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ICSE Notes 2017 : Commercial Applications (Hilton's School, Dehradun)

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15 Glossary of Terms for Java Programming (ICSE-2017) E.Mail., Ashley Tindale: 8979764707 .class file : A file containing the machine independent Java Byte code. .java file : A file containing the source program written in a Text format. Abstract class : No object can be created for this class. These classes are created so that other classes can inherit them. Abstract methods : All methods in an interface are abstract i.e., their body needs to be defined in a class that implement the interface. Absurd Value : When a variable is not initialized with a value.It stores an absurd value in the space given for the variable in Compiler Allotment Phase. Accesor : It is a Function which returns a value to the caller module. It does not change the state of an object. Access control : A way to restrict access to classes, variables and methods. Access Specifier : It gives the publicity modes of the method.It can be either public or Private or Protected. Accessor method : It is a method that returns the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members. API : Application programming interface. API contains classes which a programmer can use to build applications and applets. Applets : A Java program embedded in an HTML document and runs in a web-browser. Arguments : The values which are passed to the method during its call from the caller. Arguments : These are the values passed to the actual parameters of a method as 'pass by value' or 'pass by reference' when a calling function is invoked. Array : An array is a structure created in the memory to represent a number of same type of data using only single variable. ASCII : Each character in Java, are given(assigned to) a ASCII code .These codes are taken into consideration during java programming. 16 Assignment : Storing constants to variables using token = . So, = is called Assignment operator. 17 Attribute : It is the state on which Objects differ. It deals with the contents of an object to make each object distinct.(belongings of a class) Base Class (or) Super Class : A class from which another class inherits . Base class : A class from which another class inherits functionality. It is often called a superclass. Binary Code :- When source code gets converted into machine code, then this converted code is known as Binary code. Binary file : store information in a form of bytes. Binary Operator :An arithmetic operator which deals with two operands, is known as Binary Operator. Binary Search : Binary Search takes place only on sorted data items where array is divided into halves and the value is checked in the desired half. Binary Value :- Also termed as boolean value true/false. Bit : The smallest piece of data that a computer understands. A bit can represent only two values, 0 or 1. Bitwise Operator : The Bitwise operators calculate each bit of their result by comparing the corresponding bits of the two operands.(a) the AND operator &(b) The OR operator |(c) The XOR operator ^(d) The compliment operator ~. Block : It is a group of zero or more statements between balanced braces and can be used anywhere a single statement is allowed. Body of Loop :It contains a set of statements which are executed along with the loop simultaneously. Boolean : A value that can be either true of false. Boolean Search : It is a type of searching in which Boolean variable is used to check if the given value is present in the array elements or not.Example Prg : Boolean search. Branching : When an execution jumps forward or backward in a program. Break : It is a keyword, which is used to terminate the loop or switch case, when the condition is satisfied. Browser : A program used for reading, displaying and interacting with objects in the World Wide Web. Bubble Sort :In this method, many iterations takes place during each iteration pairs of consecutive elements are compared and arranged according to the order. Buffer : It is an high speed temporary memory storage which is applied between I/O devices and processor to synchronize their speeds. Which is also known as cache memory Buffered reader : It buffers the input and improves the performance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Byte : A data type which is 8 bits long. Byte Code : Byte code is the simplest Form of Source code. Source code is compiled to an intermediate code called Byte code. It can easily pass from one computer to another. 39 Byte Code: - Java Byte code is an intermediate code which is generated by compilation of Java source program which is identical for all the platforms (OS) available. 40 Byte stream classes : They are built up to provide the functionality of reading and writing bytes. They help in transmitting data (bytes) in one direction. They are thus useful in Input : Output operation. 41 Bytecode : The machine independent output of the Java Compiler which goes as input to the Java Interpreter (The Java Virtual Machine). 38 42 Call by Reference : It is the process of passing the reference of actual parameters to the formal parameters. 43 Call by Value : Pass by value is the process of passing a copy of actual parameters to the formal Parameters. Case Sensitive : It is a Feature of Java Programming. It differentiates between lower case and upper case Letters. Case Terminator : Break keyword is used as case terminator. Break does not allow the control to execute on to the next case. It indicates the end of the case. Casting : Explicit type conversion in which the data of higher precision is forced to get converted into lower precision, which might lead to possible loss of precission or the data going out of range. Character : It is a token which is a distinctive mark or symbol, alphabets (small or capital) or digits. Character stream classes : It support Input : Output operation on characters. Class : A collection of methods and variables that an object can have, or a template for building objects. A class is a blueprint of a set of objects that have a common structure and behavior. Class variable : A variable allocated once per class. Class variables have global class scope and belong to the entire class instead of an instance. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Class: A class is a set of objects. Each object posses similar state and behavior defined within the same class. Coercion : A implicit type conversion is a conversion performed by the compiler. The Java compiler converts all operands up to the type of the largest operand. This is also known as type promotion.

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