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ICSE Class X Prelims 2020 : Biology (GEMS Modern Academy, Dubai)

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MOCK EXAMINATION SUMMER, 2020 BIOLOGY Grade : 10 Time : 2 hrs. Date: 29/007/2020 Max. Marks : 80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTRUCTION Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. ______________________________________________________________________________ Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. This Question paper has 8 printed pages. _________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this section) Question 1 A. Name the following: [5] (i) The cell division also known as reduction division. (ii) The process by which transportation of materials occurs in single-celled organisms like amoeba. (iii) The lymph gland located at the rear end of the throat. (iv) The blood cell responsible for the clotting of blood. (v) The pigment that gives colour to blood. Page 1 of 8 B. Given below is a table consisting of a set of items belonging to a common category. Copy the table and compete the blanks by filling in the odd one and the category to which the other three belongs [5] S.No. Set Example lion, whale, human, frog (i) Chlorophyll, Haemoglobin, Starch , CO2 (ii) Thymine, Adenine, Cytosine, Pepsin (iii) Metaphase, Prophase, Cytokinesis, Anaphase, Telophase (iv) Goat bladder, egg membrane, cell membrane , visking bag (v) Pulmonary artery, hepatic artery, renal artery, coronary artery Odd one Category Frog mammals C. State the exact location of the following structures: (i) Sino atrial node (ii) Proximal convoluted tubule (iii) Lacteal (iv) Mitral valve (v) Stoma [5] D. Differentiate between the following pairs based on what is given in the brackets: (i) NADP and ATP (Expand) (ii) Erythrocyte and Leucocyte (cell shape) (iii) Renal artery and renal vein (composition) (iv) Plant cell and animal cell (Effect of hypertonic solution) (v) Turgor pressure and wall pressure ( definition) Page 2 of 8 [5] E. Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases F. [5] (i) ----- is the structural and functional unit of kidney. (ii) Walls of the capillaries consist of single layer of -------------- cells. (iii) ----- is the upward movement of water from the root to aerial parts of the plant body. (iv) In humans, urea is formed in the -------------. (v) ----- is used to test the presence of water in experiments involving transpiration. Draw a well labelled diagram of the Malpighian corpuscle . G. Choose the most appropriate option from those given after each statement (i) c. Humidity d. chlorophyll content of the leaves The stage in which the chromosomes are arranged at the equatorial plate is ---------a. Prophase b. Metaphase (v) c. G2 Phase d. M Phase The rate of transpiration is not affected by a. Wind velocity b. Temperature (vi) c. Diffusion d. Active transport ------------- is the part of the cell cycle in which DNA is replicated a. G1 Phase b. S phase (iii) [5] Certain nutrients like potassium and zinc are absorbed by the roots by a. Osmosis b. Imbibition (ii) [5] c. Anaphase d. Telophase The mineral ion required for the process of blood clotting is a. Magnesium b. Iron c. Potassium d. Calcium Page 3 of 8 H. Study the following diagram of DNA molecule and answer the questions: (i) How many strands are shown in the picture? (ii) How many nucleotides are shown in the picture? (iii) Identify the parts labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4. (iv) Name the DNA unit constituted by the parts 2 and [5] 3 collectively. (v) Name the four nitrogenous bases present in the DNA. (vi) Who proposed this model of DNA? SECTION II (40 Marks) (Attempt any four questions from this section) Question 2 A. Give scientific reason for the following statements (i) Balsam plants wilt during midday even if the soil is well watered. (ii) In a human heart, the walls of the atria are thinner than the walls of the ventricle. (iii) A small, closed can bursts open when dry seeds are soaked in it overnight.. (iv) Mature erythrocytes lack Nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum. (v) People with blood group O are known as universal donor. [5] B. The diagram of an apparatus given below demonstrates a particular process in plants. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: (i) Name the apparatus. (ii) Which phenomenon is demonstrated by this apparatus? (iii) Explain the phenomenon mentioned in (ii) above. (iv) State two limitations of using this apparatus. (v) What is the importance of air bubble in this experiment? (vi) What is the role of reservoir in the apparatus? Page 4 of 8 [5] Question 3 A. The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of a part of the cross section of the root in the root hair zone. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: (i) [5] Name the parts indicated by the guidelines 1 to 4. (ii) Which is the process that enables the passage of water from the sol into the root hair? (iii) Name the pressure responsible for the movement of water by the arrows. Define it. (iv) What happens to the structure 1 if excess amount of fertilizer is added to the soil? Give reason. B. Give the function of the following: (i) Chordae tendineae (ii) Thrombokinase (iii) Purkinje fibers (iv) Basophil (v) Hepatic portal vein [5] Question 4 A. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: (i) Label the parts 2, 4. (ii) Give the function of the structure 7. (iii) Define micturition. (iv) Give any other two structures that are involved in excretion other than the one shown alongside and name the excreted product. (v) Why is right kidney places slightly lower than the left kidney? Page 5 of 8 [5] B. Define the following: (i) haploid (ii) Diapedesis (iii) Deplasmolysis (iv) Portal vein (v) Pulse [5] Question 5 A. The diagram given along slide demonstrates the importance of a factor necessary for photosynthesis. Study the diagram and then answer the questions that follow: [5] (i) State the aim of the above experiment. (ii) What is the significance of the part labelled X ? (iii) What is the first important step to carried out before conducting the experiment? Why is this necessary? (iv) Why is the leaf boiled in water and alcohol before testing for the presence of starch? (v) Give the chemical equation to represent the process of search formation in plants. B. Answer the following questions: [5] (i) When is guttation more likely to happen? (ii) Name any two properties of water that facilitate the ascent of sap. (iii) What is a variegated leaf? (iv) Give the significance of the S phase in the cell cycle. (v) What is the significance of photolysis? Page 6 of 8 Question 6 A. Study the physiological process shown in the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow: [5] (i) Name the blood vessels 1, 2, 4 and 5. (ii) About 2 hours after a meal which blood vessel would be loaded with food materials in solution? Name the blood vessel. (iii) Why does blood vessel 3 join small intestine to liver? (iv) Why does blood vessel B has narrow lumen than blood vessel A? (v) Name the three layers of which the wall of A and B is made up of? B. Draw a labelled diagram of stomatal apparatus as found in the epidermis of leaves during bright sunny day [5] Question 7 A. The diagram given below represents a stage during cell division. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: [5] (i) Identify whether it is a plant cell or an animal cell. Give a reason in support of your answer. (ii) Name the stage depicted in the diagram. What is the unique feature observed in this stage? (iii) Draw a neat diagram of the stage that comes after the stage mentioned in (ii). (iv) Name the parts labelled 1 and 2. (v) How is cytokinesis brought about in animal cells? Page 7 of 8 B. Answer the following questions: [5] (i) Why does the cortex of the kidney show a dotted appearance? (ii) State two functions of capillaries. (iii) The honeybee produces honey. In terms of the food chain, is the honeybee a producer or a consumer? Justify your answer. (iv) State any two significance of transpiration. (v) Explain the phenomenon shown in the picture below using the terms, homologous chromosomes, chromatid and crossing over. Page 8 of 8

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