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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2022 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Kapol Vidyanidhi International School (KVIS), Mumbai)

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Dheer Mehta
Kapol Vidyanidhi International School (KVIS), Mumbai
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KAPOLVIDYANIDHI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (ICSE) STD: IX 7-09-21 TEMPLE OF KNOWLEDGE FIRST TERM ENGLISH LANGUAGE Time: 1.5 hrs. Marks:60 INSTRUCTIONS: Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 5 minutes reading time. Attempt all the questions. Question1 (Do not spend more than 35 minutes on this question.) Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: 1. Write a short story that begins with the words: The day started off well enough, whoever thought it would 2. A recent visit to an N.G.O working for under privileged children was a lifechanging experience as it was filled with emotions and sentiments. Describe how did you feel. Write in detail about the inmates and place. 3. Express your views either for or against the statement: 'It is said that games develop character. 4. You had set aside some time to prepare for your soon approaching examination however your cousins from Dubai came to visit you. Narrate how you entertained the guests and also coped with your studies. What were your feelings that day? 5. Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. 1 (15) Question2 Select one of the following: (10) 1. There is a problem with the changing rooms in the Sports Centre that you visit. You have complained several times with no success. Write a letter to the Manager of the Sports Centre describing the problem with the changing rooms, how your complaints were addressed and how you wish the problem to be resolved. 2. You and your friend have booked tickets to go to the theatre. You are unable to go but have found another friend to accompany him/her instead. Write a letter to your friend explaining why you can no longer go to the theatre, suggesting a friend's name and why you think this person would be good to go with to the theatre. Question 3 (10) 1. The Adventure Club of your school is organizing a safari tour to Bandhavgarh National Park for students of class IX and X. As the secretary of the Adventure Club, draft a notice to be displayed on the notice board, asking the students interested in joining the trip to submit their names. 2. Write an email to the Park Management of Bandhavgarh National Park, requesting him to provide details about rooms and other facilities available in the reserve along with students' concessional submit their names. Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Tiger Encounter The following passage is set in Bandhavgarh National Park, India. The writer is describing a meeting with a Bengal tiger, one of the world's endangered species. The writer is accompanied by other visitors and a guide called Anil. Bandhavgarh, India. It's early morning and the dappled sunlight is just breaking through the trees of the deep Bandhavgarh forest. We're driving down a small dirt lane between Sera and Rajbera Meadows, behind the massive plateau from which Bandhavgarh takes its name. Our road is suddenly blocked by the massive grey bulk which is Gautam, the lead elephant used for patrols, tiger monitoring and tourist forays into the jungle. Atop Gautam is Kuttapan, the renowned mahout who has been at Bandhavgarh for 24 years and who knows more about its tigers than anyone. Kuttapan gets my attention and points to something on the road. It's the distinct impression of a tiger's body which has recently laid down on the road. The imprint-torso, fore-paws and tail- lies clearly over any tracks or disturbances which may have come in the night. Off to the right we hear the distinct "bleep-bleep"- the alarm call of the chital, or spotted deer, announcing the presence of a predator. Kuttapan and Gautam go 2 (15) off to investigate and we begin to drive around to intercept them on the other side of the forest. Not ten yards down the road, a loud "varoom" the call of the tiger, is heard, and we slide to a halt on the dusty road. Walking directly towards us at a distance of 100 yards is a large male tiger. It's one of the 3-yearold males known to share this territory with his brother. We sit in stunned silence and open jeeps. Some cameras continue to whir and click and some knuckles begin to whiten as grips tighten on the seats and roll bars of the jeep. The tiger continues his insouciant stroll directly towards us. About 20 yards from our jeep, he walks into a small clearing off the road, turns to mark a tree with his scent, then comes back out on to the road and walks past us within 3 feet of the jeep. Suspension of all breathing is the easiest thing in the world at a moment like this. When the tiger is about 50 yards past us, our reverie is broken by a commotion in the forest across the road. Anil, our Nepali naturalist, whispers loudly, "WOLVES!" There, propped up like little statues in a clearing in the forest, are two Indian grey wolves. Rigid, alert, clearly in a state of alarm and agitation, they begin yelping at the tiger. The tiger spins around on the road and charges off into the forest after them. We drive down the road to where it curves back to where we were originally headed to meet Kuttapan and Gautam. There in an open clearing stands the tiger, looking around as if to ask "Where'd they go?" We Park the jeeps and watch an incredible silent drama unfold. As the tiger turns to walk away, out of the forest comes the larger of the wolves, probably the male, and scampers up to within a few yards of the tiger. The tiger turns his head and the wolf scampers back into the forest. The tiger continues to walk away down the road. Out of the forest comes the larger wolf again and scampers up to within what is apparently a safe distance from the tiger. This time the tiger turns around and glowers at the wolf, probably assessing the distance between them and the speed it would take to catch the wolf. They stare at each other for a few seconds, the tiger is still, and the wolf is nervously pacing back and forth. The muscles of the tiger begin to twitch and off goes the wolf into the forest again. Finally, after one more of these time encounters, the tiger has now moved some distance away and the wolf disappears one last time into the forest. One can only assume that the aggressive and bold behaviour of the wolf meant he was protecting some pups and wanted to be sure the tiger was driven out of his territory. The tiger, now left in peace, continues his stroll. 3 a) Give the meaning of each of the following words as used in the passage. One-word answers or short phrases will be accepted. (2) intercept forays b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. 1. Who is Kuttapan and why is he a part of the expedition? 2. Explain how the writer and his companions learn that a tiger was recently present in the area? 3. Describe the behaviour and attitude of the wolves? c) Question 5 a) (1) (2) (2) In not more than 50 words briefly describe the tiger and wolf s encounter. (8) Fill in each blank with an appropriate word: (4) i)He puts nets . the plants. ii) We are not happy but we do approve . their decision. iii) We will finish our homework . an hour. iv) High . us an eagle was hovering. b) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so: i)Kipling never visited the forests of Central India. His fabled jungle stories took place in these hills. ii) We have had no respect for nature. Now we are suffering from the effects of global warming. iii)He practiced every day. He came first in the race. iv)The oranges were very sour. We couldn t eat them. v)The ladder is not long. It cannot reach the terrace. vi)My uncle is very old. He goes for a walk. ALL THE BEST 4 (6) 5

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Additional Info : ICSE Class IX Sample / Model Paper 2021 : English Paper 1 (English Language) : term 1
Tags : ICSE Class IX Sample / Model Paper 2021 : English Paper 1 (English Language) : term 1,  

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