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Class 12 ISC Board Exam 2018 : History

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Mayank Raj
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HISTORY (Maximum Marks: 80) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer Question 1 (Compulsory) from Part I and five questions from Part II, choosing two questions from Section A, two questions from Section B and one question from either Section A or Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART I (20 Marks) Answer all questions. Question 1 [20 1] th (i) What was the significance of Attlee s Declaration of 20 February, 1947? (ii) Name the Indian nationalist leader who played a vital role in the integration of princely states with the Indian Union. (iii) Mention the principle on which the first general election in India (1952) was based. (iv) With reference to the Congress party in the 1960s, what is meant by the term Syndicate? (v) What is the significance of the Historic Eight Documents? (vi) Who was the first non-Congress Prime Minister of India? (vii) Why was Operation Blue Star launched? (viii) What are the five principles of peaceful co-existence mutually agreed upon by India and China known as? (ix) Mention the controversial issue that led to the outbreak of the First Indo-Pak War (1948-1949). (x) Name the Report (published in 1974) that deals with issues related to the status of women in India. (xi) Name two alliances signed between Italy, Germany and Japan. (xii) Explain the term island hopping with reference to the war in the Pacific. (xiii) Why was there a temporary truce between the KMT and CCP in 1936? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This Paper consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page. 1218-851 Turn over Copyright reserved. (xiv) What part did the Mau Mau secret society play in the Kenyan struggle for freedom from British rule? (xv) Why did Stalin establish the Cominform? (xvi) Who introduced the policies of the Glasnost and Perestroika in the USSR? (xvii) Which organisation led the movement against communism in Poland? (xviii) Name the two democrat Presidents who were sympathetic to the demands of black Americans? (xix) Who wrote the book The Feminine Mystique that sparked off the Second Wave of American Feminism in the 20th century? (xx) What was the immediate reaction of the Arab states to the creation of the new State of Israel in 1948? PART II (60 Marks) Answer five questions in all, choosing two questions from Section A, two questions from Section B and one question from either Section A or Section B. SECTION A Question 2 (a) Why was there a change in the attitude of the British government towards India at the end of World War II? [6] (b) List the main proposals of the Cabinet Mission Plan. [6] Question 3 (a) Examine the role of the Syndicate in the appointment of Lal Bahadur Shastri as Prime Minister of India. [6] (b) Give a brief account of the circumstances that led to the split in Congress, in 1969. [6] Question 4 (a) Trace the developments leading to the rise of the Naxal Movement in West Bengal. [6] (b) What measures did the government adopt to suppress the Naxal Movement? [6] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 1218-851 Question 5 (a) State the objectives of the Khalistan Movement under the leadership of the Akali Dal. [6] (b) Discuss the consequences of the Khalistan Movement. [6] Question 6 Discuss the causes and consequences of the Indo-Pak war of 1965. [12] SECTION B Question 7 With reference to the aggressive foreign policies of Italy and Japan, explain how the following events made war more likely and worldwide in scope: (a) Italy s invasion of Abyssinia. [6] (b) Attack on Pearl Harbour - motives, events and impact. [6] Question 8 (a) Give a brief account of the post-war struggle between the KMT and the CCP. [6] (b) Explain the causes for the victory of the Communists. [6] Question 9 The basic cause of conflict lay in the differences of principles between the communist and democratic states. In this context, explain how the following events led to the development of the Cold War: (a) The Truman Doctrine. [6] (b) The Marshall Plan. [6] Question 10 (a) Give an account of the factors that led to emergence of the Second Wave Feminist Movement in the USA, in the 1960s. What was its impact on the status of women in America? [6] (b) Evaluate Dr. Martin Luther King s role in the Civil Rights Movement in the USA. [6] Question 11 With reference to the Israeli-Palestine conflict in the Middle East, discuss the causes, course and consequences of the Six Day War of 1967. [12] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1218-851

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