N I A

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