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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2025 : History and Civics

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Calcutta Bops'Sthool Class: 10 Ilistory & Civics Full Marks 80 (2 Hours) Answers lo this Paper must be writen onthe answer booklet provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minules. This time is to be spent in reading the paper andpreparing your work. Ihe time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers Ihe intended marks for the questions Or parts of the questions are given in brackets | Part I (Attempt allquestion from this section) Q.I Choose the correct answer from the given options. I. During asession of the Lok Sabha the Speaker notices a severe lack of quorum. What is the immediate step the speaker should take according to the parliamentary procedure? a) Continue the session as scheduled b) Adjourn the session immediately. c) d) 2. Allow the session to proceed but notify the president. None of the above Assertion (A) :-A joint sitting of both houses of parliament is convened to dissolve disagreements on ordinary bills. Reason (R) :-The President of India is authorized to dissolve the Lok Sabha if a disagreement on an ordinary bill persists. a) b) c) d) Both Assertion( A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A) Both Assertion( A) and Reason(R) are true but Reason(R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A) Assertion (A) is true but Reason(R) is false Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true. 3. Rahul wants to be the President of India but he disqualifes from the election because a) He is a member of political party b) His age is 34 years c) He is an Indian citizen. d) He is a member of Lok Sabha 4. The Vice President of India acts as the ex officio chairman of which House of Paliament? a) Lok Sabha b) Rajya Sabha c) Both d) None of these 5. Where can a money bill be introduced? a) Lok Sabha b) Rajya Sabha c) The Supreme court d) None of the above Page Iof 5 CBS-AnnualExamination 2024 6. Amajor natural calamity has taken place and the opposition wants the house to lay aside all other bu dnatake up this matter of urgent importance. Which motion should the house move to allow this? a) Adjournment motion b) No confidence motion c) Censure motion d) None of these I. After how many days an ordinance automatically ceases to operate if parliament takes no action on any ordinance when they assemble? a) At the end of 6 weeks from the date of the Parliament reassembles. b) At the end of 6 months from the date of Parliament reassembles. c) At the end of 16 weeks from the date of Parliament reassembles. d) Whenever President wishes. 8. Why did the Indian Sepoys refuse to go outside India? a) Sea voyage was forbidden by their religion. b) They feared they would catch infection and diseases. c) They feared sea storm. d) They feared attack by the pirates 9. Which date was decided to be a) January 26 b) August 15 observed as Poorna Swaraj day every year bya resolution passed by the INC? c) Auqust 30 d) October 2 10. What was one of the agreements by the governor general in the Gandhi Irwin pact? a) To open more educational institutions b) To release all political prisoners except those guilty of violence c) To separate the Hindus from the Muslims d) To hold a cabinet mission. 11. Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions which follow. What does this picture represent? a) b Dandi March Kheda Satyagraha Delhi March d) 12. The Swadeshi movement was a a) Swaraj b) Quit India Champaran movement consequences of the announce c) Partition of Bengal d) None of these CBS-Annual Examination 2024 Page 2 of5 of the by Lord Curzon. weekly 'New India'. ldentity the person who hadfounded the English a) Lala Lajpat Rai b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Bipin Chandra Pal c) d) Aurobindo Ghosh Orissa(Odisha), Chota 14. ASsertion (A) :- The province of Bengal comprised besides Bengal proper, Bihar, Nagpur and Bengali Speaking Districts of Modern Assam. of Bengal which was announced in Keason (R):- Lord Curzon's most unpopular measure was the partition 1903 and carried out in 1905. of Assertion (A) a) Both Assertion( A) and Reason(R) are true and Reason(R) is the correct explanation explanation of Assertion (A) D) Both Assertion( A) and Reason(R) are true but Reason(R) is not the correct c) Assertion (A) istrue but Reason(R) is false d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason(R) is true. 15. alliance. Which of the folowing countries was not a part of triple a)Austria Hungry b)England c)Italy d)Germany 16. Germany declared war on Russia on a) June 28,1914 b) July 28, 1914 c) August 01,1914 d) August 15, 1914 (7x2=14) Q.2 Answer the following questions. a) Under what circumstances can the President of India declare aGeneral emergency in the country? b) Why is the President indirectly elected? her. c) Identify the person in the picture. Name the proclamation made by Page 3 of5 CBS-Annual Examination 2024 d)What were his contribution to India's freedom struggle? c) WthyetiedHitevete-Peland? Stoathe imdiae caeo f) Mention any tWo causes for the rise of Nazism. ) itetro sieiftenee ef fuit Inelta- HeVeAAOAt Nmoo ab PART II wwL Ca) moua SECTION -A (Attempt anytwo questions from this Section) Q3.With reference to the Union Parliament, answer the following questions )Write apoint of difference between the two Houses of Parliament with reference to (a) present members, (b) manner of election of the members and (3+3+4) (c) term of the House. When you grow up, you will have a chance to be an MP, Would you like to be an MP in the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha? Why? in) SuppOse you want to be a Member of the Lok Sabha and your name is enrolled in the electoral roll in another State and you wish to contest the election from the State where you are residing now. Can youstill contest the elections for the Lok Sabha? I) What other qualifications you need to have to contest the elections? Q4 .With reference to the Constitutional Head of India, explain the following I. Emergency Powers i. Financial Powers Legislative Powers Q5.With reference to the Council of Ministers, answer the following : 1. (3+3+4) Role of the Prime Minister as the key stone in the Cabinet arch. Three Legislative Powers of the Cabinet. The principles of Collective and Individual responsibilities. (3+3+4) SECTION B Q6. Attempt any three questions fromn this Section In 1857 during the rule of the Governor-general Lord Canning a revolt spread over a large part of India which shook the foundation of the British administration. With reference to the First War of Independence, answer the following questions: (i) Discuss how the British laws and policies that interfered created discontent among the Indians. the social and religious customs of the Indians [3] ( ) Explain any three military causes of the First War of Independence. [3] (ii) State the administrative changes the British introduced in India following the War of Independence. [41 Page 4 of5 CBS-Annual Examination 2024 Annual ination 2024 Pageof5 5 (4) (3) (3) the discuss context, In this features.(3) (4) (3) of its he Civil the two launched State (4) (n) H}t State (3) (3) politics communal the in India. me Q8. () Give Tommation () [4) [3] [3] worked ol as the first hard great all nileader te s and (1JUsUny ) ()e With for dld. Kdmohan moue Explain State their reference With eliud this the Mahatma three that sOcial, was did explain the any reference Nationalism factors statement wa s the objectives famous igUre broke Movement. to the of aims two t h e Treaty of religious, the t h e territorial Gandhi's thatinpact theGandhi contributions out and inFirst Muslim to march of by India's Second of as in were objectives this, In giving Indianintellectual a1914 Phase Versailles Irvwin 1931. Pact Roy of answerLeague cause this re-arrangement undertaken demands responsible the-Muslim awakening Round was was context National of a of of brief of t h e seek different Dadabhai questions: following the the were and moved the changed Table Indion accOunt by explain for Muslim to war. teagte was Congress. political rejected Gandhiji. cripple by the of from Conference. the Naoroji Rammohan Europe deep National of the f rmatione-teLeague. political regeneration. Raja the Germany's by following: Where love and the as previOUS Movenent, contributions. Rammohan Roy' s ratjorat a for Rov, dynamics Surendranath of British, did result the his military he who tmorernert wars people League. Muslim of as begin in ansWer this a is in strength? India result rightly many and war? this Banerjee. the th and country of march? regarded ways. thcto tolowing which started In Q9. () (ii)) (ii) () The Q10. (i) (ii) Disobedience Intense 1930 Name How What War SignificanceBriefly

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