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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Biology (St. Johns Universal School, Mumbai) : Prelim 1 exam

7 pages, 113 questions, 46 questions with responses, 47 total responses,    0    0
Nandini Nema
St. John's Universal School, Mumbai
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ST. JOHN S UNIVERSAL SCHOOL FIRST PRELIM EXAMINATION 2020 2021 BIOLOGY GRADE: X MARKS:80 DATE: 5/10/2020 TIMING:2 Hrs Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You are not allowed to write for the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading your question paper. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION- I (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Section) Question 1 A. Name the following: [5] i. The type of bond which joins complementary nitrogenous bases. ii. The process by which water enters root hairs. iii. The structure in a leaf that allows guttation. iv. The source of CO2 in aquatic plants. v. The smallest common blood vessels formed by the union of capillaries. B. Given below are sets of five terms each. Without changing the first term, rearrange the remaining four. Example:- DNA [5] Nucleosome Chromatin fibre Chromosome. (Formation of chromosome) i. Insects, Snake, Frog, Peacock, Grass. (Food Chain) ii. Metaphase, Telophase, Anaphase, Prophase. (karyokinesis) iii. Xylem, Cortex, Endodermis, Phloem, Root hair. (Cell to Cell conduction of water) iv. Photons, hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, Grana, Water, Oxygen. (Light phase of photosynthesis). v. Platelets disintegrate, Fibrinogen, Fibrin, Thrombus, Thrombokinase. (Clotting process of blood) C. Give the specific function of the following structures found in plants/animals [5] i. Lenticels ii. Histones iii.Cell membrane iv. Pericardial fluid v. Guard cells D. Given below are five statements or questions followed by four choices. Select and rewrite the correct answer to the given statements from the four choices given below each statement. [5] i. Synthesis phase in the cell cycle is called so for the synthesis of more of a. RNA b. RNA and Proteins c. DNA d. Glucose ii. Most of the transpiration in tall trees occurs through a. Stomata b. Lenticels c. Cuticle d. Bark iii. The state of the cell in which the cell wall is rigid and stretched by an increase in the volume of vacuoles: a. Plamolysis b. Flaccidity c. Turgidity d. Deplasmolysis iv. The specific function of light energy in the process of photosynthesis is to a. Reduce CO2 b. Synthesis of glucose c. Activate chlorophyll d. Split water molecule v. Agranulocytes are; a. Lymphocytes and monocytes b. Lymphocytes and basophils c. Eosinophils and basophils d. Eosinophils and monocytes E. Mention whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the statement if false: [5] i. The unfertilized human egg has half the number of chromosomes of the body cells. ii. Plasmolysis is the reverse of Deplasmolysis. iii. Most transpiration occurs at night. iv. Green plants are consumers. v. A mature mammalian erythrocytes has a nucleus and mitochondria F. Fill in the blanks: [5] i. During the pairing of chromosomes in meiosis, the ___________ chromosomes come to lie side by side. ii. Active transport is one in which the ions outside the roots move in by utilizing________. iii. Transpiration is the loss of water as __________ from the aerial parts of plants. iv. The site of light reaction in the cells of a leaf is___________. v. An anticoagulant present in the blood is _____________. G. Match the items given in column A with the most appropriate ones in column B and rewrite the correct matching pairs: [5] Column A Column B 1. Cooling effect a. Exosmosis 2. Algae b. Ventricular systole 3. LUBB c. Reduces temperature of leaf. 4. Hypertonic d. Autotrophs 5. Replication of DNA e. Ventricular diastole f. Heterotrophs g. Endosmosis h. Interphase H. Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest a suitable word/words for the fourth place: [5] i. Coronary artery : Heart :: Hepatic artery : ________________. ii. Respiration : CO2 :: Photosynthesis : _________________. iii. Transpiration : Stomata :: Bleeding : _________________. iv. Water sticks to surface of cells : Adhesion :: Water molecules stick to each other : _______ v. Double bond : Adenine and Thymine :: Triple bond : ____________. SECTION II (40 marks) Attempt any four questions from this section Q.2A. Given below is the diagram of an apparatus used to study a particular phenomenon in plants: [5] i. Name the apparatus. ii. What is it used for? iii. Mention any two precautions and two limitation in the use of the apparatus. iv. What is the use of the reservoir? v. How air bubble is introduced in the apparatus? B. Differentiate between the following on the basis of the point mentioned in the bracket: [5] i. G1 phase and S phase (Materials formed) ii. Diffusion and Imbibition (Define) iii. Transpiration and Guttation (Conditions for occurrence) iv. Lymphocytes and Neutrophils (function) v. Guard cells and Phloem tissue (Role in photosynthesis) Q.3A.Given below is a diagram representing a phenomenon during cell division. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: [5] i. Name and explain the phenomenon shown in the above diagram. ii. In which type of cell can we see this phenomenon? Explain cell cycle. iii. Explain the significance of the phenomenon. iv. Name the stage in which more DNA is synthesized. v. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a portion of DNA. B. Briefly explain the following terms: [5] i. Tonicity ii. Genes iii. Capillarity iv. Carbon cycle v. Oxyhaemoglobin Q.4A. Given below is the diagram of an experimental setup. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: [5] i. What is the objective of this experiment? ii. Will it work satisfactorily? Give reason. iii. What alteration(s) will you make in it for obtaining expected result? iv. Would you take any step before starting the experiment? Describe this step and explain its necessity. B. Give scientific reasons: [5] i. The walls of left ventricle are thicker than the walls of all other chambers. ii. Meiosis is referred to as a Reduction division. iii. If you uproot a plant from the soil, its leaves soon wilt. iv. Oxygen given out during photosynthesis comes from water. v. On a bright sunny day the leaves of certain plants roll up. Q.5 A. A potted plant with variegated leaves was taken in order to prove a factor necessary for photosynthesis. The potted plant was kept in dark for 24 hours. The potted plant was then kept in sunlight for a few hours. [5] i. What aspect of photosynthesis was being tested? ii. Why was the plant placed in the dark before beginning the experiment? iii. Write the steps involved in starch test. iv. Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the process of photosynthesis. v. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of chloroplast. B. The table below is designed to indicate the transport of certain substances in our body. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers: [5] i. Substance From To ______________ Lungs Whole body Carbon Dioxide ii. ______________ iii. ________________ Urea iv. ______________ v. ________________ Digested Carbohydrates vii. _______________ ix. _______________ Intestine viii. ______________ Right auricle vi. ________________ Target Organs x. _______________ Q.6 A. The diagram given below represents the human heart in one phase of its activity. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: [5] i. Label the parts 1-4. ii. State the function of part labelled 1. iii. Which chamber of the heart is contracting in this phase. Give a reason to support your answer. iv. Name the blood vessel into which the lymph is poured before it enters into general circulation. v. Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the structural difference between part labelled 3 and 4. B. Give the technical terms for the following: [5] i. Vessels which carries the blood away from an organ towards heart. ii. A waxy layer secreted by the epidermis on the two surfaces of the leaf. iii. Specific DNA segment that controls the expression of a character. iv. Relaxation of ventricles. v Phase where daughter chromosomes move to the opposite poles of a spindle. vi Groups of cysteine molecules surrounded by DNA strands. vii Condition where concentration of solution is same on both sides. viii Phenomenon where the cell content is shrunken. ix. Pressure built up by cell to cell osmosis in the root. x. The process by which several glucose molecules combine to form starch. Q.7A. A student performed an experiment on a leaf cell of a water plant by placing it in a liquid. After sometime, it assumed a shape as shown below: [5] i. Label the parts 1-4. ii. Name and explain the state of the cell it has acquired. iii. State the nature of the liquid surrounding the cell. iv. What will happen to the leaf cell if it is immediately placed in pond water. v. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the leaf cell as mentioned in (iv). B. Answer the questions briefly: i. Mention the fate of any two end products of photosynthesis. ii. What are the rungs of the DNA ladder made of? iii. Explain the process of Transpirational pull. iv. Give any one function of the spleen? [5]

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