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ICSE Prelims Select : Select (St. Patricks Junior College, Agra)

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Neelam Agarwal
St. Patrick's Junior College, Wazirpura, Agra
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Test - Cell division and genetics Name the following : 1. A certain structure that initiates cell division- centrosome 2. A cross between one pair of contrasting character. Monohybrid cross. 3. A gene that can express only when in a similar pair- recessive gene 4. A hereditary disease in which blood does not clot. Haemophilia. 5. A membrane that disappear during late prophase - nuclear membrane 6. A region of plant body where cell division occurs very actively.- Growing points. 7. A specific part of chromosomes that determines heredity characteristics- genes 8. Acts as a bearer of heredity units.- Chromosomes / Chromatin network 9. Alternate forms of same gene alleles 10. Autosomes chromosomes does not take part in sex determination 11. Cell divides into two daughter cells- Cell division 12. Cell division in repairing of worn out tissues- mitosis 13. Chromatids form network of chromatic fibres- telophase 14. Chromatin fibre is made up of DNA and Histone 15. Chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibres by ........ Centomere 16. Condensation of chromatin into typical chromosom - prophase 17. Development of spindle- prophase 18. Division of cytoplasm- Cytokinesis 19. Division of nuclear- .Karyokinesis 20. DNA adenine is paired with .... Thymine 21. DNA guanine is paired with ..... Cytosine 22. DNA replicates in the ................ of the cell cycle- Interphase 23. DNA strands are made up of and four types of . Pentose sugar phosphate , nitrogenous bases 24. Duplication of dna occurs in the s phase 25. Each centriole is surrounded by radiating rays called aster 26. Exchange of genetic material between the arms of homologous chromosomes- Crossing over 27. Father of genetics- G. J. Mendel 28. Function of centomere- help in the movement of chromosomes 29. Function of DNA- it controls all the biosynthetic process of the cell. 30. Growth of shoot. (b) Formation of pollen grains. (c) Repair of worn out tissues.- (a) Mitosis, (b) Meiosis, (c) Mitosis. 31. How many genes in human- 25000 32. How many sex chromosomes are present in male and female -Two identical (XX) in female two different (XY) in males 33. How many types of variation of ear lobes are found in human population- free ear lobes, attached ear lobe 34. It do not participate in sex determination- autosomes 35. Monohybrid ration- 3:1 36. Nuclear membrane disappears- prophase 37. Nucleotides are specific segments of DNA 38. Pairing of homologous chromosomes- Synapse 39. Phase of cell cycle during which the cell grows- G1 phase 40. Phase of cell cycle in which DNA replication takes place- s phase 41. Physical expression of a trait- phenotype 42. Process by which gametes are formed gametogenesis 43. Reappearance of nuclear membrane- telophase 44. Recognizable feature of an organism- trait. 45. Sate the significance of mitosis. 46. Second law of mendel- law of segregation

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