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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (La Martiniere for Boys (LMB), Kolkata)

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Monalisa Datta
La Martiniere for Boys (LMB), Kolkata
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LA MARTINIERE FORBOYS, KOLKATA REHEARSAL EXAMINATION2024-25 TIME: 2 hrs. + 15 min. (Reading time) SUBJECT: BIOLOGY FULL MARKS: 80 CLASS: X Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four guestions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. SECTIONA (40 marks) (Attempt ali questions from this section) Question 1 Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions) (15) () Antigens are present: a. inside the nucleus b. on the cell surface c. inside the cytoplasm d. on the nuclear membrane (i) If there is a deficiency of ADH,its effect would be: the volume of urine will increase b. secretion of urochrome will take place C. pH of urine will change from 4.8 to 8 d. the volume of urine will decrease (ii) Assertion(A):Corpus luteum is yellow endocrine gland in human female Reason(R): It- secretes large amount of progeterone and small quantity of oestrogen. A and R both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A. A and R are both correct but R is not the correct explanation of A A is correct but R is wrong b. c. d. A is correct but R is wrong 10-BIOLOGY-/9 (LMO (iv) A male child is born in human beings when the father is healthier than mother a b. zygote has XX chromosome zygote has YY chromosome d. zygote has XY chromosome C. (V) Oxygen released in photosynthesis is due to reduction of carbon di oxide b. photolysis of water C. hydrolysis of carbohydrate a d. (vi) breakdown of chlorophyll Uriniferous tubules are present in the testis b. kidney C. Ovary d. urinary bladder (vii) Below is the diagram of a person suffering from myopia .The doctor must have observed the eyeball (P) from front to back and lens is too(Q)_ Imape locussed in trcnt ot roina a. P- lengthened b. P- shortened Q- flattened Q- flattened C. P- lengthened Q- curved d. P- shortened Q- curved (vii) Cross between AaBBx aaBb results into F-1 generation with genotype b. C. d. 1AaBb:3aaBb 3AaBB:1aaBB All AaBB: no aaBB 1AaBB: 1aaBB 10-BIOLOGY-2/9 (LMG (ix) Assertion (A) :When there is a.hard unbearable 'hit on the medulla ,the sufferer often instantly dies Reason (R): Medulla oblongata links the brain with spinal cord a. A and R are true and R is the reason for A b. A and R are both true and R is not the reason for A C. A is true and R is false d. A is false and R is true () is an example of vestigial organ a. gall bladder b. jejunum C d. vermiform appendix hair (xi) The DNA strand winds arounda core of histone protein a. . 4 b. 6 C. d. 10 8 (i) The organism studied for industrial melanism is : a. Caterpilar b. peppered moth C. peperred butterfly d. Drosophila (xii) Process of maintaining water and salt balance in body a. Haemodialysis. b. Haemostasis C Osmosis d. Haemoglobin (v) Used needle is an example of a. industrial waste b. biomedical waste C. agricultural waste d. kitchen waste 10-BIOLOGY-3/9 (LMO (xv)Gland whose secretion acts as a lubricant: a cOwper's gland b C. seminal vesicle prostate gland d. epididymis (xvi) Parthenocarpy is development of a. flower b. without pollination fruit without fertilization C. fruit after fertilization d. Flower after pollination Question 2 () Name the following : 5) Gland in which deamination of protein takes a. place. materials at each level of food chain C. The surgical method of fertility control in females d. Solution whose is concentration lower than cell sap e. The blood vessel leaving the liver b. An increase in toxic (1) Fill in the blanks : [5] The human brain is a complex and fascinating that controls everything from our thoughts to.-our movements. It is made upstructure of billions of 1 that communicate through electrical and chemical signals. Each region of the ceretbrum plays a unique role, with the 2 lobe responsible for reasoning, and 3 lobe is associated with movement.The temporal lobe helps in while visual processing is done by 5 lobe. (ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in correct order: b C [5] cornea yellow spot, object,vitreous humour. lens, aqueous humour Nucleotide Chromatid ,Gene, Chromosome, DNA molecule. Destarched plant, iodine added, washed in water, a leaf boiled in alcohol, placed in sunlight. d. Thrombin, Fibrinogen, Platelets, thrombokinase, fibrin, prothrombin e Water moves up through the xylem, Water is absorbed by root hairs, Water evaporates from the leaf surface, Water moves from the roots to the leaves, Water vapor exits through the stomata 10-BI0LOGY-4/9 (LMO (iv) Give the exact location of the following [5) a. Spleen b. Pancreas C. pituitary gland d. prostate gland e mitral valve (v) Given below is the diagram of female reproductive system of humans. Match the structures marked 1-5 with their correct functions: [5) Female reproductive system Function 1.development of foetus 2.discharge of mature ova 3.Site of fertilization B 4.recieves sperm from male reproductive structure 5.preparation for implantation C Section -B (Attempt any four questions from this section) Question 3 a. Mention two sources of water pollution. [1] [2] C. State the feature of Neanderthals with respect to cranial capacity and body posture (21 b. State reason for sharp rise in world human population. E d. Given below is the structure of hydathode .Answer the following question with reference to the diagram: (2] () Where is the above structure located? ( )What is the function of the given structure? 10-BIOL0GY-5/9 (LMO Draw a neat labelled diagram of the internal structure of testis and label any e. two parts Question 4. [1 a. What is osmoregulation? b 2 Distinguish between natural and conditioned reflex ii. light and dark adaptation c. State the function of the following hormones : Oxytocin ( ) Prolactin Draw aneat labeled diagram of the metaphase stage of karyokinesis. 21 (3 e. Study the diagram given below answer the following questions: () ldentify the given structure. (i) State the function of parts labeled 1 and 4. Question 5. What is diastole? a [1] Mention the four observable facts on which theory of Natural selection' is based. [2] C Seema had recently moved to a new neighborhood and noticed something strange. Every morning, she would wake up to the sound of loud speakers, blaring car horns, and constant traffic. Seema. Mention any twO adverse effect these SOunds may have on 10-BIOLOGY-6/9 (LMO [21 d. Ina monohybrid cross RED is dominant over White. What will be the phenotypic ratio of the offspring from a cross between RR xRr. Show the punnett square. [2] e. Study the diagram given below and answer the given questions (3] LUNGS RA L. RV 8 LIVER KIDNEY () Which vessel brings deoxygenated blood to heart from body ? (ii) Inwhich vessel will the blood carry the most oxyhaemoglobin ? (ii) What will happen if there is a blockage in coronary artery? Question 6 [1] (2] a. What is vasectomy? b. Give reason for the following : Lotus leaves have stomata oniy on the upper surface ii. Simple goitre is more common in hilly regions Mention two characteristics of Homo sapiens. d. What are antagonistic hormones? Give one example. e Study the diagram given below and answer the followingquestions: 3 2 4 () Label the parts 1-4. () ldentify the phenomenon that has taken place in the above diagram. Define it. 10-BIOLOGY-7/9 (LMO [2] 2] [3] Question7 a. State the Law of seggregation. transpiration. 2) b. Mention two adaptations of leaf to reduce cel! plant in mitosis of telophase and anaphase c. Mention two difference between 21 comect the Rewrite d. Given below are two statement which are incorrect 21 statement: () Point of attachment of sister chromatids is called centrosome. (i) Thalamus regulates the secretion of hormones from pituitary gland. e. Study the diagram below which represents an experiment on photosynthesis and 3] answer the following questions: Paper Black Paper Cip 1 (). Name the factor studied in this experiment. ( ). Why was the plant kept in dark. (D). What will youobserve in the experimental leaf after the starch test. Question 8 a. Differentiate between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervoUS System. b. Draw a neat labeled iagram of the longitudinal secion of kidney. 21 c. The ittle baby touches the hot kettle and immediately removes his hand. Write the reflex pathway followed by the impulse. [2] d. State two functions of gibberellins. 10-B10LOGY-8/? (M 2] e. The diagram given below is that of a developing human foetus in the uterus. (3] Study the same and answer the following questions: (i) Label the parts 1. the part labelled 3? (i) What is the role played by of the part labelled 2. (ii) Mention any two functions 10-BIOLOGY-9/9 (LM

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