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Class 10 Notes 2018 : Biology (Ambassador School, Dubai)

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Khushi Panigrahi
Ambassador School, Dubai
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AMBASSADOR SCHOOL, DUBAI, UAE ICSE Grade 10 Biology - Experimental Questions: 1) Given below is an experimental set up. Observe it carefully and then answer carefully. i) What is the aim of this experiment? ii) Define process being studied. iii) What change will you observe after some times? iv) When will it stop? iv) Give one importance of this process in plants. 2)Given below is an experimental set up. Observe it carefully and then answer carefully. i) What is the aim of experiment? ii) Define the process being studied. iii) What would you observe in the experimental set-up for comparision? iv) What control experiment can be set up for this experiment? v) Keeping in mind the root hair cell and its surrounding, name the part that corresponds to i) concentrated sugar solution ii) parchment paper iii) Water in the beaker vi) Name any other substance that can be used instead of egg membrane in the above. vii) Mention two advantages of this process to the plant. ________________________________________________________________________ 3)Given below is an experimental set up. Observe it carefully and then answer carefully. i) What is the aim of this experiment? ii) Define the process being studied. iii) Where does this process occurs in plants? iv) What happen to the level of the solution in the capillary tube? v) What control experiment can be set up for this experiment? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4) A large sized potato was peeled and cut to make the base flat. A cavity was created in the potato by scooping a portion out from the centre as shown in the figure. The cavity was filled with sugar solution and the potato was kept in water. The initial level of solution was noter by inserting a pin. Leave the setup 2- 3 hours. Study the set up and answer the questions that follow: i) What is the aim of the experiment? ii) what changes would you observe after 2-3 hours? iii) Give reasons for the changes taking place. iv) Name and define the underlying process. v) Mention two ways in which the process is significant to plants. vi) What would happen if water was replaced by a highly concentrated sugar solution? vii) How can you relate the changes taking place in the potato to the process of absorption of water by root hairs? ____________________________________________________________________________ 5) Given below is an experimental set up. Observe it carefully and then answer carefully. i) Name the physiological process being studied. ii) What will be observed in the two test tubes after two to three? iii) Give a reason for your answer in (ii) above. iv) Why is the surface of water covered with oil? v) State the purpose of setting up test tube X. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6)Given below is an experimental set up. Observe it carefully and then answer carefully. i) What phenomenon is intended to be shown by this experiment? ii) Which limb of the U-tube contains more concentrated sucrose solution A or B? iii) Why have the two kinds of molecules been shown in different sizes? iv) Why is the membrane separating the two solutions labeled as semipermeable membrane? v) Which limb of the U-tube ( A or B) is functionally compared to the root hairs of a plant? vi) Redraw the diagram to show the result of the experiment after a few hours. vii) In which side ( A or B or Both) do the water molecules move? viii) Where does the net movement of water molecules take place? ____________________________________________________________________________ 7) The figure given below shows the diagrammatic representation of an RBC kept in three different kinds of solutions: i) Name the three solutions in which the RBC s are kept. ii) What changes take place to the RBC s after sometime? iii) Give reasons for the changes. iv) What do the arrow indicate in the diagram? v) Why are the arrows given in different lengths with the given diagrams? 8) Given below are the results of an experiment on a physiological process in plants: i) What is the aim of the experiement? ii) How does the result differ in the two? iii) What was the main difference in the two set-ups? iv) Name the plant part a in the set up A? v) Name the plant part b in the set up B? vi) Write the process being taken place through a and b in plants. vii) What conclusion can be drawn from the experiment? _______________________________________________________________________ 9) The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of a part of cross section of the root in the root hair zone. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: i)Name the parts indicated by guidelines 1-4. ii) Is the root hair cell unicellular or multicellular? iii) Draw a labeled diagram of the root hair cell as it would appear if some fertilizer is added to the soil close to it. iv) Name the process responsible for the entry of water molecules from the soil into root hair. v) What pressure is responsible for the movement of water in the direction indicated by arrows? vi) Draw a flowchart depicting the flow of absorption of root hair. ____________________________________________________________________________ 10) The given diagram is of a root hair. i)Name the parts indicated by guidelines 1-6. ii) Is the root hair cell unicellular or multicellular? Give scientific reasons for your answer. iii) Write any four adaptations of root hair for its function. iv) Draw a labeled diagram of the root hair cell as it would appear if strong solutions of cane sugar or salt is added to the soil close to it. 11) A complete ring of bark was removed from a tree in spring. The tree continued to live through summer but a swelling appeared on the bark above the ring while the bark below shriveled up. i) What is the aim of the experiment? ii) Name the conductive tissue being removed in the stem. iii) Account for the swelling in the bark above the ring. iv) Account for the shrinking of the bark below the ring. v) What is the role of a bark in a plant? 12) Given below are diagrams of plant cells as seen under the microscope after having been placed in two different solutions: i) What is the technical term for the condition of i) cell A ii) cell B iii) cell C. ii) From the soultions given in brackets ( water, 10 % strong sugar solution, 1 % sugar solution) , name the solution into which: a) cell A b) Cell B c) cell C iii) Under what conditions in soil will the root hair resemble: a) Cell A b) Cell B iv) Name the pressure responsible for the movement of water from the root hair cell to the xylem of the root. v) What kind of solution is X? __________________________________________________________________ 13) The diagram given below represents an experiement represents an experiment performed to demonstrate a certain phenomenon in plants. The set-up was kept in sunlight for about two hours. (OR) i) What is the aim of the experiment? ii) Define the process mentioned above. iii) What do you observe in the experiment as described by the picture? iv) What precautions are taken for proper results in the experiment? Why? v) Suggest a suitable control experiment for comparision. 14) The diagram given below represents a certain physiological process in plants: i) What is the aim of this experiment? ii) Why is the pot covered with a polythene bag? iii) Why dry cobalt chloride paper is kept ? iv) What kind of change could you observe after few hours? Why? v) suggest a control for this experiment. ___________________________________________________________________________ 15) The diagram shown below is an apparatus used to study a particular phenomenon in plants: i) Name the apparatus. ii) What is it used for? iii) What is the role played by the air bubble in this experiment? iv) Of what use is the reservoir? v) What happens to the movement of the air bubble if the apparatus is kept in a) the dark b) sunlight c) fan vi) Give a reason for each case. vii) Write any two disadvantages of this apparatus. 16) Given below is an experimental set up. Observe it carefully and then answer carefully. i) Name the physiological process being studied. ii) What will be observed in the test tube after two to three? iii) Give a reason for your answer in (ii) above. iv) Why is the surface of water covered with oil? v) Suggest a suitable control for this experiment. 17) Given below is a diagram of cross section of a leaf demonstrating a certain process. i) Name the parts labeled 1 to 6. ii) State one function of parts 1, 3, 4 and 5. iii) Is it a monocot leaf or Dicot leaf? Give a reason for your answer. iv) How many veins could you see in the given diagram? v) Give two structural differences between monocot and dicot leaf. vi) What is the technical term being given for the monocot and dicot leaf? 18) Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up to study the process of transpiration in plants. Study the same and then answer the following questions: i) What is the colour of the dry cobalt chloride paper? ii) Is the experiment leaf a monocot or a dicot leaf? Give a reason to support your answer. iii) Why are glass slides placed over the dry cobalt chloride paper? iv) After about half an hour what change, if any would you expect to find in the cobalt chloride paper placed on the dorsal and ventral side of the leaf? Give a reason to support your answer. 19) Given below is a schematic diagram to illustrate some aspects of photosynthesis: i) Fill up the gaps in the blank spaces ( 1 to 7) by writing the names of the correct items. ii) Define the term 3 with balanced equation. iii) Write the balanced equation of photosynthesis. iv) What is polymerization? v) Name the chemical found plants which get part 2. vi) Write any 4 any adaptation for photosynthesis vii) Define carbon cycle. 20) Given below is an experimental set up to test a leaf for starch: i) Write the steps involved in the test in a flow chart. ii) Explain the purpose of each step in the experiment. iii) What is destarching of leaf? iv) Is it necessary to do destarchingthe leaf before starting the test? Why? v) Name the chemical used in the test at the end of the experiment to get the result. vi) What kind of result can be obtained after adding the chemical? 21)The diagram given below is an organelle present in plant cell. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: i) Identify the organelle. ii) Label the parts 1 to 4. [ 5 marks] iii) Represent the physiological process taken place in this organelle in the form of a chemical equation. iv) Name the phases of process occuring in the parts labeled 3 and 4 . v) A chemical substance NADP plays an active role in one of the phases. Give the expanded form of NADP. 22) A healthy croton plant bearing variegated leaves was kept in a dark cupboard after which it was placed in sunlight for a few hours. One of the leaves then plucked an outline of the leaf marking the green and nongreen regions was drawn. The leaf was then tested for starch. Using the above information, answer the following questions. i) State the aim of the above experiment. ii) Name the chemical used for testing the presence of starch. iii) Why is the boiled in water and alcohol testing for the presence of starch? iv) What change is seen on the leaf after the stach test? v) Why is the plant kept in dark room initially? vi) What is carbon cycle? vii) What are variegated leaves? 23)The experiment with leaf shows that photosynthesis requires the presence of one factor. i) What is the aim of the experiment? ii) What precaution should be taken before conducting the test? Why? iii) What will happen if the precaution is not taken? iii) Why is the leaf covered with a strip of black of paper? iv) Write the steps involved in the starch test in a flow chart. v) What kind of result can be obtained at the end of the experiment? _______________________________________________________________________ 24) The figure given below represents an experiment performed to demonstrate a particular aspect of photosynthesis. The apparatus was kept in sunlight for almost the whole day. i) What is the aim of experiment? ii) What is the special condition inside the bell jar? iii) why is the pot is covered with polythene bag? iv) What is the purpose of using Conc NaoH? v) Name the process which is reverse of photosynthesis in terms of end products. vi) Write any two precautions to be taken to conduct this experiment. vii) Suggest a suitable control for this experiment. ___________________________________________________________________________ 25) An apparatus as shown below was setup to study a physiological process which occurs in green plants: . i) Name the process. ii) Name the gas evolved in this process. How will you test the gas evolved? iii) What is the source of this gas? iv) When a chemical is added to the water in the beaker, the process gets accelerated. Name the chemical. v) Write the balanced equation of the process mentioned. ______________________________________________________________________________ 26) The diagram given below shows how carbon compounds are recycled. a) Define carbon cycle b) Name the processes A E c) Increase in Carbondioxide level in the atmosphere cause undesirable effect on the earth. Name the effect. d) Write any 4 methods to mitigate the effect. ______________________________________________________________________________

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