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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Chemistry (Goldcrest High, Latur)

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Kausar Hossain
Goldcrest High, Latur
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GOLDCREST HIGH, LATUR ON THE WINGS OF EXCELLENCE CYCLE TEST-1 FOR CLASS X (2018-19) SCIENCE PAPER-2 (CHEMISTRY) TIME: 1 HOUR 15 MINUTES F.M: 50 Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The intended marks for the questions or parts of the questions are given in brackets [ ]. Question 1 (a) Starting from lead nitrate, how will you prepare the following salts in laboratory? Write only the balanced chemical equations in support of your answer. (i) Lead chloride (ii) Lead sulphate (iii) Lead carbonate (iv) Lead sulphide [4] (b) How are the following conversions carried out? Give balanced chemical equations only (Fig: 1) [3+3=6] (Fig: 2) (c) Write balanced chemical equations for the following. (i) Nitric acid reacts with metal to produce hydrogen (ii) Nitric acid reacts with metal to produce nitrogen dioxide. (iii) Nitric acid reacts with metal to produce nitric oxide (iv) Nitric acid reacts with carbon to form carbon dioxide. [4] Question 2 (a) Explain the terms (i) Electrochemical series (ii) Selective discharge of ions [2] (b) Al 3+, Cu2+,Na1+,Zn2+ ,OH-,Br-,SO42- ions are present in an aqueous solution, such that the concentration of ions are same. Write the order of discharge of ions by giving reasons. [2] CHE/CT-1/2018-19/KSH This question paper consists of 3 printed pages Page 1

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