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Paper: ICSE X - Chemistry - Sample Paper 2 Total mark ks of the pape er: 80 Total time of the paper: 1:30 Hrs Test instru uctions: Answer to this paper mus st be written on n the paper provided separate ely. You will no ot be allowed to o write during th he first 15 minu utes. This time is s to be spent in n reading the question paper. The time given at the hea ad of paper is th he time allowed d for writing the e answers. This questiion paper is div vided into two sections. s Section I is s of 40 marks and a compulsory y; contains one e question with parts (a) to (h)); all eight partss are to be answered. Section II is also of 40 ma arks; contains six s questions numbered n 2 to 7. You are to answer any fo our of these que estions. All working g, including rough work, should be done on the t same shee et as the rest off the answer. Questions s: 1 ] a. From the list given below, b select th he word(s) requ uired to correcttly complete the e blanks (i) to ((v) in the follow wing passage: Note: Words chosen n from the list are a to be used only o once. Writte only the ansswers, Do not ccopy the passa age. [reddiish brown, amm monium, nitrogen dioxide, hyd droxyl, dirty gre een, ammonia, acidic, alkaline e] Nitrog gen and hydrog gen combine in n the presence of the catalyst to give [Marks:5] (i) ___ ____________ __ gas. When the above menttioned gas is p passed through h water it forms a solutio on which will be (ii) __ _____________ ___ in nature and a the solution n contains (iii) __ ____________ ___ ions and (iv)__ ____________ ions. The abov ve solution give es a (v) __ _____________ __coloured pre ecipitate of iron (II) hydroxide.. b. Selec ct from the list given g (a to e) one substance in i each case w which matches the description n given in parts (i) to (v). (Note e: Each substan nce is used only once in the a answer.) (a) Nitroso iron (II) sulphate s (b) Iro on (III) chloride (c) Ch hromium sulpha ate (d) Le ead (II) chloride e (e) So odium chloride [Marks:5] (i) A compound c whic ch is deliquescent. (ii) A compound c which is insoluble in cold water, but soluble in h hot water. (iii) Th he compound responsible r for the brown ring g during the bro own ring test off nitrate ion. (iv) A compound whose aqueous solution s is neutral in nature. (v) Th he compound which w is respon nsible for the grreen coloration n when sulphur dioxide is passsed throug gh acidified pottassium dichromate solution. c. [Marks:10 ] d. State your observatiion for the follo owing cases: (i) Mo oist blue litmus is introduced in nto a gas jar off sulphur dioxid de. (ii) Drry red rose peta als are placed in i the jar of sulphur dioxide Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204 [Marks:5] (iii) Pa aper soaked in potassium perrmanganate so olution is introd duced into a gas jar of sulphurr dioxide. (iv) Am mmonia gas is burnt in an atm mosphere of ox xygen in the ab bsence of a cattalyst. (v) Glass rod dipped d in ammonium m hydroxide is brought b near th he mouth of the e concentrated hydro ochloric acid bo ottle. e. [Marks:5] f. Write correctly balan nced equations s for the following reactions: (i) Burning of candle e in chlorine. (ii) Be etween nitrogen n and oxygen when w lightning strikes. (iii) Ca alcium carbide is heated in a current of nitro ogen. (iv) Ac ction of heat on n sodium nitratte. (v) Ac ction of heat an n aluminium hydroxide. [Marks:5] g. [Marks:5] 2] 3] [Marks:5] (a) Mr. Ramu wants to electroplate his key cha ain with nickel to prevent rustting. For the electrroplating proces ss: (i) Name the electrolyte used. (ii) Na ame the cathod de used. (iii) Na ame the anode e used. (iv) Give the reaction n at the cathod de. (v) Give the reaction n at the anode. (b) Define electrop plating. State th he reasons for electroplating. 4] 5] [Marks:4] (a) The following qu uestions are related to iron: (i)Nam me the acid witth which iron is rendered pass sive. (ii)Name an alloy of iron and carbo on. (iii)Na ame the proces ss by which iron n ore is concen ntrated. Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204 [Marks:5] [Marks:3] 6] [Marks:5] 7] [Marks:2] Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204 Paper: ICSE X - Chemistry - Sample Paper 2 Total mark ks of the pape er: 80 Total time of the paper: 1:30 Hrs Test instru uctions: Answer to this paper mus st be written on n the paper provided separate ely. You will no ot be allowed to o write during th he first 15 minu utes. This time is s to be spent in n reading the question paper. The time given at the hea ad of paper is th he time allowed d for writing the e answers. This questiion paper is div vided into two sections. s Section I is s of 40 marks and a compulsory y; contains one e question with parts (a) to (h)); all eight partss are to be answered. Section II is also of 40 ma arks; contains six s questions numbered n 2 to 7. You are to answer any fo our of these que estions. All working g, including rough work, should be done on the t same shee et as the rest off the answer. Solutions:: 1 ] a. (i) am mmonia (ii) alk kaline (iii) & (iv) Ammonium m and hydroxyll (v) Dirty green b. (i) (b) Iron (III) chloriide (ii) (d)) Lead (II) chloride (iii) (a a) Nitroso iron (II) ( sulphate (iv) (e e) Sodium chlorride (v) (c)) Chromium su ulphate c. (i) a (W Weak acid) (ii) d (Lead ( (II) brom mide) (iii) c (Ethyne) (iv) a (Acetic acid) (v) c (Mercury) ( (vi) b (Carbon) (vii) d (Zinc) (viii) d (Concentrated hydrochloric acid [3 parts] and a conce entrated nitric acid a [1 part]) (ix) a (Methanol) (x) a (1) ( d. (i) Sulphur dioxide tu urns moist blue e litmus red and d then bleache es it. (ii) Su ulphur dioxide bleaches b rose petals only if moisture m is pressent, otherwise e it remains red if dry. (iii) It forms colourless manganese e sulphate. (iv) It burns with a ye ellowish flame.. (v) De ense white fum mes are seen. Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204 e. f. g. 2] (a)(i) Haber process s (ii)Hydrogen and d ammonia in the ratio 3:1. (iii)Finely divided d iron 3] (a)(i)N Nickel sulphate e solution(NiSO O4) (ii) Key K chain (iii)Pu ure nickel block k (iv) Att the cathode: Ni N +2 + 2e- Ni (v) At the anode: Ni - 2e- Ni+2 (b)Ele ectroplating is a process in wh hich a thin film of a metal like gold, silver, nickel, chromium m, etc. gets depos sited on anothe er metallic artic cle with the help p of electricity. Reaso ons for electrop plating: (i)To prevent rusting g of iron and ste eel articles. (ii)To improve appea arance of articles. 4] (a) (i)A is conc. H2SO4 , B is sodium chloride. (iii)In order to know w whether the gas is full, bring a rod dipped i n ammonium h hydroxide nearr its mouth. Den nse white fumes of amm monium chloride e are produced d proving that th he jar is full of hydrogen chlorride gas. (iv)Sin nce it is heavie er than air,HCl is collected by upward displaccement of air. 5] (a) (i) Concentrated nitric acid (ii) Ste eel (iii) Ellectromagnetic c separation 6] (a)(i)E Ethane (ii))Methane (iii)Ethene (iv v)Methanol (v v)Ethyne 7] (a)(i)A Ammonia and hydrogen h chlorride. (ii)HC Cl gas is highly soluble in wate er and acidic in n nature. Ammo onia is highly ssoluble in waterr and basic in nature e. Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204