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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2019 : English Paper I & II

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ICSE Analysis of Pupil Performance ENGLISH Research Development and Consultancy Division Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations New Delhi Year 2019 __________________________________________________________________________________ Published by: Research Development and Consultancy Division (RDCD) Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations Pragati House, 3rd Floor 47-48, Nehru Place New Delhi-110019 Tel: (011) 26413820/26411706 E-mail: Copyright, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations All rights reserved. The copyright to this publication and any part thereof solely vests in the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. This publication and no part thereof may be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or stored in any manner whatsoever, without the prior written approval of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. FOREWORD This document of the Analysis of Pupils Performance at the ISC Year 12 and ICSE Year 10 Examination is one of its kind. It has grown and evolved over the years to provide feedback to schools in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates in handling the examinations. We commend the work of Mrs. Shilpi Gupta (Deputy Head) of the Research Development and Consultancy Division (RDCD) of the Council and her team, who have painstakingly prepared this analysis. We are grateful to the examiners who have contributed through their comments on the performance of the candidates under examination as well as for their suggestions to teachers and students for the effective transaction of the syllabus. We hope the schools will find this document useful. We invite comments from schools on its utility and quality. Gerry Arathoon Chief Executive & Secretary October 2019 i PREFACE The Council has been involved in the preparation of the ICSE and ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance documents since the year 1994. Over these years, these documents have facilitated the teaching-learning process by providing subject/ paper wise feedback to teachers regarding performance of students at the ICSE and ISC Examinations. With the aim of ensuring wider accessibility to all stakeholders, from the year 2014, the ICSE and the ISC documents have been made available on the Council s website The documents include a detailed qualitative analysis of the performance of students in different subjects which comprises of examiners comments on common errors made by candidates, topics found difficult or confusing, marking scheme for each question and suggestions for teachers/ candidates. In addition to a detailed qualitative analysis, the Analysis of Pupil Performance documents for the Examination Year 2019 also have a component of a detailed quantitative analysis. For each subject dealt with in the document, both at the ICSE and the ISC levels, a detailed statistical analysis has been done, which has been presented in a simple user-friendly manner. It is hoped that this document will not only enable teachers to understand how their students have performed with respect to other students who appeared for the ICSE/ISC Year 2019 Examinations, but also provide information on how they have performed within the Region or State, their performance as compared to other Regions or States, etc. It will also help develop a better understanding of the assessment/ evaluation process. This will help teachers in guiding their students more effectively and comprehensively so that students prepare for the ICSE/ ISC Examinations, with a better understanding of what is required from them. The Analysis of Pupil Performance document for ICSE for the Examination Year 2019 covers the following subjects: English (English Language, Literature in English), Hindi, History, Civics and Geography (History and Civics, Geography), Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Commercial Studies, Economics, Computer Applications, Economic Applications, Commercial Applications. Subjects covered in the ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance document for the Year 2019 include English (English Language and Literature in English), Hindi, Elective English, Physics (Theory), Chemistry (Theory), Biology (Theory), Mathematics, Computer Science, History, Political Science, Geography, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Commerce, Accounts and Business Studies. I would like to acknowledge the contribution of all the ICSE and the ISC examiners who have been an integral part of this exercise, whose valuable inputs have helped put this document together. I would also like to thank the RDCD team of Dr. M.K. Gandhi, Dr. Manika Sharma, Mrs. Roshni George and Mrs. Mansi Guleria who have done a commendable job in preparing this document. Shilpi Gupta Deputy Head - RDCD October 2019 ii CONTENTS Page No. FOREWORD i PREFACE ii INTRODUCTION 1 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS ENGLISH 3 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS English Language (Paper-1) 10 Literature in English (Paper-2) 27 INTRODUCTION This document aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the performance of candidates in the subject. It comprises of two sections, which provide Quantitative and Qualitative analysis results in terms of performance of candidates in the subject for the ICSE Year 2019 Examination. The details of the Quantitative and the Qualitative analysis are given below. Quantitative Analysis This section provides a detailed statistical analysis of the following: Overall Performance of candidates in the subject (Statistics at a Glance) State wise Performance of Candidates Gender wise comparison of Overall Performance Region wise comparison of Performance Comparison of Region wise performance on the basis of Gender Comparison of performance in different Mark Ranges and comparison on the basis of Gender for the top and bottom ranges Comparison of performance in different Grade categories and comparison on the basis of Gender for the top and bottom grades The data has been presented in the form of means, frequencies and bar graphs. Understanding the tables Each of the comparison tables shows N (Number of candidates), Mean Marks obtained, Standard Errors and t-values with the level of significance. For t-test, mean values compared with their standard errors indicate whether an observed difference is likely to be a true difference or whether it has occurred by chance. The t-test has been applied using a confidence level of 95%, which means that if a difference is marked as statistically significant (with * mark, refer to t-value column of the table), the probability of the difference occurring by chance is less than 5%. In other words, we are 95% confident that the difference between the two values is true. t-test has been used to observe significant differences in the performance of boys and girls, gender wise differences within regions (North, East, South and West), gender wise differences within marks ranges (Top and bottom ranges) and gender wise differences within grades awarded (Grade 1 and Grade 9) at the ICSE Year 2019 Examination. The analysed data has been depicted in a simple and user-friendly manner. 1 Given below is an example showing the comparison tables used in this section and the manner in which they should be interpreted. The table shows comparison between the performances of boys and girls in a particular subject. The t-value of 11.91 is significant at Comparison on the basis of Gender Gender Girls Boys *Significant at 0.05 level N 2,538 1,051 Mean 66.1 60.1 SE 0.29 0.42 t-value 11.91* 0.05 level (mentioned below the table) with a mean of girls as 66.1 and that of boys as 60.1. It means that there is significant difference between the performance of boys and girls in the subject. The probability of this difference occurring by chance is less than 5%. The mean value of girls is higher than that of boys. It can be interpreted that girls are performing significantly better than boys. The results have also been depicted pictographically. In this case, the girls performed significantly better than the boys. This is depicted by the girl with a medal. Qualitative Analysis The purpose of the qualitative analysis is to provide insights into how candidates have performed in individual questions set in the question paper. This section is based on inputs provided by examiners from examination centres across the country. It comprises of question wise feedback on the performance of candidates in the form of Comments of Examiners on the common errors made by candidates along with Suggestions for Teachers to rectify/ reduce these errors. The Marking Scheme for each question has also been provided to help teachers understand the criteria used for marking. Topics in the question paper that were generally found to be difficult or confusing by candidates, have also been listed down, along with general suggestions for candidates on how to prepare for the examination/ perform better in the examination. 2 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS STATISTICS AT A GLANCE Total Number of Candidates: 1,96,209 Highest Marks: 99 Mean Marks: Lowest Marks: 06 76.1 3 PERFORMANCE (STATE-WISE & FOREIGN) West Bengal Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh Tripura Telangana Tamil Nadu Sikkim Rajasthan Punjab Puducherry Odisha New Delhi Nagaland Meghalaya Manipur Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Kerala Karnataka Jharkhand Himachal Pradesh Haryana Gujarat Goa Chhattisgarh Chandigarh Bihar Assam Arunachal Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Foreign 76.7 74.9 71.7 69.7 77.8 77.3 72.6 77.5 73.6 79.6 74.8 76.7 79.0 78.6 73.6 71.1 83.5 79.1 79.7 75.7 75.8 77.2 73.5 69.2 74.8 63.9 73.1 84.9 78.9 81.1 85.8 The States of Goa, Maharashtra and Assam secured highest mean marks. Mean marks secured by candidates studying in schools abroad were 85.8. 4 GENDER-WISE COMPARISON GIRLS BOYS Mean Marks: 78.3 Mean Marks: 74.2 Number of Number of Candidates: 89,282 Candidates: 1,06,927 Comparison on the basis of Gender Gender Girls Boys N Mean SE t-value 89,282 1,06,927 78.3 74.2 0.04 0.04 74.48* *Significant at 0.05 level Girls performed significantly better than boys. 5 REGION-WISE COMPARISON East North Mean Marks: 76.0 Mean Marks: 72.6 Number of Candidates: 62,747 Number of Candidates: 69,205 Highest Marks: 99 Lowest Marks: 18 Highest Marks: 99 Lowest Marks: 06 Mean Marks: 78.4 REGION Number of Candidates: 38,455 Highest Marks: 99 Lowest Marks: 21 South Mean Marks: 82.0 Number of Candidates: 25,376 Mean Marks: 85.8 Number of Candidates: 426 Highest Marks: 99 Lowest Marks: 47 Foreign 6 Highest Marks: 99 Lowest Marks: 22 West Mean Marks obtained by Boys and Girls-Region wise 75.3 70.5 North 78.0 80.1 74.4 East 84.0 76.8 South 86.7 80.4 West 84.9 Foreign Comparison on the basis of Gender within Region Region Gender North (N) East (E) South (S) West (W) Foreign (F) Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys *Significant at 0.05 level N Mean SE 30,349 38,856 28,313 34,434 19,120 19,335 11,275 14,101 225 201 75.3 70.5 78.0 74.4 80.1 76.8 84.0 80.4 86.7 84.9 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.55 0.65 REGION (N, E, S, W, F) The performance of girls was significantly better than that of boys in all the regions. 7 t-value 48.97* 36.88* 32.92* 29.20* 2.09* MARK RANGES : COMPARISON GENDER-WISE Comparison on the basis of gender in top and bottom mark ranges Marks Range Top Range (81-100) Bottom Range (0-20) *Significant at 0.05 level Gender Girls Boys Girls Boys N Mean SE 44,644 38,683 2 19 87.0 86.4 18.0 17.3 0.02 0.02 2.00 0.86 Boys t-value 21.50* 0.31 Girls All Candidates Marks Range (81-100) 86.4 Performance of girls was 81 - 100 significantly better than the 87.0 86.7 performance of boys. 72.0 61 - 80 72.9 72.4 Marks Range (81-100) 53.3 41 - 60 53.8 53.5 34.5 21 - 40 Marks Range (0-20) 35.2 34.6 No significant difference was 17.3 observed between the average 0 - 20 performance of girls and boys. 18.0 17.4 8 GRADES AWARDED : COMPARISON GENDER-WISE Comparison on the basis of gender in Grade 1 and Grade 9 Grades Gender Girls Boys Girls Boys Grade 1 Grade 9 *Significant at 0.05 level N Mean SE 12,579 8938 2 19 92.1 92.0 18.0 17.3 0.02 0.02 2.00 0.86 Boys Girls t-value 4.12* 0.31 All Candidates 92.0 92.1 92.0 1 In Grade 1, 84.2 84.6 84.4 2 no significant 75.7 75.8 75.7 3 difference was observed 67.0 67.2 67.1 4 between the average performance of girls and 57.2 57.3 57.2 5 boys in Grade 9. 48.0 48.1 48.0 6 Grade 1 38.4 38.8 38.5 7 26.3 26.9 26.5 8 9 9 17.3 18.0 17.4 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE (PAPER-1) Question 1 (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) Write a composition (300 - 350 words) on any one of the following: (a) Write an original short story in which two children and their Grandfather are the main characters. (b) Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) must be installed in every class room. Give your views either for or against this statement. (c) Your class had to conduct a Morning Assembly. Write an account of how you prepared for it, what your role was and what you gained from the experience. (d) Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected? (e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. 10 [20] Comments of Examiners (a) A number of candidates attempted the short story, but most ignored the essential requirements of a short story i.e., plot-structure, sequence, setting, characters, dialogues and wrote it as a first-person narrative. The other common error was not linking the given line with the short story. Many candidates did not understand the meaning of the word original . They indulged in plagiarism and wrote in entirety the story- After Blenheim from poetry. The story lacked creativity and a neat ending. (b) Some candidates mistook CCTV camera for television. Many candidates failed to take a stand and argued both sides of the motion. Some gave inadequate number of arguments e.g., most centred around classroom indiscipline and slothfulness of the teachers being curbed. Some candidates deviated from the necessity of installation of CCTV in schools to CCTV in public places like Malls and shops. (c) Certain essays were often garbled and written in a combination of tenses. The role, preparation and the experience gained by the candidates were inadequately presented. In most cases, only a detailed account of the morning assembly was mentioned. (d) In many cases, the focus was shifted to the impact of global warming. By and large, many essays described the summer season instead of A hot summer day . Impact of the rising heat on birds and animals was totally forgotten. In many answer scripts inadequate language skills (inability to use good vocabulary to bring alive the discomfort of humidity and heat) were observed. The use of five senses was also not adequately dealt with. Suggestions for teachers - Insist on originality. Discourage lifting of stories from prose, movies etc. - Focus on the importance of writing original story in every short story writing practice session. - Fire the students imagination by taking the examples of writing by famous short story writers likeMaupassant, Saki, Somerset Maugham and others. - Teach Plot structure. Devise pages to be filled in, comic book-style, etc. - Explain the importance of having an opinion, placing an argument and taking a stand. - Familiarise students with the structure of formal essay writing at school level. Give adequate practice in reading the question and following the sequence of guidelines given. - Teach students to think in a logical, sequential pattern and make effective use of the guidelines given. - Give adequate reading vocabulary building exercises. and teaching a narrative - While composition, ensure that the students learn the importance of the use of senses-visual, auditory tactile etc. to accentuate the composition. - Teach the correct use of tenses. (e) In several cases, the link between the picture and the essay was missing as many strayed from the central theme conveyed by the picture. Some candidates focused on merely listing of element seen in the picture or as a sight viewed on a journey without any reference to the picture. In many cases, the essay did not conclude logically. 11 MARKING SCHEME Question 1 (a) Original Short Story: The story must be original. The Grandfather and the two Grandchildren form the main characters. All three characters must be part of the plot. The story may be in first or the third person and could take any form i.e. comic, tragic, dramatic or a mystery. (b) Argumentative Composition: Views for or against the motion are to be accepted. Credit is to be given for a cohesive, well-constructed, logical argument and ideas and reasoning based on personal experience. Candidates must establish why CCTV cameras are necessary or not in the Classrooms / schools of today. Candidate must take a clear stand and give valid reasons for the stand taken. (c) Narrative Composition: This is a personal account of 15-year-old child of the Morning Assembly in each School. The composition must include planning, motivation and the role played by the students. The composition should also indicate what lessons are learnt through this exercise and why these lessons are so important. (d) Descriptive Composition: The candidate must give a detailed description of hot summer day. The heat, rising temperatures, humidity or aridity must be included. Images of animals and birds seeking shade and water should make up a part of this composition. (e) Picture Composition: Accept a wide interpretation. Any relevant ideas taken from the picture should be accepted. However, a mere itemization / listing / description of the picture is to be penalized. [10] Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) Select any one of the following: (a) You want to start a new club in your school. Write a letter to your Principal requesting permission to start the club, explain your role in it and give reasons to prove that the club will be beneficial for the school. (b) Your friend has not fared well in the recent examinations. Write a letter to him / her expressing your concern. Give him / her some advice on how to score better marks and offer to help him / her to improve his / her performance. 12 Comments of Examiners (a) While a number of candidates attempted this question well, some common anomalies observed in this question were: Format: No address was given - candidates wrote either school name or Examination hall. Month (February) was spelt incorrectly. Instead of the examination date other dates were given. Incorrect salutation - not used the word Sir/Madam. Incorrect informal subscription. The subscription yours was written as your s with an apostrophe. Content: role of the candidate, kind of club was not specified. Expression: Formal language as required in formal letter was not used. Very casual language and faulty sentence construction was predominant. (b) Common errors made by candidates in this part were: Format: Many candidates used formal subscription, various combinations of friend and dear in the salutation/ subscription. Content: Concern by the sender was not specified. Suggestions for teachers - Teach students the correct format (address, date, salutation and subscription) and style of letter with emphasis on tone appropriate to the context. - Give adequate and regular practice on a variety of formal/informal letter writing. - Explain the necessity of ensuring formal language and required information to be included. - Instruct students to read the question paper carefully, identify important points to be highlighted and use specific words as referral points. - Conduct regular language activities in the class to improve Language structure/expression. - Refer to the council website to clear the doubts regarding the correct format. - Discourage dependence on guide books / workbooks as the ultimate source of information. Candidates failed to mention the help they would offer to improve the performance of their friend. The sender seemed to understand that advice offered was all that was important. Expression: Very casual informal language was used. Correct English usage was missing in many letters. MARKING SCHEME Question 2 INFORMAL LETTER FORMAL LETTER Address From address Date Date Salutation To address X Salutation Subscription Subscription 13 First name (a) Name + surname/ initial Formal Letter: Format, Content, Expression Body: Kind of club Your role/ Your duty (Any 1) Head / President / leader/ Plan / organize / carry out activity / motivate Reasons Why you want a club? (Any 2) Give skills / Spot new talent / exposure / team building / extra activity / improve campus / help others / All-round development (b) Informal Letter: Format, Content, Expression Expressing concern (Any 1) Sorry / worried / upset / anxious / concerned Advice -(Any 2) Plan proper study timetable / use study notes / seek teachers help / pay attention in class / practice frequently / proper food / rest / relaxation. Help -(Any 2) Take my notes / I shall sit with you / I shall help you / I shall take up your work I must be there. Question 3 (a) Your school is hosting an Inter-School Quiz Competition. [5] Write out a notice to be displayed in your school giving all details for the event. (b) Write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighbouring school requesting him / her to send a team of three members to participate in the Quiz Competition. 14 [5] Comments of Examiners (a) Although a number of candidates wrote well, many did not pay attention to the requirements of the notice i.e., creative title and all details (venue, date, time, target audience) relevant to the situation. Some common errors observed were as follows: Creative title: The title was missing; inappropriate/incorrect/ unimaginative or a very long title was given; the example on the council website - War of Words for debate was lifted either in parts or in its entirety. Content details were written in paragraph. Candidates did not adhere to the format given on the Council website. Incomplete details of venue, date and time of the event were given. Event date was too far ahead to be relevant / the examination date was given as the date of the event, while the date of the event should be at least 10 to 15 days after the notice. In several scripts following anomalies were observed: Incorrect email id-no @sign. Personal ids (with a name) were given. Opening sentence was not clear and did not touch upon the topic. Closing sentence was missing in many cases. In many cases the opening and closing sentences overlapped with the content. Salutation and subscription: Many wrote Respected Ma am which is an incorrect salutation. In a few cases, due to lack of language skills the person being addressed to was asked to host the Quiz. Suggestions for teachers - Train students to write notices, emails, etc. to communicate a specific message to a target audience using appropriate tone, style and format. - Advise students to refer to the Council website for correct format of notice and email writing. - Draw up a list of activities that a school may be involved in and help students to prepare a list of creative and catchy titles for these events. - Explain the necessity of giving required information- date, venue and time of the event which is meant to be read by multiple readers. - Familiarise students with the difference between official and personal email id. - In the opening sentence only, the request/ invitation should be mentioned. - Clarify to students about the necessity of a polite closing of the mail. e.g., Hoping for- positive reply, support, to see the team representing the school, etc. - Salutation and subscription should be as in the formal letter. (Refer to the Council website.) - The content of the Notice forms the content of the Email. MARKING SCHEME Question 3 (a) Creative Title - e.g. Question Hour, Quizzitica!, Brain Storm etc.[ English words only] Inter-School Quiz - e.g. Annual Inter school Quiz, Bradley Memorial Inter-School Quiz etc. Date - any date after 22nd February and before 28th March. Time - accept any time - a.m./am/A.M. 15 Venue - smaller place to larger. Invite participation, to whom to apply to, etc. (b) E-mail id Subject Salutation Opening sentence Closing sentence Subscription Expression/Body Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Billy Weaver had travelled down from London and by the time he arrived it was nine o clock in the night and the moon was coming up. Excuse me, he asked a porter. but is there a cheap hotel nearby? Try The Bell Hotel, the porter answered, pointing down the road. Billy thanked him, picked up his suitcase and set out to walk the distance to The Bell Hotel. He had never been to Richmond before. But the man at the Office had told him it was a splendid city. Billy was seventeen years old. He was wearing a new navy-blue overcoat, a new brown hat, and a new brown suit, and he was feeling fine. He walked briskly down the street. He was trying to do everything briskly these days. The big shots up at the Head Office were fantastically brisk all the time. They were amazing. The road was lonely and dark with a few scattered houses. Suddenly, in a downstairs window Billy saw a printed notice propped up against the window glass. It said Bed and Breakfast. He moved a bit closer and peered through the window into the room, and the first thing he saw was a bright fire burning in the hearth. On the carpet in front of the fire, a little dog was curled up asleep with its nose tucked into its belly. The room in half-darkness was filled with pleasant furniture. There was a piano and a big sofa 16 10 and several plump armchairs; and in one corner he spotted a large parrot in a cage. 20 Animals were usually a good sign in a place like this, Billy told himself and it looked to him as though it would be a pretty decent house to stay in. Then a queer thing happened to him. He was in the act of stepping back and going away from the window when he felt a strange urge to ring the bell! He pressed the bell. He heard it ringing, and then at once the door swung open and a woman was standing there. She gave him a warm welcoming smile. Please come in, she said pleasantly. Billy found himself automatically moving 30 forward into the house. I saw the notice in the window, he said, holding himself back. Yes, I know. I was wondering about a room. It s all ready for you, my dear, she said. She had a round pink face and very gentle blue eyes. How much do your charge? Five dollars a night, including breakfast. It was fantastically cheap. He could easily afford it. (a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage: [3] One-word answers or short phrases will be accepted. (b) (i) splendid (line 7) (ii) spotted (line 20) (iii) automatically (line 29) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. (i) How did the porter assist Billy? [2] (ii) Why did Billy want to do everything briskly? [2] 17 (c) (iii) Why did Billy think animals were a good sign in a place like this? [2] (iv) Which sentence tells you that something strange happened to Billy? [2] (v) How much did the room cost? [1] In not more than 50 words, give a brief account of what Billy saw as he looked through the window of the room. [8] Comments of Examiners (a) Vocabulary: Several candidates were not able to write the correct meaning of the words as used in the passage due to the following reasons: Not maintaining the tense of the given words in their meaning; The form of the meaning was not matching e.g. spotted- see instead of saw; Explaining the meaning in sentences; Not reading the passage with the word meaning closely enough - some completely incorrect interpretations were observed, e.g., Spotteddotted. (b) Majority of the candidates performed well. However, in some cases following inaccuracies were observed: (i) Name of the hotel was not specified. wrote that the porter pointed the way. Most (ii) Quite a few candidates wrote - Billy wanted to do everything briskly because the road was lonely and dark (fear) and he was seventeen (young); Very few wrote that he wanted to become like/ imitate the big shots. (iii) The candidates simply copied the part of the passage without analysis. (Love/care of the owner was not mentioned.) Some candidates wrote the place was dark and lonely but did not continue that it was therefore 18 Suggestions for teachers - Advise students to practise vocabulary exercises regularly. - Encourage students to refer to the dictionary for word meanings. - Point out with examples, how if the incorrect word meaning replaces the word in the passage, it would not fit. - Instruct the students to answer application-based questions by using the precise information available in the passage. - Train students to think logically and to use the correct words or phrases that convey the meaning. - Teach students to read with understanding. They must be taught to read between the lines and identify the cause and effect. - Teach students to carefully read and choose the correct sentence which conveys the meaning of what has been asked for. - Help the students to improve their proficiency in English and tenses in particular. - Encourage students to practise the use of a Grid - Teach students to identify the key words-Nouns/Verbs. - Teach students to see the summary as answer to a specific question. safer with animals. (cause and effect was not focused on.) (iv) Many candidates wrote more than one sentence without highlighting the correct sentence, while some wrote an incomplete sentence. Some wrote the answer in their own words instead of quoting the sentence. (v) A few candidates made grammatical error in words -they wrote costed instead of cost. (c) Many candidates did not keep to the word limit. They wrote the pr cis in more than 50 words. Some left out articles to reduce word count. A few others wrote the summary of the entire passage/ part of the passage. MARKING SCHEME Question 4 (a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. One word answers or short phrases will be accepted. (i) splendid - very good, wonderful, majestic, magnificent, impressive. (ii) spotted - (iii) automatically (b) saw, sighted, noticed, caught sight of. by himself, mechanically, with no outward force, instinctively, involuntarily, spontaneously, (i) Gave him information / about the Bell Hotel/ (cheap, nearby) (ii) Wanted to become / (like the big shots in the office, they were fantastically brisk/ they were amazing) any one from within the brackets. (iii) Proof that the people were good / they loved and cared for animals. (anything that implies love and care) (iv) Then a queer thing happened to him. (Quote exactly the entire sentence). (v) Five dollars a night with breakfast. (c) Points to look for: 1. Bright fire in the hearth 2. Little dog (on the carpet) 3. Pleasant furniture 4. Piano 5. Sofa and stuffed armchairs 6. Parrot in a cage All Nouns. Implied meaning / the words may be placed in any order / only a description of the room is required. (six things in the room+ expression) 19 Question 5 (a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in [4] brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. Example: (0) roamed Once upon a time, in the days when genies and giants (0)___________ (roam) the land, there (1) ____________ (live) a farmer (2)____________ (name) Baba Ayub. He lived with his family in a little village by the name of Maidan Sabz. Because he had a large family to feed, Baba Ayub (3) ____________ (see) his days (4) ____________ (consume) by hard work. Every day, he (5)___________ (labour) from dawn to sundown, (6)____________ (plow) his field and (7) ____________ (turn) the soil and (8)___________ (tend) to his meagre pistachio trees. (b) Fill in each blank with an appropriate word: (i) The puppy was hiding __________ the sofa. (ii) Stop worrying __________ your future. [4] (iii) When I stepped __________ the lift, I found it had stopped working. (iv) We had to use a bridge to go __________ the river. (v) I have lived in this town __________ ten years. (vi) Please switch __________ all lights and fans when you leave the room. (vii) Ronnie is married __________ my cousin. (viii) The gift came __________ a birthday card. (c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so: (i) He was very ill. He did not take any medicine. (ii) You come back from your holiday. We will discuss the problem. (iii) He remained absent on Friday. It was foolish of him. (iv) Rahul ran all the way to the bus stop. He missed the bus. 20 [4] (d) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. (i) The old woman said to Arun, Can you help me to cross the street? (Begin: The old woman asked Arun ) (ii) As soon as the sun rose over the hills, the fog disappeared. (Begin: No sooner ) (iii) It rained so heavily that they could not go for the picnic. (Rewrite: Using too to ) (iv) If your friends get here before 7 o clock we can take them out for dinner. (Rewrite: Using unless .) (v) The school captain was elected by the students of classes XI and XII. (Begin: The students ) (vi) Greenland is the largest island in the world. (Rewrite: Using larger .) (vii)How cruel Shylock was to demand his pound of flesh! (Begin: It was cruel ) (viii) Arun was asked by his mother to explain the missing buttons on his shirt. (Rewrite: Using explanation ) 21 [8] Comments of Examiners (a) Many candidates answered blanks (6), (7) and (8) in Suggestions for teachers simple past instead of in their continuous forms. - Teach the basic rules and concepts of (b) A large number of candidates did not perform well in grammar and revise as often as this part of the question. Some of the commonly possible. occurring errors were as follows: - Practice verb forms in passages, as in The difference between in and into was not single sentences. understood, in (iii); - Explain the change of tenses In (v), since was used instead of for . according to the context. - Explain the difference between in Candidates used on instead of off in part (vi). into , on-upon about things at rest With instead of to was used by candidates in and things in motion. part (vii). - The difference between since and Phrasal verbs/ phrases were used instead of single for with a specific time and a words. more general period should be (c) Several candidates used completely incorrect explained. approach of synthesis of sentences. Following - Stress upon the importance of procedural mistakes were observed: reading the entire sentence before deciding upon a preposition. In (i), He was very ill, inspite he did not take any - Teach students that two clauses are medicine. made mutually exclusive by the use Causal: He did not take any medicine as he was of the subordinating conjunction very ill. though , although etc and not In (ii), structure As soon as was used - there was inter-dependent as in a causal no immediacy involved. sentence. In (iii), he remained absent was used instead of - Teach when to use after and when to remain absent. (passive + incorrectly used.) to use As soon as - Design worksheets to teach specific Candidates used though along with yet/still in items of grammar for class work part (iv), which was incorrect. e.g. Although Rahul exercises. ran all the way, yet he missed the bus. Causal: - Compliment Language classes with Rahul missed the bus as he ran all the way. adequate emphasis on literature (d) Some common errors made by candidates in this part classes to reinforce a better were: comprehension and study of the English language as a whole. (i) .to help her to cross the road. - if and whether Teach the students to reason out the were not used by many candidates. implications of using incorrect words (ii) - Incorrect verb-form combination - No sooner did /placing the word incorrectly in a the sun rose sentence. - Incorrect position of than - No sooner than the - Stress upon improving reading habits sun rose to help improve basic language skills - Used that instead of than - No sooner and fluency. did/had . that the fog disappeared. (iii) Incorrect sentence construction: - It rained too heavily that they could not for the picnic. - The rain was too heavy to go for the picnic. ( for them missing) 22 (iv) can used instead of cannot - Unless your friends get here before 7o clock we can take them out for dinner. (v) - Instead of using simple past the candidates used past perfect tense, e.g. The students of class XI and XII had elected - Subject reversed- The students of class XI and XII were elected by the Captain. (vi) Incorrect form used with the comparative - No other island was larger than .. (vii) cruel used as qualifier - It was cruel Shylock who ../It was cruel that Shylock (viii) Candidates used all kinds of variations with prepositions - for, of, in, on, about, to - in all kinds of ways in the sentence. MARKING SCHEME Question 5 (a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (b) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (c) roamed lived named saw consumed laboured plowing/ploughing turning tending under / behind/beside about into across for off to with Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so: (i) Although / though/ even though he was very ill, he did not take any medicine. In spite of being / Despite being/ very ill, he did not take any medicine He was very ill, yet/still/ he did not take any medicine. (if the words- very any missing - no penalty) (ii) After you come back from your holiday we will discuss the problem. We will discuss the problem after/ when /you come back from your holiday. (After/ when can be in the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.) 23 (iii) It was foolish of him to remain absent on Friday. (iv) In spite of /Despite/ running all the way to the bus stop, Rahul missed the bus. Although/ though/ even though Rahul ran all the way to the bus stop, he missed the bus. Rahul ran all the way to the bus stop yet/still he missed the bus. (d) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. (i) The old woman asked Arun if he could help her (to) cross the street. (ii) No sooner did the sun rise over the hills than the fog disappeared / No sooner had the sun risen over the hills than the fog disappeared. (iii) It rained too heavily for them to go for the picnic (iv) Unless your friends get here before 7 o clock we cannot take them out for dinner. We cannot take your friends out for dinner unless they get here before 7o clock. (v) The students of Classes XI and XII elected the school captain. (vi) Greenland is larger than any other island/all other islands in the world. (vii) It was cruel of Shylock to demand his pound of flesh. (viii) Arun was asked by his mother to give an explanation for/about the missing buttons on his shirt / Arun s mother asked him for an explanation about the missing buttons on his shirt. 24 GENERAL COMMENTS Topics found difficult/ confusing by candidates Essay writing: Many candidates found it difficult to express their thoughts in English and often used words in mother tongue to express their views. Letter: The idea/concept of forming a new club for a specific activity was not understood by many. Notice & Email: The connection between the two was not understood by some. Wrong format was used in many cases. Comprehension: Questions based on analysis/ understanding were not understood by many candidates. Grammar: The rules of grammar were not clear to many candidates. 25 Suggestions for candidates Read books, newspapers and periodicals regularly. Regularly practice grammar and vocabulary. Organise yourselves into study groups and engage in discussions of the language skills. Solve past years question papers. Read the instructions given on the question paper attentively. Use the 15 minutes reading time judiciously to make a proper choice of questions by reading the requirements of the question carefully. Read through the paper on completion to avoid mistakes. Develop regular reading habit and apply vocabulary learnt from a text in your creative writing. Learn to answer critical and analytical questions. Take note of key words in the sentence/ question. Pay attention to language, correct spellings, punctuation and grammar. Choose the composition topic only after thinking and comprehending it and include - the essential components (plot, setting, character, dialogue, crisis and its resolution) in writing an original and creative short story. - sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and feeling or human emotion in writing a composition which incorporates sensory descriptions. - your own experience stressing the role of the narrator in giving a first-person account of an incident or situation. - arguments presented in a cohesive and logical manner using suitable examples, while writing views either for or against a given topic. Practise writing letters, emails, notices using appropriate tone, style and format (refer to the council website for guidelines). Read the given passage carefully underlining the key points/terms/phrases/phrasal verbs etc. and answer the questions asked. Practise a variety of questions based on correct use of prepositions, verbs, tenses synthesis and transformation of sentences etc. 26 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (PAPER-2) SECTION A DRAMA Answer one or both questions from only ONE of the following play: The Merchant of Venice Or The Mousetrap The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare Question 1 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Bassanio: To you, Antonio, I owe the most, in money and in love; And from your love I have a warranty To unburden all my plots and purposes How to get clear of all the debts I owe. Antonio: (i) I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it; [3] (ii) Describe Antonio s mood at the beginning of this scene. State any two reasons that Antonio s friends, who were present, gave to explain his mood. What promise did Antonio make to Bassanio immediately after this conversation? (iii) What did Bassanio say to Antonio about a lady richly left in Belmont? [3] (iv) Why was Antonio unable to lend Bassanio the money that he needed? How did he propose to help his friend? What does the above extract reveal of the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio? Mention one way in which this relationship was put to the test later in the play. [3] (v) 27 [3] [4] Comments of Examiners (i) Most candidates answered this question correctly. Some candidates wrote too many details about Suggestions for teachers plucking of grass and the sea, which were not - Instruct students to write to the point required. answers. Vague and lengthy answers (ii) Majority of the candidates were unable to are not recommended. comprehend this question. Several candidates wrote - Guide students to focus on relevant words and ideas in every scene. about the help which Antonio was ready to provide, Ensure that the students have a instead of stating what he had promised. thorough knowledge of the text which (iii) This question was answered well by most candidates. will help them to answer questions (iv) This was a direct text-based question and was correctly. answered well by most candidates. - Give adequate practice in writing analytical answers. (v) Many candidates were not able to analyse the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio. In the first part of the question, several candidates missed out on the adjectives describing the relationship. The second part of the question was answered well by most candidates since there were many instances they could choose from. MARKING SCHEME Question 1 (i) Describe Antonio s mood at the beginning of this scene. Antonio s mood: sad / despondent / gloomy / depressed/ melancholic/ weary of the world etc. (Accept any word synonymous with the above) State any two reasons that Antonio s friends, who were present, gave to explain his mood. (ii) Salario and Salario say that Antonio s mind is on his rich merchant ships/ tossing on the ocean Antonio was concerned / worried about possible misfortunes - Fear of tempests / mudflats / dangerous rocks that could wreck his ships A must be in love Not happy because he was sad A deliberately wants to appear wise/ grave/ philosophical (Any two) What promise did Antonio make to Bassanio immediately after this conversation? His purse (wealth)/ unlock wealth/ resources His person (himself) His extremest means (every last resource in his possession) Extend every help he could (to help Bassanio as long as Bassanio s plans were as honourable as he himself was) 28 (iii) What did Bassanio say to Antonio about a lady richly left in Belmont? The lady richly left in Belmont is described by Bassanio as: Beautiful (fair / fairer than the word) Virtuous (of wondrous virtues) Called Portia He had received fair speechless messages sometimes from her eyes Her worth and fame attracted renowned suitors (Any three) He compares her to the golden fleece and her suitors to Jason(s) from Classical mythology. (iv) Sunny locks Not inferior to Portia Cato s daughter/ Brutus wife The world is not ignorant of her worth Why was Antonio unable to lend Bassanio the money that he needed? All his fortunes were at sea (invested in his many merchant ships) Antonio has no money Has nothing of value (commodity) which he could sell to raise the money needed How did he propose to help his friend? Antonio proposes (v) that both he and Bassanio should make enquiries among the wealthy merchants to see if they can borrow the money (try what my credit in Venice can do) What does the above extract reveal of the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio? Shows that Antonio and Bassanio were very good friends That Bassanio has always relied on Antonio both for financial (money) as well as emotional (love) support. Bassanio is assured of Antonio s love and care. Confides all his plans in him clear all his debts with Antonio s help. Bassanio exploits Antonio s love/ trust Mention one way in which this relationship was put to the test later in the play. When Shylock demands his pound of flesh and Antonio is willing to sacrifice his life for Bassanio. When Bassanio receives Antonio s letter in Belmont, he is willing to drop everything go to Venice When Bassanio agrees to give away the wedding ring given to him by Portia and sacrifice his love (Portia) for Antonio. (Any mention of Antonio/ Bassanio being willing to sacrifice anything for the other wife/ life, etc.) 29 Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Bassanio: A gentle scroll. Fair lady, by your leave; [Kissing her] I come by note, to give and to receive. Like one of two contending in a prize, That thinks he hath done well in people s eyes Hearing applause and universal shout Giddy in spirit, still gazing, in a doubt Whether those peals of praise be his or no; (i) Where did Bassanio find the gentle scroll ? What prize had Bassanio just won? Explain why Bassanio said he felt Giddy in spirit, still gazing, in a doubt . [3] (iii) Shortly after this exchange, Portia gave Bassanio a ring as a token of her affection. What did the gift symbolise? [3] (iv) What assurance did Bassanio give her when he accepted the ring? [3] (v) What did Portia urge Bassanio to do when she learnt that his friend Antonio was in trouble? What aspect of her character is revealed through her words? [4] (ii) [3] Comments of Examiners (i) This was a simple textual question which was answered well by most candidates (ii) Majority of the candidates were not able to analyse Bassanio s state of mind. Instead of writing that he was confused or overwhelmed, they copied the line given in the extract. (iii) Many candidates got confused and exchanged the answers of sub-parts (iii) and (iv). Words such as trust, loyalty and commitment were not used by several candidates to answer this question. (iv) Majority of the candidates answered this question well. (v) This was a direct question from the text and was answered well by most of the candidates. 30 Suggestions for teachers - Instruct students to write to the point answers. Vague and lengthy answers are not recommended. - Caution students against learning by rote as it will not help them to analyse and frame appropriate answers for analytical questions. - Advise students to read the question carefully and frame their answer in accordance with the requirements of the question. MARKING SCHEME Question 2 (i) (ii) (iii) Where did Bassanio find the gentle scroll ? Inside the leaden Casket / the casket that contained Portia s portrait. What prize had Bassanio just won? Portia s hand in marriage Explain why Bassanio said he felt Giddy in spirit, still gazing, in a doubt . Bassanio felt Giddy / light headed with relief / delighted/ excited/ happy that he had chosen the right casket. Still gazing in a doubt dazed / not able to believe that he had made the right choice and won Portia He had succeeded in a competition where many had failed. It had still not been validated/ confirmed by Portia (Alternately a paraphrase of the lines in the extract.) Shortly after this exchange, Portia gave Bassanio a ring as a token of her affection. What did the gift symbolise? The ring was symbolic (iv) a token that said that she was giving Bassanio control over her house /her servants/ herself Portia s trust/ love/ commitment/ loyalty/ possession/ bond of marriage If Bassanio loses the ring it means he does not love her (Any three) What assurance did Bassanio give her when he accepted the ring? Bassanio promises When the ring parts from his finger then his life would leave his body Bassanio could be declared dead Or Bassanio + would die + before he parted with the ring. (v) What did Portia urge Bassanio to do when she learnt that his friend Antonio was in trouble? Pay off the bond / offer twice or three times the sum to the Jew/ pay 6000 and deface the bond/ double 6000 and treble that/ pay the debt 20 times over Marry her Leave for Venice immediately Use her wealth to pay off the debt and save Antonio from Shylock Bring Antonio back with him to Belmont. (Any three) What aspect of her character is revealed through her words? Personal response any plausible trait e.g. loving wife/ trusting/compassionate / willing to share her wealth helpful / caring, etc. 31 Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Duke: You hear the learn d Bellario, what he writes: And here, I take it, is the doctor come. [Enter Portia, dressed like a Doctor of Laws] Give me your hand. Come you from old Bellario? Portia: I did, my lord. Duke: You are welcome: take your place. Are you acquainted with the difference That holds this present question in the court? (i) Where is this scene set? Why was Portia there? [3] (ii) What reason had Bellario given for his absence? Whom had he sent in his stead? [3] (iii) Bellario s letter stated that he had taken some measures to prepare the young and [3] learned doctor to deal with the case. What were they? (iv) What was the difference between Shylock the Jew and Antonio the merchant that [3] the Duke was unable to resolve? (v) How does Portia succeed in saving Antonio? What does this reveal of her character? 32 [4] Comments of Examiners (i) Some candidates wrote only Venice instead of Court in Venice . (ii) This question was answered correctly by most candidates. (iii) Some candidates found this question difficult. Instead of writing the measures to prepare the young doctor, they wrote about qualities of the young doctor mentioned later in the speech. (iv) Majority of the candidates were unable to comprehend the question. Several candidates did not realise that the word difference in the question implied reasons for dispute. Many candidates wrote the differences in the characters and behaviour of Shylock and Antonio. (v) Some candidates could not state all the points required in this answer. A few candidates mixed up the first and the second sub-parts in this answer. Suggestions for teachers - Ask students to note the stage directions as well as the setting of each scene. - Advise students to do adequate revision, to read the question carefully and to frame their answer in accordance with the requirements of the question. - Instruct students to recheck their answers. - Teach students to write lucid answers and not to mix up important points. MARKING SCHEME Question 3 (i) Where is this scene set? A court (of justice)/ in Venice Why was Portia there? (ii) To assist at Antonio s trial/ to save Antonio from Shylock/ from the bond he had signed with Shylock/ to act as a lawyer/ to help her husband save Antonio (Any three) What reason had Bellario given for his absence? he was very sick/ ill Whom had he sent in his stead? (iii) (iv) Balthazar / a young doctor of Rome/ Portia in disguise Bellario s letter stated that he had taken some measures to prepare the young and learned doctor to deal with the case. What were they? explained the details of the controversy between Antonio and Shylock they had studied many law books together Bellario had given Balthazar his opinion/ advice What was the difference between Shylock the Jew and Antonio the merchant that the Duke was unable to resolve? Antonio had borrowed three thousand ducats from Shylock for a period of three months. Antonio s ships had been lost at sea he was bankrupt and unable to repay the debt. 33 (v) Shylock was adamant in demanding his pound of flesh refusing all offers of money. How does Portia succeed in saving Antonio? Portia grants Shylock his bond but says: that not one drop of Antonio s blood must be shed if it were then all his land and goods would be confiscated by the laws of Venice Shylock had to cut out exactly one pound of flesh if he cut even the smallest bit in excess of pound Shylock would be put to death. What does this reveal of her character? Personal Response: Any plausible answer such as - Portia proves that she is clever/ quickwitted etc. The Mousetrap: Agatha Christie Question 4 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Giles: I beg your pardon. Did you say something? Trotter: Yes, Mr. Ralston, I said Is there an extension? (He crosses to Centre.) Giles: Yes, up in our bedroom. Trotter: Go and try it up there for me, will you? (Giles exits to the stairs, carrying the glove and bus ticket and looking dazed. Trotter continues to trace the wire to the window. He pulls back the curtain and opens the window, trying to follow the wire. He crosses to the arch up Right, goes out and returns with a torch. He moves to the window, jumps out and bends down, looking, then disappears out of sight. It is practically dark. Mrs. Boyle enters from the library up Left, shivers and notices the open window.) Mrs. Boyle: (i) (Moving to the window) Who has left this window open? Why did Giles fail to hear what Trotter had said earlier? [3] Why did Giles look dazed ? (ii) What was Trotter attempting to do? Why? [3] 34 (iii) Why did Mrs. Boyle close the window? [3] What did the voice on the radio say about the mechanics of fear ? (iv) How did the murderer mask the sounds of the killing? [3] Who entered the room immediately after the murder? What did this person see? (v) Who was the victim? Why was the victim murdered? [4] What was the signature tune that the murderer whistled? What is the significance of this tune in the context of the play? Comments of Examiners (i) Majority of the candidates were confused in this qu estion. Many candidates were unable to answer the second part of the question. (ii) Majority of the candidates did not answer the sub-part well. (iii) Most of the candidates were able to answer the first part of the question quite well. Several candidates in the second part, instead of writing specific points, wrote generalised answers. (iv) This question was answered well by most candidates. However, some candidates got confused in the first part and wrote the sound of the piano instead of radio. (v) Some candidates had difficulty in answering the last sub-part of this question. Suggestions for teachers - Advise students to do a close and careful reading of the play in order to avoid errors. - Give sufficient practice in writing answers to the questions which require the power of reasoning. - Advise students to focus even on the minute details from the text. - Discuss, in the class, the significance of every aspect of the play. - Let students enact the play. This will aid memory and create an interest in the play. MARKING SCHEME Question 4 (i) Why did Giles fail to hear what Trotter had said earlier? Giles mind was on something else / preoccupied distracted Why did Giles look dazed ? because he had found a London bus ticket hidden inside / the glove that Mollie had worn the previous day OR This meant she had been in London on the day of the murder 35 (ii) What was Trotter attempting to do? Trying to trace the telephone line Find out if the telephone wires had been deliberately cut Why? (iii) It would mean that someone wanted to isolate and cut off Monkswell Manor. Why did Mrs. Boyle close the window? She was feeling cold / shivered / to shut out the draught What did the voice on the radio say about the mechanics of fear ? (iv) Voice on the radio invites listener to imagine being alone in a room/ Suggests that it is late in the afternoon/ that a door opens softly behind the listener / creates an eerie atmosphere. (Any two) How did the murderer mask the sounds of the killing? By raising the volume of the radio Who entered the room immediately after the murder? Mollie What did this person see? (v) Mrs. Boyle lying strangled in front of the sofa Who was the victim? Mrs. Boyle Why was the victim murdered? She had been one of the magistrates who had been responsible for sending the three children to Longridge Farm. What was the signature tune that the murderer whistled? Three Blind Mice What is the significance of this tune in the context of the play? The three blind mice represented the three helpless, innocent children who had been left at the mercy of the cruel farmer and his wife OR Death for the three who had been responsible for the ill-treatment of the children 36 Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Trotter: (Leaning on the refectory table) Those simple actions took you rather a long time, didn t they, Mr. Ralston? Giles: I don t think so. (He moves away to the stairs) Trotter: I should say you definitely took your time over them. Giles: I was thinking about something. Trotter: Very well. Now then, Mr. Wren, I ll have your account of where you were. (i) What simple actions of Giles was Trotter referring to? [3] Where had Giles been? Who had sent him there? (ii) How did Christopher Wren account for his whereabouts at the time of the murder? [3] (iii) Where was Paravicini at that time? What was he doing? [3] (iv) Whom did Giles accuse of having committed the murder? [3] On what did he base this accusation? (v) Mollie shared her suspicions regarding the identity of the murderer with Trotter, [4] later in this scene. Whom did she suspect of being the murderer? What reasons did she give for her suspicion? Comments of Examiners (i) This question was answered well by almost all candidates. (ii) This was a direct-text based question and was answered well by most candidates. (iii) This question was answered correctly by most of the candidates. (iv) Almost all the candidates answered the first part of this question correctly. However, several candidates could not recollect all the details of the second part. (v) Some candidates could not recall the details required for the second part of the question. 37 Suggestions for teachers - Do both oral and written revision, since most questions require knowledge of the play. - Instruct the students to write brief and to the point answers. - Encourage students to read and enact the play in class this will help them to recollect the time, the place or the reasons why the words were spoken. MARKING SCHEME Question 5 (i) What simple actions of Giles was Trotter referring to? Giles checking on the (telephone) extension/ looking out of the window for signs that the wires had been cut Where had Giles been? Upstairs in the bedroom (Giles and Mollie s room) Who had sent him there? (ii) (iii) Trotter How did Christopher Wren account for his whereabouts at the time of the murder? Christopher Wren said he d been in the kitchen Gone to see if he could help Mollie Ralston with any cooking/ he loved to cook. After that went upstairs to his bedroom wanted to be alone / wanted to brush his hair. Where was Paravicini at that time? In the drawing room What was he doing? (iv) playing the piano softly picking out the tune of Three Blind Mice / playing a haunting tune. Whom did Giles accuse of having committed the murder? Christopher Wren On what did he base this accusation? Only Christopher fits the description / of the eldest of the three children at Longridge Farm/ Calls him mentally unstable / abnormal / now 23 years old. (v) Mollie shared her suspicions regarding the identity of the murderer with Trotter, later in this scene. Whom did she suspect of being the murderer? Major Metcalf What reasons did she give for her suspicion? Felt Major Metcalf might be the father of the children the father had been a sergeant serving abroad. What if he had come back maybe after being a prisoner with the Japanese found his wife died and children had gone through terrible suffering and one had died? He might have gone off his head and wanted revenge. 38 Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Trotter: Yes. You ve been extraordinarily foolish, you know. You ve run a very good chance of being killed by holding out on me. As a result, you ve been in serious danger more than once. Mollie: I don t know what you mean. Trotter: (moving slowly above the sofa table to the Right of the sofa; still quite natural and friendly) Come now, Mrs. Ralston. We policemen aren t quite so dumb as you think. All along I ve realized that you had firsthand knowledge of the Longridge Farm affair. You know Mrs. Boyle was the magistrate concerned. In fact, you knew all about it. Why didn t you speak up and say so? Mollie: (Very much affected) I don t understand. I wanted to forget-forget. (She sits at the Left end of the sofa.) (i) What was the Longridge Farm affair? [3] (ii) Trotter revealed to Mollie some facts that he had uncovered about her past. [3] What were they? (iii) What did Mollie want to forget? [3] How was she linked with the Longridge Farm affair ? (iv) How did Trotter manage to pass himself off as a policeman? [3] How had he reached Monkswell Manor? (v) What did Trotter reveal to Mollie about his true identify? How was Mollie saved at the end of the play? 39 [4] Comments of Examiners (i) This question was answered correctly by most candidates. (ii) Most candidates wrote satisfactory answers as this was a text-based question. (iii) This question was answered correctly by most of the candidates. (iv) Although this was a direct question, some candidates could not recall all the details and thus were unable to write the complete answer. (v) Some candidates could not answer the second part of this question as they could not recollect the details of how Ms. Casewell saved Mollie. Suggestions for teachers - Tell students that every minute detail from the text is important. - Ensure that the students do a thorough revision and also do adequate written work. - Advise students to read the questions carefully so as not to miss out on any sub-part. - Tell the students to also learn spellings of names. MARKING SCHEME Question 6 (i) (ii) What was the Longridge Farm affair? Three children (2 boys and a girl) The Corrigan children were brought before the court as in need of care and protection. They were put in the care of Farmer John Stanning and his wife Maureen Stanning at Longridge Farm One of the children subsequently died result of criminal negligence and persistent illtreatment Farmer and wife were sentenced to imprisonment. Trotter revealed to Mollie some facts that he had uncovered about her past. What were they? (iii) That her maiden name was Waring She had been a school teacher The Corrigan children had attended the school where she had been a teacher. Jimmy Corrigan had written her a letter begging for help she had not replied What did Mollie want to forget? Mollie wanted to forget the case / the guilt and the shame associated with it. How was she linked with the Longridge Farm affair ? Mollie was ashamed because she had been unable to help Jimmy Corrigan when he wrote a letter to his kind teacher (Mollie Waring) begging her to help him and his siblings. But Mollie was down with pneumonia at that time and when she finally read the letter weeks later, Jimmy had already died. 40 (iv) How did Trotter manage to pass himself off as a policeman? Rang Monkswell Manor from a call box /said he was speaking from police headquarters/ that sergeant Trotter was on his way/ cut the phone wires before he came to the front door. How had he reached Monkswell Manor? (v) On skis What did Trotter reveal to Mollie about his true identify? Trotter reveals that he was Georgie Corrigan / Jimmy s elder brother / the oldest of the Corrigan children. How was Mollie saved at the end of the play? Just as he reaches for her neck Ms. Casewell (his sister/ Kathy) enters Kathy reveals that she is his sister reminds him of their time together as children on the farm and gently leads him away. SECTION B POETRY Answer one or more questions from this Section. A Collection of Poems Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Now tell us what it was all about . Young Peterkin, he cries. And little Wilhelmine looks up With wonder waiting eyes, Now tell us all about the war, And what they fought each other for . After Blenheim, Robert Southey (i) Who are Peterkin and Wilhelmine? [3] How does the poet describe the scene at the beginning of the poem? 41 (ii) What did Young Peterkin find and where? Describe it. [3] (iii) Who is referred to as each other ? What did they fight for? [3] (iv) To whom are the words in the extract addressed? [3] How was this person s family affected by the war? (v) What, according to the poet, are the consequences that are often associated with [4] great and famous victories? What message does the poet want to convey to the readers? Comments of Examiners (i) The first part of the question was answered well by most candidates. Some candidates got confused in the second part and described the war instead of the setting of the poem. (ii) Some candidates, instead of writing that Peterkin found the skull beside a rivulet, wrote either a field or an ocean . (iii) Although most candidates wrote England and France correctly, some candidates simply wrote two armies instead. Some candidates wrote the names of the heroes of the war. (iv) Most candidates answered this question correctly. (v) Although being a direct question from the text, many candidates got confused and wrote a general analysis of the poem instead of the specific points that were asked for. Suggestions for teachers - Emphasise that key words from the poem need to be highlighted. - Insist that the students read the poem several times, ensuring that they imbibe all the details and are able to recollect them. - Discuss the background of the poem and provide its historical information to the students. - Ensure that students know the text thoroughly since most questions are formulated with close reference to the text. - Caution students against writing vague, rambling and imprecise answers. MARKING SCHEME Question 7 (i) Who are Peterkin and Wilhelmine? Little children / siblings / Old Kaspar s grandchildren. How does the poet describe the scene at the beginning of the poem? (ii) It was an evening in summer / the sun was about to set/ Old Kaspar had finished his work for the day/ he was sitting in front of his cottage basking in the sun/ watching little Wilhelmine, his granddaughter at play. (Any two) What did Young Peterkin find and where? A skull (of some poor soldier) beside a rivulet/ stream/ river Describe it. 42 (iii) It was large /round / smooth Who is referred to as each other ? The English/ Austria the French/ Bavaria What did they fight for? War of Succession/ victory/ land and power/ no one really remembers the cause of the war. Old Kaspar cannot recall what the English and the French fought over. (Any one) (iv) To whom are the words in the extract addressed? Kaspar/ the grandfather How was this person s family affected by the war? His father s home had been burnt to the ground / He, his wife and child had been forced to flee for their lives/ lost their homes made refugees by the war/ left with no shelter. (v) What, according to the poet, are the consequences that are often associated with great and famous victories? Widespread death and destruction/ countryside wasted far and wide with fire and sword / women and children /pregnant (childing) women new born babies died thousands of bodies lay rotting in the sun / many thousands of soldiers killed. (Any three) What message does the poet want to convey to the readers? Poet s message war leads to meaningless death and destruction wasteful serves no real purpose with time the cause of the war is forgotten but the devastating effects linger makes refugees out of ordinary people/ anti-war (Any one) Question 8 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: There s nobody on the house-tops now--Just a palsied few at the windows set; For the best of the sight is, all allow, At the Shambles Gate---- or, better yet, By the very scaffold s foot, I trow. The Patriot, Robert Browning (i) Who is the speaker? Where is he being taken? Why? [3] (ii) Describe the scene when he had walked down the same street a year ago. [3] (iii) Where does the speaker think all the people had gathered that day? [3] 43 Why does he think so? (iv) Describe the speaker s physical condition. [3] (v) What is the central message of the poem? [4] Does the poem end on a note of hope or despair? Give one reason for your answer. Comments of Examiners (i) Some candidates wrote Robert Browning instead of The Patriot . The second and the third sub-parts were answered well by most of the candidates. (ii) This question was answered well by most candidates. (iii) Some candidates got confused by the phrase that day and wrote about the time when the patriot was honoured instead of the place where he was executed. (iv) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. (v) Majority of the candidates either did not explain the central message of the poem correctly or were unable to analyse it properly. The second part of the question was attempted well by the candidates. Suggestions for teachers - Revise the story thoroughly so that the students remember the minutest details. Learning merely the gist of the story is not enough. - Advise students to read the question twice before answering it, so as to understand its requirement. - Clearly tell the students that it is imperative for them to understand the poem well, in order to answer questions which require its analysis. MARKING SCHEME Question 8 (i) Who is the speaker? The Patriot Where is he being taken? to the gallows/ Shambles Gate/ scaffold Why? to be hanged/ he has lost favour / support of the people. (ii) Describe the scene when he had walked down the same street a year ago. Roses / myrtle / flowers strewn in his path/ Large crowds gathered on rooftops to catch a glimpse of him / it seemed as if the roof were heaving and swaying/ The church spires were ablaze with colourful flags/ church bells were rung/ old walls rocked signs of public adulation all round. (Any three) (iii) Where does the speaker think all the people had gathered that day? at the Shambles Gate or at the foot of the gallows/ scaffold 44 Why does he think so? (iv) They would be assured of the best view ringside view/to watch him being hanged publicly/ the people were angry with him/ No one on the rooftops, only palsied few at the windows (Any two) Describe the speaker s physical condition. He s drenched in the rain/ His hands are tied behind his back/ rope cuts into his wrist/ blood trickles down his forehead/ in pain caused by stones flung at him by people. (Any three) (v) What is the central message of the poem? Public adulation is short lived / people are fickle-minded. Praise and glory are fleeting do not last. (Either there must be two separate points or one message + explanation) Does the poem end on a note of hope or despair? Give one reason for your answer. Personal Response: Hope the patriot believes that God will reward him according to his true merit or any other plausible reason. Or Despair Please accept any plausible reason e.g. he is bitter and disillusioned believes he did so much for the people, yet they did not appreciate all that he had done. Question 9 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: All round the field spectators were gathered Cheering on all the young women and men Then the final event of the day was approaching The last race about to begin. Nine Gold Medals, David Roth (i) Where had the young women and men come from? What had brought them together? How had they prepared themselves for the event? 45 [3] (ii) What was the last event of the day? [3] How many athletes were participating in this event? What signal were they waiting for? (iii) What happened to the youngest athlete half way through the race? [3] How did he respond? (iv) What strange turn did the story take at this point? [3] (v) Why does the poet say that the banner Special Olympics could not have been [4] nearer the mark? What human quality does the poem celebrate? Comments of Examiners (i) Majority of the candidates performed well in all the Suggestions for teachers questions from Nine Gold Medals. - Highlight key details from the poem (ii) This question was answered well by almost all the and advise the students to focus on candidates. these. Teach students to write each part in a (iii) Instead of writing that the athlete stumbled, staggered separate paragraph to ensure that and fell, some candidates only wrote that he fell. points are not left out. (iv) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. (v) Some candidates got confused by the question, not realising that they were expected to write the significance of the term Special Olympics in the context of the poem. A few candidates mixed up the first and the second sub-parts. MARKING SCHEME Question 9 (i) Where had the young women and men come from? From many countries What had brought them together? The desire to compete / prove themselves / win medals at the Special Olympics/ participate in the Olympic games/ to win glory for their country (Any one) How had they prepared themselves for the event? Spent a long time/ many weeks and months in training. (ii) What was the last event of the day? The one hundred metres run How many athletes were participating in this event? 46 Nine What signal were they waiting for? The sound of the gun / pistol (iii) What happened to the youngest athlete half way through the race? Youngest athlete stumbled / staggered fell to the ground/ on his knees How did he respond? (iv) What strange turn did the story take at this point? (v) Cried out in frustration and anguish /all his dreams and efforts had been dashed in the dirt. The other eight athletes stopped in their tracks/ one they turned round/ came back helped him / lifted the lad to his feet/ joined hands / walked to the finish line (Any three) Why does the poet say that the banner Special Olympics could not have been nearer the mark? Poet uses Word play (pun) Special Olympics races for people with special needs / specially abled athletes The actions of the athletes (descriptions of the actions or a brief paraphrase of the poem) made this event special in a different sense remarkable Their actions embodied the true spirit of sportsmanship and took it beyond the level of petty competition. What human quality does the poem celebrate? Personal response the human quality of cooperation / collaboration / compassion / caring etc. 47 SECTION C - PROSE Answer one or more questions from only ONE of the following books that you have Studied: A Collection of Short Stories or Animal Farm or The Call of the Wild A Collection of Short Stories Question 10 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: It had no eyes, ears, nose or mouth. It was just a round smooth head with a school cap on top of it! And that s where the story should end. But for Mr. Oliver it did not end here. The torch fell from his trembling hand. He turned and scrambled down the path, running blindly through the trees and calling for help. He was still running towards the school buildings when he saw a lantern swinging in the middle of the path. (i) Who was Mr. Oliver? Where did he encounter It ? [3] (ii) Where did Mr. Oliver work? [3] Why did Life magazine describe this place as the Eton of the East ? (iii) Why had Mr. Oliver approached It in the first place? [3] What had he mistaken it for? (iv) What is a lantern? Who was holding the lantern? [3] Why did Mr. Oliver feel relieved at the sight of the lantern? (v) Briefly describe the meeting between the lantern-bearer and Mr. Oliver. State one reason why A Face in the Dark could be considered a horror story. 48 [4] Comments of Examiners (i) Majority of the candidates answered this question Suggestions for teachers correctly. - Ask students to read the text (ii) Some candidates missed out on the points required thoroughly. for the second part of the question. Words like - Allow students to memorise the blazers and caps were missing in some answers. A minutest details. few candidates were unable to answer why the - Clarify the sequence of events to the school was called Eton of the East . students. (iii) Most of the candidates wrote a combined and - Ensure that students do ample written work. generalised answer for the first and the second parts. Specific points like school boy / miscreant were missing. (iv) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. (v) Some candidates could not elaborate upon the meeting between the watchman and Mr. Oliver. They included the meeting with the faceless boy in their answer. MARKING SCHEME Question 10 (i) Who was Mr. Oliver? (Anglo-Indian) teacher Where did he encounter It ? On his way home/ back (from the Simla Bazaar) In the pine forest It was sitting on a rock (ii) (Any two) Where did Mr. Oliver work? In a school Why did Life magazine describe this place as the Eton of the East ? School was run like an English Public School Attended mostly by boys from wealthy Indian families Boys wore blazers, caps and ties. (iii) (Any two) Why had Mr. Oliver approached It in the first place? Oliver spotted the figure of a boy sitting alone on a rock/ boys were not supposed to be out at night/ sensed something was wrong/ boy appeared to be crying / a strange, soundless weeping that make Oliver uneasy. (Any two) What had he mistaken it for? A school boy/ miscreant 49 (iv) What is a lantern? Lamp with a transparent case (usually made of glass) to protect the flame or bulb carried by long handle by which it can be hung Who was holding the lantern? A man / figure who Mr. Oliver mistook for the watchman. Why did Mr. Oliver feel relieved at the sight of the lantern? He was afraid/ lantern / light meant hope in the dark / horror-filled night after his strange encounter/ relief from darkness/ calmness and safety lantern in the hands of a watchman meant safety and help. (Any one) (v) Briefly describe the meeting between the lantern-bearer and Mr. Oliver. Mr. Oliver fled from the strange apparition he was lost and terrified without his torch to guide him. Relieved and filled with hope he stumbled upto the watchman and described his recent terrifying encounter with the creature with no eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The watchman lifted the lantern to his face and asked Do you mean it was like this, Sahib? He too had no eyes, ears, no features at all not even an eyebrow. At that moment the wind blew out the lamp. State one reason why A Face in the Dark could be considered a horror story. The setting / darkness / strange encounter/ faceless boy/ man/ story is open ended reader does not know how the story ends. (Any plausible response) Question 11 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: An angry athlete is an athlete who will make mistakes, as any coach will tell you. I was no exception. On the first of my three qualifying jumps, I leaped from several inches beyond the take-off board for a foul. (i) When and where is this story set? [3] What reason does the narrator Jesse Owens give for the heightened nationalistic feelings at this time? (ii) In which event had Owens been confident of winning a gold medal? Why? [3] (iii) What had made Owens angry enough to make mistakes? [3] (iv) Name Owens rival who approached him at this point. [3] What advice did this athlete give Owens? 50 (v) How did the two athletes perform in the finals? [4] What does Jesse Owens consider his Greatest Olympic Prize ? Why? Comments of Examiners Suggestions for teachers (i) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. - Advise the students to do a thorough reading of the text. (ii) Some candidates wrote high jump instead of long / Ensure that students do adequate broad jump. In the second part, the fact that Jesse written work which will aid retention Owens had trained for six years, was omitted by a of the points. few candidates. - Teach students to write each part in a (iii) Most candidates did not elaborate the reasons for separate paragraph to ensure that they Jesse s anger. Several candidates did not mention his do not miss out on anything. surprise at seeing Luz Long. (iv) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. (v) Some candidates did not mention Luz Long s performance but the rest of the answer was done well. A few candidates answered only two parts of this question, having missed out the third in their haste. MARKING SCHEME Question 11 (i) When and Summer of 1936/ Olympic Games where is this story set? Berlin/ Germany What reason does the narrator Jesse Owens give for the heightened nationalistic feelings at this time? Hitler s insistence that his athletes were members of a master/ Aryan/ superior race led to heightened nationalistic feelings. (ii) In which event had Owens been confident of winning a gold medal? the running broad jump/ long jump Why? A year ago, Jesse Owens had set the world record (26 feet 8- inches as a sophomore at the Ohio State University). Had trained for 6 years Everyone expected him to win the event with ease. (Any two) (iii) What had made Owens angry enough to make mistakes? Owens had been very confident of winning a gold medal in the running broad jump 51 event. (iv) He was shocked/ surprised to see /a tall German (Luz Long)/ hitting the pit at over 26 feet in the trial jumps/ Luz Long qualified easily/ He was told that Hitler had kept him (Luz Long) a secret and wanted him to win the broad jump. Owens was a negro/ coloured man he was angry at Hitler s superior attitude if Luz Long won it would add to the Nazis Aryan-Supremacy theory/ Owens was determined to prove Hitler wrong. (Any three) Name Owens rival who approached him at this point. Luz Long What advice did this athlete give Owens? Long advised Owens to draw a line a few inches in back of the board/ jump or take off from there. That would ensure he would not foul/ yet jump far enough to qualify/ it wasn t important to be first in the trials/ qualifying for the finals was more important. (Any three) (v) How did the two athletes perform in the finals? Luz Long - broke his own personal record Owens - set Olympic record (of 26 feet 5 5/16 inches)/ won the Gold Medal What does Jesse Owens consider his Greatest Olympic Prize ? The friendship that sprang up between himself and Luz Long. Why? It proved that it was possible for two people to rise above petty barriers like race and colour to compete with each other and yet remain the best of friends (or any acceptable reason) Question 12 Answer the following questions with reference to Ray Douglas Bradbury s short story, All Summer in a Day : (i) Name the planet on which this story is set. [4] Describe everyday life on this planet. (ii) Why was there so much excitement in the school room that morning? [4] What set Margot apart from the other children? (iii) Describe how the planet was transformed when the sun came out and shone briefly over it. Why was Margot not able to witness this phenomenon? 52 [8] What emotion do you suppose the other children experienced when Margot emerged at the end of the story? Comments of Examiners (i) Some candidates were unable to write the correct name of the planet. A few candidates, instead of writing about the everyday life on the planet as asked for, wrote about the excitement and anxiety to see the sun. (ii) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. (iii) Majority of the candidates, in the first part of the question, were unable to describe the transformation when the sun came out. Words like silence, beautiful tropical picture, were missed out. The second and the third sub-parts were answered well by the candidates. Suggestions for teachers - Advise the students to focus on the details from the text and memorise them. - Encourage students to enact the important incidents in the story. This will help them to recollect the time, the place and other relevant details. MARKING SCHEME Question12 (i) Name the planet on which this story is set. Venus Describe everyday life on this planet. Incessant rain / non-stop for 7 years/ thousands and thousands of days of rain. Deafening/ drumming/ gushing of water/ sweet fall of showers / concussions of storms /caused tidal waves to wash over the islands. A thousand forests grew rapidly/ only to be crushed by the rain / grow again and be crushed once more. No sun for 7 years/ people used sun lamps/ lived in underground houses, tunnels (Any three) (ii) Why was there so much excitement in the school room that morning? The sun would shine that day for a brief 2 hours/ happened only once in 7 years/ they had waited for this day/ The sun was to appear that day and the children (all 9-year olds) were excited because they had no personal memory of seeing / experiencing the sun /they had only heard of it and were eager to experience it for themselves. (Any two) What set Margot apart from the other children? Margot was different/ she would not play (did not run when they tagged her) with the other children / she refused to sing along with them/ sang only if song was about sun or summer/. 53 (iii) Her biggest crime was that she had come to Venus only 5 years ago/ so she remembered experiencing the warmth of the sun / the other children picked on her because she was different / they had been on Venus all their lives. (Any two) Describe how the planet was transformed when the sun came out and shone briefly over it. (Any 6 of the following but not more than 2 points about the children s response) A sudden silence descended on the planet / as if all loud thunderous sound had been cut off in a film about a tornado/ avalanche/ hurricane etc./ It seemed a beautiful tropical picture had replaced the dreary landscape/ Everything was still the silence was deafening/ The doors opened, and the children could smell the waiting world / The sun came out colour of flaming bronze it was huge / The sky was a blazing blue tile colour / The jungle burned with the sunlight / the children rushed out into the springtime/ The children ran, turned their faces to the sun / took off their jackets / allowed the sun to burn their arms/ They lay on the rapidly growing plants / and delighted in the feel of the warm sun / they ran and played/ laughed and fell/ breathed the fresh air and listened to the silence / didn t stop running for over an hour. Why was Margot not able to witness this phenomenon? Because Margot had been locked into the closet by the other children. What emotion do you suppose the other children experienced when Margot emerged at the end of the story? Personal response (on the lines of) they must have felt guilt /shame/ regret/ remorse/ awareness of wrongdoing/ realization/ solemn/ at having deprived Margot of this marvellous experience something that she had been yearning for/ could not meet each other s glance. 54 Animal Farm: George Orwell Question 13 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: One Sunday morning, when the animals assembled to receive their orders, Napoleon announced that he had decided upon a new policy. From now onwards Animal Farm would engage in trade with the neighbouring farms: not, of course, for any commercial purpose, but simply in order to obtain certain materials which were urgently necessary. (i) Why did the animals need certain materials ? What arrangements had Napoleon made to engage in trade with the neighbouring farms? [3] (ii) Why did Napoleon s announcement make the animals uneasy? [3] (iii) What did Squealer say to the animals to ease their doubts and fears? [3] (iv) Who was Mr. Whymper? What had he agreed to do? Why had he entered into this agreement with Napoleon? [3] (v) There was a change in the attitude of the humans towards Animal Farm. Comment on this [4] change. What were the signs and symptoms of this change? Comments of Examiners (i) A few candidates who attempted this question did not write this answer correctly. Instead of wheat crop they only wrote crop. (ii) Majority of the candidates did not include all the relevant details in the answer. (iii) Majority of the candidates left out important details to be included in the answer. For example, the fact that Squealer blamed Snowball was left out by most of the candidates. (iv) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. (v) Majority of the candidates were confused and wrote vague and jumbled answers. 55 Suggestions for teachers - Drill in students the necessity to present the points in a coherent manner. The sequence of events should not be jumbled up. - Train students to answer questions with close reference to the text. - Teach stories with the help of audiovisual aids. This will help students to remember the story in totality. - Stress upon a thorough reading of the text. MARKING SCHEME Question 13 (i) Why did the animals need certain materials ? They needed certain materials to construct the windmill What arrangements had Napoleon made to engage in trade with the neighbouring farms? (ii) (iii) Napoleon arranged to sell a stack of hay and part of the current year s wheat crop. Later on, if they needed more money it would be made up by the sale of eggs for which there was always a market in Willingdon. Why did Napoleon s announcement make the animals uneasy? Animals were uneasy because Napoleon was violating some of their earliest resolutions. Never to have any dealings with humans Never to engage in trade never to use money. What did Squealer say to the animals to ease their doubts and fears? Squealer assured the animals: That the resolution against engaging in trade and using money had never been passed. (iv) That they were a bunch of lies that had probably been spread by snowball. That the animals had probably dreamt of such resolutions. Asked if they had any written record of such resolutions this convinced the animals that they were making a mistake. Who was Mr. Whymper? Mr. Whymper was a solicitor living in Willingdon What had he agreed to do? To act as intermediary between Animal Farm and the outside world. Why had he entered into this agreement with Napoleon? (v) Shrewd man realised that Animal Farm would need a broker and that the commissions from this would be worth having. There was a change in the attitude of the humans towards Animal Farm. Comment on this change. What were the signs and symptoms of this change? Humans continued to hate Animal Farm and did not wish it well, but They developed a certain respect for The efficiency with which the animals managed their own affairs. One symptom they began to call Animal Farm by its proper name ceased to pretend that it was called Manor Farm. The humans stopped supporting Farmer Jones he had given up all hope of ever getting the farm back and had moved to another part of the town. 56 Question 14 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: One Sunday morning Squealer announced that the hens, who just come in to lay again, must surrender their eggs. (i) Why were the hens required to surrender their eggs? [3] (ii) How did the hens react on receiving this information? [3] (iii) The three young black Minorca pullets led the other hens in something resembling [3] a rebellion . How exactly did they do this? (iv) What steps did Napoleon take to put down this rebellion ? [3] (v) How long did the rebellion last? Describe the consequences of the rebellion. [4] What do you learn of Napoleon s character from the way in which he dealt with the rebellion? Comments of Examiners (i) Most candidates, who attempted this question, were not able to write all the required details. (ii) Keywords like protested and murder were missing in some answer scripts. (iii) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. (iv) Majority of the candidates performed well in this question. (v) Instead of describing Napoleon as ruthless or cruel, many candidates wrote a generalised answer about his actions. 57 Suggestions for teachers - Encourage the students to read the text thoroughly. - Make students highlight the key words and important episodes and advise them to memorise these. - Train the students to write precise answers. - Stress upon reading of the original story and ask the students to highlight the important incidents. Most questions from this section are based on the text. Reading a summary does not help in answering such questions. - Train students to focus on the adjectives that best describe a character. MARKING SCHEME Question 14 (i) (ii) (iii) Why were the hens required to surrender their eggs? Napoleon had accepted through Whymper, a contract for 400 eggs per week. The price of these would pay for enough grain and meal To keep the farm going till summer came and conditions were easier. How did the hens react on receiving this information? The hens were outraged / protested They were just getting their clutches ready for the spring sitting Said that taking away the eggs now would be like murder. The three young black Minorca pullets led the other hens in something resembling a rebellion . How exactly did they do this? The hens were determined to thwart Napoleon s wishes. (iv) They would fly up to the rafters Lay their eggs up there The eggs would roll off and smash to bits on the floor. What steps did Napoleon take to put down this rebellion ? Napoleon s response was swift and merciless (v) Ordered that the hens rations were to be stopped Decreed that any animal giving even a grain of corn to a hen would be punished by death. The dogs saw to it that the orders were carried out. How long did the rebellion last? Five days then the hens capitulated and went back to their nesting boxes. Describe the consequences of the rebellion. Nine hens had died of starvation their bodies were buried in the orchard and the animals were told they died of coccidiosis. What do you learn of Napoleon s character from the way in which he dealt with the rebellion? Personal Response Napoleon proved to be a harsh / ruthless / merciless ruler did not allow dissent would crush all opposition dictator insist on having his own way. (Any two of the above or any other plausible response) 58 Question 15 With reference to George Orwell s The Animal Farm , answer the following questions: (i) Who wrote the poem Comrade Napoleon ? [4] How did Napoleon show his approval of the poem? (ii) What precautions were taken to ensure Napoleon s safety? [4] (iii) What single commandment replaced the seven commandments on Animal Farm? [8] Mention some of the changes that the animals noticed in the behaviour of the pigs after the new commandment had been put up. Comments of Examiners (i) This question was answered well by almost all the candidates. (ii) Many candidates could not recall all the details like one dog at each corner. Some candidates did not mention the name of the pig who was appointed to taste the food. (iii) Some candidates wrote only a part of the commandment. In the second part of this question some details were missing from the answers of most of the candidates. Suggestions for teachers - Encourage the students to read the text repeatedly so that answering direct text-based questions does not pose a problem to them. - Train the students to write answers which are precise and to the point. - Advise the students to understand the text and not resort to rote learning. MARKING SCHEME Question 15 (i) Who wrote the poem Comrade Napoleon ? Minimus How did Napoleon show his approval of the poem? (ii) Napoleon had the poem inscribed on the wall of the big barn, the opposite end from the Seven Commandments. It was surmounted by a portrait of Napoleon in profile + painted by Squealer What precautions were taken to ensure Napoleon s safety? (iii) Four dogs guarded Napoleon s bed at night + one dog at each corner A young pig named Pinky was appointed to taste all Napoleon s food before he ate it + lest he be poisoned. What single commandment replaced the seven commandments on Animal Farm? All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Mention some of the changes that the animals noticed in the behaviour of the pigs after 59 the new commandment had been put up. Some of the changes on the Farm: any six of the following: Pigs who were supervising the work of the farm all carried whips in their trotters Pigs had bought themselves a wireless set They were arranging to install a telephone They had taken out subscriptions to John Bull, Tit-Bits, and the Daily Mirror Napoleon was seen strolling in the farmhouse with a pipe in his mouth the pigs took Mr. Jones clothes out of the wardrobes and put them on Napoleon was seen dressed in a black coat, rat catcher breeches, leather leggings and his favourite sow appeared in Mrs Jones Sunday best - a watered silk dress The Call of the Wild: Jack London Question 16 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: The breaking down of discipline likewise affected the dogs in their relations with one another. They quarrelled and bickered more than ever among themselves, till at times the camp was a howling bedlam: Dave and Sol-leks alone were unaltered, though they were made irritable by the unending squabbling. (i) What led to the break-down of discipline in the dog team? [3] How did it affect the relationship among the dogs? (ii) What other acts of indiscipline did Buck s encouragement lead to? [3] (iii) What started the dogs off on a chase after supper one night at the mouth of the river [3] Tahkeena? (iv) Who led the dogs in the chase? [3] What primitive urge did Buck experience during the chase? (v) How did Spitz use the chase to try and outwit Buck? What does this reveal of Spitz s nature? 60 [4] Comments of Examiners Suggestions for teachers Some candidates could not answer the second part of this question. They did not mention that the dogs Encourage students to revise the text carefully as it will enable them to answer were very noisy. such questions with ease. (ii) Being a direct question, those candidates who had studied the text answered it quite well. (iii) Some candidates did not mention details like Fifty dogs. (iv) Although most candidates answered this question correctly, some candidates could not write all the required details in the second part. (v) Most of the candidates did not mention all the details of the manner in which Spitz attacked Buck. (i) MARKING SCHEME Question 16 (i) What led to the break-down of discipline in the dog team? The insidious revolt led by Buck. How did it affect the relationship among the dogs? (ii) (iii) (iv) The dogs quarrelled and bickered often. At times they were so noisy that the camp was like a bedlam. What other acts of indiscipline did Buck s encouragement lead to? One night Pike robbed some fish from Spitz and gulped it down under Buck s protection. Another time Dub and Joe fought Spitz and forced him to forego the punishment they deserved. Even good natured Billee was less good natured and did not whine so placatingly Spitz lost his aura no longer feared and respected Buck would snarl and bristle / swagger every time he was near Spitz. (Any three) What started the dogs off on a chase after supper one night at the mouth of the river Tahkeena? Dub unearthed a snow rabbit, blundered and missed. In a second the whole team was in full cry. Fifty dogs from a nearby Northwest Police camp joined the chase. Who led the dogs in the chase? Buck What primitive urge did Buck experience during the chase? Running down the wild thing (rabbit) the living meat 61 (v) The desire to kill with his own teeth and wash his muzzle to the eyes in blood. How did Spitz use the chase to try and outwit Buck? Spitz left the pack and cut across a narrow neck of land where the creek made a long bend around. Spitz hurled himself at Buck at the very moment that Buck make his kill (rabbit). Buck was taken by surprise absorbed in the hunt he had not anticipated Spitz attack What does this reveal of Spitz s nature? Personal Response Spitz proved to be cold and calculating / shrewd even in the thick of a chase / Spitz was fighting for his survival as alpha male. (Any other plausible answer) Question 17 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: With the dogs falling, Mercedes weeping and riding, Hal swearing innocuously, and Charles s eyes wistfully watering, they staggered into John Thornton s camp at the mouth of White River. When they halted, the dogs dropped down as though they had all been struck dead. (i) Who were Mercedes, Hal and Charles? How were they related to each other? [3] (ii) What was John Thornton doing when they arrived at his camp? [3] Describe his responses to Hal s questions. Give one reason for his manner. (iii) What did Thornton warn them against? [3] What reason did he give for his warning? How did Hal respond to Thornton s advice? (iv) (v) How did Hal manage to get his dogs back on their feet? Why did Buck not respond to Hal s blows? [3] Describe how Thornton saved Buck s life. [4] 62 Comments of Examiners (i) This question was answered well by most of the Suggestions for teachers candidates. - Encourage students to read the text (ii) Some candidates could not point out the reasons for thoroughly. Thornton s behaviour. - Make students highlight the key words (iii) Almost all candidates answered this question while reading the story. correctly. (iv) Almost all candidates answered this question correctly. (v) Almost all candidates answered this question correctly. MARKING SCHEME Question 17 (i) Who were Mercedes, Hal and Charles? How were they related to each other? (ii) New owners of Buck and his fellow huskies Mercedes was Charles wife And Hal s sister What was John Thornton doing when they arrived at his camp? Thornton was whittling an axe handle from a stick of birch. Describe his responses to Hal s questions. He answered in monosyllables gave terse advice Give one reason for his manner. (iii) Because he knew the breed he knew Hal was the kind of person who would disregard advice. What did Thornton warn them against? To take no chances on the ice as it was very thin What reason did he give for his warning? The ice was very thin and the bottom was likely to drop out of it. How did Hal respond to Thornton s advice? Hal disregarded the advice said others had warned him not to travel on the ice but he had made it so far declared that they would travel to Dawson. (iv) How did Hal manage to get his dogs back on their feet? By whipping them first and then by using the club. Why did Buck not respond to Hal s blows? Buck had decided not to respond he barely felt the blows. Buck had a sense of impending doom which persisted sensed that disaster was at hand on the ice where his master was trying to drive him. (v) Describe how Thornton saved Buck s life. Thornton watches in rage as Hal whipped and clubbed the dogs. 63 Finally intervened cut Buck loose from the sled and threatened to kill Hal if he struck Buck again. Hal realised that he could not argue with Thornton and that Buck was nearly dead decided to carry on without Buck Shortly after, the sled pulled out Buck and Thornton hear Mercedes scream watched as a whole section of ice gave way and both dogs and humans disappeared. Only a big hole was left the bottom had dropped out of the trail. Only Buck had survived thanks to Thornton. Question 18 Answer the following questions with reference to Jack London s, The Call of the Wild . (i) How was Thornton talked into a wager that involved Buck, during a conversation [4] in the Eldorado Saloon? (ii) How did Thornton feel after he had committed Buck to the wager? [4] (iii) Give a brief description of how Buck managed to win the wager for Thornton. [8] Comments of Examiners (i) Some candidates did not list all the details of the wager. (ii) Many candidates missed out details like Thornton was appalled or that he felt anxious. (iii) Several candidates were not able to explain properly, the manner in which Buck managed to move the heavy sled. Suggestions for teachers - Advise students to revise regularly. - Ensure that students do ample written work. - Ask students to enact some incidents. This will create interest and enliven the class. MARKING SCHEME Question 18 (i) How was Thornton talked into a wager that involved Buck, during a conversation in the Eldorado Saloon? Men were boasting in the Saloon about their favourite dogs one stated that his dog could draw a sled loaded with five hundred pounds; a second bragged six hundred and a third seven hundred. Buck had a reputation for strength and leadership so these men were targeting Buck and baiting Thornton. Thornton listened to these men brag about their dogs and declared that Buck could start a thousand pounds. 64 (ii) (iii) One of the men (Mathewson) ask if Buck could break out such a heavy sled and walk off with it for a hundred yards and Thornton replied that he could. Mathewson bet Thornton a thousand dollars that Buck could not do it. How did Thornton feel after he had committed Buck to the wager? Thornton could feel a flush of warm blood creeping up his face. He realised he had been tricked into the wager. He was appalled by the enormity of the burden his boast had placed on Buck. He had great faith in Buck s strength but he had never had to face the possibility of having to test it Thornton was anxious wondered if Buck could indeed live up to his boast. Give a brief description of how Buck managed to win the wager for Thornton. All the men gathered on the street. Mathewson s sled loaded with a thousand pounds of flour was standing in the street. Its runners had frozen fast to the hard packed snow. The team of ten dogs was unhitched and Buck with his own harness was put into the sled Buck could sense the excitement in the air. Thornton was asked to stand far away from Buck and give the command. He knelt beside Buck and whispered something in the dog s ear. Buck gently nipped Thornton s hand to show he understood. Thornton gave the command Buck swung first to the right, then to the left to break out the sled. Thornton called out Mush Buck threw his body forwarded straining at every muscle and sinew in his body chest low to the ground head down claws cutting grooves into the ice with his effort. The sled slowly swayed Buck s foot slipped then the sled began to move forward in the series of jerks. Slowly the sled gained momentum and began to move along steadily Thornton ran behind encouraging Buck with his words. The crowd began to cheer as Buck approached the end of the hundred yards and burst into a loud roar when he crossed the line. Buck had won the wager for Thornton a wager that earned him sixteen hundred dollars. 65 GENERAL COMMENTS Topics found difficult/ confusing by candidates Drama Direct questions - these should have been answered briefly. Only knowledge of the text was required. Inadequate preparation was the reason for making mistakes here. Questions where reasoning or analysis was required - should have been answered briefly. For example, Portia is caring or compassionate or that the relationship between Bassanio and Antonio was that of friendship , affection and Bassanio relied on Antonio. Poetry Instead of answering from the text, candidates depended on the summary of the poems. The battle was fought between England and France; Peterkin found the skull near a rivulet- are all facts present in the poem but were not mentioned by some candidates. The message or the central idea of the poem was difficult for some. Prose Candidates did well in questions 10 and 11, but they had difficulty in question 12. Candidates were unable to write all the details and points required to score well. They were not able to describe everyday life on Venus, nor were the answers regarding the transformation the planet underwent, satisfactory. Some questions in which candidates were confused: Some questions where reasoning and analysis were required, were found to be confusing. Some examples are, why Bassanio felt Giddy in spirit , the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio or how Jesse Owens felt about his friendship with Luz Long. The 8 marks question from All summer in a day was found to be confusing to the candidates. Suggestions for candidates Reading the text thoroughly is a must. Be clear about every detail. Read every sub-part of the question carefully. Answer every part of the question in a separate paragraph and make sure that nothing is left out. Answers should be precise and to the point. Avoid rambling on unnecessarily. Avoid attempting extra questions as it is a waste of time. 66

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