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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Computer Applications (La Martiniere for Boys (LMB), Kolkata)

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Monalisa Datta
La Martiniere for Boys (LMB), Kolkata
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explanation Aof explanation Aof correct the not correct the (LMB) App-1/9 19-Comp. true false isandR true is andR true overloaded class constructor ain of type is (R)Reason isReason (R) are both are both and false and true (R)Reason (R)Reason Assertion is(A) Assertion is (A) and Assertion (A) and Assertion (A) :Constructors becan one than more have Section.) the writing which example an of given of part Java ais annotfollowing is correct time the answers to d. i i. d. C. b. a. The i. d. b.C. a. Which i. the copy correct not (Do (Attempt all partofquestions or any and sectionA the the marks ofintended The fromquestions Attempt all Paper is This paper is question reading the thduring e b We (A): Assertion in class String theamong the questions, write the from questions the four two intodivided fallowed or 15 first the spent in head of the givat en time The beto is time This write allowed to benot wil You to this Answers bemust paper APPLICATIONS 15 hrs.+ TIME: 2 min. C. (RReason ) can java.String java.lang java.util Java package in i=2;i<6;) for(int forl:) i=1;i<2;j++) for(int while(true) loopinfinite ony)answers options, thChoose e Question 1: [20] this fromquestions SECTIONA given [in question are sectionB. from questions sections. answers. paper.question minutes FULL the written on paper provided separately. MARKS: 100 time) (Reading 2024-25 EXAMINATION CLASS:X SUBJECT: COMPUTER REHEARSAL LA FOR BOYS, MARTINIERE KOLKATA (LMB) App-2/9 10-ComT. constructor default providesa Compiler occurs error Logical Occurs then, class constructor inside a occurs Runtime Compilation error defineauserforgets to true is (Reason R) and false false is Reason (R) and true are both (RReason ) and are both (R) Reason and explanation Aof correct the not is undR true explanation Aof correct andRis the true method object anstate of tchange he methods that pure example of function an is parameters ato statement d. C. b. Ifa Assertion is (A) Assertion is(A) ix. d Assertion (A) Assertion (A) C b. a. armethods e Impure (R): Reason arrays as Passing Assertion (A): vii. above thefrom implied beNothing can equal arstrings e the Both str1 than greater alphabetically isstr str1 than alphabetically lower d, C. b. isstr d. implies thiten than 0, greater value returnsa To(str1) statement the If variable Argument method is ofa body the inwideclared th vi. d. variable Local variable class variable Instance termed as: c. b. a. that isVariable VI. b 5 d. 7 0. System.out.println("LINGUISTIC".indexOf(1,2));: following Javo statement bewil What the of the output V. d. 4 b 2 a. 6 evaluate to iV. The wi4+8%2 l expression (LMB) App-3/9 14-Comp. Encapsulation Autoboxing Polymorphism Inheritance d. b. C a, Moming Srl Good Guard Securlty Ma'am! Welcome Pleasel D, Your depict picture given the does What error Logical 70 70.0 Java following the output of the Xiii. d. C. b. 70.75 System.out,printn(ar[1]+arrl2]+) statement a. bewil What arrl]=(60,40,30, 10); 20, array following declaration int Consider the XiI. b H C. P d. A 2. stem.out.println("ALPHABETS".substring(1,4).charAt(1)): statement: the output of the XI. b. What is meant by the following d. Strings Strings cannot be cannot be oncemodified created bewil What becanStrings cannot be Strings in Java changed used loops in created arStrings e immutable in Java. statement, X. Uppercase (1Uppercase";--) string,str1 inis tchoose he jumbled, statements are 14-Comp.App-4/9 (LMB) "jilmb'; \u067; Imb'; lu0000'; char? declaration aof valid following ais =char cc =char cr =ca char char =ch d. .C. b. the Whiof ch XVii. 1 2 3 d. 2 1 3 C. 2 3 1 b. (3) bool1ean3 k=Character.i(scUpperCase h);- order of correct Consider the first whether the checks statements that the which segment in program following String (2) ch=str1.charAt(0): Uppercase":"does begiinn not str-(k==true)?"begins in letter aof 2 a. char not Or Xvi. Java displayed be wil output true No d. C. Java errorsyntax aresult in It wil a. System.out,println("Java"); { .out.printin(Character.isLowerCase('u');k<1;k++) k=0; int wil What be the of the output following code drawn be inference can XV. No d. The The The has only1 character thccurrence e in String character has no ocCurrence the in String character has multiple occurrences the in C. b. a. String than0greater by the returned indexOf(char) the andmethod lastindexOf(char) are and same Whatis timplied, he if value x0v. [2] unboxing (LMB) App-5/9 10-Comp. autoboxing System.out.println(ar [0}[1]+arr[1][0}%arr[0][0]a)nd; between difference element 90 the position of point of the one State givenquestions output5 the error. get thanswer e declaration and same to thecorrect angets program but following p=10 value of expression following int following array b. is What all[|=(70,80,90}; {10,20,30)(40,50,60), below [2] a. Consider the ch=str.charAt/str.length(): (2] iV. char 2025"; ldentify the and error, 'ICSE str= String arn gets which statement execute the trying to -p (2] student is A i. pt++ p*=--p+ Evaluate the the when expression +Vbx+c 12) i. Ax thstatement e for Java the Write QUESTION 2: classwrapper havea not does char type data The d. C. Character char character ischar : type datacorresponding the to a. classwrapper The 16 XX. d. 4 C. a. 32 b. 64 The of bits number occupied aby variable of typeis data double xix. compare lo d. equals() C. toUpperCase() isUpperCase() b. a. Which among the int return an methods following vaiue XViii. [2) segment charAt(1)+5); System.out.printtn(str codefollowing - 3 2 - 1 [2] [2] overloaded keywords str="HELLO"; the output of the double b)func(double a, b)- intfunc(int a, String bewil What double double - - b)infunc(int t a, are whiprototypes ch identifiers or literals, function following as int ldentify the java" sumn, thClassify e X int, vi. compareTo(str1); System.out.printin(str. System.out,println(str==str1); [2] snippet bewil What the String String String("HELLO"); str1=new str-"HELLO"; following code the outputof vi. } System.out.println(p): m+=2; ++m;p+=k%10+ while(m<30) m=25,p=0; (2j segment k=256, int be wil What the the output of following code functions above (LMB) App-7/9 14-Comp. the call and class English, Computer, Mathematics, the object of obtained. obtained in grade create an function to the andaverage marks name, displays the main Writea void 60-69 79 70- B occording the to display()- 60 < E D 8089 >=90 Average A Obtained Grade pbtainedesperthefoewingeriterie average calculate() to - calculate the average the grade md-dispBey thaccept e default marks name, in and aticsMathem English, obtained Computer constructor to initialize the member wivariables th values default using methods obtained in Member above the Declare calculate and the store marks average Computer marks obtained in obtained in void void to accept() - School() functions type appropriate data obtained aby Student Mathematics English student to aV-g the store tocomp- marks the store to mat-hs marks the store to engthe name of the store variables: -to name Member School name: specifications: following the with School class [15] Class Desigan Question 3: programs. the in used required. depicted. logic of the that beshould not Stream Input Data Reader/ Buffered nalgorithms ot are Flowcharts and clearly programis the so codes mnemonicdescription/ variable using written should be nroaram asenvironment with program base. the java BlueJ either programs in the consist of should section environment any or this fromquestions SECTIONB Section.) Cach this answers in Tho four (Answer any words. Five Five Three number in (LMB)App-8/9 10-Comp. One Two annumber d the digits of each display th21355, e be wil output numberis example, the if accepta program to [15) For Writae Question 7: terms upton terms upton returns0 elseletter, same + seriesfollowing the with ends andbegins +1.8 the +1.6 +1.4 sumof returns the string 's 1.+.2 1.+0 calc{int n)- the 1ireturns f double calc(String -s) int 000 10 10 /=0-5 0 0y0 0001 0 010 00 000 loop nested 0 1 0 class Designa to overload the calcmethod as calc()- void to thedisplay usingpattern following follows Question 6: [15] SKY Output:2 FLIES EAGLE Input: IN THE example: For Vowel. Uppercase that words anwith begin the count of Definea toclass accepta and String thdisplay e Question 5: [15) and store using Binary Search If found technique. AcceptUpperCase. a letters in and letter for the search alphabetical order of thepresence iri.a them message does not "Character exist" display 'character found thoutput e otherwise in the letter character array. array into letter each Convert Writea program to accept 20 Question 4: [15] non-boundary elements the sum of (LMB) App-9/9 14-Comp. 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 +1 +0+1 14 +2= 1 +0+1 1 3 5 3 1 2 +2 +3 elements 4: boundary 5 1 intoa values aCcept 5X5 and matrix Sumof 1 4 2 array is the find theexample, if For class to Designa Question8 [15]

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