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ICSE Notes 2017 : Commercial Applications (Hilton's School, Dehradun)

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15 Glossary of Terms for Java Programming (ICSE-2017) E.Mail., Ashley Tindale: 8979764707 .class file : A file containing the machine independent Java Byte code. .java file : A file containing the source program written in a Text format. Abstract class : No object can be created for this class. These classes are created so that other classes can inherit them. Abstract methods : All methods in an interface are abstract i.e., their body needs to be defined in a class that implement the interface. Absurd Value : When a variable is not initialized with a value.It stores an absurd value in the space given for the variable in Compiler Allotment Phase. Accesor : It is a Function which returns a value to the caller module. It does not change the state of an object. Access control : A way to restrict access to classes, variables and methods. Access Specifier : It gives the publicity modes of the method.It can be either public or Private or Protected. Accessor method : It is a method that returns the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members. API : Application programming interface. API contains classes which a programmer can use to build applications and applets. Applets : A Java program embedded in an HTML document and runs in a web-browser. Arguments : The values which are passed to the method during its call from the caller. Arguments : These are the values passed to the actual parameters of a method as 'pass by value' or 'pass by reference' when a calling function is invoked. Array : An array is a structure created in the memory to represent a number of same type of data using only single variable. ASCII : Each character in Java, are given(assigned to) a ASCII code .These codes are taken into consideration during java programming. 16 Assignment : Storing constants to variables using token = . So, = is called Assignment operator. 17 Attribute : It is the state on which Objects differ. It deals with the contents of an object to make each object distinct.(belongings of a class) Base Class (or) Super Class : A class from which another class inherits . Base class : A class from which another class inherits functionality. It is often called a superclass. Binary Code :- When source code gets converted into machine code, then this converted code is known as Binary code. Binary file : store information in a form of bytes. Binary Operator :An arithmetic operator which deals with two operands, is known as Binary Operator. Binary Search : Binary Search takes place only on sorted data items where array is divided into halves and the value is checked in the desired half. Binary Value :- Also termed as boolean value true/false. Bit : The smallest piece of data that a computer understands. A bit can represent only two values, 0 or 1. Bitwise Operator : The Bitwise operators calculate each bit of their result by comparing the corresponding bits of the two operands.(a) the AND operator &(b) The OR operator |(c) The XOR operator ^(d) The compliment operator ~. Block : It is a group of zero or more statements between balanced braces and can be used anywhere a single statement is allowed. Body of Loop :It contains a set of statements which are executed along with the loop simultaneously. Boolean : A value that can be either true of false. Boolean Search : It is a type of searching in which Boolean variable is used to check if the given value is present in the array elements or not.Example Prg : Boolean search. Branching : When an execution jumps forward or backward in a program. Break : It is a keyword, which is used to terminate the loop or switch case, when the condition is satisfied. Browser : A program used for reading, displaying and interacting with objects in the World Wide Web. Bubble Sort :In this method, many iterations takes place during each iteration pairs of consecutive elements are compared and arranged according to the order. Buffer : It is an high speed temporary memory storage which is applied between I/O devices and processor to synchronize their speeds. Which is also known as cache memory Buffered reader : It buffers the input and improves the performance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Byte : A data type which is 8 bits long. Byte Code : Byte code is the simplest Form of Source code. Source code is compiled to an intermediate code called Byte code. It can easily pass from one computer to another. 39 Byte Code: - Java Byte code is an intermediate code which is generated by compilation of Java source program which is identical for all the platforms (OS) available. 40 Byte stream classes : They are built up to provide the functionality of reading and writing bytes. They help in transmitting data (bytes) in one direction. They are thus useful in Input : Output operation. 41 Bytecode : The machine independent output of the Java Compiler which goes as input to the Java Interpreter (The Java Virtual Machine). 38 42 Call by Reference : It is the process of passing the reference of actual parameters to the formal parameters. 43 Call by Value : Pass by value is the process of passing a copy of actual parameters to the formal Parameters. Case Sensitive : It is a Feature of Java Programming. It differentiates between lower case and upper case Letters. Case Terminator : Break keyword is used as case terminator. Break does not allow the control to execute on to the next case. It indicates the end of the case. Casting : Explicit type conversion in which the data of higher precision is forced to get converted into lower precision, which might lead to possible loss of precission or the data going out of range. Character : It is a token which is a distinctive mark or symbol, alphabets (small or capital) or digits. Character stream classes : It support Input : Output operation on characters. Class : A collection of methods and variables that an object can have, or a template for building objects. A class is a blueprint of a set of objects that have a common structure and behavior. Class variable : A variable allocated once per class. Class variables have global class scope and belong to the entire class instead of an instance. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Class: A class is a set of objects. Each object posses similar state and behavior defined within the same class. Coercion : A implicit type conversion is a conversion performed by the compiler. The Java compiler converts all operands up to the type of the largest operand. This is also known as type promotion. 53 60 Comment : Comments are used to tell the user about the purpose and action of different steps in the program. Comments increase the readability of the program. Comments are executed during the program. COMMENTS:- These are additional information written in a program in the form of remarks enclosed within /* & */ symbols. Comparison operators : >, <, >=, <=, ==, != Compilation :The type of language conversion is termed as Compilation. Compile time error : Error that the compiler can find during compilation. Compiler : A language translator. A program that transforms source code into another format without executing the program. Compiler : The software which converts high level language instructions to machine level language at once. Compiler :A software which converts high level language to machine level language. It complies the instructions at once and lists all the errors. 61 Composite Data Types : The data types which are independent of any other type are known as Primitive data types.(Basic data types). 62 Compound Statement : Is a set of multiple statement written within braces { } is called a compound statement. Compound Statement : It is a block of code containing more than one executable statement. In Java the { } is called block and the statements written under {} is called compound statements or block statement. The { } opening and closing braces indicates the start and end of a compound statement. Concatenate : Adding one text string to the end of another. Concatenation : The process of adding or appending a string at the end of another string. Conditional Assignment Operator ::Ternary operator deals with three operands. The value assigned to a variable depends upon a logical expression. Conditional branching : When a program jumps to a different part of a program base on a condition being met. ConditionalStatement : A statement which works on the given condition In the expression is known as Condition Statement. Constant : A value that never changes throughout the life of a program. 54 55 56 57 58 59 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Constructor : A method used to create an instantiation of a class. 71 Constructor : It is a member function with name same that oa class name used to initialize the values of instant variables. 72 Constructor Overloading : --- It is the process of defining constructors with the same function names but with different type of parameters. 73 Continue : is a keyword which is used to skip the current iteration and go for the next iteration, when the condition is satisfied within the program. 74 Control variable : A variable that a program evaluates to determine whether or not to perform an action. These variable are used in loops, switch statements etc. Control Variable : A variable ,which starts with an initial value and determines the duration of repetition is known as Control variable. Copy Constructor : This Constructor is used to copy the initial values of the instant variables of an object to the instant variables of another object. Dangling else Problem : The nested if : else statement introduces a source of potential ambiguity referred to as dangling else problem. This problem arises when in a nested if statement, number of ifs is more than the number of else clauses. The question arises, with which if does the additional else clause property match : up. Data Abstraction :- Means displaying or showing the necessary elements and hiding the unwanted ones from the user. In this way Java is made secured as only the required data is made visiable to the user and rest remains hidden. Data Abstraction: Data Abstraction is the act of representing essential features without including the background details. Data Hiding: The insulation given to the data, due to which it cannot be accessed directly outside the class premises. Data Member :The state or characteristics of an object are considered to be as A Data member. DATA MEMBERS :- It implies the state of an Object at a particular point of time and these are implement using variables which may hold any value like numbers, characters. Data members : that contain information necessary to represent the class. Data Type : Data types are built in java to differentiate between the types of data taken as input from the user. So data types are defined already to differ all the type of data. Debugging : It is the process of identifying and correcting errors which occurs during the compilation of the program. Debugging :Removal of errors in the program is known as Debugging . Declaration : Using Class as a data type to create a new object of that class. Decrement Operator : Decrement operator decreases the value of operand by one. Default Constructor : A constructor which initializes instant variables of an object with definite values readily defined is known as Default Constructor. Delay Loop : A loop can be used to delay for some loading during the execution. The boy of the loop does not contain any meaningful operation but it is used to Delay the Operation. Delimeter : It is a special character used to take out tokens using Scanner class. Derived Class (or) Sub Class : A class inheriting properties from another class. Dot (.) Operator : is a special type of operator which is used to accesses instance members of an object or class members of a class. Double : A data type which is 64 bits in length. Dynamic Binding is the process of linking the function call with the function signature during the execution of the program. Dynamic Binding: Dynamic binding is the process of linking function call with function Signature during the execution of the program. Dynamic Initialization : When a method or functions is called and the return value is initialize to a variable is called dynamic initialization. Early Binding : The System finds the best match of function arguments and parameter list during program compilation. This phenomenon is known as Static Binding or Early binding. Encapsulation : A way to contain data and methods so that methods and variables may be added, changed or deleted without requiring the code that uses the class to change. Encapsulation :- Implies the combination of data members and member methods under a single unit (software bundle) called class . Encapsulation: The Binding/Wrapping up of data and its functions into a single unit is known as Encapsulation. Endless Loop : A loop structure not having any end, it skips the step value of the loop structure and the test condition will be true always. So the Loop will run infinite times. This loop is called Endless loop or Infinite Loop. 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Entry Control Loop : This loop checks the condition and executes the loop only if the condition is true i.e.,It checks the condition at the entry of the loop. Error : An error is an improper situation ,misuse of terms ,undesired result giver ,grammatical error in the program. Erythematic Expression :It contains variables ,constants and arithmetical operators together to produce a meaningful result. Erythematic Operator :An Operator which performs arithmetic functions is known as Erythematic Operator. Escape Sequences :These are the non-Graphic Characters which are used to control the cursor while printing.Ex: \n new line ,\t horizontal tab. Exception : A signal that something has happened to stop normal execution of a program, usually an error. Exception handler : Code that responds to and attempts to recover from an exception. Exception Handling : Way of handling anomalous situations during a program : run. Exception Handling :Overcoming an exception is known as Exception handling. In java Programming generally it is done with Try-Catch keywords. Exception : An Exception is an unexpected situation that occurs during the execution of the program. It may be due to improper use of input resources or overflow situation. Exit Control Loop : This loop checks the given test condition at the end of the loop structure.It checks the condition after executing the body of the loop. Explicit Conversion : an explicit type conversion is user defined that forces an expression to be of specific type. Expression : is any valid and legal combination of operators, constants and variables Expression : A Set of variables or values which yield a result. extends : A keyword used to make one class a subclass of another. External Wrapper :External Wrapper is the class declaration enclosing inner part within a pair of curly brackets. Fall : through : Missing break statement that leads to fall of control, in which all the cases are executed, irrespective of the switch statement. Fall through :The unusual execution of more than one cases at a time is known as fall through. This occurs when case is not applied between two or more cases. The control executes to the next case also for execution. Field : An individual data item of a record. Final : It is a keyword which when suffixed to a variable makes it a constant. (A modifier that prevents subclass definition, makes variables constant, and prevents a subclass from overriding a method. ) Formal Parameter : The parameter that appears in function definition are called formal parameter. Function Header/Prototype :It is the first line of a method. It contains parameters list,return type,access specifier,method name. Function Overloading :It is the process of defining functions with the same function names but with different number and types of parameters. 126 Function prototype : The function prototype is the first line of the function definition that tells the program about the type of the value returned by the function and the number and types of arguments. 127 Function Signature : Function signature basically refers to the number and types of the arguments, it is the part of the prototype. 128 Function : A program module which is simultaneously used in the program at different instances to perform a task .It is also known as Method. 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 Global Variable : variables which is available to entire class (all the methods). Hierarchical Inheritance : When many Targets inherit from a single base class ,it is known as Hierarchical Inheritance. HotJava : A java-capable browser from Javasoft. Hybrid Inheritance : When more than one type of Inheritance Systems are used together,it is known as Hybrid Inheritance. IDE : An integrated development environment (IDE) or interactive development environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger. Identifier : A symbol that represents a program object. Identifiers : Identifiers are the variables in the java Program. A variable is a named memory location. Impure expression : The operands in such an expression are of different datatype Impure Function (or) Increment Operator :Increment operator increases the value of operand by one. Index : A subscript. Used to identify a specific array element. Index : It is the position of the character in a given string.The numbering of characters generally start from 0. Infinite Loop : A loop that cannot stop executing because its conditional expression can never be false. Infinite loop : A loop that never ends. Infinity :When a number is divided by zero0. It results in infinity. Inheritance : A property of object oriented languages where a class inherits the methods and variables of another class. It means linking and acquiring the characteristics and behavior from the base class (linked class). Inheritance: Inheritance is the process of linking and sharing the common properties of objects from two different classes. Initialization : Set the starting state of an object or the process of calling the constructor to initialize the attributes of an object. INPUT STATEMENT : Every program should have some input values for its functioning. These input values are processed in order to produce the desired result. Every object of class gets its initial state through Input statement. Input Stream : A Input Stream contains functions related with input/output operations. It allows the user to enter value from the console at the time of execution. Instance Variables : A global variable defined as non static within the class. Instance : An Object is said to be an Instance of a class. Each Object show same properties described in the class. Instantiation : To create an object of a class using the keyword new and creating a space for allocating the object in the dynamic memory is known as Instantiation. int : Data type, 32 bits long Integral Promotion : Conversion of shorter integral types into bigger integral types. Interface : A collection of methods and variables that other classes may implement. A class that implements an interface provides implementation for all the methods in the interface. Interface : is a set of variables and methods like a class. 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Interpretation : The process of conversion of the language is called Interpretation. Interpreter : A program that performs both language translation and program execution. JVM is an interpreter. Interpreter : A software which converts High level language to machine level language line by line .It does not move to next line until the error is corrected. Intrinsic data types : These are the primitive data types.They are independent of themselves.Ex: int,float,byte,char,double,etc. Invoking :The process of using a method in the function in the program in called Invoking a method. Invoking a constructor : The process of using a constructor in the program is known as Invoking a Constructor. It does not need to be embedded in a web-browser. Iteration : Process of repeating mathematical or computing process or set of instructions again and again each time applying it to the previous stage is called Iteration. Iteration statement : Statements that allows a set of instructions to be performed repeatedly. J.V.M:- JVM Stands for Java virtual machine which compiles Java Byte-Code into the Machine code with the help of * JIT (Just in Time) compiler after taking the platform (OS) information and system hardware configuration of the computer system on which Java programs needs to be executed. Java Language It an Object Oriented platform independent language developed by James Gosling in the year 1991. It is renamed after Oak language. It runs of any plat form. Java libraries :A java Library is a set of packages .Each package is made for a purpose.Ex:java.lang,,java.util,etc. Java shorthand : A way of combining an arithmetic operator and an assignment operator. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) :It is a virtual processor which processes byte code to machine code for various platforms. So ,Java Interpreter is known as JVM. javac.exe : Program used to compile the java source code into bytecode. Java-capable browser : A web browser that can run java applets. Javascript : A Java-based scripting language. Used in web pages. JDK : The Java Developers Kit. JDK :Java Development Kit contains various libraries that can be used in the program.It is needed to run or write a Java Program. JRE :Java Runtime Environment. Jump Statement : Statement that unconditionally transfers program control within a function. Jump statement : Break and Continue are the two jumping statements. Break terminates the execution of the loop or block in which it is declared. Continue skips the execution of one iteration of a loop. Keyword extends : It is used to inherit a sub class to the super class. Keyword new : It is used to create a new object or a new array.It creates a memory for the variable or object . Keyword this : It is the reference to the current object. Keywords : Keywords are prereserved words which cannot be used as any other alternative. They are reserved words of java which carry out a value/function/task. L : Value The memory location of a variable is called L Value Label :Default and case keywords are known as labels. Library class : Pre defined classes of java which get included in an application program itself. They are also known as Standard java classes or built : in : java classes. Light weight Code: Java is light weight as only few lines of code is written to accomplish the task. Linear Search : It is the simplest way of searching a value. The every element of array is checked with the value given by the user until the last element. It starts from the 0 th position of the array. Literals :Literals are the constants in the java Program. Their Value remain fixed throughout the program. Local variable : Variable declared inside a method or block. Logical Error : It is an error in planning the program s logic .There may be no errors while compiling but the result or outcome will not be correct. Logical expression : An expression that evaluates to true or false. Logical Operator :These Operator yield results in 0 and 1 depending upon the outcome of the result. They check between two variables or values. Eg. && , || , ! long : Data type, 64 bits long. Loop : A program construct used to perform repetitive tasks. Loop : Set of instructions that are repeated again and again until a particular condition is satisfied. Looping Statement : Iteration Statement. Also called a loop. Machine code : The source code which is Complied/Interpreted is known as Machine code . Machine Code:MAIN METHOD :- The object of the class is created by a method called main. The main method is also responsible for the execution of a Java program which is also known as entry point of an execution for a Java program. Mark & Sweep : An algorithm that is used to manage garbage collection in Java. Mathematical Functions : The methods which perform mathematical calculations and which are included in a package of java. This package is automatically imported into the class. Member method :The behavior and functions of an object are considered to be the Member methods. MEMBER METHODS :- The changes in the state of an object are made using Member Methods of a class. It provide the mechanism which bring the changes the state on an objects. Message passing : is a way of sending / receiving information to / from objects / methods / class. Method (Function/Module/Procedure/Segment) : A Function/Routine that belongs to a class. Mixed Expression :An expression which includes different types of variables or values which yield a result. Modular programming : Breaking a large program down into a number of functions, each of which performs a specific well-defined task. Multidimensional array : An array that must be accessed using more than one subscripts. Multilevel Inheritance : A target which inherits a base can be used as a base for another target. Multilevel Inheritance : A target which inherits a Base class can in turn be used as a Base for another target. Such System is known as Multilevel or Nested Inheritance. 210 249 Multiple Inheritance : When a sub class inherits from multiple Base classes is known as multiple Inheritance. Multi-tasking : Running more than one program concurrently. Multi-threading : Several parts of a program running concurrently. Mutator : This function may or may not return a value but it changes the state of an object. Mutator method : It is a method that sets / changes the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members. NaN : -Not a Number.When a negative number is given in Math.sqrt() function.It results NaN. (Negative square root or division by zero) Nested Class : A nested class mean a class within a class. Nested Loop : A loop that contains another loop inside its body. Nested member method : A method within a method is known as nested member method. Nesting : When one program block is placed within another program block. New : It is a keyword which allocates the memory and instantiates an object. Non Static variables : The instance variables that are accessed by associating them with object separated by a dot. Normal flow of control : When a command to execute a program is issued, control keeps on moving sequentially from one statement to other from beginning to an end in order to execute them is known as normal flow of control. Null Loop : A loop which does not contain any statement in the body of the loop is known as Null Loop or Bodyless Loop. Oak : The original name of Java Language. Object (Real World):- An object is any thing that is visible or can be touched like laptop, stapler , pendrive, notebook etc. Object (Java) A function or method of a class also known as instantiation of a class. Object Code :The conversion of high-level language to a machine code with help of a translator known as Object code. Object factory : A producer of objects that accepts some basic information and creates objects on based on this information. Object source : The conversion of High Level Language to Machine Level Language with the help of a translator. Object: An object is an unique entity of Object Oriented Programming Language, which posses some state and attributes. One-dimensional array : An array that has been set up so that it requires only one subscript to access each element. OOP: Java is Object Oriented programming language which deals with the object that exists in the real world. OOP: -Object Oriented Programming. It is a modular approach ,which allows data to be applied stipulated program area. It increases the programmer s productivity. It gives more Emphasis on the data. Operand : An operator acts on different data items/entities called operands. Operator :A symbol or a token which performs arthematicla or logical operations and yield a result. Output Stream : System maintains a flow of charaters from proceesor to the VDU known as Output Stream. Package : A java keyword used to assign the contents of a file to a package. Package : Java mechanism to group related classes together. Very useful for large projects. Package : A Package is a set of classes. Which carry out a certain task. They are imported in the program . Parameter : A value that is passed to a method/function. Parameter : The variable used with method signature which received value during function call. Parameter list : It is list of parameters which are called during its invoking. Parameterized Constructor : It is a member function with same name as the class name which is used to initialize the object variable by passing parametric values at the time of its execution. Parameters : Parameters are the list of variables which are defined in the function definition or function call. Pass by reference (or) pass by reference : When an argument is passed to a method by pass by value : When an argument is passed to a method by passing a copy of the value. In this case, changes made to arguments are not reflected back in the original variables. Example : passing the variables of primitive data types. passing a reference of a value. Examples : passing any non-primitive value. like Objects, Arrays. If the values of arguments are changed in the method the original is also changed. Piece : of : code (Variable s scope) : The program part(s) in which a particular piece : of code or a data value (e.g., variable) can be accessed. 250 Platform Independent :- It is platform independent language because the program written in Java language runs on any Operating System (OS) 251 Platform independent language : A language that can be used on any computer regardless of the computer s operating system. Platform neutral language : As above. Polymorphism : A message that can take any shape. The function calls are similar but they perform different tasks. This is implemented by function overloading many functions which have the same name, have different arguments, perform different tasks. Polymorphism :- Implies the capability of an object of a class to behave differently in response to a message or action. Polymorphism: It is the process of using a function more than one purpose, with same external structure and with change in the internal structure. Postfix : When increment or decrement operators are applied after the operant ,it is known as prefix operators. Precedence of operators : Specific order in which the operators in an expression are evaluated when the expression has several . Prefix :When increment or decrement operators are applied before the operant ,it is known as prefix operators. Primitive Data Types (or) Program : A program is a set of instructions ,data, functions which perform a specific task . Programming : The Process of Executing a program is known as programming. Prototype : A function or a method prototype is the first line of a function that contains information about access specifier, modifier, return type function name and arguments. Punctuators : Punctuation signs are used in program as special characters to terminate or for reference ,etc. Ex: (.),(;). Pure expression : All operand in such an expression are of same datatype Pure Expression : An arithmetic Expression which contains same type of data items. Pure Function : A function which returns value to its caller and do not changes the state of a calling function/program. R : Value The read value (contents or value) of a variable. 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 Reader class : is a Character stream classes i.e., it is used to read characters from source. Record : It is a set of related information. Recursive Function : A function designed in such a way that it calls itself in its body is known as Recursive Function. Reference Data Types :: These are derived data types. They are directly or indirectly independent on Primitive data types. Referencing member methods :The process of referring the member methods from the main class through class objects. Relational Operators : Operators which are used to show or check relationship between operands are known as relational operators. Return Statement :The statement which sends value from method to caller program is known as Return statement. Return Type :It is the data type used before the method name in the method header that indicates the type of the outcome value. Return value : It is the value that returned to the caller when the function is invoked. Reusability : The process of adding some essential features to a class without modifying its contents. It can be done by inheritance. Runtime Error : These are mistakes other than the syntax and logical error which come during the time of execution. Runtime exception : An exception thrown by the system in response to unexpected problems when the program is running. Example : Exception generated when a program tries to divide a number by zero. Scanner class :It is available in System package java.util .It is used to enter values from the user from console during the execution of the program. Scope : Defines where a method or variable is visible. A variable defined in method is visible inside that method only. Scope of variable : It is a measure of as to what extent a variable visible and determines the limit within which they can be applied in a program. 283 Scope of Variable : It determines the visibility of a instant variable throughout the class.It shows the usage of variable in the program. Security :- The program written in java is highly secured as Java provides enhanced security features. 285 Selection Sort : In this method , Successive rounds are executed to select the elements in some order and place them in their positions. 284 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 Selection Statement : Statement that allows choosing a set : of : Instruction for execution depending upon an expression. Separators :These are the special characters in java ,used to separate or enclose different variables or characters.Ex : (.),(,)(),[],{}. Sequential construct : The Statements in a program are executed sequentially one after the other from to the last statement. Setter method : It is a method that sets / changes the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members. short : data type, 16 bits long. Single Dimensional array : When the elements of an array are specified by a single Subscript,the array is called subscripted variable or single dimensional array. Single Inheritance : If a Base class is derived by a single target,then it is known as Single Inheritance. Source code : An application program written High Level Language, which is an input to a computer system. Source Code : A set of instructions written in high level language which is taken as an input from the user . Source Code:Spaghetti code : Program code that keeps jumping from one place to another in a program without any apparent organisation. Stand-Alone application : A program that runs by itself on a computer. Statement : Instruction given to the computer to perform any kind of action. Statement Terminator : Semicolon is the statement terminator in Java. It indicates the end of a statement. Statement : An expression which is assigned to a variable is completely known as statement. Static : It is a keyword which in the variable declaration make it class variable. Such variables or methods has only one instance in the physical memory and can be accessed either directly or using the class name. E.g. Math.sqrt( ) where sqrt( ) is a static method of Math class. Static Binding (or) Static Data member : It is an instant variable which is global in the class and used commonly by all the objects of that class. Static initialization : When a variable is initialized with a specific constant before its use in the operation. Static Initialization :This process uses direct assignment of a variable constant. The variable is initialized during its declaration. Static member Method :It is a member method which uses only static data members or static instant variables. Step Value : It determines the update of the control variable of looping structure until the test condition is false. Stream :It is the flow of Characters maintained by the System .Characters flow from either input devices or processors to the Standard Output Device (VDU). Streams : Controlled flow of data from one source to another. Java supplies several classes to create and manage streams. Classes that handle input data are derived from class InputStream, and classes that handle output data are derived from class OutputStream. String Buffer : It is a type of string class, which allows reasonable space to contain a string in such a way that any change brought affects the same string, thus is a mutable class. Structured programming : A style of programming in which the program code is divided into logically structured chunks of code. Subscript :Each Individual element of an array is termed as Subscript. Subscripted variable :When the elements of an array are specified by a single Subscript,the array is called subscripted variable. Subscripts are cell numbers of the array &subscript variable is the variable used along with cell no. E.g., m[4] 4 =Subscript m= subscript variable. 315 Super : It is a keyword used in inheritance for calling base class constructor. It is also used for calling the base class method in case that method has been overridden. 316 Syntax Error (or) Sematic Error : Error resulting when the grammer rules or the grammer of the programming language are not followed. 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 Syntax Error : Programming language s grammar rules violation error. Syntax : It is the Structural format of various keywords of java programming. The program segments are valid only if they are in format according to the Syntax given. System.out.Println() :- This method is used to know the status of an Object during execution of Java program. It displays a message on the standard output device ( generally monitor) Ternary Operator (or) Test Condition : Each loop contains a test condition. It determines whether the loop has to be repeated or terminated. Testing : It is the process of checking program logic manually to ensure whether it contains any error or not. Testing : Testing is the process in which the program is validated by checking all the specifications desired. 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 This : It is a keyword (which is actually a reference) sorting the address of the objects currently invoking a member functions. Throws : It is a keyword used to inform the error handling classes that an error has occurred. It is specified with method prototype. Token : The smallest individual unit of a Java program Tokens :The smallest unit of a Java program. It can be any punctuation mark, symbol,character,operator etc. which is termed as Token. It is also called lexical unit. Eg. +,-,\,~,[,],-@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,9,0,8,7,6 etc. Tokens :Each individual and functional unit of a Java Program is considered as Tokens. Truncation : Rounding off by removing fractional part or removing parts of a string. Try and catch : Try contains a block of statements to perform any error occurring within the try block is trapped. Further a report is passed to the exception handler about the error, which is done by the catch block. Type Casting : The explicit conversion of an operand to a specific type is called type casting. The operator that converts its operand to a specified type is called the typecast operator. Type Conversion : The process of converting one predefined type into another is called Type Conversion. Type Promotion (or) Implicit Conversion : The Java compiler converts all operands up to the type of the largest operand.This type of Conversion is known as type promotion or implicit conversion. Type Promotion : Conversion of all operands up to all the type of the largest operands. Type-cast : Convert one type of value to another. Unary Operator :An arithmetical operator which is applied with a single operand is known as Unary operator. Unicode : A new set of values for representing the symbols in text. This set is much larger that the ASCII set and allows for foreign language symbols as well. URL : Uniform Resource Locator. User Defined Data Type :Class is considered as User defined data type. User can use a class to create a new data type with some certain characteristics and behavior. So class is called user defined data type. User Defined Package : A User can create a package to use them in the program logic. A package may be defined by the users to be used in various program logic. These are known as user defined packages. Variable : It is a named memory location which holds a value of a specific datatype Variable: A value that can change as often as necessary during the execution of a program. Variable are always represented by symbolic names. 343 Variables : A variable is a stored memory location .It is used to store different constant values. Virtual machine : An abstract, logical model of a computer used to execute Java Bytecodes. 345 Visibilty Modes : Visibilty modes are the Access Specifiers.They deal with the scope of usage of function.They are public,private,protected. 344 346 347 Web-browser : An application used to access the Internet s World Wide Web. Examples Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator. WORA stands for Write Once and Run Anywhere . The programs written in Java language needs to be written once which can run on any operating system without making any modification. 348 WORA :Write Once Run Anywhere .It is a special feature of java which makes it java platform independent.If a Program is written once,it can run on any platform. 349 Wrapper Class :Wrapper class is used to create objects for the values of primitive data types. It wraps the primitive data type values into an object. It also provides conversion between character/string to other primitive types.

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