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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Biology (St. Patricks Junior College, Agra)

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Neelam Agarwal
St. Patrick's Junior College, Wazirpura, Agra
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Test - Cell division and genetics Name the following : 1. A certain structure that initiates cell division2. A cross between one pair of contrasting character. 3. A gene that can express only when in a similar pair4. A hereditary disease in which blood does not clot. 5. A membrane that disappear during late prophase 6. A region of plant body where cell division occurs very actively.7. A specific part of chromosomes that determines heredity characteristics8. Acts as a bearer of heredity units.9. Alternate forms of same gene 10. .............. chromosomes does not take part in sex determination 11. Cell divides into two daughter cells 12. Cell division in repairing of worn out tissues 13. Chromatids form network of chromatic fibres 14. Chromatin fibre is made up of .......... and 15. Chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibres by 16. Condensation of chromatin into typical chromosom 17. Development of spindle18. Division of cytoplasm19. Division of nuclear- . 20. DNA adenine is paired with .... 21. DNA guanine is paired with 22. DNA replicates in the ................ of the cell cycle23. DNA strands are made up of and four types of . 24. Duplication of dna occurs in the 25. Each centriole is surrounded by radiating rays called 26. Exchange of genetic material between the arms of homologous chromosomes27. Father of genetics28. Function of centomere29. Function of DNA30. Growth of shoot. (b) Formation of pollen grains. (c) Repair of worn out tissues.31. How many genes in human32. How many sex chromosomes are present in male and 33. How many types of variation of ear lobes are found in human population34. It do not participate in sex determination35. Monohybrid ration36. Nuclear membrane disappears37. ........... are specific segments of DNA 38. Pairing of homologous chromosomes39. Phase of cell cycle during which the cell grows40. Phase of cell cycle in which DNA replication takes place41. Physical expression of a trait42. Process by which gametes are formed 43. Reappearance of nuclear membrane44. Recognizable feature of an organism45. Sate the significance of mitosis. 46. Second law of mendel47. Separation of sister chromatids48. Shortest phase of mitosis- 49. Small difference between among individual 50. State the types of chromosomes according to the position of centromere. 51. Sudden change in one or more genes52. The allele which expresses itself on the other. 53. The appearance of a character which is due to the presence of an allele54. The branch of science dealing with heredity. 55. The centriole divide and move towards the pole56. The chemical substance constituting genes. 57. The chromosome number becomes.............during meiosis 58. The chromosome number in sperm an egg are 59. The combination of genes in an organism60. The condition of both the alleles being identical. 61. The cross between F1 hybrid and recessive parent62. The distance between two base pairs of DNA is .... 63. The genetic make up of an organism. 64. The kind of cell division normally seen at the tip of root and shoot system Mitosis. 65. The kind of division takes place in the reproductive tissues. 66. The largest phase of a normal cell cycle. 67. The law which explaine the dihybrid ratio68. The longest phase of cell cycle69. The nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear70. The nucleolus and nuclear membrane reappear71. The number of pairs of autosomes in human being 72. The phase of meiosis where homologous chromosomes are separated73. The point at which the duplicated chromosomes are joined.74. The points where crossing over occurs. 75. The process of meiosis takes place to produce 76. The scientific name of the plant which is used by mendel for his experiment77. The sex chromosome of male 78. The shortest phase of cell cycle79. The sister chromatids undergo mutual repulsion and split longitudinally into two halves80. The spindle fibres are made up of 81. The stage when chromosomes arrange at the equator. 82. The structure which help in cell division in animal cell83. The structure which joins the two chromatids---84. The suppressed allele of a gene85. The two kinds of cell division found in living organisms. 86. The type of cell division that occurs during : 87. The type of gene which in the presence of a contrasting allele is not expressed. 88. The unit of heredity. 89. They appear between two daughter centrioles90. They are made up od different type of alleles91. They are made up of same type of alleles92. Transmission of traits from one generation to the following generation of living things93. Two animals which have nineteen pairs of chromosomes. 94. Two animals which have nineteen pairs of chromosomes.95. Two arms of a chromosome 96. Two sex linked inherited diseases 97. Two strands of DNA helix are held together by 98. Type of cell division in the formation of pollen grains99. What happens during metaphase of mitosis ? 100. 101. What is the importance of meiosis ? Why mitosis is referred to as reduction division ?

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