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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Physics (Gopalan National School (GNS), Bangalore)

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Mukund V
Gopalan National School (GNS), Bangalore
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GOPALANNATIONAL SCHOCOL WHITHLLD, BENGALURL DECEMBER 2023 FIRST PREBOARD EXAMINATION SUBJECT- PHYSICS (SCIENCE PAPER - 1) Date: 11/12/2023 Class: X Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: Two hours separately. Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided You willnot be allowed to write during the first 15 miutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. writing the answers. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowedfor Attempt all questions from Section A and any four guestionsfrom Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [J. SECTION-A (Attempt all questions from this section) Question1 [15] Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: (Do not copy the question, write the corect answers only.) A wooden bar is pivoted at its centre so that it can rotate freely. Two equal forces F are applied to the ) bar. In which diagram is the turning effect greatest? A -pivot. .pivot a) D b) A c) C d) B Page 1 of 10 either side from its rest is oscillating on 'm' mass of bob Select the correct statenment Apendulum with vertical height h'above A. position A (i) Cxtremes B and Cat a Wal! benwe (vi A a) The pendulum has the maximum potential energy at its mean posiuon b) Then pendulum has the minimum kinetic energy at its mean position C) 1he Sum of kinetic energies and potential energies of the penduBum remains constant throughout the motion d) The pendulum has only the kinetic energy at every point (u) WO SOunds Si and S2 are produced by loudspeakers. The amplitude and frequency of each sound wave is given in the table below. Amplitude (mm) S1 S2 Frequency (Hz) 1.3 480 2.0 240 How does sound S2 compared with sound S1? a) S2 is louder and has a higher pitch b) S2 is louder and has a lower pitch c) Sz is quieter and has a higher pitch d) Sz is quieter and has a lower pitch (iv) Which of the following, related to a sugar tongs is a true statement? a) It belongs to class III lever because M.A and V.R is always greater than 1. b) It belongs to class I lever because it acts as a force multiplier. c) It belongs to class III lever because load arm is longer than effort arm. d) It belongs to class II lever because effort arm is longer than load arm. (v) If the centre of gravity of a metre scale of mass 80 g lies at the 45 cm mark, then which one of the following diagrams will show the balanced position of the scale? 50 60 A. 100 B. O 50 60 403f C. o 50 60 30 9$ 100 D. 45 9s a) Diagram C b) Diagram B 50 6 100 80gf () A bctween the Apendulum with bob of mass n' s oscillating on cither side from its rest pos1tion statement. corrcct the Selcct A. above Cxtremes B and Cat avertical heieht h' at Messm a) The pendulum has the maximum potential energy at its mean position b) Then pendulum has the minimum kinetic energy at its mean position c) The sum of kineticenergies and potential energies of the pendulum remains constant throughout the motion d) The pendulum has only the kinetic energy at every point (iii) Two sounds Si and Sz are produced by loudspeakers. The amplitude and frequency of cach sound wave is given in the table below. Amplitude (mm) Frequency (Hz) 1.3 480 2.0 240 How does sound S2 compared with sound S;? a) Sz is louder and has a higher pitch b) S2 is louder and has a lower pitch c) Sz is quieter and has a higher pitch d) S2 is quieter and has a lower pitch (iv) (v) Which of the following, related to asugar tongs is a true statement? a) It belongs to class III lever because M.A and V.R is always greater than l. b) It belongs to class I lever because it acts as a force multiplier. c) It belongs to class II lever because load arm is longer than effort arm. d) It belongs to class II lever because effort arm is longer than load arm. then which one of the If the centre of gravity of a metre scale of mass 80 g lies at the 45 cm mark, following diagrams willshow the balanced position of the scale? 50 60 A. Fulm1 100 B. A 50 60 409f 100 30 gf 100 50 60 D D" 45 gs a) Diagram C b) Diagram B Page 2 of 10 50 60 100 c) Diagram D d) Diagram A (Vi) ASsuming all the lenses shown bclow are of samc matcrial, state which lens has the least focal length and maximum powcr. P a) Ponly b) P and Q c) RandS d) Qonly (vii) Polonium(Po)emits an a-particle. What is the proton number of the nucleus after it has emitted the a-particle? a) 85 b) 82 c) 80 d) 84 (VII1) ASsertion: During melting at same temperature 0 C, the energy possessed by water is maximum than the ice. Reason: Ice melts into water by absorbing the latent heat of fusion hence, the kinetic energy of particles increases. a) Both assertion and reason are true. b) Both assertion and reason are false. c) Assertion is false but reason is true. d) Assertion true but reason is false. (ix) Assertion: 1.33 is the absolute refractive index of water. Reason: The refractive index of atransparent medium is always greater than 1. a) Both assertion and reason are true. b) Both assertion and reason are false. c) Assertion is false but reason is true. d) Assertion is true but reason is false. (x) The diagram shows the ray of light inside a Perspex (acrylic) rod whose critical angle is 42 . potmal whether there is Which row in the table correctly states whether there is any light refracted from the rod? Page 3 of 10 Suice at perspearod and any light reflected from the surface, LIGHT REFRACTED? LIGHT REFLECTED? yes yes A yes C no D no no yes no a) B b) C c) A d) D purposes. Here parts of the spectrum are used for different different spectrum, electromagnetic (X1) In statements 1, 2, 3 and 4 are given about the parts of the spectrum. 1: Infrared waves are used in television remote controllers. 2: Radio waves are used for satellite communication. 3: Ultraviolet waves are used for intruder alarms. 4:X-rays are used by detective agencies to detect concealed Select the option with correct statements. precious metals. a) l and 2 b) 3 and 4 c) 2 and 3 d) 1and 4 physical quantity that (x) Two devices are connected between two points say A and B in parallel. The willremain the same between the two points is. a) current b) voltage c) resistance d) uone of the above respectively operating 220 V, then (xii) IfR and R be the resistance of the filament of 40 W and 60 W a) R < R b) R,= R2 c) R2<R d) R >R1 connected to the three terminals of a three-pin socket. (xiv) Three wires with power colour coding are 1, 2and 3 of the socket. Match the colour of the wire with the proper terminals 2 a) Brown-1, green-2, blue-3 b) Brown-1, green-3, blue-2 c) Brown-2, green-1, blue-3 d) Brown-3, green-1, blue-2 Page 4 of 10 (xv) The two ends of a solenoid are conncctcd to a galvanomcter. If the bar magnct with its north pole is moved towards the solenoid, the polarity devclopcd at the two cnds of the solenoid are a) South pole at the endB, North pole at the end A b) South pole at the end A, North pole at the end B c) South pole at bothends d) North pole at both ends Question -2 (i) Name the term that will not change for a machine ofa given (ii) advantage and efficiency of the machine decreases. design even when mechanical Two copper wires A andB are of same length, butA is thicker than the B. a) Which wire will have more resistance? Why? b) Which wire will have more specific resistance? Why? (I0) a) A nucleus contains no electrons, but it can emit them. How? b)Represent the above said reaction in the form of an equation. (iv) The diagram below shows a lever in use. [1] [2] [2] (2] BORT (E) A LOAD (L) (v) a) To which class of lever does it belong? Give one example for the class of lever mentioned. b) IfFA = 40cm, AB = 60 cm, then find the mechanical advantage of the lever. A body A of imass 20 kg is moving with a velocity of lm/s. Another body of Bof mass l kg is moving with velocity of 20 m/s. Find the ratio of kinetic energies of A and B. (2] (vi) A body of mass 'm' is thrown vertically upwards to a height 'h under gravity. Draw the graph showing the variation in kinctic energy and potential energy with the height above the ground. (2] (vi) What is an echo? Write two conditions for hearing a distinct echo. (vii) Is it possible tohave an accelerated motion with constant speed? Justify your answer. [2] [2] Question -3 (i) You have twolenses Aand Bof focal lengths +10 cm and -10 cm respectively. (i) a) State the nature of each lens. [2] b) What is the power of the above combination of the lenses? What do you infer? Two sets A andB of three bulbs each, are glowing in two separate rooms. When one of the bulbs in one bulb fuses, the other set A is fused, the other two bulbs also cease to glow. But in set B, when (2] two bulbs continue to glow. a) Explain why this phenomenon occurs. (a) is preferred for house wiring? Why? b) Which one of the above two mentioned by youin part Page 5 of 10 (i1) a) Name atype of transforner which is used to change low altemaing voltage to high altermating voltage of same frcquency b) State any one factor on which the magnitude of an induced e.m.f in the secondary coil of a (21 transformer depends. (iv) Asource of heat supplies heat at a constant rate to a solid cube. The variation of the temperature of the cube with the heat supplied is shown in the figure given below. [2] D B Heat input a) What does the slope of the part CD represent? b) If CD =2.5 AB, what does it mean? (v) a) Amercury thermometer when placed in aradiation X, shows arapid increase in temperature. Name the radiation X. [2] b) Write the approximate wavelength of the radiation mentioned above in part (a). SECTION-B (Attempt any four questions) Question -4 person standing on earth surface. The diagram below shows the position of the star as viewed by a () [1] A Apparent star position Star^ Light ray path Refractive index incrcasing hservr apparent position oe a star Actual position and (ii) consequence. responsible for the above phenomenon reflection of light from a a and reflection a) Name the internal [21 differences between total two any b) List plane miror. is 24? critical angle for diamond 'the statement the a) What is meant by the diagram below. The critical angle of the b) A ray of light cnters a glass slab PORS, as shown in itemerges from the glass slab. glass is 42*. Copy this diagram and complctc the path of the ray till [2] Mark the angles in the diagram wherever nccessary. 42 R (iii) A ray of monochromatic light enters the liquid from air as shown in the diagram. [2] Air Liquid ta ienanai Plane Mirror strikes the diagram the path of the ray of light after it a) Copy the diagram and show in the surface in your diagram the two angles on the miror and re-enters the medium of air. Mark moves out from the liquid to air. of separation when the ray of light increase in deviation produced by a prism change with b) How does the angle of minimum [2] light? incident of wavelength (i) (ii)refractive angle of the prism? kept at distance of4 Question-5 image ofacandle flame on ascreen inverted sized equal an obtain We wish to [3] m from the candle flame. lens that should be used. the of type the flame the Name candle a) distance from the length of the lens and at what focal the be should What b) lens be placed? this case. show the formation of image in to diagram 3] ray the light? Draw c) depend on the wavelength of incident light scattered of intensity (ii) a) How does the answer in part (a). the colour b)State the condition for your through the earth's atmosphere. Name yellow light passes c) A beam of blue, green and the least. AB of an which is scattered (i)the most, (i) colours is incident normally on face yellow and blue red, [4] consisting of (111) A bean of light isosceles right-angled prism ABC. Page 7 of 10 A YELLOW RED . BLUE . surfacc to be colour at glass-air 45", complcte the vcllow critical anglc for a) Assuming the bcam cmerges out of the prism. of the prism. refraction at the face AC parallel sided glass diagram tillthe no suffers on a colour oflight which made incident obliquely b) Namc the is (a) part in of light as c) Ifthesame beam your observation then? be slab, what will suspended at a of 20 gf and 12 gf weiehts two with centre pivoted at the shown below. A half metrerod is the pivot respectively as from cm 10 and cm of6 perpendicular distance Question -6 (i) (3) 50om 12gf 10am a) Is the rod in equilibrium? Justify your answer. magnitude of resultant moment of the force reversed, what is the b) The direction of the 20 gf is on the end? by load of 300 kgf to a vertical height of 10mn a lift to used is 4 ratio velocity a with pulley system A [3] (i) applying an effort of 100 kgf downwards. strand. each showing load (L), effort (E) and tension (T) in a) Draw the arrangement of pulley b) Find the efficiency of the pulley system. extreme position B to a maximum vertical height of 5 m at its (iii) An oscillating simple pendulum rises (4] as shown in the figure. BOT If the mass of the bob is 200 g, then find: position B. a) The potential energy of the pendulum at b) The total mechanical energy at position C. positionA when released from B? c) What is the speed of the bob at the (take g = 10 m/s and neglect the friction due to air). Question -7 (i) two resistor is shown in the figure. Which The V-Igraph for a series and parallel combination of 2] Give a reason for your answer. of the two A or B, represents the parallel combination? Page 8 of 10 (i) [2) Calculate the cffective resistance across AB. A (3] (iii) The given diagram shows a three-pin plug. a) What is the purpose of pin E? To (1V) E connected? which part of the appliance is the pin longer? b) Why is the pin E made thicker and and why? c) To which L or N, is the fuse connected shouted. He m away from the nearest cliff 640 and cliffs vertical two between [3] A person standing second echo 3seconds later. Calculate: heard the first echo after 4 seconds and a) The velocity of sound in air and b) The distance between the cliffs. Question -8 an alternative source of electricity. The device shown in the figure below is used as ) [4] a) Identify the device. State the energy transformation taking place in the device. b) Nane and state the phenomenon on which the device works. c) Draw aneatly labcllcd schematic diagram of above-mentioned device showing its main parts. (ii) How many alphaand beta particles are emitted when uranium nucleus Show the detailed steps with proper calculations. Udecays to E 206Pb? (3] of water at 30 C to raise the (111) a) Calculate the mass of steam at 100 C that must be passed into 8.4 kg Specific latent heat temperature of water to 80*C. (Specific heat capacity of water = 4,200 J Kg 'C; (2] of vaporisation of steam = 2,268 x 10 J/Kg) Page 9 of 10 u b) Why do we prefer to add ice cubes (0 C) instead of icc-cold water (0 C) for cooling a drink? Question- 9 a) A slab of ice at -20 Cis constantiv heated till the stcam attains a tcmperaturc of T20 C. Draw a Eraphshovwing the chnge of temperaturc with time label the various parts of the graph. 0) Why is very high temperature required for the process of nuclear fusion reaction? State the (1) approximate temperaturc requircd. Ihrec rcsistors arc connccted to a6 V battery as shown in the given figure: [2] [1] (3] 7.22 122 Calculate: a) The equivalent resistance of the circuit b) Total current in the circuit c) Potential difference across the 7.2 2 resistor. (ii) The diagram below shows a magnetic needle kept just below the direction. conductor AB which is kept in N-S [4] B W a) In which direction will the needle deflect when the key is closed? b) Why is the deflection produced? c) What will be the change in deflection if AB? d) Name one device which works on this magnetic needle is taken just above the conductor principle. Page 10 of 10

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